Displaying items by tag: Mission

Thursday, 17 December 2020 18:13

Global: mission gap

Matthew Skirton is from the UK but has spent many years in Moldova. He says that mission agencies have noticed a decline in Christians engaging in cross-cultural, overseas mission. Less than 1% of Christians around the world are actively involved in global missions, something termed the ‘Mission Gap’. Has the Church - in some quarters - moved away from the core belief that followers of Christ are all called to go to the ends of the earth, to every people group, to witness and make disciples? Local mission continues - mums and tots groups, food banks, Alpha and online Christmas carol services. During lockdown the move to online church has seen a surge in people connecting with Jesus’ message. Fewer Christians are taking the leap abroad to where there is little chance of the people hearing the Gospel. A Turkish-speaking pastor in London whose services used to attract fifty people now livestreams to over 1,600 Turkish-speakers from his church.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 08 October 2020 20:46

Women leading fastest-growing church

‘The fastest-growing church in the world has taken root in one of the most unexpected and radicalised nations on earth,’ according to Sheep Among Wolves, a two-hour documentary about Iran’s revival that is reproducing discipleship movements that own no property or buildings, have no central leadership, and are predominantly led by women. Many of the ruling class still follow Islam, ‘because that’s where the high paying jobs are’, according to the film; but the majority of the ordinary people love God and recognise that Islam is the problem. The most powerful Christian leaders are very gentle, courageous women going out on the highways and byways sharing with prostitutes, drug addicts and everybody they come into contact with. Praise God for the abundance of Bibles in Farsi being distributed, and pray for those still translating His word into various Persian ethnic languages.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 01 October 2020 20:40

Asia: missionaries’ prayer needs

Due to their work being sensitive names of places and people are omitted in this prayer request, but God knows who you mean when you pray. D was in NWB for five months before safely returning to the UK with his family. They are all currently in quarantine and then will enter further training. Please pray for God to prepare a community for them to return to in the mission field. Pray for God to protect their business and the team that they left behind and for visa options to open up for those wishing to join the team. Pray also for God’s guidance as they work out their fundraising plans and for open doors to be revealed so that their ministry grows. Please pray for protection for non-Covid patients and staff, and for enough income to keep going; Ask for wisdom for R, who is unsure when to return to the UK for home assignment, and for any visas that have been delayed by closures in immigration due to Covid.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 11 June 2020 20:52

Post-Covid global mission

These pandemic days are not lost days. Even with global lockdowns and slowdowns, the opportunity for the gospel has accelerated. Michael Oh, global executive director / CEO of the Lausanne Movement, looks toward a post-Covid era of mission, one in which creative, bold leaders envision new mission strategies and collaboratively build the community that we want for the future. To read his comments, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 28 May 2020 21:22

Global: setting the oppressed free

If the world consisted of 100 people, 20 would live in a slum; 42 would never hear about Jesus; 49 would live on less than £1.50 a day. Please pray for the many missionaries working to preach the Good News to the poor (Luke4:18a). Jesus was clear that everyone has a right to know and to choose to follow him in ways that are culturally appropriate for them. Pray for abundant distribution of Bibles and teaching materials for the various unreached people groups. 81% of these people live in Asia and the Arab world. Jesus also said that there should be freedom for the prisoners (Luke 4:18b). Families can be trapped for generations, feeling hopeless and out of control. Jesus had a lot to say about poverty and its effects, so pray for God to empower all who engage with communities and address issues such as income-generation, vocational training, education, and social justice. See also

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 07 November 2019 23:26

2020 evangelism bootcamp

The mission of an evangelism boot-camp will be to equip, train, and launch radical evangelists, whose hearts burn to touch the world with the Gospel, onto the front lines of the harvest field. The first ever bootcamp by Christ for all Nations will launch in January 2020. This six-month intensive training is a fast track to the field which will open the door for Christians to preach the gospel in Africa alongside a gospel crusade team. Not for the faint of heart, this programme will include rigorous components of study and service. In only a few months participants will be prepared mind and spirit to fulfill the plans that God has for them to reach the lost! This first training school is limited to only fifty students. But its launch will be a step to an extended school coming soon, with additional training requirements for work in the field. 

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 09 August 2019 13:17

Arts in mission

We are made in the image of a creative God and our creativity can bring him glory. The arts are an asset in mission work, they are personal. Artistic expression and response prevent the Christian faith being reduced to formulas, programmes, or clichés and our complex selves respond not just to facts or emotion, but also to the sense of beauty or ugliness. The creative arts add extra dimensions to a person’s encounter with God. Humans hunger for stories and beauty and Christian arts can enlighten a dulled world, sustain Christians in trials, and spark hope in seemingly hopeless situations. The arts bind communities together. Collective sung worship, aesthetically pleasing paintings, sculptures, buildings etc.can unite people in communal devotion to God. Art can find soft places in hard hearts. Pray for the multiplication of Christian artistic endeavour throughout the world.

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Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:57

Where hope comes to life

Through Africa Renewal Ministries in Uganda abandoned babies, child sponsorship, and children's transition care programmes are bringing hope and renewal to thousands of vulnerable children. Each age-appropriate programme (0-19 years) focuses on discipleship, education, healthcare, and leadership. Participants include Loving Hearts Babies Home, Early Childhood Development Programme, Child Development Programme, Bethany Children's Village, and the Mwangaza Children's Choir.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 05 July 2019 10:41

Rural church and mission

Rural Christian leaders find it increasingly difficult to maintain hope, energy and creativity for mission. There are, however, encouraging signs as people across rural Britain seek God together in regular prayer for their communities and take the initiative as He leads. Prayer in and for particular villages has led to Bible studies, community choirs, retreat days and coffee shops. New disciples are being formed. Pray for a multiplication of local prayer teams, and join them in praying that the Lord will send the rain of His Holy Spirit. Pray for a fulfilment of God’s promise: ‘When the poor and needy seek water I, the Lord, will answer’. (Isaiah 41:17)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 07 June 2019 05:54

Story that inspired a ministry

‘My husband Todd and I were serving at an orphanage. The kids hadn't had meat in a year so we made them hamburgers. I noticed the pre-schoolers kept coming back for more before disappearing. I was curious, so I followed them. The children were hiding the burgers underneath their mattresses for another day. I called my husband over, and that was a defining moment for both of us. We couldn't un-see that scene, we knew that we were called to ministry.’ In 1997 Beth and her husband saved, took a year's leave of absence from work and moved to Mexico to start their orphanage. Today, Back2Back Ministries is an international orphan care ministry serving abandoned, orphaned and impoverished children in Mexico, Nigeria, India and Haiti.

Published in Praise Reports
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