The Brexit teams meet this week after a delayed negotiation start. Pray for both Davis and Barnier as they compare their respective positions; may they make good progress, identifying differences and recognising similarities that can be reinforced. The Centre for European Policy Studies believes the delay is indicative of UK politicians’ division and infighting. Pray for a healing of rifts during the summer break between chancellor Philip Hammond and his colleagues, and for harmony when parliament resumes in September. Also many believe that, whether through arrogance or incompetence, the reputation of the Foreign Office has been undermined under Boris Johnson. His comment that ‘the EU could go whistle for its money in the Brexit negotiations’ opened a potential no-deal scenario which could dismantle the economy. Pray that Mr Johnson, a man of high intelligence, may reveal the more serious and credible side of his personality.
Brexit and UK foreign policy
Written by David Fletcher 21 Jul 2017
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- Pray: for better cooperation between the UK and the EU, and for fragmented politics to be replaced with serious discussions secure from leaks to the media. (1 Cor. 1:10)
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