Thank you for your partnership with us. I am charged with making sure interested partners have the full partnership pack, and the ability to put the EXPOSED Global Call tool on their website. The partner pack is at, and I attach the Leaflet and Partner Actions for you here too. Let’s be in prayer for this important global campaign to expose corruption that affects the poor and all of us.
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Mexican drug cartels whose operatives once rarely ventured beyond the U.S. border are dispatching some of their most trusted agents to live and work deep inside the United States -- an emboldened presence that experts believe is meant to tighten their grip on the world's most lucrative narcotics market and maximize profits.
If left unchecked, authorities say, the cartels' move into the American interior could render the syndicates harder than ever to dislodge and pave the way for them to expand into other criminal enterprises such as prostitution, kidnapping-and-extortion rackets and money laundering.
A wide-ranging Associated Press review of federal court cases and government drug-enforcement data, plus interviews with many top law enforcement officials, indicate the groups have begun deploying agents from their inner circles to the U.S. Cartel operatives are suspected of running drug-distribution networks in at least nine non-border states, often in middle-class suburbs in the Midwest, South and Northeast.
"It's probably the most serious threat the United States has faced from organized crime," said Jack Riley, head of the Drug Enforcement Administration's Chicago office.
Border states from Texas to California have long grappled with a cartel presence. But cases involving cartel members have now emerged in the suburbs of Chicago and Atlanta, as well as Columbus, Ohio, Louisville, Ky., and rural North Carolina. Suspects have also surfaced in Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota and Pennsylvania.
Statistics from the DEA suggest a heightened cartel presence in more U.S. cities. In 2008, around 230 American communities reported some level of cartel presence. That number climbed to more than 1,200 in 2011, the most recent year for which information is available, though the increase is partly due to better reporting.
Danny Porter, chief prosecutor in Gwinnett County, Ga., said he has tried to entice dozens of suspected cartel members to cooperate with American authorities. Nearly all declined. Some laughed in his face. "They say, `We are more scared of them (the cartels) than we are of you. We talk and they'll boil our families in acid,"' Porter said. "Their families are essentially hostages."
Proverbs 11:1 (MSG) GOD hates cheating (dishonest and unrighteous dealings) in the marketplace; he loves it when business is aboveboard.
1. For the exposure of all illegal activities and the eminent capture of all TCO cartel operatives functioning inside the USA. (Prov. 28:1)
2. For leads and evidence leading to the capture and conviction of all cartel operatives and members, and the dismantling of all TCO cartel activities in the USA. (Luke 8:17)
3. For protection of all law enforcement as they investigate these illegal activities as well as for the protection of their families. (Rom. 13: 1-4)
4. That as the cartels attempt to set up businesses in the USA (even legitimate businesses to sell marijuana in states that have made this lucrative drug legal) that their money laundering operations will be exposed and shut down. Prov.11:1
5. Associated Press. "Mexican Drug Cartels Reportedly Dispatching Agents Deep inside US." Fox News. IFOX News Network, 01 Apr. 2013. Web. 09 Apr. 2013.
The ‘Deep Sea Canoe Vision’ was given to me in early 1986, in my nation of Solomon Islands. It was during a normal Elder’s prayer meeting on which the agenda was the opening up of a new congregation in a suburb of Honiara city. I began to receive this powerful impression on my mind. The impression was so strong that I could not suppress or ignore it. I called the attention of my colleagues and requested if they did not mind; allow me to share with them what I was seeing in my mind. This is the account of the vision I saw.
Solomon Islands
A great flood was coming down a valley in spite of the fact that it was not raining at all. Unlike any normal flood, the water was pure crystal clear with no dirt or object whatsoever in it. The flood then came to a dam. It began to fill up the valley forming a beautiful lake with greenish blue colour. As the water had completely filled up the valley, it began to flow over the bank of the dam. And as it did, it changed into a water spray of mist like a cloud. At that point the map of the world came onto the scene. From the map I could see that all this was taking place in the Solomon Islands.
South Pacific
Then this cloud began to float around towards Australia, turned north towards Papua New Guinea, and then it turned east and headed back toward the Solomon Islands. From the Solomon Islands, the cloud headed east for the second round toward the Eastern Pacific countries of Polynesia. From the east the cloud turned around and headed back west through New Zealand, then Australia, and finally back to Papua New Guinea again for the second time.
From Papua New Guinea, the cloud changed into what I can only describe as currents. It looked like the effect of a speedboat on water without the boat. There were actually three streams of this. These three-pronged currents headed east towards the west coast of the United States of America. When they hit the West Coast of America, they split up in three different directions. The left stream turned north and headed towards the North Pole, the right stream turned south and headed towards the South Pole, and the centre stream went on straight towards the East Coast of the United States. When the centre stream reached the East Coast, it took a 180-degree about turn. And as it did so it became a great big tidal wave, a tsunami linking up with the northern and the southern streams, from the North Pole all the way to the South Pole.
This great tsunami literally covered everything within its path. It rolled back over the Americas and then over the Pacific. The wave kept travelling in the westerly direction until the southern tip came to the Indian Ocean. From there the southern tip swung around and went around until it reached the Arabian Gulf and then it stopped. The northern tip kept rolling over Asia, the whole of Europe, and then from there it turned south and went around until it encircled the whole of the African continent. When it came around Cape Horn, the tip of South Africa, it swung around northeast and travelled up until it linked up with the southern tip of the wave that had been waiting all this time in the Arabian Gulf.
As the two ends met up, they formed a perfect circle with Jerusalem right at the centre of it. Then from all sides, the wave zoomed in on Jerusalem, and when it hit Jerusalem, it shot up into the sky like a great pillar of water. As this great pillar of water reached deep into the heavens, it opened up like a mushroom and then floated out into all directions in the most beautiful cloud formation one can ever imagine until it completely engulfed the whole earth. Then these words came out from heaven,
‘And the Glory of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea!’
The Prophet Rev. Michael Maeliau
Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean, 1986
The Prayer Movement Behind the Deep Sea Canoe Vision
A South Pacific Regional Missions Consultation was held in Suva, Fiji, in December 1989 under the umbrella of the World Evangelical Fellowship (WEF). Rev Michael Maeliau of the South Seas Evangelical Church of the Solomon Islands and Dr. Raymond Windsor of New Zealand who represented the Pacific on the World Evangelical Fellowship’s Mission Commission organised this event. The real purpose and challenge out of this meeting was to see more mission activity out of the Pacific region, especially from the Pacific Islands who had been very active in Christian Missions in the past.
One of the things that came out of this meeting was the need for a Regional Prayer movement which started two years later in the Solomon Islands,1991, under the name of the “South Pacific Prayer Assembly”. It became the “All Pacific Prayer Assembly” in Vanuatu, 2003. In Taiwan, 2011, it became the “All Peoples Prayer Assembly”. This Prayer Assembly has also been tracking the Deep Sea Canoe Vision, outlining the move of God’s glory from the ends of the earth back to Jerusalem, for its official launching to the world in 2017. The Glory Cloud from Jerusalem will cover the earth as the waters cover the seas, bringing forth the rain for the ‘Latter Rain Harvest’ before the end of the age, for the glory of God.
We also believe that the Deep Sea Canoe Vision revealed in the Solomon Islands (1986) and the Pacific Prayer Assembly that started in the Solomon Islands (1991) are both fruit of the 1st World Prayer Assembly (WPA) that was held in Seoul, South Korea, 1984.
The All Peoples Prayer Assembly (APPA):
2011 – 1st All Peoples Prayer Assembly (APPA) was hosted by the Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan (29 April – 6 May 2011) during the 100-year anniversary of the Republic of China (ROC in Taiwan) since it was founded by Dr. Sun Yat-Sen in 1911. This was the first ‘Home Coming’ for Austronesia and the official Opening of the ‘Taiwan Gate’. The All Pacific Prayer Assembly became the All Peoples Prayer Assembly in Taiwan, 2011.
2012 – 2nd APPA joined the 2nd “World Prayer Assembly” in Jakarta, Indonesia, from 14-18 May 2012. This World Prayer Assembly under the International Prayer Council/Connect (IPC) was co-hosted by South Korea and Indonesia. Indonesia is the Gateway for the Pacific to the world, so the 2nd WPA 2012 became the gateway for the glory and APPA from the Pacific to the world.
2013 – 3rd APPA – East Coast, USA, American Continent
2014 – 4th APPA – Malaysia, Asia
2015 – 5th APPA – Europe?
2016 – 6th APPA – Africa?
2017 – 7th APPA. Israel will host in Jerusalem during Sukkot as the Deep sea Canoe finally arrives in Israel. 2017 will mark the 50th Anniversary or Jubilee for the City of Jerusalem since unification under the sovereignty of Israel. 2017 will also mark the 70th Anniversary for the UN Mandate for the rebirth of the nation of Israel.
2018 – The Glory Cloud/Sukkah/Tabernacle covering the nations from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth! This will be during the 70th Anniversary of Israel since their rebirth in 1948. The Glory Cloud will precipitate the rain for the Latter Rain Harvest for the whole world before the end of the age (James 5:7).
“Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand. Do not grumble against one another, brethren, lest you be condemned. Behold, the Judge is standing at the door!” James 5:7-9.
More Momentum than Ever to End One-Child Policy at China’s National People’s Congress
Chinese state media recently reported that the government is looking to consolidate several ministries in order to streamline processes and reduce bureaucracy. One proposal that appears to be on the table is the potential folding of the Family Planning Commission, which enforces the One-Child Policy, into the Ministry of Health.
The potential outcome of such a merger is unclear, but there are two possible scenarios: (1) the One-Child Policy will be enforced with greater brutality as the Family Planning Commission gains access to hospitals and clinics; or (2) the merger will effectively eliminate the Family Planning Commission and strip all of its workers of their authority to carry out forced and coerced abortions.
All Girls Allowed is urging churches around the world to join in unity with the Chinese church to pray that the Lord would effectively eliminate the Family Planning Commission through this merger, thus beginning the process of ending the One-Child Policy. Should such a historic move occur, it would follow several reports that the Chinese government is contemplating moving to a Two-Child Policy in March, 2013. It would also fulfill what began last summer when provinces representing 87% of China declared bans on late-term forced abortions.
China’s government has come under greater international pressure to end the One-Child Policy following the gruesome image of Feng Jianmei’s forcibly aborted baby that surfaced last June. The pressure continues as Feng recently revealed in a television interview that she has yet to receive the compensation and justice that was promised to her by the government. Another recent tragedy in which an over-quota child was run over and killed by Family Planning Officials has brought further embarrassment to the Chinese government around the One-Child Policy.
Chai Ling, Founder of All Girls Allowed, says: “Come, join us as we take a front-row seat to view God’s deliverance of his people in China! We prayed before the blind attorney Chen Guangcheng escaped, and the Lord delivered him. We prayed for policy change, and the vast majority of Chinese provinces banned late-term forced abortion. Our Lord Jesus clearly hears us, and he so desires for us to come before him in thanksgiving and intercession, that he might send his redemption on China.”
“Our God is an awesome God. Let us ask him to give courage to China’s leaders to do what is right and just. May he continue to part the Red Sea and release his people from the yoke of slavery!”
All Girls Allowed ( was founded by Chai Ling in 2010 with a mission to display the love of Jesus by restoring life, value and dignity to girls and mothers in China and revealing the injustice of the One-Child Policy.
“In Jesus’ Name, Simply Love Her.”
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Greetings to all IPC brothers and sisters around the world from Birmingham, England.
As many of you know we have been on a long journey to see the fulfillment of a vision to see a World Prayer Centre built and established here in the heart of the UK. By God's grace we have learnt and continue to learn the Isaac principle of what it means for God to establish a heaven to earth promise. Since 1992 we have been on the journey and amid the joys and at times frustrations rejoiced at the goodness of God as we have journeyed.
As we have journeyed God has opened many doors for us as a team both in this nation and the nations. We continue to call Christians from across the denominations to stand in unity together to pray for the nation and the nations. We would especially ask for your prayers as on June 15 we are organising "Trumpet Call 2013" at the International Convention Centre in Birmingham. We are inviting up to 2500 Christians to come and stand together in humility and unity to ask God for His mercy on our land and its peoples. We would be deeply honoured if you would join with us in prayer on that day. (We will happily read any messages of support).
With regard to the Centre being built, we still have the land that was donated to us (subject to planning) and in the next few months we are awaiting the release of the land from the present restrictions. Once that has happened we shall then seek to apply for planning permission and then see how God is going to bring what He has promised to fulfillment.
Thank you for your fellowship, friendship and prayers. We count it a privilege to be part of God's family with you.
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The political coalition led by Prime Minister Najib Razak won a narrow victory in Sunday’s national election in Malaysia, but it now faces widespread accusations of electoral fraud. Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim says he will lead a “fierce” protest against Razak's party, a move that could turn Malaysia on its head and derail the economic progress achieved over the last half century.
Please continue to pray for Malaysia as it moves towards a more just and corruption-free society.
Several of you have responded to our recent prayer alert encouraging watchfulness in prayer regarding possible imminent terror attacks with some skepticism about the Israeli intelligence expert that was quoted in it. A couple of you also pointed out that the email a friend in the prayer movement sent and I forwarded on to you was a few years old. I did some further checking and apparently there is some controversy about this "expert" and serious question now as to whether he is a legitimate and credible source. Thank you for your alertness and response to this issue.
However, after receiving the alert, one of you sent a May 9 article from Stratfor, a well-respected intelligence journal, that basically said the same thing as our alert, describing the growing threat of "grassroots jihadists, individuals who have been inspired by the al Qaeda core or franchise groups". The author of the article, Scott Stewart, writes that "grassroots operatives are a very big problem for government counterterrorism efforts... that is why militant ideologues promote the leaderless resistance model." He continues, "That doesn't mean that such operatives cannot be stopped, but in order to stop them, citizens must think differently about counterterrorism."
Here are some further excerpts from this article, warning us of the dangers of further terror strikes and the inadequacy of intelligence services to defend the public. In the end, only the Lord can protect us from all the threats out there. For that reason, we as intercessors (true "grassroots defenders") play a vital role and need to be vigilant in prayer for our cities and nations:
"We see no sign that this trend toward leaderless resistance will reverse in the near future, and our forecast is that the grassroots threat will continue to grow, not only from the jihadist realm but also from far-right and far-left actors...
The resources of the primary counterterrorism agencies are also quite finite. For example, the FBI has fewer than 14,000 special agents to fulfill its many responsibilities, and while counterterrorism has become its top mission in the post-9/11 era, only a portion of its agents (estimated to be between 2,500 and 3,000) are assigned to counterterrorism investigations at any time...
Due to the limited number of dedicated counterterrorism practitioners, these indicators (and sometimes blatant mistakes) are far more likely to be witnessed by someone other than an FBI or MI5 agent. This fact highlights the importance of what we call grassroots defenders -- that is, a decentralized network of people practicing situational awareness who notice and report possible indications of terrorist behavior such as acquiring weapons, building bombs and conducting preoperational surveillance...
It is unrealistic to expect the government to uncover and thwart every plot. There are too many potential actors and too many vulnerable targets. Individuals need to assume some responsibility for their own security and the security of their communities. This does not mean living in fear and paranoia but rather living with a relaxed level of situational awareness, being cognizant of potential dangers and alert to indicators of them. People who accept this responsibility and who practice this awareness are the true grassroots defenders."
Please pray that any terrorist plots underway would be found out and foiled by the intelligence services and law enforcement here in the USA and also elsewhere in the world.
Here is the testimony of seven Sabah pastors. Praise God for His awesome power!
The islands had been particularly steeped in black magic and spirit worship for may years. Despite the efforts of missionaries sent there were no breakthroughs as the natives felt Christianity to be weak (love, submit, turn other cheek). There were churches already planted there, but they struggled, were poor financially, and pastors could barely make ends meet.
And then on Sept 16 2012, the beginning of the year of Jubilee, a change began. Villagers started to respond to the call of the Word of God, and many repented of their ways starting to profess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour... In the churches, numbers were added daily. The farmers reported that their crop harvest in 2012 yielded 10 times more (50-70 gunny sacks per acre) than in previous years and in living memory (usually 5-7 sacks).
The Christians found themselves suddenly being favoured by the non-believing neighbours. Many a non-believing household invited Christians over to pray over them... even the bomohs and witch doctors as they witnessed and experienced the grace of God surpassing their black magic and witchcraft.
The church continues to grow daily in the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Church funds that were barely sufficient before have doubled, then tripled, then quintupled in the 3 months following September 16 and continue to grow.
The pastors and church are so busy going village to village evangelising from morn till evening now so they do not even have time to answer the mobile phone.
The shofar is being sounded across the land everywhere and even outside mosques, the imams start to choke and cannot complete the azan and strongholds of evil one by one begin to fall. It is reported that the grave stones weep as demons are cast out.
There is forgiveness and unification of communities and with these- prosperity rises out of poverty, hope in place of despair, love and compassion dispels, fear, isolation and discrimination.
The pastors are all simple humble young men who speak only Bahasa Malaysia... but when they pray and sound the shofar... I can feel my spirit tremble and quicken.
At their prayer mountain, they testified that while praying the Holy Spirit came light a mighty wind and surrounded them and touched them and over head the cloud yielded drops of rain..... rain that only surrounded them in a circle.. beyond which all was dry. The one by one that saw a vision of a huge ominous black cloud over the land... a cloud that then shattered and was dispelled... replaced by bright radiant light.
As one of the Pastors prayed, another sounded his shofar (I have never heard someone blow the shofar in 5 different pitches in one breath before) ... and the praying pastor prophesied, "I am coming to this land now and My glory shall be declared across the nation."
Friends in the Lord, the revival, the change we looked for, began the day wet set our hearts and voices to the Lord on Malaysia day! He has been ever faithful and ever loving in His mercy and grace to reach out for those who have still to find it. So let us continue to pray and petition with thanksgiving in our hearts for the Lord’s revival to fan out and spread out throughout our whole nation, so every tribe, every tongue/dialect, people group, will receive His Mercy and together we can heal the land and restore His justice.
Remember we are the salt and light..... we need to shake ourselves and pour ourselves out to flavour the nation and cleanse it.... and to let the light shine out in the darkness so that those who live without sight can now see the glory of the Lord approaching.
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