Northern Ireland police released Gerry Adams from custody on Sunday amid fears that his four-day detention could destabilise the British province. He was arrested over the 1972 murder of Jean McConville, a killing he repeatedly denies. His detention raised tensions among Northern Ireland's power-sharing government and its fragile peace after Sinn Fein pointed the finger at ‘dark forces’ in the police service and their Protestant partners in government. A calm Adams toned down the rhetoric and said he supported the police. Tapes being held at Boston College, USA, are a key part of the investigation. The tapes contain a testimony of a former IRA commander stating Gerry Adams was overall commander of the IRA's Belfast brigade, controlling his own squad - ‘the unknowns’ who were responsible for the 'Disappeared'. See also:

Holding on to traditional values – including keeping God in its promise – has helped the Scouts see a dramatic increase in members, the organisation’s chief commissioner has insisted. New figures show that the number of Scouts in the UK has jumped by almost a quarter in the last decade and membership is now at its highest level for a generation. Wayne Bulpitt, the chief commissioner, said part of the secret of the organisation’s success was the fact that young people still crave ‘adventure’ in an era of health and safety rules. He added that a crucial ingredient had been the deliberate decision to modernise its image but preserve the principles it has taught for more than a century. He said organisations which tried too hard to be ‘cool’ often ended up ‘Dad dancing’ – conjuring up the image of a middle-aged man who embarrasses his children with awkward dance moves at a family wedding in an attempt to pretend he is younger than he is.

The Deputy Prime Minister joined 20 academics to endorse a London School of Economics study condemning our war on drugs as a costly failure and recommending ‘rigorously monitored’ regulation of illegal drugs. It said countries should be encouraged to conduct experiments in legalising cannabis, as long as they kept the price of the drug high and controlled its use by rationing. In the state of Colorado, USA, cannabis went on sale at the start of the year at two dozen shops. State residents aged 21 and over are permitted to buy an ounce and visitors a quarter ounce. In March UN officials reported that the commercial sale of cannabis in Colorado had led to increases in drug-driving accidents and drug-related hospital admissions. Mr Clegg has been a strong critic of Britain’s drugs control laws and called for a Royal Commission to examine the law. His repeated calls for drug law reforms have so far been rejected by his Tory Coalition partners

This is a test

02 May 2014

This is a test

2,700 people from London churches signed up to be community volunteers during the Olympics. PRAISE GOD! Members of ‘the2012’ collective were commissioned by the Bishop of London at St Paul's Cathedral this week, and will be helping with Olympic initiatives planned by local churches and community groups ranging from distributing water to spectators to operating a community cafe for local people to watch the Games in company. As the service concluded, a blizzard of confetti was released from the whispering gallery at St Paul’s - covering the newly commissioned ambassadors. May this be a prophetic representation of Gods Holy Spirit blessing all they do for His Kingdom throughout the Olympics. HOWEVER WE STILL NEED MORE VOLUNTEERS TO COME FORWARD TO ENROL AS GAMES PASTORS. (similar to street pastors but just for the duration of the Olympic Games they will play a lead role in responding to the practical and spiritual needs of thousands of visitors coming for the Games. The application deadline is Friday 1st June.

Pray:for God's provision throughout all Olympic planning and preparation. (Ps.16:3)


Churches are to be trained in running community festivals as part of their outreach during the 2012 London Olympic Games. Thirteen training events are to take place over the coming months to show churches how they can put on simple events that build community spirit and demonstrate the Gospel. Organisers are hoping churches will work together to run a festival in their community in the run-up to or during the Games. The training events are being coordinated by More than Gold, the charity overseeing church outreach during the 2012 Olympic Games, and being run by Fusion and Share Jesus International, which offer two alternative models of festival. Venues include London, Newcastle, Oxford, Reading, Preston, Croydon, Liverpool and Aylesbury. David Willson, chief executive of More than Gold, said: ‘it is time for churches to be making their own plans. This tour gives them the help they need.’

Pray: for a huge response by church and other Christian groups to support the outreach during the Olympics. (Mk.16:15)


The prayer has been composed by the Liturgical Commission and added to a section of the Church's website that is designed to resource churches for their engagement during the 2012 Games. It is published in full below:

Lord Jesus Christ, your love is more than gold, and the warmth of your welcome is a taste of heaven. We thank you for all involved in the London Paralympic Games; for the skill and bravery of athletes; for the wisdom and care of judges who ensure an equal chance for all; for the support and encouragement of coaches and teammates; and for the grace and kindness of volunteers who welcome all who come. We ask that as the champions of the world unite in the spirit of Paralympic competition you would grant us a vision of a world united in mutual respect and tolerance; united in fairness and encouragement; united in harmony and peace. We ask this in your name. Amen.




The Government has lifted Sunday trading laws for the duration of the Olympics in an attempt to boost the economy, the BBC has reported. Currently, laws permit shops with a floor area of more than 280 square metres (3000 square feet) to open for no longer than six hours between 10:00 and 18:00 on a Sunday. But a spokesman for the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills said that shops would be ‘free to choose their opening hours on a Sunday’ with ‘no restrictions on these hours’ until the Olympics Games are over in September. The move has been criticised by the shop workers’ union Usdaw who claim that there is ‘no evidence’ that the suspension will help retailers to maximise profits. Concerns have also been raised that the move will pave the way for a permanent relaxation of the laws restricting Sunday trading.

Pray: that the Government would abide by its commitment that this would be a temporary suspension and not lead to extending Sunday opening hours. (Gen.2:3 & Ex.35:2)
