Extremist Islamist forces in Syria's opposition movement have attacked local Christians due to the belief that they back the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. According to a report by the World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Commission the country's largest denomination, the Syrian Orthodox Church, recently highlighted an ongoing ethnic cleansing of Christians. The action was allegedly by members of an al-Qaida-linked militant Islamist group, Brigade Faruq, in the city of Homs, an opposition stronghold. Catholic news agency Fides has reported that over 90 percent of Christians in Homs have fled to Jordan and their homes have been grabbed by the militants. The report stated that Christians elsewhere in Syria are not safe either due to threats and incidents of targeted abductions, killings and bombings.

Pray: for the 10% Christian and the 80% Alawite and Muslim population to find and follow the path of peace and know God’s way forward for the region. (Is.30:21)

More: http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/2012/s12040146.htm



The Golan Heights has a political and strategic significance which belies its size. There are 30+ Jewish settlements on the heights and 20,000 Syrians, mostly members of the Druze sect. 900+ UN soldiers monitor the Israel/Syria border. However Syria’s violence spilling into the UN patrolled zone has prompted Austria to remove its 377 peacekeeping soldiers after nearly four decades of peacekeeping. This decision leaves the Philippines as the largest contributor. India also has troops based in the Golan, but Croatia, Canada and Japan have withdrawn their contingents because of the Syrian conflict. Syria's deployment of tanks in the demilitarized zone violates 1973 ceasefire agreements but sources told the BBC that Israel will not react. There are concerns the civil war in Syria will spill further over this and other borders and that the Golan Heights could be used to launch attacks against Israel.

Pray: for containment of Islamist extremists and Hezbollah militants fighting in Syria and that the war will not spill further into neighbouring countries. (Ps.80:14 & 19)

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-22862213


Rev James Baak Nhial reports, ‘The Southern Sudanese living in Kenya voted for independence, and it was the first time for many Southern Sudanese to exercise their democratic right since they were born. We felt, at last, after years of suffering and deaths, the World has recognised our existence on this planet and gave us a chance to determine our destiny as a people! Behind the scenes, we recognised the power of the Almighty God who said to Pharaoh in Egypt ‘Let my people go’ has now said ‘Let my people of Southern Sudan go’ and no human power on this Earth can prevent that from happening! We thank God, Christian Community, Southern Sudan friends and international community for their support during this long walk to freedom and post-referendum period.’ We are asked to continue to pray – all to recognise the results, peace to prevail, reconciliation, trauma healing, peaceful co-existence among tribes, rehabilitation and resettlement of returnees from North Sudan and East Africa.’

Pray: for God's guidance for challenges that will face a new nation of South Sudan and utilization of resources. (Job 12:22-23)

By Wednesday nearly 2.3 million voters had cast ballots in the Sudan referendum vote with more than 60 percent of registered voters, this volume of turnout has gone beyond the threshold needed for the vote to be valid if it creates the new country of Southern Sudan as expected. We are encouraged to continue to pray for a peaceful outcome to the referendum. See The result will be announced February 14th and should there be a split the new country would be declared in July. An independent south would control almost 80 percent of Sudan’s oil production of 490,000 barrels a day, the third- biggest in sub-Saharan Africa, enabling the new country to begin to alleviate the current levels of poverty.

Pray: for God’s blessing on His people in Sudan and for Him to protect the area from devices of the enemy. (Pr.16:3)

More: http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-01-12/southern-sudan-s-splm-says-referendum-turnout-passes-60-percent.html

The Sudanese military are accused of dropping five bombs on the Yida refugee camp in Unity State, South Sudan where 20,000 refugees escaping violence and persecution are housed. The camp is home to people from the Nuba Mountains where northern troops are targeting groups considered 'disloyal' to the northern regime. The Nuba people are mainly Christian and northern President Omar al-Bashir vowed to enforce strict Sharia or Islamic law across Sudan when South Sudan became an independent nation in July. Christians in the Yida camp told the US Commission on International Religious Freedom that they are being targeted and pastors reported churches being burnt and looted, and soldiers killing Christians for being 'enemies of Islam'. One of the bombs landed in a schoolyard, but failed to explode. 300 children were in class at the time.

Pray: for all affected by persecution and destruction of property to know God’s peace and have their prayers answered. (Ps.4:3)

More: http://www.releaseinternational.org/pages/posts/sudan-northern-troops-bomb-refugees-fleeing-persecution-906.php


Sudan’s current constitution theoretically grants freedom of religion, recognising that the state is ‘multi-religious’. On Wednesday 12th October Sudan’s President Omar Hassan al-Bashir said he plans to adopt an entirely Islamic constitution and strengthen Sharia law, raising the threat level for Christians and other non-Muslims in a ‘Muslim state’. He said, ‘98% of the people are Muslims and the new constitution will reflect this. The official religion will be Islam and Islamic law the main source of the constitution.’ It comes amid reports of increasing threats and pressure on churches in Sudan and targeted assaults on Christians, pastors and churches in the border region of South Kordofan, which has been under attack by the Sudanese military.

Pray: for the safety of over a million Christian southerners still living in Sudan, as well as for non-Muslim and non-Arab northerners. (Ps.20:1)

More: http://www.barnabasfund.org/Sudan-to-become-official-Muslim-state-in-ominous-move-for-Christians.html

Thousands of civilians have been displaced following the occupation of Abyei Town by the Sudan Armed Forces at the weekend. Christian Solidarity International reported that 20,000 desperate civilians fled across the river Kiir and are sheltering under trees from the rain. The UN Mission in Sudan reports burning and looting by northern forces in Abyei Town and members of the UN Security Council have demanded that North Sudan withdraws its 5000-strong force from the area. Oil-rich Abyei is a disputed region with northern Sudan and newly-formed South Sudan both staking a claim for an area inhabited permanently by nine Ngok Dinka chiefdoms. Abyei is a key part of the comprehensive peace agreement that ended a civil war that ravaged the country since 1983.

Pray: for God to remove the spiritual atmosphere of war and destruction that remains over the area. (Ps.37:16,17)

More: http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/2011/s11050147.htm


Tens of thousands of people have fled clashes in the oil-rich Abyei region on the border between north and south Sudan, leaving the town of Abyei almost empty, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said on Friday. Fighting broke out on Tuesday between fighters from the Misseriya tribe, which supports the government in Khartoum in the north, and the Ngok Dinka people who back the south which has voted to secede. At least 70 people were killed and two villages razed in two days of clashes north of Abyei, a spokesman for the army in the south said last week. ‘Since yesterday, tens of thousands of people have fled the town, leaving it mostly empty,’ MSF said Friday. On Thursday the United Nations ordered extra peacekeepers to the region. Abyei did not take part in a referendum in January in which southern Sudan voted to secede from the north.

Pray: for peace and reconciliation between the Misseriya and Ngok Dinka people. (Ps.37:37)

More: http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hFn4kCI9kgrcOmdlb1-s8G-EzEZQ?docId=CNG.0f69b85278e292f4cec1b79291e88739.651