Speaking at a two-day conference on anti-Semitism on Parliament Hill during Holocaust Education Week, Prime Minister Harper said he is prepared to suffer any political backlash that comes his way for speaking out against anti-Israel rhetoric, telling an audience that while Israel is receptive to fair criticism, Canada is obligated to stand up for its ally when it comes under attack from others. ‘Not just because it is the right thing to do, but because history shows us, and the ideology of the anti-Israel mob tell us all too well, that those who threaten the existence of the Jewish people are in the longer term a threat to all of us.’ The prime minister acknowledged that his position is not popular with all governments and organizations, including members of the United Nations and the Francophonie. Watch the YouTube video of Harper's speech 'More' link below.

Pray: for the truth in this message to be heard and seen by many who visit YouTube. (Ge.12:3)

More: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUfFdhIOoQM&feature=player_embedded

Quebec has experienced months of student protests over austerity cuts and increases in university tuition fees. In an effort to end the protests the government tabled Bill 78 setting draconian restrictions on freedom of assembly. Illegal demonstrators are fined between$1,000 and $35,000 for various breaches of this bill. See: The measures have brought people in Montreal neighbourhoods onto their balconies and front yards banging pots and pans every night at 8 p.m. Last week Montreal experienced the 'Biggest Act of Civil Disobedience in Canadian History' with red shirted non violent marchers of every age defying Bill 78 banging pots and pans and bringing the city to a standstill. Demonstration spokesman Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois said ‘We want to make the point that there are tens of thousands of citizens who are against this law who think that protesting without a permit is a fundamental right.’ See: On Monday night riot police violently arrested 84 people, including Philippe Lapointe, and since then violence on the streets has been escalating.

Pray: for tuition fees that enable those from poorer backgrounds to receive the education they need, and for both sides to end violence and negotiate a solution. (Pr.8:14,15)

More: http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Student+unrest+could+lead+drop+enrollment/6698204/story.html

Two of Canada's national prayer ministries are touring Canada throughout October and November to release a culture of prayer in the nation. Already in Victoria and Vancouver strong prayer released a fresh motivation for more people to become involved in the powerful ministry of prayer. We can join the Canadian call to prayer in the coming weeks asking God for a great harvest! Ask the Lord to send out labourers, to soften hearts, to draw the hungry. Pray for the new churches plants springing up everywhere and other planned missions in the land. God desires to change the spiritual climate of whole cities, and wants to use the Church as his primary change agent. Pray for the city church to unite around the unique strategy he grants to each city for advancing the Kingdom and being salt and light. Pray also for Businesses to be dedicated to Kingdom purposes.

Pray: for many instances of breakthrough across the nation at such a time as this. Pray for the Church to awaken to her first love for the Lord and be renewed in love for one another and the lost. (2Ch.7:14)


More: http://www.redleafprayer.org/index.php/events/culture-of-prayer-tour

Canadian intercessors would welcome our support as they prepare for a weekend of continual day and night intercession for the G8 and G20 summit on June 25-27 in Ontario. The Luke 18 Weekend of prayer and worship hosted by Houses of Prayer from all over Canada will cry out to God to establish justice for the world’s poorest peoples. Pray that God will raise up, envision and inspire many Canadians in the coming weeks to engage in this event and in His purposes for the nations. Also consider joining with our Canadian brothers and sisters to cover the summits - the only constants are: a focus on justice for the poor with positive scripture based prayers of faith in what God will do. The organizers are designing a communications hub available to IHOPS that are registered to share what God is saying as they pray. This networking will encourage others and the on-site teams in Toronto and Huntsville.

Pray: for the delegates to have a servant heart towards other nations and be led by God’s spirit in all decisions made. (Is.54:1)

More: http://cityscapeprayer.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=179&Itemid=111

Canadians are the only western nation with no protection for the unborn. Each year at the National March For Life thousands gather to demand protection for children before and after birth. Last year almost 20,000 pro-lifers assembled on Parliament Hill and marched through downtown Ottawa to inform Canadians how they treat the unborn. This year Provincial Marches For Life will also take place simultaneously across Canada, drawing thousands more. Since 1969 over 4 million children have been killed by abortion in Canada. This year another 100,000 babies will be put to death at taxpayer expense while society turns a blind eye. This event is an opportunity for people of all ages to join in the civil rights movement of our day. We are asked to pray during the coming weeks many will make the decision to add their voices to the cry on behalf of the unborn Canadians.

Pray: for God to use these events to shift public opinion across the nation. Pray for a softening of hearts and a true awareness of the need for the law to change in Canada. (Mat.10:29-30)

More: http://www.campaignlifecoalition.com/index.php?p=March_For_Life


A humanist in Canada is seeking to stop the Gideons from distributing free copies of the Bible in schools. Rene Chouinard says it is biased for the Bible to be distributed but not free atheist literature. He offered some free atheist material to schools, hoping that it would result in ending the Bible distribution. He said it was not his intention to hand out truckloads of literature, he just wanted to force the school board to ‘show its hand.’ His campaign began in 2010. Now, the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal has agreed to hear his case. Mr Chouinard welcomed the decision, saying: ‘We would like to see religion completely removed from the classroom.’

Pray: that God’s Word will not be halted and that the Gideon's work will instead flourish. (Mk.13:31)

More: http://www.christian.org.uk/news/canada-humanist-attempts-to-force-gideons-out-of-schools/

On 30th June Churches across Canada will enter into their 7th annual ‘Government Prayer Sunday’ and unite in intercession for their government, their Christian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and the provinces. A number of the provinces have become battlegrounds needing national and international prayer support. Manitoba has proposed anti-bullying legislation, Ontario has radical sex-education and Quebec has euthanasia legislation and the proposed Charter of Secularism. June is when the big ‘Pride’ marches occur in Vancouver and Toronto. We are asked to pray for the love of God to be revealed to the Gay/Lesbian community. May the Canadian Church respond with bold love while holding to the biblical position of sexuality. Pray also for First Peoples' Leaders to have wisdom, grace and protection. Pray also for the Church to have a garment of praise settle upon them and for new strength and anointing as they lift the name of Jesus over every region on the 30th.

Pray: For the Lord's presence in all government decisions, pray also for the Canadian Church to experience a fresh level of unity in prayer and declaration. (Ps.18:13-14)

More: http://nhop.ca/government-prayer-sunday/

Government:-The recent federal cabinet shuffle has put new faces in senior levels. Please pray into this change - asking God to use it to shift government tone and direction toward righteousness. Immorality:- Canada was the first country outside Europe to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide. In 2003 the ordination of a gay man, Gene Robinson as the Bishop of New Hampshire created a split in the 72 million-strong Anglican Communion which remains unresolved. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada accepts gay clergy. Pray immorality would be cleansed from God’s Church - no matter how deep the darkness, Jesus saves and delivers. Outreach:- Pray for more ministry outside the Church walls with the love and power of the Holy Spirit. Unity:- Recently there has been beachheads established for unity in the Church; let's pray for these to strengthen and for a new level of grace for unity throughout the Canadian Church.

Pray: that the government and church of Canada would be blessed by God’s direction and protection. (Ps.33:12

More: http://www.ears2hear.ca/en/