More than a quarter of young women today lost their virginity when they were below the legal age of consent, an NHS survey has revealed. According to the study 27 per cent of 16 to 24-year-olds had underage sex. By comparison, just four per cent of women now aged 55 to 69 first had sex when they were underage. NHS Information Centre chief executive Tim Straughan said: ‘The survey paints a picture of sexual behaviour which is changing over the generations, with younger women beginning to have sex younger.’ Across all age groups, the statistics show that 14 per cent of women lost their virginity before the age of 16 compared with 20 per cent of men. The average age for losing virginity was 17, although for those now aged 16 to 24 it was 16. Diane Abbott, the Shadow Public Health Minister, commented: ‘The rising numbers of girls having under-age sex is alarming.’

Pray:that ways would be found to reverse these statistics and improve moral standards. (1Cor.6:9)


A disturbing number of children - some as young as 11 - are taking pornographic images of themselves and swapping them with friends via text messages or the internet, experts warn. A survey reveals that 40 per cent of 11- to 14-year-olds have used their mobile phones or computer to send pictures of themselves or receive naked or topless images of friends. And more than half of youngsters who sent these images - a trend known as ‘sexting’ - did so knowing the pictures would be passed on to a number of recipients. And four in ten of the 11,000 children surveyed thought it was ‘appropriate’ to circulate pictures of topless girls in their school. Experts said the findings showed a significant shift from children viewing internet pornography - to creating it themselves. The shocking trend has been blamed on the volume of internet pornography seen by boys who, as a result, expect girlfriends to be promiscuous and flaunt their bodies.

Pray: against this trend of ‘sexting’ amongst the young and pray that ways would be found to control this and other forms of pornography. (Tit.2:1)


One in five British children are living below the poverty line, with almost half under the threshold in some areas, according to new research from the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) and the End Child Poverty coalition. Manchester Central is designated the poorest area, with 47 per cent of children living in poverty, followed by Belfast West and Glasgow North East on 43 per cent. Areas of Liverpool and Middlesbrough also had four in 10 children living in poverty in 2012. Children are classified as being in poverty if they live in families on out-of-work benefits or in-work tax credits where their reported income is less than 60 per cent of median income. The new figures show eight areas of large cities have more than 40 per cent of children in this category, down from 19 in 2011. They also reveal the wide disparity across Britain and within regions

Pray: for the most vulnerable in our society who are least protected from the ongoing austerity measures. (Pr.19:17)


The Most Reverend Vincent Nichols, the Archbishop of Westminster, has attacked the decision to exclude Religious Studies and Education from the English Baccalaureate, describing the move as ‘indefensible’. The new qualification, which was included in school league tables for the first time this year, is awarded to pupils who gain at least a C grade in English, maths, science, a humanities subject (either history or geography) and a language. But the Archbishop criticised the omission of religious education, claiming it was ‘an invaluable help in the project of building the common good and of self-fulfilment’. He added: ‘Religious Studies surely can be seen to be at the heart of the study of humanities. Indeed in Catholic schools, RE is at the 'heart of the curriculum'. It can claim to be the humanity, par excellence’. (See Prayer Alert 04-2011)

Pray: for recognition of R.E. as an important part of the school curriculum. (Ex.18:20)


Olympic Torch

10 May 2012

With the arrival of the Olympic Torch to the UK less that two weeks away More Than Gold are launching their '70-day Prayer Relay' - that tracks the same route the Torch will travel. Every church in the British Isles has the opportunity to pray during the 70-day Prayer Relay from 19th May to 27th July 2012. Jesus said we were to 'shine like lights' with our actions leading to others believing that our God is to be worshipped. In the ten weeks leading up to the Games, the Olympic Torch is to pass through over 1,000 communities throughout the UK. In every place it will generate a torrent of celebration, sensation, media coverage and Olympic fervour. The Torch represents many things to many people. But at its heart it is a flame – and flames have been used throughout Christian history as a reminder of Jesus Christ, the true Light of the World.

Pray: that the light of the world will go before the runners as they carry the torch. (Jn.8:12)

More: 2012%20_3_.pdf

You are invited to join Christians from East London on the first Saturday of 2012 in a Prayer Walk of the Olympic Park. Saturday 7th January 2012 10.00am - 12.00 midday. The whole route is approximately 1.5 miles and it is expected that the prayer walk will take between one and a half to two hours, with stops for prayer at key points. Members of the More than Gold Prayer Team and others will be leading in prayer for the Olympics, Paralympics and the main Olympic site. No need to book - just turn up! Full details of where to meet, transport and parking can be found on the ‘More’ link. For those who are unable to attend please join them in prayer wherever you are.'

Pray: for all those who are coming together to pray that God would guide their prayers. (Ps.25:5)


Opposition to 9,500 capacity mosque and Islamic enclave of homes, shops and business units unveiled at recent site exhibition. This week sees the launch of a new campaign against the proposed 9,500 capacity mega-mosque at West Ham, close to the site of the Olympic Stadium and Park. Volunteers from the MegaMosqueNoThanks campaign started leafleting commuters at the nearby West Ham station and residents living in the area around the site of the proposed mosque. The campaign website will also be re-launched; see ‘More’ link. At a recent site exhibition, the Islamic sect behind the proposed mosque, Tablighi Jama'at, revealed a development that includes an eight-storey high mosque, 45 metre-high minarets, apartments, and retail and business units. Visitors were informed that the formal planning application is to be submitted imminently. ‘People think wrongly that the mosque project is dead but it has never gone away,’ said Alan Craig, leader of the MegaMosqueNoThanks team. ‘It went off the radar for some months but now it's back.’

Pray: for the success of this new campaign against a proposed mega-mosque by the Tablighi Jama'at sect. (Nu.10:9)


The first planning clash over what is known as the ‘Olympic mega-mosque’ is set to take place at a major public inquiry in the New Year. This inquiry is into the current use of the West Ham site of the proposed mega-mosque by separatist Islamic sect Tablighi Jamaat. A pre-inquiry meeting is being held on Thursday 11 November at Newham Town Hall. In February Newham Council ordered Tablighi Jamaat off the site which is owned by the Muslim group and is half a mile from the main 2010 Olympic stadium. They are currently and unlawfully using it for a temporary mosque and have erected buildings on site without planning permission. The website sensibly expresses reasons for opposition to the mosque’s construction.

Pray: that the fomentors of anti-Christian bias in Newham will be restrained by law at the 2011 Inquiry. (Ps.7:9)
