Displaying items by tag: israel

Friday, 05 January 2018 11:30

Israel: prediction of war with Iranian proxies

An Israeli thinktank has warned of several security threats this year. These could include war with Hezbollah or with Syria, supported by other Iranian proxies, or a war with both, with full-blown Iranian involvement. Iran continues to arm and finance proxies near Israel’s borders, and Tehran’s steps to build a military force in Syria may lead to an escalation on the northern front, given the Israeli government’s resolute stance. Noting the presence of Russian forces in Syria, the report said Moscow could be expected to maintain neutrality, but could impose limitations on Israel’s freedom of action. Another potential for a flare-up is in Gaza, where Hamas continues to build its strength. IS presence on Israel’s borders was the third challenge noted.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 21 December 2017 14:46

Israel: awaiting Advent

During Advent we sing ‘O come, O come, Emmanuel’ and prepare our hearts to celebrate the long-awaited arrival of our Saviour Jesus. We honour the most famous Jewish man who ever walked the earth: Yeshua, the Messiah. Yet His chosen people - His treasured possession - have not recognised Him. For them, Advent has not yet come. However 1.7 million Jewish people are now celebrating that the Messiah has come - and his name is Jesus! More Jews believe in Jesus today than in the past two thousand years combined. Despite a turbulent history with the Church that has left many Jews resistant to Christian evangelism, God is healing wounds of the past and creating new relationships of respect and communication between Christians and Jews. Thus avenues are opening that reflect Jesus’ love for the Jews and sharing of the Gospel more lovingly and effectively.

Published in Worldwide

Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has generated aggressive reactions. The PLO are seeking full UN membership again (they failed in 2011), and will no longer accept the USA participating in peace negotiations. Turkey called Israel a ‘terrorist state’. Pakistan’s prime minister said, ‘We hope the demonstrations of rage will not dissipate into passive acceptance of the status quo.’ Many onlookers believe that Hamas deliberately resorts to violence to pursue its ends. The violence is rarely spontaneous, is well organised, and used by leaders because violence achieves their goal. It works because policymakers abstain from making controversial decisions, fearing violent reactions. Meanwhile fighting continues in Jerusalem with ten dead, 2809 injured and 400 arrested. This week a 25-member Bahraini delegation held a five-day visit to Jerusalem, ‘sending a message of peace’, as Israeli military carried out air strikes on Hamas training compounds in the Gaza Strip after rocket attacks came out of Palestinian territory. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 15 December 2017 11:31

Israel: Gaza tunnels and fighting

Six weeks after blowing up a Palestinian jihad tunnel, the Israeli army demolished a second, 'substantial' attack tunnel that began at the southern Gaza Strip and finished 0.6 miles away in agriculture fields near Kibbutz Nirim in Israel. In the 10 December blast, no Palestinians were killed. The military is currently constructing underground barriers around the Gaza Strip that are meant to prevent future attack tunnels and discover ones already constructed. The military’s ‘toolbox’ for underground warfare is improving. Pray that future tunnels do not become death traps for the terrorists digging them. Hamas is responsible for everything that happens in Gaza, in the air, on land and underground. Meanwhile the Anglican archbishop in Jerusalem has called for tolerance, harmony and mutual respect for all, as sporadic fighting continues after President Trump decided to move America’s embassy there. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 17 November 2017 10:31

Iran, Iraq: earthquake aid

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered humanitarian assistance, via the Red Cross, to the victims of a devastating 7.3 magnitude earthquake that killed hundreds in Iran and Iraq on 13 November. He was immediately refused. Netanyahu said Israel has no quarrel with the people of Iran; the quarrel is with the regime that threatens Israel’s destruction. Meanwhile tens of thousands of Iranians are living in the open, after homes built with earth were totally destroyed. The terrain is mountainous, and the temperature is dropping. The head of the Revolutionary Guards, Major General Jafari, said the immediate need was for tents, water and food. Pray for this crucial aid to reach the inaccessible areas as helicopters and army vehicles are mobilised. Pray for clear communication between agencies organising search and rescue operations and relief camps. Pray for those in hospitals, and those in mourning. See also

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 10 November 2017 11:27

Israel: significant anniversaries

In 1867, two visitors to Ottoman Palestine separately showed that Palestine had declined since the Jews had left. First a British archaeologist, Charles Warren, conducted major excavations of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount and found relics of King David’s city; then American writer Mark Twain, after visiting the Holy Land, wrote a hugely popular travel memoir entitled ‘The Innocents Abroad, or the New Pilgrims’ Progress’. In 1917 the British defeated the Ottoman Empire and took control of Palestine. On 2 November 1917 they issued the Balfour Declaration pledging to support the establishment of a Jewish national home in the territory. In 1948, Zionists drove the British out of Palestine and founded the state of Israel. Then, when Israel captured eastern Jerusalem and its holy sites from Jordan in the 1967 Six-Day War, some claimed the messianic era was nigh.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 03 November 2017 11:35

Balfour Declaration centenary

Prime Minister Theresa May hosted her Israeli counterpart, Benjamin Netanyahu, to mark the centenary of the Balfour Declaration. It was a British pledge that paved the way for Israel's creation by supporting a Jewish national home in Palestine. Israel and Jewish communities view the pledge as momentous, while Palestinians regard it as an historical injustice. The UK has rejected calls to apologise for their actions and support of Israel as a nation and has said it is proud of its role. Mr Netanyahu had dinner with Mrs May and the shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, a long-time critic of Israeli policy towards the Palestinians, declined an invitation to attend. The Balfour Declaration was meant to bring peace between two peoples, but 100 years later there is still no peace.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 03 November 2017 11:31

Iran: weapons-grade uranium warning

Ali Akbar Salehi, Iran’s nuclear programme chief, said on 29 October that Iran can begin producing weapons-grade nuclear material quickly if the nuclear deal with foreign powers fails, and insisted that international inspectors would not be given access to Iranian military sites. In early October President Trump told the world, ‘Iran is not in compliance with the deal, and it needs to be renegotiated even though our allies, and even our enemies, do not agree.’ Mr Trump said that the agreement had not curbed Iran’s missile programme and destabilising activities in the Middle East. Mr Salehi said that, although Tehran prefers to keep the agreement intact, they could quickly ramp up uranium enrichment to produce 20% enriched uranium in four days. He made these comments after meeting the director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Yukiya Amano. Mr Amano also met President Rouhani and foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. See

Published in Worldwide
Wednesday, 01 November 2017 06:13

Jerusalem "Welcoming the King of Glory" Reports

The Welcoming the King of Glory conference in Jerusalem/Israel was a unique historic event.

Below is an article published by a Jewish believer from Israel. If you are interested to see some images and videos please visit my FB page at: https://www.facebook.com/ioan.peia.7

Welcoming the king of glory - ground-breaking sukkot conference

Joni Koski

Conference speaker Benjamin Berger, said that of all the many great conferences he has attended since his 1971 aliya, this year's Sukkot – Welcoming the King of Glory conference was the most significant.

For the first time it was initiated by local Messianic leaders - and led by Avi Mizrachi. Other speakers included EitanShishkoff, Asher Intrater, and Reuven Berger.

The conference was marked by both great local unity and the purposeful alignment of visiting nations to Israel.

Visitors came from the ends-of-the-earth and most notably the Pacific Islands, presenting themselves before some local leaders with gifts and colorful song and dance.

When one of the Pacific Islanders was offered Asher's new Alignment book for free, he was reminded that on his way to the conference God had told him to go back home and bring his plumb line. On receiving the book, he understood the prophetic meaning of the plumb line in its alignment function.

Poignantly, at the climax of the Solomon Island's presentation, one man with an existing heart condition tragically died. Their leader, Father Michael, had actually warned the group that this might happen in the tangible presence of God, and the conference was filled with the fear of the Lord.

For Revive Israel's Ariel Blumenthal, assistant MC, the highlight was when a group from Africa came and opened their hearts about the poverty and failure of Africa, tracing it back to Ham and the curse of his father Noah. In response, descendants of Noah's other sons, Shem and Japeth, got together and in faith reversed that curse of Ham.

The conference, unwelcome in Jerusalem's Kosher hotels, took place in a basketball arena in the largely Israel-friendly, Muslim town of Abu Ghosh, just outside Jerusalem – where Obed Edom looked after the Ark of the Covenant for three months (2 Sam 6:11). While the first rains fell after Israel's long, hot summer, the conference highlighted clear prophetic parallels between bringing the ark back to Jerusalem and preparing the way for Yeshua's return.

Ioan Peia

06A second report from Martin and Norma Sarvis:

“My bow I set in the clouds, so that it may serveas a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.”(Genesis 9:13; See Torah section below)


This season of the Fall Feasts in Israel, beginning with the Feast of Trumpets on September 20th and ending with Simchat Torah, at the close of Tabernacles on October 12th, saw what may well have been the largest inpouring of believing visitors from the Nations in Israel’s 69-year modern history.  And there were many wonderful events within which the visitors could celebrate the feasts corporately—the All Nations Convocation in southern Jerusalem from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, the Feast of Tabernacles gathering sponsored by the Christian Embassy in Jerusalem, to name only two.  SuccatHallel—the 24/7 house of prayer and praise of which we are a part, and other houses of prayer across the city saw an almost continuous stream of visitors come to worship the King of Kings in Jerusalem. So much blessing was released into the city through the presence of our visitors.

Last week we wrote of a very special and unusual event scheduled to take place during the last half of Succot, the “Welcoming the King of Glory” gathering.  We are so grateful for the prayers which went up on its behalf from around the world.  Thank you!  This amazing event is unlike anything we have ever experienced in Israel.  It began Tuesday night and was over early afternoon on Friday.  We plan to share more in the future; we are still trying to process what took place.  But something divine and historical has occurred.

As mentioned last week, at the initiative of our brothers in the islands and far reaches of the South Pacific, a number of Messianic and Believing Arab leaders in Israel took up the challenge to host a gathering in Israel inviting the Nations to join us in welcoming God’s glory back to His land and people. They have been praying regularly about this.  We are reminded of Exodus 25, where the LORD invited the children of Israel, “every one whose heart moves him” to take part in preparing a place for Him to come and sho’ken—dwell among them, in their midst.  This year, a number who heard the call and “whose hearts moved them” responded, and over the months a unity and focus and longing grew amongst them.  Last Monday a delegation of Israelis and visitors travelled to the port of Jaffa, from which the Holy Spirit was released through Peter to Cornelius in Caesarea (Acts 10:23)—and from thence to the nations.  There they did a number of prophetic acts, welcoming the return from the furthest reaches of the world to Israel and Jerusalem. The opening meeting the next evening took place in an Arab village west of Jerusalem called Abu Goash.  For months we had been searching for a venue—but even after reserving places in a hotel, once it was discovered that Israeli Messianic Jews would be involved, the welcome was withdrawn from fear of repercussions from the Orthodox (There was literally “no place in the inn”).

Finally, the Lord in a remarkable way, opened a community arena in Abu Goash, just west of Jerusalem.  In fact, the welcome came from the city fathers and the Mayor.  Abu Goash is the only Arab town on the road from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem which refused to side with the Jordanians against the Israelis in the 1948 War for independence.  In fact, the community has remained remarkably friendly to Jews to this day.  It also lies in the vicinity of ancient KiryatYe’arim—the place where the Ark of the Covenant rested for several years after being returned from the Philistines, and before being brought by David into Jerusalem.  Hundreds of believers from abroad descended there last Tuesday evening, many bringing gifts they had brought to give to the brothers and sisters in Jerusalem.  The worship was in Hebrew and English, led by different Israeli worship leaders and groups.  Except for special ethnic praise and worship songs released by the Islanders; there were 180 from New Caledonia, hundreds from Samoa, Island-Breeze from Hawaii…many others.  Many entered into special “protocol” in bringing their gifts and worship to the King, and in honoring His “first born.”  There were anointed messages from the Israelis, there was an all-afternoon Elav celebration by Israeli Jewish and Arab young people from Israel, Judea and Samaria and Jordan—and when they came together with the adults in the evening, the fire and intensity of praise and worship had an anointing over it which we have not experienced before. On Friday morning the gathering moved up to conclude in Jerusalem.  Something new has come into place—God has visited us in a new way. Things will be different from here on---

Some Impressions from the Welcoming the King of Glory Gathering

By Norma

"They shall bring your sons in their arms; And your daughters shall be carried on their shoulders;  Kings shall be your foster fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers; They shall bow down to you with their faces to the earth…Then you will know that I am YHVH."
Isaiah 49:22b-23

These verses are such a picture to me of the gathering of the nations with Israel last week.  There are weekly, sometimes bi-weekly, conferences in Jerusalem.  Those from the Nations invite those from their and other nations to gather there.  Often, in the course of the meetings, an Israeli speaker may have been invited to speak; a few Israelis might attend.  But this past week, Israel scheduled the gathering, and then invited the nations to join.

As we met and prayed with the leaders daily during these days, we observed such humility in the Israeli pastors; such holy love and respect among them.

One thousand people attended!  Over six hundred from the Pacific Islands alone!  This is a very large conference for Israel!

He hath remembered His mercy and His truth toward the house of Israel:  all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God." (Psalm 98:3)

Many of these from the "ends of the earth" had saved their money for years in order to come, but they did not come to speak or offer their ideas, nor to sight-see—they came only to honor Israel and her believing Remnant, and to bless her, and to be a part of welcoming the King of Glory to return.

I have attended many believing events here and in other nations.  Most have been "speaker-driven".  This was "honor-driven".  The Nations came to honor the "elder brother"—Israel.  And Israeli pastors took their place as the "first-born".  We are a Body which is often insecure.  Because of our faith, we often are not accepted as Jews by other Jews.  We are sometimes even fearful that we might be expelled from the Land.  Many here have waited and hoped for revival for years and years.  But something shifted in these three days!  Most who attended left saying:  "I have no words to describe this, but it was historical!"  "A bridge has been crossed."  "A shift has happened!"

I sense in the coming six months we will see evidence that the King of Glory was indeed welcomed to Jerusalem.  And that the "elder brother in Israel has indeed taken his rightful place there…and in doing so has opened the way for world-wide shifts to take place in the Body!


  • Praise and thanksgiving with us for the visitation of His Spirit in Abu Goash and Jerusalem this past week.
  • For illumination in the Spirit into the NEW for the Body of Messiah—both in Israel and in the countries of those who came here.  That God clarifies what He has done, and guide us in walking forward in it.
  • That the Body in Israel will step by faith into the New Season which is upon us
  • That the Gateway which has been opened will stay open—and that that for which it was opened will flood into the Land.  We believe that a new measure of the Glory of the Lord has been released—which will prepare the way for much, much more!
  • For signs and wonders, healings and miracles, and a new boldness in Love in sharing the Good News with Jews and Arabs in the Land.
  • For a rear-guard of protection over all who attended the Gathering—especially those who took part in organizing and facilitating it.
  • That the new degree of love and trust which is shining among the leaders will continue to warm and spread!
  • For the Light of Jesus (Yasuah) shine in Abu Goash –that this place which welcomed His coming be blessed with a supernatural revelation of salvation and prosperity.

Martin and Norma Sarvis

Wednesday, 01 November 2017 05:38

Call of the Watchmen (Germany)

Germany is still in a tense period politically as Angela Merkel, who represents the CDU/CSU “party-union”, seeks to negotiate a coalition agreement with the FDP and Greens parties in order to form a new Federal Government for the next four years. Meanwhile the political challenges from outside of Germany and within the European Union still have to be faced.

The Call of the Watchmen Prayer Network was formed to be like “Watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem” (Isaiah 62:6), who are called to intercede day and night for the nation, its government and society, and to pray for the fulfilment of its calling in accordance with the purposes of the God of Israel.

As we remember and celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Luther Reformation in Germany, let us continue to pray for a “new reformation” and spiritual revival in Germany and in Europe, and indeed in all our nations, .

Thank you for praying for Germany!

Your Call of the Watchmen Team - International

English Translation by Phil and Margaret Daniell

Call of the Watchmen

I do not know how you reacted to the election. For me, I sensed no immediate need to judge the outcome, whether the election was a success or a failure for this or that party, but to be still and listen to God. In Psalm 46:10, God calls out from great turmoil (...the earth giving way, mountains falling into the sea...): “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” This is not about passively keeping quiet and saying nothing, but about taking time to be aware of who God is. He is the unchangeable one whose love for this world (and our country) is without end.

Shortly before the election at a meeting of board members, the Holy Spirit gave us a vivid picture to show us what the essential nature and purpose of the Call of the Watchmen Prayer Network should be like. Jesus was holding a precious bowl (which represented our prayer network) in his hand and it began to glow from inside. As the glow finally filled the bowl, it radiated great warmth into the land of Germany. God was making it clear to us that he wants us, as watchmen-intercessors, to be filled with his love and then through our prayers to radiate this love into areas of our land where such love is certainly not an important part of life – as in politics.

God wants the warmth of his love to fill our land. -RS

Answer to prayer

In 2018 the Federal Government will only support projects of the Turkish Islamic Institute for Religion (Ditib) with a mere 300,000 Euro instead of 1.5 million as in the past. The support for other Islamic institutions has also been substantially reduced. There is overall suspicion of control from outside Germany, and with Ditib strong influence comes from the Turkish government. -RS

Working with the Alternative for Germany (AfD) Party

Now that the AfD has become the third strongest party with 12.6% in government after the CDU/CSU and SPD, all the other parties as well as the media have to think again about how to work with the AfD. So far the AfD has been mainly marginalised and generally denounced as radical and leaning too far to the right - a tactic that has now in fact led to the AfD being elected for the first time by many who, amongst other reasons, wanted to lodge their protest against the policies of other parties.

In the German Basic Law it is stated that: “Parties play a part in forming the political will of the people”. (GG §21,1). They are a desired, important factor in giving people of different opinions and interests a channel through which to express their views politically. No party can therefore claim: “We are the people”. There is an internal struggle within the AfD as to which forces and opinions will eventually take hold – the conservative voices which no longer find a home in the CDU, or those who want to see an end to the “guiltculture” and “purge” the country of certain people.

In the meantimeFraukePetry has left the AfD party and founded a new party: “The Blue Party”.

After the election people in Germany are asking: “What’s going on in our country?” “What’s the matter?” “Where is the worry and fear coming from?” We do not need more marginalisation, but rather the readiness to listen to others. Much has been lost in Europe and Germany because of unbelief and rejection of God. We cannot be restored by a political party or ideology – we need humble repentance before God, prayer for His solutions, and faith in His saving power. Let us station ourselves as intercessors on the ramparts like Habakkuk and trust in His promises.
(Habakkuk 2:1-4).


  • For a new readiness to listen to others and ask for godly solutions. (James 1:19-20)
  • For the AfD party: that it will clearly distance itself from radical right-wing forces.
  • That the media and all political parties will discuss the needs and concerns of the people without a spirit of judgment and condemnation. (Luke 6:37) -RS

Coalition talks

The federal election result marks a clear break in German politics. Nearly all parties have had to accept a loss of support. Now a governmental coalition has to be formed. The possible coalition partners, CDU/CSU, FDP and Greens, could scarcely be more different politically, and yet there is a chance for a new beginning to emerge from the current coalition talks. Politicians must once again listen to the people more and develop clear ideas that they take away and can relate to their own situation. Here there is general agreement. The most contentious issues are immigration, family support, security and tax legislation, energy and education.

The negotiations can only be successful when none of the parties lose face and in the end party members and voters can be convinced. In the wide range of possible approaches politically, there is the potential for creative thinking and innovative solutions.

Quick and easy compromises will no longer suffice, we need divinely ordained solutions. For this we need the release of new ideas through the Holy Spirit and men and women who are open to be led by the Holy Spirit. If there is no agreement to form a coalition, most likely new elections will have to be held. Let us pray that God will grant us a stable coalition with many new ideas, pleasing to Him, and that it will be the foundation for fair and constructive work in government over the next four years. We need a new start!


  • For cleansing and a new start within German politics. (Psalm 51:12)
  • For fair dealing between the parties and among the politicians, and that God sheds “light and truth” on all the various political perspectives. (Psalm 43:3)
  • For the release of godly answers to difficult political questions. (Isaiah 11:2-3)

Europe and the German federal election result

After the shock of Brexit in June 2016, Europe had again been gaining favour since the beginning of the year 2017. The elections in Holland and especially in France were clearly won against the critics of Europe. At the same time the economies of the countries in the European Union again grew overall, while one could see the consequences of nationalism in England. Everyone in Europe was then counting on a continuation of the grand coalition in Germany with a strengthened chancellor. Therefore the results of the German federal election came as a great shock: Merkel weakened as never before, refusal by Schulz to form a grand coalition, a victory for the AfD, and the only option to form a government was an uncertain “Jamaicaflag coalition” (Black(CDU) - Yellow(FDP) - Green). Suddenly the land which was the source of stability in Europe was no longer a secure factor, with Angela Merkel effectively isolated politically and her days in office numbered.

France’s President Macron was particularly affected. His vision was and is the growth of the EU countries together into a federal entity (like the Federal Republic of Germany) with its own parliament, budget, and a finance minister who would work for an improved financial balance between the north and south in the EU. But Christian Lindner (FDP) who is in line to be Germany’s next finance minister has already clearly spoken out against this concept in the interests of Germany. The role of Germany in Europe under a black/yellow/green “Jamaica” government must now be newly established. Because of the German election result there is no simple “business as usual”, even for Europe!


  • God is building something new in Europe. Let us pray along with His “higher thoughts”. (Isaiah 55:8ff)
  • For a good and constructive understanding concerning the future of Europe. (Jeremiah 29:11)
  • Pray that the “spring of hope” for Europe continues to grow amongst its citizens. -OS

German politicians in Israel

Shortly before the end of the legislature period a request of the chairman of the German-Israeli Parliamentary Group (Volker Beck) to the Foreign Office was answered. He wanted to know with which citizens’ organisations German politicians have had meetings in the past four years when they were in Israel for discussions concerning specific issues. The answer showed that SPD politicians (Gabriel, Steinmeier, Nahles, Hendriks) had one-sidedly met only with left-wing NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations). Among 27 NGOs, only one could be counted as beingrelated to the mid-right political spectrum in Israel. This was a contact that Angela Merkel had. Therefore most of these politicians obviously had no interest in getting a comprehensive picture of civil society in Israel. It indicates rather an interest only in organisations that are criticising Israel. This behaviour can be directly linked to the SPD’s own political outlook, as well to those who prepared the specific purpose for such visits. What political persuasion will the next foreign minister have? He will be able to replace those in strategically important positions in the foreign office (state-secretaries, department heads, etc.) accordingly with new people who share his convictions concerning Israel.


  • For a foreign minister who has an open heart for Israel. (Isaiah 66:2b)
  • For the strategically important positions in the foreign ministry: that people will be appointed who with God’s help decisively advance and improve the relationship between Germany and Israel. (Isaiah 60:10a)
  • That politicians in all parties will be ready to discover the strength and diversity of Israel. (Isaiah 62:1-3) -RS

Think tanks

What influences and determines our thinking in this land? How do we get new ideas? And who decides what is discussed in the public arena and in the media? So-called “think tanks” – privately or publically financed – work behind the scenes in politics and in our social and economic system. They provide knowledge and information, develop ideas and encourage people to think in different ways. Politicians are dependent on their advice and expertise. But think tanks systematically follow the set agenda of their sponsors and lobbyists. Their goal is to promote issues, initiate public discussion and to influence public opinion accordingly. In this way they mould the norms and guiding principles in our society. Worldwide there are as many as 6800 think tanks, with some 165 in Germany. Known think tanks are the Bertelsmann Trust, the party sponsored organisations and the Max-Planck-Institute. At the German Prayer Conference we were concerned mainly with the roots of Marxism. We saw how the thinking in our western culture is influenced by humanism, liberalism and nationalism. These ideologies form the intellectual basis for many think tanks.

Today more than ever we need the Holy Spirit to break into our thinking in Germany and Europe in power. We need creative thinkers who together with the Holy Spirit develop Bible-based ways to influence our thoughts and to make room for the Kingdom of God in our society.


  • For Biblical truth to enlighten our society and for ungodly, ideological thoughts to lose their influence. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)
  • For a powerful influence of the Holy Spirit in think tanks. (Acts 2:17)
  • For creative thinkers to rise up and come together to make room for a Biblical thoughts. (Daniel 1:17+20) -AS

Dates for your diary

15.11 “PrayDay” for schools by SMD (Student Mission Deutschland) http://prayday.smd.org/de/prayday/
22.11 Prayer and Repentance Day. (Holiday in Saxony)

God’s blessings from Rosemarie Stresemann and Team

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