The Government is to consider making extended Olympic Sunday trading hours permanent, but critics are concerned about the impact on families. During the six weeks of the Olympics and Paralympics large shops are allowed to choose when they open on a Sunday, rather than being restricted to six hours between 10am and 6pm. On Monday the Prime Minister’s official spokesman said the legislation allowing unrestricted opening was for a defined period but a ‘number of people want to look at this issue. Communities Secretary Eric Pickles said , ‘I’m always keen that we respect people’s religious beliefs. But I think we should kind of look long and hard at the results.’ Labour Party’s business spokesman Chuka Umunna commented,’We were very clear – a temporary relaxation of Sunday trading restrictions should not be used as a Trojan horse for permanent change.’

Pray: that this debate will not lead to extending current Sunday trading laws. (Gen.2:3)


Schoolchildren as young as five may be taught about ‘transgender equality’, a Government document has disclosed. Theresa May, the Home Secretary, signed the foreword to the new plan along with Lynne Featherstone. The move, which is being considered by the Department for Education (DfE), was highlighted in the Government’s new action plan for advancing transgender equality. But one campaigner has warned that these issues are adult ones and should not be discussed in class at such a tender age. Margaret Morrissey, founder of campaign group Parents Outloud, said: ‘These are adult issues and we should leave it until children are older or until they ask. The problem is we are overloading our children with issues that they should not have to consider at a young age. PSHE is already overloaded with other issues.’

Pray: that our education standards will be upheld and young minds be protected. (Ps.12:5)


Christians across the UK are invited to place a light in their window on 31 October as a sign to passers-by that they are followers of Jesus Christ. The initiative is called Night of Light and is the inspiration of Damian Stayne. He explained: ‘It is an international initiative to reclaim Halloween as a joyful Christian celebration.' Halloween is now the biggest commercial festival after Christmas and Easter, and it is time we reminded Christians of what it really is. On the evening of 31 October why not do something to make your faith respectfully seen and heard? Light a candle or display publicly another kind of light, for example, perhaps alongside an image of Christ. This could be a powerful way in which we can show people that we have hope in someone other than ourselves. The light will provoke questions and is a way that people can be signposted to goodness. I encourage everyone to participate.’

Pray: for groups and churches running alternative events for children and that a Christian light will shine out on Halloween. (2Co.4:6)


Britain’s Christian heritage is no longer understood in the ‘corridors of power’. The Rt Revd Michael Nazir-Ali made the comments as he reflected on the Prime Minister’s recent speech on the place of the Bible and Christianity in national life. While the Bishop welcomed much of what David Cameron said he cautioned that religious literacy is an issue in the Civil Service, Parliament and local authorities. He said: ‘What Mr Cameron said about Christian ideas being embedded in our constitutional arrangements is no longer understood in the corridors of power. ‘A disconnected view of history and the fog of multiculturalism have all but erased such memory from official consciousness. A concerted programme is needed if this literacy is to be recovered. Church leaders can help, but this has to do with the place of Christianity in schools, and the teaching of history. Education on citizenship cannot ignore the fact that our cherished values have biblical roots.’

Pray: for a renewed understanding of the Christian context of public life in the UK. (Dt.27:10)


Sexually charged pop lyrics and videos are damaging young children but the industry does not care as long as it makes money, a national newspaper columnist has said. Sandra Parsons highlighted popstar Rihanna’s song S&M which includes sexually explicit lyrics, as well as a music video by rapper Skepta and a song by the artist Jessie J. The columnist is worried about the effect on children, but was sceptical about whether the industry would care ‘about the emotional stability of the children who make them ever richer. What children see, hear and do before adulthood can have far-reaching consequences’ she writes. ‘Can we honestly say that the boys listening to all these mainstream songs that glorify aggressive sex will not be remotely affected later on? Teenagers are an easy target for a cynical music industry that continues to pump out ever more pornographic images and lyrics to sell records.’

Pray: for public and political opinion to censure the music industry and force them to curtail their unchecked push of pornographic material. (Eze.16:58)


The Not Ashamed campaign was launched nationwide last week to encourage Christians to speak up about the value of Britain’s Christian heritage and the Christian faith. A copy of the campaign’s leaflet, written by Lord Carey, was delivered to 10 Downing Street and Buckingham Palace. The leaflet describes Christianity in Britain as being ‘under attack’ and warned of an attempt by the usual suspects of secularists and atheists to ‘air-brush’ the Christian faith out of public life. Lord Carey said: ‘It appears that flowing from a combination of well-meaning political correctness, multiculturalism and overt opposition to Christianity, a new climate, hostile to our country’s tradition and history, is developing’. Nearly 16,000 people have signed the Not Ashamed declaration, which states that Jesus Christ is good news for the nation.

Pray: for the continued growth of the Not Ashamed movement as an influential voice. (Ac.13:47)


The word ‘marriage’ has vanished from Government statistics on conceptions. The official figures instead lump marriages and civil partnerships together under the label ‘legal partnership’. The new figures show there were around 900,000 conceptions in England and Wales in 2009. Background notes reveal that only 218 of those were attributed to someone in a civil partnership. The Office for National Statistics, which released the information, said for birth and conception statistics it ‘does not distinguish between civil partnerships and marriages’. The move is likely to concern those who point to evidence of the benefits of the institution of marriage. In 2003 Labour ministers said they wanted to see the word ‘marriage’ no longer used on official documents, claiming it led to discrimination against homosexuals. Last month Iain Duncan Smith, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, said his department would reintroduce references to marriage on official forms and pieces of research.

Pray: for official recognition of the importance of marriage within society and to resist the progressive erosion of marriage in the name of political correctness will come to a halt. (Heb.13:4)


The majority of British women (75%) support David Cameron’s proposal to make internet porn ‘opt-in’ and want new laws to tackle web trolls, according to a study. Despite relatively few people having actually been victim to trolling online, new research from Kantar, a global research firm, found that 85% of the British public think there needs to be new legislation to deal with the issue – with women feeling more strongly about this matter than men. 67% of women strongly back calls for new laws to police the activities of internet trolls, compared to 48% of men. Despite three quarters of British women supporting the new opt-in system to internet porn put forward by the Government, with 59% ‘strong in favour’, British men’s enthusiasm for the proposal is not as strong.

Pray: that the government would take steps to introduce new laws to deal with this problem. (Ps.119:39)
