Officials are rethinking their plans to let people return to Fort McMurray after the fires gained new life this week and destroyed a 665-room oilsands work-camp north of the city. Oilsands facilities and work-camps north of Fort McMurray were ordered to evacuate. Nineteen work-camps and as many as 8,000 people were affected by the new evacuation order. Oilsands facilities are used for processing bitumen. They have separate teams of firefighters and are surrounded by gravel to keep the fire out. Canada’s prayer network ‘Ears to hear’ has called for a forty-day prayer focus on Alberta, from 16 May to 24 June. They are focusing prayer from across Canada, praying for the people who lost everything in Fort McMurray; for rains for the fire and the rain of the Spirit; and for the Church to awaken and experience wholehearted turning so that blessing will come. See:
Canada: Alberta wildfire and a call to prayer
Written by David Fletcher 20 May 2016
Additional Info
- Pray: for those who are praying for the Church to catch a holy fire; and for the men and women in the province who have gone through such difficulty fighting and losing everything to a natural fire. (Job 26:2)
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