Church leaders from Syria, Russia, the United States and Europe have said that a political solution is the only way to secure peace in Syria. They are urging ‘public outcry’ against the ongoing civil war that has killed at least 100,000 people and forced two million to flee from their homes. The comments follow a meeting at the Ecumenical Institute in Geneva,  Switzerland with Kofi Annan, the former United Nations general secretary, and Lakhdar Brahimi, UN-Arab League joint representative for Syria. The meeting was organised by the World Council of Churches to discuss the role of churches in moving Syria towards a peace agreement. Rev Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, WCC general secretary, said peace efforts ‘must not fail now when thousands of people have already died’. He said the international community and all parties to the conflict in Syria had to take responsibility to make peace talks successful and that churches must support the process.

Pray: that the current moves to bring peace to this horrific conflict will be successful. (Ps.37:37)


Syria: Violence

09 Jun 2011

Situations needing prayer: Many Syrian refugees are fleeing to Turkey from the violent Assad-regime. Tanks and troops are under orders to advance on and attack Jisr al-Shugour after the government accused armed bands there of killing security men. Residents report the incident as an army mutiny by troops refusing to kill citizens. The UN Security Council are reportedly drafting resolutions on Syria condemning murder and torture of peaceful protesters, (despite opposition from veto-wielding Russia). Violence also broke out in a Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus with fourteen dying after thousands of refugees attacked the headquarters of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The Syrian interior minister said they would respond firmly to attacks in the Muslim Brotherhood stronghold. international observers fear violence may enter a new and bloodier phase after three months of popular unrest that has left over 1,000 dead.

Pray: for God’s mercy to cover Syria, for the controlling strongholds to be broken and the land to come into Gods purposes. (Job.5:11-15)


On Tuesday US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, ‘We believe there is a way forward and we are ready to pursue that. And we invite the Russians and the Chinese to be part of the solution.’ She spoke after Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and China’s President Hu Jintao agreed at a meeting in Beijing that they would work together more closely at the United Nations.Pres Jintao said the two giant neighbours could together ‘set the global political and economic order in a more fair and rational direction.’ The combination appeared to be a setback for Clinton’s efforts to get international backing for a political transition in Syria, ultimately including the removal of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. On Wednesday she met with leaders from European powers and regional states that are increasingly fearful of a descent into all-out civil war in Syria, with destabilizing dangers for its neighbours.

Pray: for Russia and China to work positively with the United Nations to bring about a peaceful end to massacres and avoid a civil war in the region. (Mat.5:9)



UN peacekeeping chief Herve Ladsous says the conflict in Syria is now a full-scale civil war. The comments come after reports that the Syrian government has lost ‘large chunks of territory’ in some cities. The UN also reported members of its observer team in Syria were attacked by angry crowds as they tried to reach an embattled mountain village near President Bashar al-Assad's hometown. The vehicles also were later shot at. The International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) said that it is impossible to respond to all humanitarian needs at once due to simultaneous fighting that has spread to several parts of the country. The ICRC is trying to locate hundreds of citizens believed to have fled Homs in search of safe areas.

Pray: for the thousands of innocent families trapped in terrifying situations in Syria to receive help, aid and comfort; and may they see an end to this violence. (Gen.6:5)



Three hospitals in that area are supported by the international medical organisation ‘Doctors Without Borders’ (MSF) reported receiving approximately 3,600 patients displaying neurotoxic symptoms in less than three hours on Wednesday. Three hundred and fifty-five died. MSF has a strong and reliable collaboration with medical networks, hospitals and medical points in the Damascus governorate - providing them with drugs, medical equipment and technical support. Medical staff provided detailed information regarding large numbers of patients with convulsions, excess saliva, pinpoint pupils, blurred vision and respiratory distress. They were treated with a drug used to treat neurotoxic symptoms. MSF is now trying to replenish empty stocks and provide additional medical supplies and guidance. 1,600 vials of atropine were supplied over recent months to hospitals and a further 7,000 vials more recently to facilities in the area treating neurotoxic patients. MSF is now including neurotoxic treatment strategies in all its Syrian programmes. Pray: for medical needs to be met in war zones. Pray against extreme violence, displacement and deliberate destruction of medical facilities.

Pray that the use of chemical and biological weapons would never be repeated. (Ps.35:17-20)




Syria: Torture

12 Jan 2012

The campaign of violence launched by President Bashar al-Assad in response to public protests has now resulted in the deaths of 5000+ citizens by the government. Human rights groups say as many as 37,000 are being held in prisons and secret detention centres where torture is routine. At least 617 people have died from torture. As recently as January 5th several activist groups reported deadly violence involving security forces firing on demonstrators and clashes between army and soldiers who had defected to the opposition. We are asked to pray for the salvation of President al-Assad, and for him to stop killing and torturing his own people. (I Tim.2:1-4) Pray for the Lord to accomplish His plans and purposes for this nation. (Jer. 29:11). For those who have lost friends and family to be comforted. Pray for them to cry out to the Lord to know His love and comfort during this time of grief. (II Cor.1:3,4)

Pray: in the midst of Syria’s shaking – God would reveal himself to the Syrian Church with great power, signs, wonders, dreams and visions so that multitudes would put their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. (Col. 4:3-20)



Syria's conflict is expected to dominate the discussion as some 120 world leaders converge on New York for the week-long United Nations General Debate. Government forces are bombing the city of Aleppo even as talks get underway. Meanwhile, there's word from the military that more than 2,000 Syrian soldiers have defected to Jordan since fighting began last year. The number of refugees who have entered Jordan through unofficial border crossings has reached more than 74,000 Syrians. Christian Aid Mission expects that the refugees will greatly increase in the next few months. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has reported that 100,000 refugees have fled Syria in the month of August, raising the estimated total number of Syrian refugees to 234,368 as of September 2nd. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and the Local Coordination Committees have raised their total death toll to between 23,000 and 26,000.

Pray: for the gathering of world leaders that a way forward will be found to bring peace to the region. (Ps.34:14)


In the midst of this crisis persecuted Christians in Syria and neighbouring countries are boldly reaching out to refugees. And the reactions of Muslims have been astonishing. ‘When you hear about one Muslim coming to Christ it’s a great thing and everybody rejoices.’ said a Voice Of the Martyrs Syrian contact. ‘Today in Syria I’m not talking about one person. We’re talking about hundreds and even thousands of Muslims coming to know Christ.’ Teams of believers are working in the refugee camps providing Christ’s love while sharing material aid, medical supplies and Bibles. Christians who are widely considered ‘infidels’ in Syria are now often and affectionately referred to as ‘the Bible People.’ ‘This war is like a knife in the heart of the church. No human can stand that suffering. Nevertheless, there is God’s presence. I can see Christ in the midst of darkness. God is doing miracles - even if he allows us to die, it will be an honour for us to die for his name.’

Pray: for continued spiritual and material aid to those facing the horrific effects of war. Pray for an increase of favour over those who bravely use every opportunity to advance the kingdom of God. (Pr.22:1)
