Displaying items by tag: United Kingdom

Thursday, 12 March 2020 21:15

Prayer for 15 March

The Archbishop of Canterbury suggests the following items for prayer on Sunday 15 March in the Anglican Cycle of Prayer: a) For the work of the Holy Spirit in drawing people to faith in Christ. b) For equality of opportunity, and for the Church to represent fully the rich diversity of the communities it serves. c) For the work on climate change, particularly in the light of the CofE’s commitment at General Synod to go net zero in carbon emissions by 2030. d) For us to grow the youth presence and ministry in the Church. e) For those who are deprived and marginalised, and for a continued Church presence in areas where financial challenges are felt most keenly. Please also pray for wisdom for all who are preparing for the 2020 Lambeth Conference, which episcopal brothers and sisters from all over the world are due to attend. See also

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 March 2020 21:13

What’s love got to do with public life?

Christian Concern’s ‘Stand and Speak’ series running up to Easter wants Christians to put the love of Jesus at the heart of society. We often think politics, laws, and public policy are untouched by concepts like love. It would be a stretch to describe love as the primary characteristic shown by MPs, civil servants, or judges as they go about their work. But the connection between these parts of society and love is stronger than we often recognise. Jesus said we should love God with all that we have and love our neighbour as ourselves. He himself drew attention to love as the principle underlying all of the law of Moses. It is Christ-shaped love that we aspire to. We long to be like him, willing to give up our own comfort to see others do well. That is why we sometimes say things that no one else will say - not for the sake of being controversial but because love demands it, that we speak truth to power, in love.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 March 2020 21:11

Salmond trial witness was ‘scared'

Alex Salmond is on trial for carrying out 14 sexual assaults on 10 women. He has pleaded not guilty to all 14 charges alleged to have happened while he was Scotland's first minister and the leader of the SNP. The first woman to testify, a former government official known as Woman H, told the court that she was scared to come forward at the time because he was a ‘powerful man’. She raised the allegations after getting ‘flashbacks’ around the time of the #MeToo movement. The charges include allegations of assaults and rape at Mr Salmond’s official residence in Edinburgh. She said she had emailed a colleague the day after the first attack to say she would not be attending a sporting event with him. She said she felt ‘hunted’ by Mr Salmond. Nine other women will also be giving evidence.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 05 March 2020 23:12


We must continue to look to God and pray that people would not become unduly fearful. Pray that the coronavirus will not have any negative effects on the preparations for, and progress of, many Christian and secular Easter celebrations across the country. When times are at their worst, Christians should be at their best. We saw glimpses of this in China. Christians facing state-sponsored persecution are out in the streets giving out masks and sharing the love of Christ with their non-believing neighbours. That behaviour comes from knowing that this world belongs to God, and that He is able to wipe away every tear from our eyes. The government is advising hospitals to carry video-based patient consultations, and is moving towards the ‘delay - second stage’ to slow the spread of the virus. Pray that their precautions are successful, and that no further action ‘stages’ will be needed. 

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 05 March 2020 22:10

NHS clinic and gender transition

A 23-year-old woman taking legal action against an NHS gender clinic says she should have been challenged more by medical staff over her decision to transition to a male as a 16-year-old teenager. At the hearing, lawyers will argue that children cannot give informed consent to treatment delaying puberty or helping them to transition. The clinic runs the UK's only gender-identity development service. Pray for the two claimants, Keira Bell and Mum A - the mother of a 15-year-old girl with autism who is awaiting treatment at the clinic. Pray for stricter control of the puberty blockers that pause the development of breasts, periods, facial hair and voice-breaking. They are meant to give children more time to weigh up their options before going through the physical changes of puberty. Their impact on brain development and psychological health is not fully known.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 05 March 2020 22:08

Seeds of Prayer: Lent and signs

We live in turbulent and troubled times. The floods and other troubles facing rural Britain are just the tip of an iceberg: across the world, nature, society and church are being thoroughly shaken. These are the times of ‘signs’ that, variously, warn of God’s judgment, call us to repentance and herald Jesus’s return. Pray that God’s people will understand the times and know what to do, always being ready to give an account for the hope that is in us, and work to bring in His harvest. The season of Lent is traditionally marked by fasting and abstinence. It is a time to consider our ways. Many churches will set aside special times to meet, pray and study the Bible. Pray for Christians, both rural and urban, to understand how what we eat and how we live affects God’s creation, the land and those who farm it.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 05 March 2020 22:05

Flybe collapse repercussions

Flybe Airline has gone into liquidation, so that passengers needing to fly from the Isle of Man to hospital appointments in England cannot do so. Pray for the island’s government to resolve the challenge to their patient transfer contract, so that the health of patients is not put at risk. Apart from Flybe staff, pray for the hundreds of people in the aviation industry suffering in the knock-on effect, for example the ground handling companies who were used to transfer freight across the nation. Flybe is the fourth UK airline to go out of business in two years; pray that next week’s budget will be an opportunity for Chancellor Rishi Sunak to explore help for airlines. Meanwhile let us praise God for Great Western Railway who are helping Flybe customers and staff with free travel until 12 March.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 05 March 2020 22:03

Buy one, give one foodbank

Giving Stream have launched 'Farming Food Bank' where church members buy a retail hamper from their church for £30 and another hamper is donated to local families in need. The hampers include 15 balanced meals. Giving Stream's Colin Kaye said, ‘We have the farm, butchers, chefs, equipment, and expertise to produce food. Churches have congregations and a local feeding programme or plans to launch one. This project links us all together, working as one, in the name of Jesus.’ Giving Stream will install a walk-in freezer on church premises at the company's cost; they will stock it with two different products - a retail hamper, which can be bought, and a free food hamper, used for donations only. Every time a retail hamper is sold a free meal hamper is donated to the church, who then feed people who are hungry.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 05 March 2020 22:00

Pray for justice

IJM is preparing to launch a Global Survivor Network. It is an opportunity for survivors of slavery to lead and influence policy on human trafficking. On 1 April two survivors, Pachaiyammal and Victoria, will be speaking in Oxford to share their experiences of trafficking and violence against women. Please pray for God to give them peace as they share their stories of freedom from slavery. Please also pray for the logistics of this event, for opportunities to connect with media, and for a global audience so that these survivors' stories are amplified far and wide, bringing change and influencing programming around the world. Also, on Ash Wednesday, IJM launched its #SlaveFreeLent campaign, hoping and praying that this movement would reach further and have more impact than all they could ask or imagine. Praise God, they had 1800+ signups in just a few days, twice as many as in 2019. See also Praise item 3 and

Published in British Isles

Scotland's Destiny Church has begun fundraising for £150,000 to enable them to take legal action against Edinburgh Council, believing the case will have ramifications for the UK Church. It stems from the recent cancellation of a booking made at the city's Usher Hall for the church’s annual SURGE conference with Gavin Calver and Larry Stockstill. The cancellation came after the venue said it had received complaints linked to comments Mr Stockstill had previously made. He is a preacher, author, and pastors' mentor who runs a church-planting network. According to the Times, Stockstill has described same-sex relationships as ‘offensive’, ‘repulsive’, and ‘deeply grievous’. See Destiny Church, a thriving Pentecostal network focusing on evangelism and social action with congregations across Scotland, has been criticised by the Church of Scotland and the Scottish Episcopal Church.

Published in British Isles