Russell Moore, President of the Southern Baptist Church, has launched a devastating attack on prosperity preachers, criticising those who sit on a ‘golden throne’. Moore said it was dangerous to ‘normalise’ Christianity and it was good news that the Christian faith ‘isn't normal anymore’. He said he got the same shock of adrenaline from watching prosperity preachers as others got from watching horror movies. In his podcast, Moore described a prosperity preacher who said that even if the gospel was untrue, she would still be a Christian because it is ‘the best way to live’. Moore insisted that Christianity comes ‘with a scandal and with a cross’, reminding people that in first century Ephesus, when identifying yourself with a crucified and resurrected Messiah you might also lose your standing in the marketplace.
USA: attack on prosperity preachers
Written by David Fletcher 26 Aug 2016
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- Pray: for the Church to preach all the Bible even if it gives offence to some; may we never cut and paste difficult passages and teachings. (Ps.119:43)
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