Shopkeepers near the Togolese border were returning from a day at the market when terrorists attacked, killing more than twenty people. It is a disturbing trend. Terrorists have killed more than 5,000 people so far this year. Helen Williams of World Missionary Press (WMP) says local ministries are being cautious. ‘As far as we know and from everything I’ve heard, the ministry work continues. It may have restrictions and be a little bit more difficult, but the work goes on. WMP recently sent Scripture booklets to a ministry that goes into villages. I don’t know if that’s been restricted – going into different places. But we sent them a shipment of material in French and had reports and photos from them going home-to-home, having open-air campaigns and planting churches in one particular village. Eight million people who speak the Moore language they have just received their first shipment of that language. They are overjoyed.’

Pakistani Christians are crying silently for peace, understanding, and respect for their religious symbols. But their cries are not heard domestically or globally. Christianity has been an integral part of Pakistan's multi-religious society since its inception in 1947 when Muhammad Ali Jinnah promised equal citizenship rights. In 2023 Christians are treated as second-class citizens, discriminated against, and targets of hostility and violence. Often the blasphemy law is misused against them, further worsening their situation. A comprehensive strategy that includes improved security measures for religious minorities and educational campaigns to foster tolerance and mutual respect is needed urgently. The government needs to uphold its commitment to religious freedom and safeguard all its citizens, as enshrined in its constitution and in line with international covenants. Pray for the government to reassess its approach toward religious minorities and condemn violence and threats against them. Pray for incorporating religious tolerance and coexistence in the curricula for school and public awareness campaigns.

Praise God for rapid church growth, even under government restrictions and persecution. Indigenous Laotians lead almost all churches and evangelism efforts. The government recognises two Protestant groups. The largest is the Lao Evangelical Church, where most Christian growth occurs. Growth also happens through ‘underground’ house groups. Over 90% of all trained leaders left Laos in 1975, and most congregations lack a trained pastor. Pray urgently for leaders both in the recognised churches and in the house church networks. Pray that new believers will grow strong in faith and not fall away. The Church suffers through persecution, but recognises that it drives them to prayer and total dependence on God. Much of Laos remains unevangelised. The church's growth is dwarfed by remaining tasks. The Gospel has not easily crossed ethnic barriers. Buddhism and tribal religions blend together. There are 5,000 temples but only 250 church buildings.

Churches and prayer and mission ministries across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands have come together in unprecedented unity that has not been seen for decades, with the vision ‘A new wave of glory to cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea’ (Habakkuk 2:14). Sixty days ahead of the World Prayer Assembly in Perth, planned and spontaneous prayer is already taking place across the cities. There are reports of the wave already sweeping through, and there is a lively air of expectancy as to what God is doing through this global gathering. Before it, the leaders have called for 21 days of prayer and fasting (from 28 August), contending for a ‘wave of the knowledge of the glory of God’ to engulf the globe, for an awakening across Australia with millions finding Christ; and a global awakening with billions finding Christ.

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” Habakkuk 2:14 (ESV)

We are pleased to bring you this August 2023 edition of IPC Connections!

I trust that you will be blessed and encouraged as you read the articles, news and resources info this month!

Our headline is an invitation to the World Prayer Assembly 2023 taking place in Perth, Australia this October 3rd-6th.

Churches and prayer and mission ministries across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands have come together in unprecedented unity, such as has not been seen for decades, with a common vision – ‘A new Wave of Glory to cover the earth – as the waters cover the sea.’ Hab 2:14

60 or so days ahead of the World Prayer Assembly, planned and spontaneous prayer is already taking place across the cities. There are reports of the wave already sweeping through! – and there is a lively air of expectancy as to what God is doing through this global gathering.

IPC-Aug2023-00b.jpgWatch the Videos! - We would earnestly encourage you as our partners in prayer around the world to watch this Video Playlist, as you discern your calling to be part of WPA2023AU.  It begins with the WPA Event Trailer.

Margaret Court – Vice Chair of World Prayer Assembly Australia – Oceania brings a personal invite and introduces the WPA theme.

Dr Jason Hubbard shares from scripture around the inspirational theme of the ‘Wave of Glory’. Hab 2:14

Dean Briggs then brings a powerful word of encouragement to us in our prayers… ‘Let’s not be dreaming too small’.

Wendy Yapp then presents a snapshot of the concerted prayer taking place across Perth, and wider afield.

21 Days of Prayer - In the lead up to WPA2023AU, leaders are united in calling 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting – August 28th to September 17th contending for a wave of the ‘Knowledge of the Glory of God’ to engulf the globe.  We are contending for an Awakening across Australia and millions to find Christ; and for a Global Awakening and billions to find Christ!   Read the full summons, with flyers, below.

We appreciate that Perth is not the easiest or cheapest city to travel to, and that many of us will be stepping out in faith as we sense our calling, and plan to be there! We are hearing of groups in South African townships planning to bring some of their youth, and others elsewhere who are making sacrifices to get to Perth. Let’s be trusting and praying for provision of each of our needs! (Phil 4:19)

More info follows in the article below.  WPA2023AU registration details and lists of accommodation providers are available on the event website.

Global Day of Prayer - Pentecost Sunday – Do read this encouraging report that follows from the 26-hours of prayer held at the culmination of the Isaiah 62 Fast, 10 Days and Jericho Walls prayer initiatives. It drew together an estimated 100 million people, praying in unity across the world for the salvation of Israel. Watch the broadcast highlights.

SAVE THE DATE! - Please save the date of our next Global Day of Prayer – Sunday November 12th, when we will be praying for the Hindu World.  There will be all age prayer guides in multiple languages on the website. 


Editorial - Our editorial articles are in tune with the highlighting of the World Prayer Assembly! Dr Jason Hubbard’s inspiring article is entitled ‘The knowledge of the Glory of the Lord’.  In it, he encourages and teaches us about our role as ‘messengers of the hope’ that we all have through Christ’s Glory (Hab 2:14).  Our Hope is in Christ Alone, Amen!  Download the full article from our website.
Our Spotlight Article features Donny McGregor, who represents the Australia region on IPC’s Council.  Read Donny’s story and hear from his heart in the article below.

Will you Partner with IPC?! - IPC Connections is brought to 16,000+ networks, groups, churches and personal partners free of charge.  As an organization, we are dependent on personal donations, legacies and occasional grant support for our income.  A suggested gift of even $10 a year would make a real difference to IPC.

If you would like to sow into the IPC Vision, please click here.  Thank you for your support!

Thank you for continuing to partner with us in mobilising and informing united prayer across nations, denominations, movements, and generations for the fulfilment of the Great Commission.

All Glory to the Lamb,

Jason Hubbard - Director
International Prayer Connect

Watch Jason’s Intro Video!

Isaiah Declared It!
- “They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” Isaiah 11:9 (ESV),

Our Hope is rooted in the promise that the earth will be ‘full of knowing the Lord as the waters cover the sea by filling it to the fullness of its capacity. The premise is that everywhere God will be present and in every place the knowledge of him will be enjoyed to its fullest expression! 

Habakkuk Repeated It!

Habakkuk 2:14 (ESV), “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea”

Habakkuk was complaining to the Lord, asking the Lord why he was allowing evildoers to judge his people?  God’s answer to Habakkuk’s complaint settled it. God works in the world to accomplish his purpose, but God’s purpose goes beyond simply punishing the wicked. God desires that all the world know him.  The final verse of the third woe gives an uplifting and positive element to the woes. God will work to make himself known in all the earth. In Hebrew thought “knowledge” means more than information. “Knowledge is seen in fundamentally relational terms. 

To know God is to be in a right relationship with him, with characteristics of love, trust, respect, and open communication.  Knowing involved intimacy and experience, being used in its most fundamental sense to describe the marriage relationship. For the earth to be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord involved knowing God rather than simply knowing about God. Not to know God for Israel and for the nations invited His judgment (Ps 79:6; Jer 10:25), which was the context here in Habakkuk.

Jeremiah also pictured a knowledge of the Lord coming in a New Covenant that transcended geographical borders or conventional barriers (Jer 31:31–34).

Ezekiel repeatedly uses the recognition formula, “and you shall know that I am Yahweh” to show that all God is doing has divine purpose behind it. That purpose is to introduce himself to Israel and to the nations.

In the Old Testament “glory” is a “technical term for God’s manifest presence” (see Exod 16:7), or his “revealed excellence” often connected with the cloud (Exod 16:10) and with the Ark of the Covenant. It was represented as a consuming fire (Exod 24:17).  All the earth would be filled with the knowledge of the manifest presence of God.

Israel expected God’s glory to fill their place of worship (Exod 40:34, 35; 1 Kgs 8:11; 2 Chr 7:1–2; Ezek 10:4; 43:5; 44:4). Habakkuk joined a prophetic chorus calling for more. God’s glory should be recognized as filling the entire universe (Num 14:21; Ps 72:19; Isa 6:3), letting all the people of the world experience and respond to God’s manifest, weighty presence. The prophet wanted the knowledge of God to be as pervasive as the waters that fill the seas. For Christian believers the verse takes in mind and heart to the work of Christ, who came into the world to make God known in the most unique way possible (cf. John 1:14; Eph 1:17). Through Christ the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.

David Sang It!

Psalm 72:19 (ESV), “Blessed be his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory! Amen and Amen!”
Psalm 22:27 (ESV), “All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you

For David, the whole earth would be filled with God’s glory in the context of worship-saturated prayer in the ‘tent’ or ‘tabernacle of David’ David, the man after God’s heart (1 Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22) saw the intimate details of God’s dwelling place in heaven –the perfection of beauty (Ps. 50:2; 119:96), along with its’ governmental order of worship around His throne (1 Chr. 28:11-19). David was commanded to replicate this liturgical pattern on earth (2 Chr. 29:25).  The heavenly order of worship that David received by revelation was God-centered (Ps. 27:4), relational (Ps. 149:3-4), continual (1 Chr. 9:33), musical (1 Chr. 15-16), and antiphonal or responsive (Neh. 12:8-9, 24).

Due to David’s all-consuming desire to dwell in God’s immediate presence within the heavenly temple (Ps. 27:4; 28:2), he vowed to establish a dwelling place for God on the earth, as it is in heaven (Ps. 132; Mt. 6:10).  Around 1000 BC, David set the Ark in the tabernacle that he pitched for it in Jerusalem (2 Sam. 6; 1 Chr. 16:1), where he employed 4000 musicians (1 Chr. 23:5) and 288 singers (1 Chr. 25:7) to minister to God in day and night prayer with worship, as a full time occupation (1 Chr. 16:37). Thus began the “Davidic order” of worship with prophetic music and singing, centered on encountering God’s beauty, as it is in heaven.

David’s Song is found in 1 Chronicles 16:8-36. Throughout the song there are multiple verses related to all the earth and the nations. About a third of the verses in David’s song had to do with the nations or publishing the Good News. For example, the very first verse of the song (v. 8) reads: "Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done" (NLT).  Verse 9 continues “Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds.” Note also verses 23-24; 29-31;35-36.

Malachi Proclaimed It!

Malachi 1:11 (ESV), “For from the rising of the sun to its setting my name will be great among the nations, and in every place incense will be offered to my name, and a pure offering. For my name will be great among the nations, says the Lord of hosts”

Malachi proclaimed that from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord will be made great!  He proclaimed that in every place on the earth, incense (prayers of God’s people) will be offered to his name together with a pure offering of worship! And again the purpose was so the ‘Name’ of the Lord of Hosts would be made great in the nations of the earth!

Read the full article on our website, or download the PDF HERE

As messengers of Hope may we ...

Seek Jesus more fully for all He is by how we pursue and encounter him through prayer which leads us to 
Savor Jesus more fully for all He is by how we praise him and treasure him in worship which leads us to
Speak of Jesus more fully for all He is by how you talk about him with other believers which leads us to
Show Jesus more fully for all He is by how you imitate him in word and deed -which leads us to
Serve Jesus more fully for all He is by how you minister to others for his sake -which leads us to
Share Jesus more fully for all He is by how we introduce unbelievers to him as Lord and Savior!

For the Supremacy of Christ in all things,

Dr Jason Hubbard, Director
International Prayer Council

With Australia headlining this edition of IPC Connections, it was apt for us to spotlight IPC’s man on the ground in Australia – Donny McGregor.   Donny is a good friend and highly respected colleague with insightful knowledge and God-given passion for Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. He sits on the IPC Council on behalf of the region.   

Join us as we hear about Donny’s life, calling, ministry and some words of wisdom drawn from his life of Christian service…

Donny McGregor is an ordained minister with Southern Cross Association of Churches in Australia.   He is the Founder of Generation Fire, author of the book ‘The Coming Firestorm’ and founder of the Business Fire Generation Solutions trading as Driven Digitally. Donny is one of the national prayer leaders in Australia and is on the advisory team for the World Prayer Assembly being hosted by Australia, in October 2023.

Watch this Video of the Story behind Generation Fire

Donnys Journey began when he met Jesus in 1993, and upon receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in 1995 he received the call to ministry.  He and studied at Aquila College of Ministry in Sydney 1996-1998 and graduated with a Diploma in Ministry. 


In 1998 Donny was invited to a Pastors Conference at the Brownsville Assemblies of God during the height of the Pensacola Revival. He had a hunger for God. During the event, he received a vision to take the fire of revival to the nations. 

Donny saw a vision of God holding the world in the palm of his hand, consumed in Fire.  This was followed by another vision of the east coast of Australia. Looking towards the horizon, a large hand was in the sky and as it swept over towards him, a Great Wave of Fire that stretched across the whole horizon approached towards the Coast and nothing could stop it. That is God's Firestorm. 


Donny’s relatives known as the McGregors, are South African missionaries to the USA.  They took Donny onboard and trained him for ministry for 2 years during which he travelled, ministering at churches and joining on mission trips to South Africa (1999) and Europe (2000).  In 1999, whilst visiting a Christian Youth Music Festival, Donny came across a movement called Youth Arise which was born out of the Solomon Islands and received the call of God to travel to Brisbane.  On New Years eve of 1999, he participated in a 12-hour Solemn Assembly to usher in the new millennium, along with 800 young adults in Brisbane Australia. It was there that Donny heard the voice of God to see the movement launch in Sydney. 

IPC-Aug2023-02d.jpgBetween 1999 and 2005, Donny served as the NSW Coordinator for Youth Arise, which led revival camps and took teams to the Solomon Islands and Finland.  They met on the last Friday of each month for many years, bringing youth ministries together.  They also ran city wide prayer rallies.  In 2006, Youth Arise came to an end ahead of the birth of Generation Fire. 

In 2000, Donny met a man by divine appointment called Noel Bell who was the founder of Intercessors of Australia. This meeting changed Donnys life - as through it, he received a mantle to call the youth of the nation to prayer which would lay the foundation of the coming firestorm.  Noel became a spiritual father to Donny until he went to be with the lord in 2017.

Alongside these projects, in 2005, Donny was ordained as a minister (Southern Cross) and took on a church which transitioned into a network of house churches. 


Generation Fire was started in 2006 by a group of young adults during the last Revival Camp of Youth Arise.

Soon after launching Generation Fire, two South Africans travelled to Sydney to ask Donny to be involved with the Global Day of Prayer.  In September (2006) he flew to Malaysia to meet for the first time with Global Prayer Leaders and was introduced to John Robb (IPC) and Graham Power.  This opened many doors and through this Generation Fire Spread to many nations, and Donny helped spearhead 10 Days of Prayer   

Donny helped host 2 International Gatherings and one nationwide conference that saw ‘healing in the land’.  


Donny’s family and Personal Leisure and interests outside ministry work.

Donny and Robyn married in July 2023. They love doing life and ministry together.

They have 5 Children - 3 Girls and 2 Boys. Other interests that they share are travel, skiing, movies and meeting new people. 

As a side-hustle, donny does Uber Rideshare to generate income.  Donny enjoys bushwalking. During covid lockdown they would spend much time visiting places around the Blue mountains.  

Donny loves going out to dinner, visiting new places, and talking to friends about Jesus - and revival!

Donny, tell us about your time with IPC?

In 2015, I was nominated by Warwick Marsh and Brian Pickering as the IPC Council representative for Australia.  In 2017, I went to Herrnhut to be a part of an IPC International Gathering with Prayer and Mission Leaders. One of the highlights was being able to lead a session with Leslie Keegel and Sam Hoffman.  I had read so much about the Moravians and Noel Bell had shared so much about Jesus Haus.  


I have gained and learnt so much through my time in IPC. The 2 Highlights being that time in Herrnhut, Germany and then the retreat in Bellingham in early 2020 which was during one of the most difficult times of my life.

What motivates you when you serve the prayer and missions movement?

‘When you are called by God’ - that is my motivation, because I have been called, and I know that God uses united prayer to fulfil the Great Commission, to revive the church and to see transformation.  It is through the convergence of prayer and mission that Jesus is glorified and His prayer is answered! 

What are some of the Pitfalls?

When you serve Jesus in this call, there comes a cost.  Pitfalls are that you can have interested people come to prayer meetings and come with other motives than that of the Lord. There are pitfalls you can face in your own life if you don't remain in humility.

Once pride enters the heart and human ambition comes above being led by the Holy Spirit, you will find that you end up in a dead end.

Lessons that I have learnt … God doesn't answer selfish prayers.  This sort of ministry attracts the most interesting kinds of people.  You really need to have embraced the Cross to be successful in bringing the body of Christ together.

People fall into error when selfish ambition gets in the way of seeing God move.  I have learnt from making such mistakes.

Never put ministry before family, as it's your children who end up suffering the most.  Teach your children all that you know.

What is your favourite Bible Verse?

Jeremiah 23:29   ‘Is not my word like fire says the lord but a hammer that smashes the rock.’

This is the word God spoke to me on the day that Generation Fire was birthed. The word burned in my heart. It still burns today! The Word of God when prayed and spoken and sung is Fire.  The Fire of God comes from our mouths, and it burns in our hearts.   Because the Word of God is Fire.  


I have seen the Fire of God touch people through prayer, worship and preaching.  The Fire of God is what brings people together.   And It is the Fire of God we are called to carry.

Tell us about your involvement with the vision of World Prayer Assembly, Australia?

What an opportunity to serve Jesus at this time, to be able to meet with significant leaders across the nation and to see national prayer leaders unite! To witness such unity across Australia has been unseen and heard of.  

My role in my IPC has really kicked in when I have come and acted in an advisory role, helping to connect leaders and to be able to offer the resources of IPC to Australian prayer movement leaders. 

A Highlight for me has been to host Dean Briggs, to work closely with James Condon and taking part in strategic meetings.

‘The Wave of Glory is coming!   I hope that everyone involved with IPC will pray about coming in October!’

France announced its support for the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in its efforts to reverse the military coup in Niger. French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna met with Niger's Prime Minister and Ambassador in Paris, urging the coup leaders in Niamey to hand back power by Sunday. Failure to do so could result in ECOWAS member countries considering a military intervention, a threat taken "very seriously" by France.

The specifics of France's backing were not disclosed, and it remains unclear whether it involves military support for an ECOWAS intervention. On Friday, ECOWAS stated that its military chiefs had agreed on a plan for potential intervention, including resource allocation and deployment logistics.

Russia, which has expanded its presence in the Sahel region, expressed skepticism about foreign intervention's efficacy in resolving the crisis. Neighboring Benin and Germany called for continued diplomacy to defuse tensions.

The United States announced the suspension of some aid to Niger following the coup, contingent upon democratic governance and respect for constitutional order. Secretary of State Antony Blinken clarified that life-saving humanitarian and food assistance, as well as diplomatic and security operations to protect US personnel, would continue. The US reiterated its commitment to support the people of Niger in preserving their democracy and called for the immediate restoration of the country's democratically-elected government.

More: Al Jazeera

Pray: for peace in Niger and the swift restoration of democratic governance. May ECOWAS efforts be guided by wisdom and diplomacy. (Proverbs 16:7)

Pray: for protection for the people of Niger during these challenging times. Grant strength to those advocating for democracy. (Psalm 46:1)

Pray: for Heavenly intervention in Niger, promoting understanding and peaceful resolution. May justice and righteousness prevail. (Isaiah 1:17)