Increasingly Europe is hosting refugees from Islamic countries. The following example is from Italy, ‘Our outreach is in Milan. Italy has one of the lowest birthrates in Europe and is becoming increasingly dependent on immigration to maintain the economic status quo. 40% of immigrants are Muslims coming to Rome and Milan seeking work. This year the Milan government gave official recognition to 17 mosques (there are more illegal ones). Most of the mosques are run by the Muslim Brotherhood, a fundamentalist organization - so Muslims immigrating here are indoctrinated into a fundamentalist Islam. Yet Christian outreach to Muslims is practically non-existent. We have been operating since February out of a local Pentecostal church, witnessing during the days, distributing literature in different languages and holding prayer times with the believers. 10-15 Muslims a day take NTs in their own language .

Pray: for evangelistic European believers to have wisdom as they befriend Muslims, pray for many Bangali, Urdu, Farsi and Arabic church plants. 

Following Prayer-Alert’s report last week entitled,’ Muslim leaders discuss Jerusalem.’ Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rebuffed European criticism over the construction of new housing units in a Jewish neighbourhood of Jerusalem, insisting that the Holy City belongs to the Jews. Last week Israel's Interior Ministry approved the construction of 800 new apartments in the southern Jerusalem neighbourhood of Gilo. Gilo is home to tens of thousands of Israeli Jews and new construction there is by no means out of the ordinary. However, Britain, France and the European Union immediately expressed their displeasure with Jewish sovereignty over the entirety of Jerusalem, calling the new apartments an ‘obstacle to peace.’ Netanyahu said the world can call it whatever it wants, but his government will not ‘impose any restrictions on construction in Jerusalem.’ The Israeli leader added that Jerusalem ‘is our capital’ and the Jewish nation has a connection to Jerusalem that is as ‘ancient and powerful’ as the connections Europeans have to their respective capitals.

Pray: continually for the peace of Jerusalem (Ps.122:6-7)



At this time of internet and cell phone assisted revolution, Arab bloggers, academics of Islamic studies and observers are saying in the media and in private, ‘If Binyamin Netanyahu's government and its lobby in Washington were rational they would be rushing to plan Israel's evacuation from the occupied territories and encouraging the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. That is because they would understand that the Arab revolution will not stop at the gates of the West Bank, especially when it is the occupation that unites virtually all Arabs and Muslims in common fury.’

Pray: for a negotiated solution for the West Bank before the regional violence erupts there. (Ps.118:17-18)


The Golan Heights are watching the protest wave and wonder what it could mean for Israel. Recently 1,000 Syrian Druze living under Israeli occupation took to the streets in Boqata in support of President Bashar al-Assad. Israel’s Druze minority has close religious and political links to Syrian’s leadership. Israel's Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor said the situation with Syria is complex. ‘Syria is an enemy neighbour that keeps the border quiet, it is supportive of Damascus terrorist groups and is an ally of Iran. But we are not in the business of telling other countries how to rule themselves. We see a big wave throughout the whole Arab world and we don't know where it will end’ (see Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt story below. (For years Syria has fought Israel by proxy through militant groups) Israel and Syria have fought three wars but there has been no direct confrontation for decades.

Pray:for the peace of Jerusalem (Ps.122:6)


A senior US official told the BBC that attempts to get Israel to renew a partial freeze on settlement construction in occupied territory had failed. He said this did not mean the end of Washington's efforts to revive Middle East peace talks. There are about 2.5 million Palestinians living in the West Bank. The Palestinians say settlement-building and peace talks are incompatible. Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak said talks with the Americans had been postponed because Washington was distracted by the fallout from the release of secret documents by the whistle-blowing website Wikileaks and the crisis over North Korea.

Pray: for a way forward that enables Israelis and Palestinians to trust and live with each other under Gods covering of peace. (Ps.133)


Before dawn on Monday 50 Bedouin residents were made homeless. A Christian Peacemaker Team observer reported, ‘Israeli demolition crews took down tents, filled the well and water cistern with earth, uprooted and buried olive trees. All that was left was a small stone bread oven and the cave where residents took shelter during the demolition.’ Residents say they have ownership papers for the land they are driven from. Israeli officials say they are living on state land and must evacuate. UN Humanitarian Coordinator said, ‘If the authorities responsible for demolitions could see the devastating impact on vulnerable Palestinian communities, they might reflect upon the inhumanity of their actions. See: On Tuesday Benjamin Netanyahu refused to negotiate for a peaceful settlement after Palestinian requests for Israel’s settlement activities to halt were vetoed by America. Hamas called for an end to all Palestinian-Israeli contacts. – See item 5 below.

Pray: for Christians, Israelis and Bedouins living on the land to know true peace and reconciliation in their homes and communities. (Ps.133:1)


Three mortar shells fired from Syria hit Israel on Thursday. One shell landed on a northern Israeli community, the other two exploded in open areas, in what appears to have been erroneous targeting. This is the third unusual incident involving Syria in less than a week. See: On Saturday three Syrian tanks crossed the demilitarized border in the Golan Heights. The demilitarized zone in the Golan Heights is patrolled by U.N. peacekeepers to maintain a ceasefire between the neighbours. Israeli media said the tanks were involved in the fighting with rebels. Israeli U.N. Ambassador Ron Prosor said, ‘The international community and the Security Council should address this alarming development without delay to prevent further dangerous escalation.’

Pray: for the security and stability of the region. (Ps.9:3-5)



A senior Israeli military intelligence official said on Tuesday that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons last month in his battle against insurgent groups. It was the first time that Israel has accused the embattled Syrian leader of using his stockpile of non-conventional weapons. The assessment could raise pressure on the US and other Western countries to intervene in the Syrian conflict. Britain and France recently announced they had evidence that al-Assad's government had used chemical weapons. Although the US says it has not been able to verify these claims, President Obama has warned that the introduction of chemical weapons by al-Assad would be a ‘game changer.’ Israel borders southwestern Syria, although al-Assad is a bitter enemy, Israel has been careful not to take sides - the border with Israel has been quiet for 40 years. Israeli officials are concerned al-Assad's stockpile of chemical weapons and other advanced arms could reach the hands of al-Assad's ally, the Hizbollah guerrilla group in Lebanon. See item 6 above.

Pray: Against sophisticated arsenals of weapons being used, and continued peace on the Syria Israeli border. (Jdg.3:11)
