On 10 May militants fired 507 rockets and mortars at Israel, and Israel struck 158 Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) targets in Gaza. Twenty-five people have died and 76 injured in Gaza since 9 May, when Israel began its operation against PIJ with a series of strikes which killed three of its commanders. The PIJ is responsible for many recent rocket attacks on Israel. On 11 May Israel's military killed the commander of the PIJ and two other militants in a pre-dawn air strike on an apartment in Gaza. Later Israel’s sirens sounded as 10 mortars were fired from Gaza at Israeli communities in southern Eshkol. Some hit homes and buildings, but most landed in open areas or were intercepted. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned, ‘Israel's campaign is not over. We have hit PIJ with the most significant blow it has ever suffered’. PIJ threatened ‘dark days ahead' if Israel increased aggression.

Over a hundred churches have been burned down in Manipur. The number of dead and injured is difficult to verify. The BBC reported 60 dead, 200 injured, and tens of thousands displaced. 53% of Manipur’s population are Meitei (Hindus with some Christians). Two tribal groups are Naga and Kuki - Christians with ‘scheduled tribe’ status, which grants access to forests, government jobs, and education. Last week the Meitei demanded access to the status. Violence broke out between Kuki and Meitei. Thousands of troops have been deployed, and thousands moved to safety. The Riverside Christian Mission sent the following request: ‘Riverside has partnered with various ministries in Manipur for many peaceful years. Suddenly, terrible violence erupted between Meitei and Christian hill people. 80% of the people who have been killed are Christians. Everything which had a Christian identity or Christian mark was attacked by the majority community in Manipur. Many have fled. Please pray for God’s protection over these dear people, and that the soldiers stop the violence.’

Alberta announced a state of emergency after wildfires forced 30,000 people from their homes and their jobs, leaving behind all they own in an ‘unprecedented’ crisis. Thousands more must be prepared to leave on a moment’s notice as 110 fires, fanned by strong winds, raged. By 7 May over twenty communities had been evacuated and 301,000+ acres burned. Pray for Albertans, living in one of the world’s largest oil-producing regions, as they closely monitor dangers to facilities. Ottawa is providing federal assistance where needed. Pray for those who are trapped and need to be rescued by helicopters and boats. Pray for good communication between the various emergency agencies bringing aid and providing shelter. Pray for the firefighters battling over 25 fires that were still out of control on 11 May. Pray for God to give his peace to those fearfully watching smoke in the distance. Pray for those debating whether to flee or stay and firefight.

Tearfund is calling on the international community to act fast to save lives after flash floods killed over 400 and left thousands homeless in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Torrential rain triggered landslides and caused four rivers to flood, hindering access routes and making it harder for aid agencies to reach the region. The death toll will rise without urgent intervention. It took rescuers two days to find a way to reach a devastated area because landslides and collapsed bridges blocked the road they wanted to use. Finally, they had to use the lake and a boat. Churches, schools and over 2,000 homes are destroyed, and more than a thousand people are missing. The fear is that the number of missing people will turn into deaths. It is a time of mourning , and action is needed to bring clean water, toilets, sanitation facilities and food.

Iran recently hanged two men for blasphemy, saying they had insulted the prophet Muhammad and promoted atheism. They were arrested in 2021 and spent months in solitary confinement without family contact. Iran has executed over 203 prisoners this year, but executions for blasphemy remain rare. The recent spate of executions, including members of ethnic minority groups, comes amid continuing protests over the arrest of Mahsa Amini by Iran’s morality police and her death in their custody. Over 500 people were killed and 19,000 arrested in the protests, which have been one of the biggest challenges to Iran’s theocracy since 1979’s Islamic Revolution. Today public frustration extends beyond repressive dress codes. The economy is in poor shape due to sanctions and Iran’s policy incompetence. Inflation is above 40%, currency is a record low, and unemployment tops 10%. Many believe that these anxieties mean further unrest is unavoidable.

The prophet Joel records how the cattle, sheep and other animals suffer and moan because of the condition of the nation (Joel 1:10-12; 18-20). On 13 April, 18,000 dairy cows burned to death in a horrific barn fire in Texas. Over the last decade at least 6.5 million farmed animals in the USA have died by fire, many living in cramped mega-farms. They paid the price for farmers' profits and consumers' low-cost food. The Lord made provision for us to eat all kinds of food, but we are also to take care of God's creatures (Genesis 1:28). Jesus said, 'Not one sparrow falls to the ground without the Father’. While giving thanks for God’s provision, we should still grieve and lament unnecessary suffering and cruelty in the name of profit and convenience. Pray for greater alertness to, and awareness of, the conditions under which livestock are kept and our food is produced.

Country singing legend Dolly Parton recently said she always asks God to bless everything and everyone with whom she works, heralding the importance faith plays in her daily life. ‘My faith impacts everything that I do because I do believe that, through God, all things are possible. And I always ask God to bless everything that I do and the people that I work with and to bring all the right things and right people into my life and to take the wrong ones out.’ 

When a woman’s horse fell on her, the entire right side of her body couldn’t move. That night she felt a conviction to turn on Apostle Kathryn Krick’s live Zoom call. During the zoom ministry meeting she was calling on the name of Jesus and thought she had died and gone to heaven. ‘I could not move, I was paralysed, I couldn’t even move my arm. I was completely still and something was going on in my body. It was excruciating pain. And then God just healed my body.’ She was healed from her terrible injury. ‘As God took me up to the heavens, I thought I was no longer here in the earthly realm. I woke up, I could move.’