A Christian couple are taking their employers to an employment tribunal claiming racial and religious discrimination and unfair dismissal. Professor Malory Nye said he was dismissed from the Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education in Dundee because he is white and Christian and seen by superiors as a threat to its core Muslim values. The college states its aim is to promote multiculturalism. Mr Malory said he was dismissed so he could be replaced by a Muslim. His wife Isabel alleges she was forced from her position as head of the English language centre because she attracted too many students who were not Muslims or Arabs. The independent college’s patron is the Deputy Ruler of Dubai. The couple were removed from the college grounds in June and not allowed to return. They were dismissed in November despite no evidence of any wrongdoing. Employment tribunal proceedings are expected.

Pray: for the professor and his wife to have wise legal advisers, and for justice to prevail throughout this case. (Ps.82:3)

More: http://www.antisharia.com/2012/01/03/we-were-sacked-for-being-white-and-christian-claim-principal-and-his-wife-dismissed-from-dubai-backed-multicultural-college/

Following the news of the five Royal Marines being charged for murder of a Taliban insurgent. Let us reflect on the stressful circumstances and difficulties that face our Servicemen and women in Afghanistan. Please pray that our Service personnel will hold fast to the Rules of Engagement regardless of tiredness, workload, the stress and trauma of seeing their comrades being killed and injured, and the adrenaline produced by fear of danger especially in close combat. Please pray that every soldier is able to make the right split second decision in the heat of the moment. Please also pray for justice for the five Marines and care and support for their families.

More: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2217537/Royal-Marines-charged-5-custody-charged-murder-tour-Afghanistan.html?ITO=1490

In Yemen the al-Qaeda cell run by Anwar al-Awlaki is working to launch a terror attack against the UK (this is the group behind the ink cartridge bombs discovered at East Midlands Airport at the end of last year). See Also on Tuesday an anonymous Scotland Yard source warned, 'Radical Islamic groups warned the British government they will make the Royal Wedding a literal nightmare.' The terrorist threat level in the United Kingdom is currently 'severe' which means that an attack is 'highly likely.' According to the Scotland Yard source the police commanders have issued warnings that British law enforcement will take pre-emptive action to counter suspected terrorists, including warnings to specific individuals and arrests. Police are confident they can maintain security along the route to and from Westminster Abbey. However, there is a potential for attacks to occur elsewhere in London or other parts of the British Isles.

Pray: that God's wisdom will direct the psychiatrists, psychologists and police officers working to counter threats and attacks. (1Tim.2:1-2)

More: http://www.examiner.com/law-enforcement-in-national/royal-wedding-threatened-by-islamic-terrorists-u-k


Royal Engagement

19 Nov 2010

Clarence House announced plans for a 2011 Royal wedding on Tuesday, to the delight of the couple's parents, politicians and well-wishers. Prince William asked for Miss Middleton's hand in marriage while they were on holiday in Kenya last month, and the wedding will be held in the spring or summer next year. She will then move in with her husband in Wales. The Prince proposed with the blue sapphire and diamond ring that his father, the Prince of Wales, gave to Diana, Princess of Wales in February 1981. The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are said to be 'absolutely delighted' by news of the engagement, while the Prince of Wales said he was 'thrilled'. Speaking at his Poundbury model village in Dorset, Prince Charles made reference to the length of their eight-year relationship, joking, 'They have been practising long enough.' The parents of Kate Middleton said they were 'absolutely delighted' and 'thrilled' at the announcement.

Pray: for Harry and Kate as they prepare for marriage and cope with the media barrage they now face. (Pr.18:22)

More:  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/theroyalfamily/8137887/Royal-wedding-Prince-William-to-marry-Kate-Middleton-after-proposing-with-Dianas-ring.html

Former archbishop condemns treatment of campaigners who are due to stand trial for blocking entrance of London arms fair. Justin Welby's predecessor as the archbishop of Canterbury has sent a message of support to five Christian activists who will appear in court this week after blocking one of the entrances to the London arms fair earlier this month. Telling them that he wished them well, Rowan Williams added: ‘I am very grateful for those who have courageously drawn attention to the scandal of this situation, and to the wider question of the way governments support and subsidise the arms trade. Outrage about one kind of horrific and illegal weaponry will not be taken seriously unless it is part of a comprehensive willingness to tackle all forms of collusion with technologically advanced violence against human beings.’ (See Prayer Alert 37-2013)

Pray: for those who have been arrested and are taking a stand against the arms trade. (Is 2:4)

More: http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/sep/22/rowan-williams-arms-trade-activists


Known as the crack cocaine of gambling, roulette machines have attracted new interest this year after research showed there was a far higher number of the terminals in poor areas of high unemployment than on richer high streets. The government is uncertain how dangerous the machines are, stating in a review published last month that there was "no clear evidence" to prove whether the machines "had any significant effect on the level of problem gambling in Britain". The report concedes: "It is a statement of fact that some players are harmed by gambling on machines" and "it is indisputable that some people are at risk of spending far too much time and money on them". A £500,000 study has been commissioned from the Responsible Gambling Trust into the machines, but it will take 18 months to complete, and meanwhile campaign groups such as Gambling Watch say the machines should be banned from the high street.

Pray: for all those lured into using, and for those addicted to these machines that can 'take' large sums of money in minutes. (1Ti.6:9)

More: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/may/27/roulette-machines-crack-cocaine-gambling

New diagnoses of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in British service personnel have increased, official figures show. A total of 94 members of the armed forces were newly registered as suffering the disorder between July and September last year, nearly four times the 25 diagnoses recorded in the same period in 2008. There were 305 new cases of PTSD among UK troops in the 12 months to September last year, double the 153 logged in 2007 to 2008, according to statistics released by the Defence Analytical Services and Advice. Rates of mental disorders were found to be significantly higher in personnel who had served in Iraq or Afghanistan. Women, soldiers, RAF personnel and non-officer ranks were also more likely to suffer mental health problems. A spokesman for Combat Stress, a mental health charity for military veterans, said "The nation is facing huge numbers of soldiers who will need help overcoming things they've experienced serving their country."

Pray: for all those members of our armed forces affected by PTSD and for a commitment to high quality treatment for them. (Ps.34:4)

More: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/defence/9849097/Rise-in-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-rates-among-British-troops.html

Lichfield Diocese's director of ordinands, the Reverend David Newsome, is upbeat about the increase in young people training to be a priest. The number of young people accepted for training for Church of England ministry reached a 20 year high last year, latest figures show. Last year, 112 people below the age of 30 were accepted. Reverend Newsome said the figures reflected a "full recognition" in the Church that ministers need to reflect the diversity of the Body of Christ. He said the increase in young ordinands reflects a break in traditional church wisdom that favoured those with a university degree and "life experience". "Young clergy have their own experience to bring, which will be different to older clergy, but we will need both," he said. "The church desperately needs the kind of passion and commitment that younger candidates can bring. It's a very exciting and extraordinary thing that young people are wanting to commit themselves to the church in uncertain times."

Pray: for all new ordinands and that the Lord will continue to call many more to His ministry. (Ac.6:4)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/rise.in.number.of.young.priests.welcomed/31802.htm