Displaying items by tag: bolivia

Wednesday, 01 November 2017 06:05

UPRISING Bolivia 29 Nov – 2 Dec 2017

May our Abba fulfil you with His everlasting joy, love, grace and revelation.

We, the planning team would like to invite you to join us for the UPRISING Bolivia Gathering to be held at Cochabamba, Bolivia, Nov 29 Dec 2, 2017.   In 1972, Bolivia, experienced a visitation from the Lord through a national revival, where one of the prophecies received was; “Bolivia, small and despised among the nations, but dear to my heart, I will cause that a great revival will be brought forth from you.”   Despite the ancestral bad reports on our country, the youth in our nation is ready to envision the fulfilment of that call.  

At the beginning of this year, the brethren in Bolivia dreamed of an UPRISING in our country and were summoned to earnestly pray about it, and believe that our Lord Jesus Christ designated our nation to become the site of the next UPRISING. We believe UPRISING will be an event that will affect the whole American Continent. The date set for the event is November 29 to December 2, at the Colonial Hotel, in the city of Cochabamba, interesting enough; the location of the event is the geographical center of our 9 States country.

UPRISING Bolivia will gather different denominational networks to impart worship and plenary sessions about a global revival and mission movement among the youth, children and women. Leaders of national, regional and international networks of prayer are being invited to share, pray, listen, learn and collaborate in the new strategies we believe the Lord will give us for Bolivia and our Continent.  The first day, a National Worship & Praise Altar will be displayed at Plaza de Las Banderas, for a transformation cry out over our Nation and region, while 700 young leaders will actively participate in the four-day gathering.

We would like to have your honorable presence and would love for you to join us at the UPRISING Bolivia event. We truly know that God's heart and anointing has been imparted among the fathers and mothers of our nation and now it will be passed on our youth and this generation.

Feel free to visit our web page: http://uprisingbol.pdlanzas.org for more information. We hope that you will invest your valuable time and effort to be part of the next movement of God surging from Bolivia to the nations and the world.

Every blessing in Christ,

On behalf of the Church in Bolivia,

Manuel Alejandro de la Torre UgarteCadima
Director MinisterioPuntas de Lanzas
UPRISING  Bolivia 2017 Convenor

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