In his inaugural address as President of the Methodist Conference, the Revd Kenneth Howcroft spoke of the ‘desperate need’ for the Church to ‘speak biblically to serve the present age.’ He encouraged Conference representatives to turn outwards to face the world with renewed self-confidence in their Methodist identity. Addressing the opening of the annual Methodist Conference in Birmingham, Mr Howcroft spoke of the challenge of communicating the Gospel in contemporary society, saying; ‘We seem less and less able to speak the languages of the people and cultures round us. We are communities of very different people, sometimes multi-cultural and sometimes multi-national. We are for holiness and mission, and have been given the grace by God to speak biblically in order to serve the present age. Can we go on doing it? Since God has not given up on us yet, by God's grace yes, we can!’

A Christian health worker has begun a legal challenge after being disciplined by the NHS for praying with a Muslim colleague. Victoria Wasteney, a senior occupational therapist in one of the country’s most racially diverse areas, was also accused of bullying the colleague. In addition, senior managers told Miss Wasteney that it was inappropriate to invite the woman to a community sports day organised by her church. The complaints led to Miss Wasteney being suspended on full pay for nine months. A disciplinary hearing at her work in February found her guilty of three charges of misconduct – praying with the colleague, giving her the book and inviting her to church events. Andrea Williams, the chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, said the case demonstrated that ‘the NHS is increasingly dominated by a suffocating liberal agenda that chooses to bend over backwards to accommodate certain beliefs but punishes the Christian’.

David Cameron has praised same-sex marriage as a ‘huge, historic change’ in a new video released last weekend. He was speaking to coincide with Pride – an annual homosexual event taking place in London. Mr Cameron said: ‘Since I recorded last year’s message there has been one huge, historic change in Britain: the institution of marriage is now open to all. Whether you’re a man and a man, a woman and a woman or a woman and a man, your love for one another is equal in the eyes of the law.’ He also said ‘the Foreign Office was pushing for pro-gay changes in other countries, and that Britain should ‘encourage the rest of our world to take our lead’. The Prime Minister also spoke of his desire to export same-sex marriage around the world at a Downing Street party last year.

Just 20 years ago, Islam was a little known religion to most people in Western nations. At that time there were about 1.1 billion Muslims and efforts on the part of Christians to share their faith with them were scarce. Today, the number of Muslim people is estimated at 2.1 billion and endeavours to reach Muslims have increased ten-fold. From 28 June till 27July, Muslims all around the world will set aside thirty days to intentionally seek their god by abstaining from earthly pleasures. During this month of Ramadan, they will seek Allah, pursuing forgiveness and cleansing of their souls while fasting from sunrise to sunset and refraining from bad habits and spiritual distractions. Ramadan presents a unique opportunity for God to speak and move in the lives of millions of Muslims, introducing His son Jesus, their Saviour. Theological arguments or political manipulation may not impact Muslims, but we know prayer will.  See the thirty day prayer guide and other resources at and the more link.

A Christian-run bakery in Northern Ireland is facing legal action after it declined to produce a pro-gay marriage campaign cake.   The McArthur family, who own Ashers Baking Company in Belfast, said they could not fulfil the order because it conflicts with their Christian beliefs about marriage being between a man and a woman.   Although the Northern Ireland Assembly has voted three times in recent years against redefining marriage, the taxpayer-funded Equality Commission for Northern Ireland claimed that the bakery had breached equality laws.  The bakery’s manager, Daniel McArthur, said: ‘We thought that this order was at odds with our beliefs, and contradicts what the Bible teaches.’  Colin Hart, director of the Christian Institute, which is supporting the company, said ‘This claim, if supported, would establish a dangerous precedent about the power of the state over an individual or business to force them to go against their deeply held beliefs.’

Peter Wanless, chief executive of the child protection charity NSPCC, has said people who cover up child sex abuse should be prosecuted, and there should be a duty on institutions like hospitals, children's homes and boarding schools to report abuse. He said, ‘If someone consciously knows that there is a crime committed against a child, and does nothing about it because they put the reputation of the organisation above the safety of that child, that should be a criminal offence.’ Until now the charity has opposed all forms of so-called mandatory reporting, but Mr Wanless said the NSPCC would be open to discussions about what form a new law should take. He is currently heading an inquiry about whether the Home Office failed to act on allegations of child sex abuse handed over in the 1980s by former Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens. Another independent inquiry, looking at historical sexual abuse and institutions' protection of children, will be led by retired senior judge Elizabeth Butler-Sloss.

The mother of a seven-year-old girl with Down’s Syndrome, who hit the headlines for appearing in Sainsbury’s clothing adverts, has said there had been an ‘assumption’ she would abort her daughter. Hayley Goleniowska, 43, and her husband Bob, 59, told the Daily Telegraph they have no limits on their expectations for their daughter Natalia (Natty), who swims, rides horses and is in mainstream school. Hayley said there is a ‘conditioning to fear Down’s syndrome’ and an ‘assumption’ that if the baby tests positive for the condition, you will ‘automatically’ have an abortion. But, she said, ‘we knew who she was - our daughter, not a set of symptoms or predictions for the future’. Hayley has started a blog offering advice and support for parents of children with Down’s Syndrome, which gets 30,000 hits a month. She said, ‘when a family or a mum tells us ‘Your blog has thrown me a lifeline; now I can see what the future could hold’, then we know we’re doing the right thing’.

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22 Jul 2014

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