Jerusalem has seen many street battles in Arab areas between the locals and Israeli security forces in recent weeks, as well as a series of street terror attacks. The main source of conflict is the Temple Mount. Israel is trying to keep the status quo, with Jews and Christians not being allowed to pray or bring a Bible there. Meanwhile the Palestinian leadership is saying that Israel wants to tear the building down. A serious battle over Jerusalem is being waged, ‘I call on all leaders of countries in the Western world. I want to see outrage over this massacre.’ said Netanyahu while ordering the demolition of the assailants' residences.  Meanwhile a budget has passed its first reading in Israel’s parliament.  It has to pass two more readings before being approved. If it’s not approved by the end of 2014 Israel will have elections (a difficult process to deal with at this time).

Last week Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas talked of a risk of a global religious war. This week the images of a blood trail in a Jerusalem synagogue emerged after two Palestinians armed with meat cleavers and a gun killed five people before being shot dead themselves. It’s the deadliest incident in six years in the Holy City amid a surge in religious conflict. The two assassins belonged to the PFLP group (Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine). Benjamin Netanyahu gave warning of a ‘harsh response’ to the attack. Confrontations now in both Jerusalem and the West Bank underscore the tensions that have been ongoing for months. Politically sharp statements are coming from both sides.

Christian groups in North Korea are vowing to carry on their missionary work despite mounting risks since Korean-American activist Kenneth Bae was imprisoned two years ago. (see news of his release) ‘We are getting more nervous,’ said Kim Seung-eun, a missionary for the Caleb Mission, which is based in South Korea's South Chungcheong Province but frequently travels to North Korea. ‘We have to come up with a strategy to avoid another case like Kenneth Bae's.’ Reticence is necessary, said one US-based activist, because of the dangers involved in propagating religion, especially in an overt, organised way, in a totalitarian state. If one person is caught, then everyone else can suffer the consequences. Open Doors says North Korea has 70,000 Christians held in labour camps.

Federal police are investigating a record number of human trafficking cases involving sex slavery, forced marriages and child brides. The number of active investigations into human trafficking has doubled in the past two years to 60. Police said trafficking crimes are grossly under-reported. The Victorian police force is urging its officers across the state to be on the alert in cafes, on farms and in the construction industry. Police are also examining whether some Melbourne karaoke bars are hosting trafficked women or operating as illegal brothels, which would add to the estimated 300 illegal brothels already operating across the city. Police are also uncovering more cases of trafficking related to forced marriages and have 20+ active investigations into alleged forced marriages.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas warned that Palestinians will not allow Israeli extremists to ‘contaminate’ the Temple Mount, saying that allowing Jewish prayer at the site would risk a global religious war. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeated several times in recent days that he does not intend to change the status quo at the site. Jews are allowed to visit but forbidden from praying at the contested site, which Israel captured from Jordan in the 1967 war, but where it allowed the Muslim Waqf authorities to remain in administrative charge. Abbas also said the Palestinian claims to all territory captured by Israel in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza in 1967 were not up for debate and, ‘The Muslim and Christian worlds will never accept Israel’s claims that Jerusalem belongs to them. The Jerusalem that was occupied in 1967 belongs to us.’

APEC is a 21-nation Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum that met this week to move towards a new free trade zone and agree as a climate deal. America and Russia are part of APEC. President Barack Obama and President Vladimir Putin met three times while there, though relations between their countries continue to deteriorate. The White House said they tackled the tough issues of Russia's provocations in Ukraine and support for Syria's embattled government. They also discussed the fast-approaching deadline in nuclear talks with Iran, in which the US and Russia find themselves on the same negotiating team. Unlike some of their past meetings, Obama and Putin kept their deep-seated policy disagreements behind the scenes, but their public encounters suggested relationships between two of the most powerful leaders in the world remains tense.

Following protests and civil disorder when Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Christians erected a tent where 8-10 hours of praise, worship, intercession, and evangelism occurred daily. Believers of every hue united to provide opportunities for Ferguson to experience God. There were miraculous healings and deliverances; a couple of major protests were turned into prayer meetings, a few violent situations were defused through supernatural intervention, 50 people surrendered their lives to Jesus, and many heard the Gospel. The tent expression ended on 25 October.  Minister Thomas said, ‘We've only just begun. The crisis invited the Church to manifest God’s love. He’s exposing our hearts. Jesus deals with iniquity in us before He deals with inequity around us. Regardless of the facts, and final outcome, every believer has a role to play in the healing of these wounds and bringing peace.’

Nigeria’s population growth has put immense pressure on overstretched public services and infrastructure. 45% of the population are under 15 years of age and 4.7 million primary school age children are not in school. Statistically, 40% of those aged 6-11 don’t attend primary school and 30% of those in primary education drop out, with only 54% progressing to Junior Secondary Schools. The Northern region has the lowest school attendance rate, particularly for girls. The proportion of girls to boys in school ranges from 1 girl to 2 boys and 1 girl to 3 boys. Children skip school to work or when families cannot afford uniforms and textbooks. Sometimes a school is beyond a safe walking distance from homes, sometimes girls marry early. UniceF reports that the prospects of Nigeria achieving’ Education For All by 2015’ are frail.