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Our staff has started 21 days fasting and prayer for our clear commitment to His Call to the Poor and orphans. Our children have started 72 hours of non-stop prayer. It is amazing to see children at the age of 6 and 7 standing and watching the whole night at the Prayer Tower, praying continuously for the Nations.

ONE-MINUTE PRAYER: Daily Walking with God

Jesus needs some people TO BE WITH HIM. John: 1:39: "COME and SEE " and STAY said Jesus (Mark 3:14).  He called the disciples TO BE WITH HIM (Matthew 17:10). He took the disciples to the mountain that they might BE WITH HIM.

Exodus 33:11: The Lord would speak to Moses face to face as a man speaks to his friend. Whenever Moses was so close to God, his face was radiant. His skin was radiant....Moses cried out to God, "If your presence does not go with us, we will not move from this place" What an awesome prayer!

Personal encounter with JESUS is the foundation for our spiritual life. If our personal intimacy with Jesus is increased, our inner life will be strengthened; our anointing will be increased; our spiritual life will be matured.

I would like every one of you to take up ONE-MINUTE PRAYER. One minute in the morning, as soon as you get up from the bed, is for your PERSONAL HOLINESS. One minute in the noon at 12 is for your NATION and your CHURCH. One minute in the night before going to bed is for your Family.

Set apart your time for HIM: Only YOU and JESUS. With Jesus.

Mal: 4:6 He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the Children to their fathers.

It’s time to gather again the child intercessors and spiritual parents from different parts of the world. They will cry out day and night from July 25th to the 28th, 2013.

The vision of the conference is:
• To raise spiritual parents who can pray for orphans and children
• To raise a Praying Children’s Army to pray for families, churches and nations
• To transform orphanages into C-HOP

The New Wave of Children’s House of Prayer (C-HOP) has spread widely, raising nearly 25,000 praying children around the world.

This year will be the year of DAY and NIGHT intercession and worship by children along with the young adults and Spiritual parents. Different worship teams from different nations will gather and ignite the fire of Revival.

2013 is a time to release parents and children to start 24/7 intercession in your church or in your House of Prayer.

Come and See how the orphans cry before God Day and Night. Let your Children receive the anointing. Your nation needs it, your family needs it, your work place needs it, and your children need it.

Welcome…be blessed! Watch the video…

Saturday, December 1, marks the end of an era as Mexico's President Felipe Calderon steps down and President-elect Enrique Pena Nieto steps in.

While there are always those who stand in disagreement, Calderon leaves making a positive mark in Mexico's history. "I leave having accomplished my duty and responsibility to serve Mexico," he said. "I have worked to leave a stronger, healthier country, with a better justice system and a solid economy."

In his farewell address, the president thanked the country's public officials, military and police for "defending Mexican families." Calderon noted that his government had passed universal health care and kept Mexico's economy stable in the face of the global financial crisis. And in earlier speeches, Calderon has noted that 25 of the country's 37 most wanted drug traffickers were killed or captured during his tenure.

Historically in Mexico, the outgoing president leaves the country for a period of time to allow the incumbent time to settle in. Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government announced Wednesday that the outgoing Mexican president will spend the next year as a global public leaders fellow at the school. "President Calderon is a vivid example of a dynamic and committed public servant, who took on major challenges in Mexico," David T. Ellwood, the school's dean, said in a statement.

In President Calderon's parting words one can see the love and passion he has for his country: "As a citizen, I will continue serving the country passionately until the end of my days, always grateful for the privilege I have been given to be Mexican. Many thanks and see you soon, Mexico."

•    Heavenly Father, we praise You for Mexico's many victories over the cartels and the narco terrorism plague during President Calderon's term in office. We thank You for protecting President Calderon and his family and ask that You continue to bring him safety and good success in the next season of his life.
•    Father God, we thank You for the good relationship that President Calderon experienced not only with the United States of America but also with BridgeBuilders. We are blessed to have had stood alongside a man of God who understands the power of prayer.
•    We pray for President-elect Enrique Pena Nieto of Mexico. Dear Lord. Give him courage to stand strong against organized crime. May He finish the work President Calderon started in ending crime, violence and drug trafficking in Mexico. Surround Mexico's new president and his family with Your protection.
•    Give immeasurable wisdom to President Enrique Pena Nieto. May he lead Mexico with integrity, continuing to make her a nation of righteousness and justice.

The Summons, October 3-7, 2012

Join us for a Solemn Assembly in Washington D.C.
With each generation seeming to drift away from the God of our Fathers, now more than ever, it seems that we are truly at the precipice of a societal migration away from our Judeo-Christian foundation. With this in mind, the National Day of Prayer (NDP) Task Force has called a Solemn Assembly in Washington D.C. for such a time as this. The urgency of the moment, and the prompting of God, has paved the way for The Summons (October 3-7, 2012) to be a moment in time for God's people to stand in the gap on behalf of all Americans - perhaps as Moses did for Israel (Exodus 32, Psalm 106). Based on Psalm 50:1-6, this special prayer gathering will focus on all institutions of government within Washington D.C. and include outdoor, corporate worship near the steps of the Capitol building, as well as the base of the Washington Monument. Groups will meet with various congressional leaders, travel to the Pentagon, the Supreme Court, and many other key locations to PRAY. This is not an assignment for the faint of heart. You will need walking shoes and clothing suitable for being on location and 'hitting the streets', regardless of weather. We invite you to join with us, and several hundred other like-minded believers, for this unique time of prayer and worship in our nation's capital.

Visit to learn more, and register today!


Pray that God's wisdom will be given to all those who are working through this most important issue that America has had to come to grips with for many years. Pray that the Lord will block any advancement of wrong principles within the Obamacare case and especially those that would promote abortion in any way.

The Supreme Court has just heard five-and-a-half hours of oral arguments on constitutional challenges to Obama's national health care law, and the court is expected to render its decision by the end of June. It is one of the most closely watched cases in American history, and each possible outcome carries different political ramifications.


For the sake of the unborn pray that all fraudulent activities of any organization that promotes the aborting of the unborn be exposed and brought to justice. Give thanks to the Lord that there are those who are bringing such activities to the light so that they can be dealt with by authorities responsible for illegal activities. Pray that those who have been found guilty will repent and become advocates for life.


An unprecedented nationwide network of elected leaders and citizens, are committing to realigning America with the Judeo-Christian principles of liberty!


•    Formation of the strategic American Prayer Caucus Network (, the largest and most influential network of Christian government leaders in the nation, networking members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus with hundreds of like-minded members of state and local Legislative Prayer Caucuses in action-oriented forums.
•    10 State Prayer Caucuses now formed (Virginia, North Carolina, Mississippi, Colorado, Oklahoma, Maine, Kentucky, Florida, Michigan and Missouri) with 9 States in process.
•    Citizens joined hundreds of legislators, governors, lieutenant governors and attorneys general at multiple Call To Prayer events, which were hosted and facilitated by elected leaders proclaiming their commitment to pray and protect your right to believe in God.
We cannot and must not forget that "blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." Though some will reject our Lord and His rightful place in our hearts and in our nation, we must not!  (Contributor: Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation;

Greetings in Christ as together we seek God’s heart, listen to His Word, and follow His direction for this new year of 2011!

The Messiah—I have mentioned before this very strategic film project that some Christian friends in Hollywood are currently working on. Here are some prayer concerns that they have sent for us:

  1. That the Lord will give us wisdom and guidance as the leadership team continues to make decisions about the film and those who should be involved.
  2. That God will help us finalize preparations for funding and that He would open up the necessary doors to fully fund the film.
  3. That the Lord will prepare the hearts of those that are meant to be involved in The Messiah film.
  4. To protect the film from those that would want to stop the message of the Gospel from going out. That God will protect all of those involved with the project and their families.
  5. For God to bring divine appointments and introductions of key leaders, investors and influencers from around the world.
  6. That the Lord will prepare the ground for The Messiah to reach the ends of the earth and for the hearts of people to be ready to hear the message of the Gospel.

May I ask you to please continue to pray for breakthrough in these ongoing concerns:

  1. In the Mexican government’s war with the drug cartels and the political changes we long to see in the very oppressive state of North Korea. (For more information, click links in above index.)
  2. For the national prayer event in Burma (Myanmar), January 12-14, that leaders will be able to take part from all over the nation and be inspired to pray unitedly and effectively for its freedom from oppression and transformation.
  3. For the World Prayer Assembly prayer and planning retreat in Jakarta, Jan. 23-27, that a strong, united and well-coordinated team will jell and be able to work hard and well together to bring off this huge and complex event scheduled for May, 2012 ( for more details).

Also included below in the Egypt bombing update is a personal letter from a dear brother in Egypt who shares his thoughts.

Deep thanks in the Lord,
John Robb

The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) called for a ‘Global Day of Prayer’ for Sudan on December 5, 2010, to reverse the growing tensions between Khartoum and South Sudanese forces. While a general peace is holding, incidents like an aerial bombing of Southern territory, threatens to discourage voting at the January 9, 2011, referendum on Sudan’s future and Southern independence.  

For more than a century, warfare and famine plagued the people of Sudan. A century of British colonial exploitation was replaced by forty years of domination by Khartoum.  Two civil wars followed 1956 independence leading up to the pivotal events in 2005. The divine breakthrough occurred in the midst of the Sudan Prayer Initiative on January 18, 2005, as 400 church leaders gathered in Khartoum to pray for peace.  In less than a day, the Lord moved on the hearts of Northern and Southern leaders to meet and sign the Comprehensive Peace Plan.

We trust the outcome to God and whether the people decide to separate or remain united, Sudan will be changed forever. WEA Secretary General Dr Geoff Tunnicliffe has been in conversation with senior church leaders in Sudan. They said the number one thing the global church could do to help was: “pray, pray, pray”.  

In addition, a prayer leader friend from World Vision has sent these requests:
“It is evident from different media outlets that tension between leaders in the north and south is building and people's anxiety growing…8 million people are likely to be affected in both the North and South of the country. Already, 2.8 million of this number is Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs) in both the North and South. A worst case scenario could have social, political and economic ramifications for neighboring states like Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia, and these have already been alerted and are making early action arrangements.”

Please pray for Sudan:
1.    For peaceful and fair referendum on January 9-12, 2011.
2.    That the results of the vote will be accepted by the Sudanese government and the international community.
3.    That the religious liberty of all people will be respected and safeguarded.
4.    For the rebuilding of infrastructure and social services post referendum.
5.    For the church and their role in reaching out and promoting peace in Sudan.

For more details and specific prayer requests please visit the website:

The World Evangelical Alliance is made up of 128 national evangelical alliances located in 7 regions and 104 associate member organizations and global networks. The WEA is the world’s largest association of evangelical Christians serving a constituency of 420 million people. The WEA is a voice to governments, media, and other faith communities and holds consultative status at the United Nations. Contact: WEA Communications, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.