A non-Christian journalist called the Christians of Australia to ‘open your eyes to what is happening around you and prepare for persecution in the dark days ahead’. He calls for strong Church leaders to arise. He said that ‘whilst I am not a Christian I stand amazed that Christian bishops and ministers are not warning Christians of what is already breaking over their heads.’ He comments on Queensland's Education Department warning schools against letting students speak about Jesus in the playground; two Christian preachers summoned to Tasmania's Anti-Discrimination Tribunal for preaching their faith’s stand on traditional marriage; Sydney University's Student Union threatening to deregister their Evangelical Union unless it stopped members declaring their faith in Christ; Coopers Brewery being bullied into taking down a video of a Christian MP debating same-sex marriage; and IBM, PwC and Sydney University being lobbied to punish staff belonging to Christian groups opposed to same-sex marriage. And the list goes on.
Australia: Enemies of Christianity at work
Written by Super User 04 Aug 2017
Additional Info
- Pray: for God to protect and strengthen the mindset of Australian Christians, asking Him to use His Church to bless Australia with a demonstration of His mightiness. (Psalm 68:28)
- More: www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/enemies-of-christianity-declaring-new-war-on-religion/news-story/043ebd5d04cf40934e983d391d5658bd