Pakistan's notorious blasphemy laws have led to a mass migration of Christians out of Pakistan's Punjab province after mobs attacked their lives and property in Gojra, Korian and Bahimnwali villages. Nazir Bhatti, the president of the Pakistan Christian Congress expressed concerns about delays in processing hundreds of Pakistani Christian refugees in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand and Hong Kong who have been waiting years for decisions on their asylum applications while living under deplorable conditions. ‘Christian families are starving as they await their fate while international relief agencies refuse to get involved on their behalf’. Bhatti also claimed there’s a double standard in the West’s treatment of Pakistan's Christians. When Malala Yousafzai was targeted by the Taliban, her case was heard by Buckingham Palace. When Christian girls are targeted by the same Taliban in its attack on Peshawar Church, no medical treatment was offered them in the EU.

Pray: for refugees to be treated justly in Pakistan and in the countries they have been forced to flee to. Pray against religious persecution.(Ps.31:1)


Three Muslim men raped a 16-year-old girl at gunpoint on July 21 stand her father was later kidnapped and tortured. He was working the fields when three men who work for his Muslim employer overpowered his daughter at their home, dragged her into one of the rooms at gunpoint and raped her. The following evening in a different district more than a half dozen madrassa students gang-raped a 12-year-old schoolgirl. Her teacher overheard one student saying, ‘We will teach these Christians a lesson they will never forget.’ Seven or eight of them then raped the girl while the others looked on. Local police admitted to Compass Direct they were under pressure from Muslim leaders and extremists to refrain from filing a report. The Centre for Legal Aid said Muslim landowners and their relatives see Christian girls or women as their chattel. Day by day the rate of rapes of Christian girls is escalating instead of plunging.

Pray: that God would comfort and strengthen Christians at the times of persecution, and enable them to forgive as they face hatred. (Mat.24:13-14)


Over a million refugees fled east with very little and now that region is flooded and they are further displaced, have lost what little they had. Pray for those in mourning; families who lost homes, livestock, crops, and livelihood. Corruption in the government continues as neighbouring countries attempt to influence the government and insurgents try to destabilize the government through violence. In addition, there is talk underground of negotiations between Government/insurgents towards insurgents taking government roles. (Minority ethnic groups are afraid this could lead to a return to their oppression.) Pray for western powers and neighbouring countries to use great wisdom in dealing with the government. Finally, the insurgents use suicide bombers and roadside bombs to defeat the coalition and destabilize the government This violence brings death, destruction and fear to the people. The link below takes you to a report telling how floods give insurgents time to regroup.

Pray: that God would hear the great cry of agony going up from Pakistan and reveal His son, and His way forward with supernatural interventions as well as international aid relief. (Hab.3:14)


Occasionally a team of intercessors travels to Pakistan. They spend time worshipping God and praying earnestly for His will to be done in various places. Later this month a team will once again prayer walk Pakistan and we have been asked to pray for their safety. Pray that their times of worship will be sweet music to God, and that they will hear God’s heart for the people and the Land. Pray that God will move in the hearts of the local people. Also we are reminded that the ongoing violence continues to take a toll of innocent civilians, including women and children. Pray for the many families who have lost loved ones to the violence, for widows and orphans with no source of income and for those who have been severely injured or crippled. Please also please pray for 16-year-old Christian Ryan Stanten accused of sending a blasphemous text message; he has been charged with ‘blasphemy’ which carries the death penalty.’

Pray: that the Prince of Peace will bring peace to Pakistan. (Ps.147:1-6)



Prayer Alert readers interceded with and for the church in Pakistan through 40 days of 24/7 prayer during lent. A Pakistan leader writes, ‘Thank you for your prayers. We felt God's presence and protection continually, and there is MUCH TO PRAISE GOD FOR. In one church over 2,000 people came from across the city. This is a very large number for Pakistan. The senior pastor of the host church was so impressed he decided to attempt to continue 24/7 in their church. God is at work! Many of our leaders need further encouragement, and the World Prayer Assembly is about to hold the largest prayer gathering for leaders in Jakarta, Indonesia during May 14-19. Pray that Pakistani leaders will be able to attend. A year ago it was easy for Pakistanis to get visas. This past year Pakistani Al -Qaeda carried out some actions in Indonesia so now it is difficult to get a visa for Indonesia.’

Pray: for the visas, and for more house churches of prayer in cities and rural areas across Pakistan. (Ps.102:17,18)


An unexpected twist in the Rimsha Masih blasphemy case appears to have paved the way for her freedom from false charges of desecrating the Quran. The imam who supported her accuser was himself arrested and appeared in court on the same charge as the girl because he tampered with evidence. The case triggered a debate on how Pakistan’s strict blasphemy laws are being used to settle personal scores and vendettas. Most blasphemy cases registered against Muslims and Christians involve very poor people, the most vulnerable. There are never cases of blasphemy lodged against the Zoroastrians (Parsis) because they are the most educated and prosperous community in Pakistan. The highest number of cases against non-Muslim people are against Christians, who are the poorest and least educated when compared with other religious communities. There is a need to address the rising persecution against Christians.

Pray: for an abolition of the anti-blasphemy laws across Pakistan and wise judgement by those in authority. (Ps.58:11)



Sheikhupura police this month tortured a young Christian woman into revealing the whereabouts of the legal team helping her family after an influential Muslim family kidnapped her and her sister. Police also helped the Muslim family beat relatives of the Christian woman on court premises and attacked the offices of the organization trying to help her family. The Community Development Initiative (CDI) is an affiliate of the European Centre for Law and Justice. They helped the family negotiate the release of the two Christian sisters and also made efforts for the return of the runaway couple in order to avert religious conflict in the Punjab Province when it was feared inter-religious tensions would put the lives of some 70 Christian families of the area in jeopardy.

Pray: for God's protection over the vulnerable and for spiritually inspired hope where there is despair. (Ps,10:17,18)


Pakistani police are threatening the father of 18-year-old Waqas Gill, a Christian man whom officers raped, killed and threw into a sewer, according to area Christians. The victim’s father said four Muslim policemen abducted his son without a warrant and without making any charges. Local Christian protestors said Muslim policemen unduly delayed an autopsy to protect fellow officers, on the assumption that Christians were socially and financially weak in the predominantly Sunni Islamic country. An autopsy was eventually undertaken and showed Gill was subjected to sexual assault, tortured, shot dead with police revolver bullets and thrown into a waste drainage line. Sources said at least six other area Christian youths had been similarly killed.

Pray: for an end to distorting the law, the corruption of law enforcers and the misuse of religious text to justify acts of extremism. (Ps.19:7-9)
