Christian Aid has teamed up with tweeting bishops to encourage Christians to pray, act and give this Lent. The Bishop of Croydon, the Rt Rev Nick Baines and the Bishop of Huntingdon the Rt Rev David Thomson will launch Count Your Blessings in Twitter on March 9. For the 45 days of Lent they will use the social networking site to share daily reflections and actions. Bishop Baines said: ‘The great thing about Twitter is that it allows immediate interaction. Anyone across the world can join in and tweet what they are doing in Lent, so I am encouraging people to follow us, get tweeting and learn through Lent.’ The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, encouraging people to get involved in Count Your Blessings said: ‘We should all count our blessings for what God has given us and I hope that everyone will consider taking action to help those in need this Easter.’

Pray: that this idea will reach and encourage a very wide audience. (Ac.9:31)


Britain's Got Talent stunned parents by failing to censure ITV for outrageous performances by Rihanna and Christina Aguilera on The X Factor. Now Ofcom has done it again – this time clearing Britain's Got Talent despite parents complaining about the broadcast of a burlesque performance before the watershed. In one routine Beatrix Von Bourbon – real name Stephanie Brooks – gave a performance in front of judges Simon Cowell, Amanda Holden, David Walliams and Alesha Dixon which saw the burlesque dancer remove jacket, skirt and bra to reveal nipple tassels, corset and stockings. Almost 100 people made formal complaints and scores more took to social networks to complain for the fact the performance took place before the watershed and questioned whether it was suitable for children. The regulator is facing accusations of being 'permissive' and 'toothless' after it found the reality show did not breach guidelines.

Pray: that Ofcom will take seriously the complaints of the public and use its authority to control the media.


In June 2012, for the first time in British parliamentary history 80+ Christian leaders from the UK stood alongside Parliamentarians for an hour of silently listening to God in Parliament. They believed God gave:- an urgent warning of judgment, bringing serious crisis in the nation. A challenge to the church to take action, speaking the truth boldly. A promise of restoration - God’s glory returning if we turn and submit to Him. Then in January 2013 a prophecy given to the World Prayer Centre said God would build ‘Standing in the Gap Networks’ a dynamic connecting of His people forging and building through prayer. Networks that change the here and now and the future. The WPC in Birmingham are inviting the church to unite as a network of believers’ on Saturday 15th June at the International Convention Centre to forge and build through prayer and worship a Holy Spirit Presence. For information click the ‘More’ button

Pray: for release into incredible freedom of prayer and worship, light that will pierce the darkness over our nations. (Jer.1:10)



Many are sensing the importance of the day of prayer and worship to be held in Birmingham on the 15th of this month. The British Isles are in increasing turmoil as we see and experience the consequences of ungodly decisions made both in the past and by our National leaders today. These decisions not only affect us but will also affect generations to come. When God’s people unite in prayer and worship God commands a blessing,(Ps.133). Prayer makes a difference and changes circumstances and situations. The venue for this event is The International Convention Centre in Birmingham and the day will be centred around Jeremiah 1:10 with prayer, testimony, thanksgiving, worship and Word; looking at the roots that have caused brokenness, distress and danger across our nations; then there will be prayer for the release of God’s Kingdom in our villages, towns and cities.

Pray: for a mighty outpouring of God’s spirit as intercessors break up the un-ploughed ground. Ask Him to do immeasurably more than expected. (Hos,10:12 & Eph.3:20)


Trumpet Call

23 May 2013

In June 2012 80+ Christian leaders from the UK stood alongside Parliamentarians for an hour of silently listening to God in Parliament. They believed God gave:

- An urgent warning of judgment, bringing serious crisis in the nation.

-A challenge to the Church to take action, speaking the truth boldly.

-A promise of restoration-God’s glory returning if we turn and submit to Him.

The World Prayer Centre in Birmingham are inviting the Church to unite as a network of believers on Saturday 15th June at the International Convention Centre in Birmingham as we pray for our nation at this significant time. For information click the ‘More’ button.



Trevor Phillips, chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, has made a wide-ranging intervention into the growing debate on the place of religion in modern society. In an interview with The Sunday Telegraph before the publication of a landmark report into religious discrimination, he attacks ‘fashionable’ views mocking and marginalising religion and says his Equality and Human Rights Commission will stand up for believers. Mr Phillips becomes one of the first and most high-profile figures in public life to warn that people of faith feel ‘under siege’ from ‘fashionable’ anti-religious views - which he admitted the Equality and Human Rights Commission had been wrongly identified with. ‘There is a view that says religion is a private matter and it's entirely a choice. I think that's entirely not right. Faith identity is part of what makes life richer and more meaningful for the individual'.

Pray: for Trevor Phillips, as he is likely to be criticised for his positive views on religion. (1Co.16:13)



You may remember that in January around a million people – including many thousands of students and young people – demonstrated on the streets of Paris against their government's proposals to redefine traditional marriage to include same sex couples. Hundreds of the demonstrators were UK-based French residents who boarded the Eurostar to Paris to join their compatriots. What is less well known is that on the same day a further 600 French residents refrained from travelling to Paris but demonstrated instead outside the French Embassy in west London. These UK-based French protesters are now organising another London demonstration, but this time in Trafalgar Square. As before, they are planning this to take place on the same day as the next Paris demonstration, Sunday 24th March, at which 2 million protesters are expected to march along the Champs-Elysees!

Pray: that a strong message will be sent to the French and British Governments that they must not redefine marriage. (Heb.13:4)



Local authorities should celebrate Christmas in the traditional Christian way and stop worrying about the PC brigade, said Communities Secretary Eric Pickles. He called for an end to ‘Christianophobia’. Mr Pickles said councils should stop introducing ‘politically correct’ versions of Christmas such as ‘Winterval’, which combines secular and inter-faith religious elements. The Communities Secretary called for councils to take pride in British Christian heritage by celebrating the nativity and all the traditions surrounding it. He said: ‘We should actively celebrate the Christian basis of Christmas, and not allow politically correct Grinches to marginalise Christianity and the birth of Christ. The war on Christmas is over, and the likes of Winterval, Winter Lights and Luminous deserve to be in the dustbin of history’. John Midgely, founder of the Campaign Against Political Correctness, said ‘It is absolutely right in our country that Christmas should be celebrated and it does not cause offence to other religions’.

Pray: for local authorities and councils to have the courage and confidence to celebrate a Christian Christmas. (2Co.3:4)
