Displaying items by tag: Kenya

Friday, 21 April 2017 01:35

East Africa: hardest months still to come

The food crisis in East Africa is escalating. Women and children are dying in South Sudan. The number of Kenyans needing emergency food has doubled in the past three months and could soon reach four million. Food prices are spiralling. Many people, weak with hunger, have to make long journeys just to find water. But the last months before the hoped-for harvest in June will be the hardest to bear. All food stocks were exhausted long ago. Most of the livestock are dead, and the crops are not yet fully grown. This is the period when people die. But a good harvest needs rainfall. The March-May rains in Kenya started late this year. In Uganda the rains started early but have been erratic - some areas getting too much and others too little. Mission agencies are giving support during this prolonged drought that has caused the death of livestock and people, but they need more help from the public as the crisis grows.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 03 March 2017 10:52

English diocese sends urgent funding to Kenya

The Diocese of Chichester is sending an emergency grant of £5,000 to the drought-hit Kenyan diocese of Nakuru. The diocese, in partnership with the Anglican Church of Kenya’s Development Services, will buy and distribute foodstuff and other essential supplies in the worst-hit areas to avert a tragedy. The area is frequently affected by drought and has not received adequate rainfall for two years - leading to death, migration, conflict and inter-tribal wars. The situation worsened last October when they didn’t receive any rain in the short rains season. They are more vulnerable to drought because of heavy reliance on livestock as their source of livelihood. The number of households affected (5,000) increases daily.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 10 February 2017 10:29

Drought grips East Africa

‘Children have dropped out of school due to hunger; pregnant women and the elderly are the most affected. Cattle, which are the only source of livelihood, are dying, and the remaining ones are stolen by bandits,’ cries a Kenyan pastor in East Pokot, where the last rainfall was in June 2016. From nearby Marsabit, Pastor Jeremiah Omar reports that 70% of the livestock are already dead from drought - a disaster for the many nomadic communities. The food crisis is escalating, not only in Kenya but also in northern Uganda, which has absorbed over half a million refugees from South Sudan since last July, mostly women and children. Many are widows, or do not know what has happened to their husbands. Many people have very little apart from their clothes they are wearing. Freak weather and drought, due to the El Niño climatic effect, have caused a catastrophic situation. There will be no relief until June at the earliest, and then only if the rains come at the right time. An added problem in Kenya is that many of the worst-affected areas - in the north and the coastal region - are the areas where Christians are a despised, marginalised and oppressed minority amongst a Muslim majority.

Published in Worldwide
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