ITV will broadcast just one hour of religious programming this year while Five will not show any, the channels have admitted to the Church of England. Adding to fears that Britain’s commercial television stations no longer see the value of traditional shows about faith, Channel 4 has scrapped the post of Commissioning Editor for Religion. The channels say audiences are no longer interested in programmes solely about religion, so they cannot afford to continue making them. It leaves the BBC as the main provider of religious documentaries and acts of worship on television whose public service licence requires BBC1 and BBC2 to broadcast 110 hours a year. However, BBC’s coverage of spiritual matters has been criticised by senior clergy who says it risks treating Christianity like a ‘rare species’. ITV and Channel 5 both cite economic pressures to target larger audiences as the reason to cut religious broadcasting that attracts smaller audiences.

Pray: for ITV management to rethink their schedules and retain some religious broadcasting. (Gen.4:7)


It could take an up’ to the scale of changes it needs to make, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales warned last Sunday. The Archbishop of Westminster, the Most Rev Vincent Nichols, likened profit-obsessed business chiefs to staff at the scandal-hit Mid Staffordshire hospitals trust who lost sight of basic morality because of an obsession with money. He will told an audience in the City that new regulations would not be enough to bring about real change in the wake of the banking crisis, and could itself become simply a ‘lazy proxy’ for moral values. He said working in the City is a noble vocation, capable of doing real good for society but that the pursuit of short term profit has been allowed to become the sole purpose of business, creating a moral vacuum.

Pray: for the financial sector in the City to develop a greater sense of morality and a clearer purpose to serve society. (Lk.12:15)



A talk on sharia and human rights at Queen Mary University, London was cancelled because an Islamist made serious threats against everyone there. Ms Waters was due to give a talk on behalf of the One Law for All Campaign on 16 January but before it started a man entered the lecture theatre, stood at the front with a camera and filmed the audience. He then said he knew who everyone was, where they lived and if he heard anything negative about the Prophet, he would track them down. He also filmed students in the foyer threatening to murder them and their families then joined a large group of men supporters outside. Students were told by security to stay in the lecture theatre for their own safety. The police were contacted about the incident.

Pray: against a religious/political ideology that puts a Christian British way of life in danger. (Ps.33:18)


Radical Islamist leaders have preached to students at almost 200 official university events in Britain over the past year, a study by anti-extremist group Student Rights has revealed. The study found that talks were given by speakers with a ‘history of extreme or intolerant views’ at a total of 60 institutions, including Cambridge and University College London (UCL), in the year to March 2013. At least a quarter of the events – held by Islamic societies at 21 universities – had segregated seating for male and female students. Some of the lecturers have been known to advocate jihad against non-Muslims, gaining their inspiration from radicals such as Abu Qatada, Anwar al-Awlaki and Abu Hamza al-Masri. One speaker, Hamza Tzortzis, was formerly a member of radical group Hizb ut-Tahrir, and has previously been reported as saying: ‘We as Muslims reject the idea of freedom of speech, and even the idea of freedom.’

Pray: that the extreme views shared by the radicals will not be found acceptable by the students but the freedom in Christ will prevail. (Gal.5:1)



British Muslims have faced more scrutiny, criticism and analysis than any other religious community. Despite this, thousands of Britons are converting every year. To put this into perspective, independent studies estimate that the total Muslim population of Britain is 4%. A new study by Faith Matters suggests the real figure of conversions could be as high as 100,000, with as many as 5,000 new conversions nationwide each year. Fiyaz Mughal, director of Faith Matters said ‘I think there is definitely a relationship between conversions being on the increase and the prominence of Islam in the public domain. People are interested in finding out what Islam is all about and when they do that they go in different directions.’ See also comments on this item at

Pray: that those seeking spiritual faith will find the Christian church reaching out to them with the Gospel message.(1Ch.16:10)


Leaders of the Islamic sect Tablighi Jamaat want to overturn an enforcement order served by Newham council requiring them to leave their West Ham site where they want to create a 12,000 capacity megga mosque. Over the years Tablighi Jamaat have been denied permission by the council to erect a permanent mosque on the site and a five year permit for a temporary mosque ran out in 2006. Since then they continue to develop facilities without permission, acting unlawfully. Their track record since buying the site in 1996 demonstrates they don’t abide by planning regulations. Opposer to the Mega Mosque, Newham Concern, is calling two Muslim experts as specialist witnesses to highlight the fundamentalist and socially harmful nature of the sect - highlighting their promotion of hard-line separatism, intolerance, and refusal to open their facilities to women. This inquiry is a moment of truth. If the appeal fails, the temporary mosque will close down and their dreams for the mega-mosque will be over.

Pray: for the Christians who intend to be present at the meetings from Tuesday to Thursday this week and next week. (Pr.1:20)


The Methodist Church in Britain wants to develop a "culture of welcome" in local churches with the launch of a new online resource. The free online resource - First Impressions Count - is a workshop designed to help churches reflect on the welcome that a visitor experiences when they first walk through the door. It aims to tackle the intimidation and anxiety that a newcomer might feel when entering a church for the first time Ed Mackenzie, Evangelism, Spirituality and Discipleship Officer, said: "It can be intimidating to visit a church for the first time, and the welcome a visitor receives has a huge impact on whether or not they choose to return. First Impressions Count is designed to help churches improve their quality of welcome, and takes account of a culture increasingly unfamiliar with Christian faith and worship."

Pray: for all churches in all denomination to be open and willing to review how they welcome new visitors. (Matt.10:40)

More: http:

It can be hard to admit to feelings of loneliness, but one in 10 Britons is lonely. It's not just an issue for the elderly - loneliness is rising among the young. So are we all destined to be lonely? ‘No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main,’ wrote the poet John Donne in the 17th century. Some people seek isolation, but few choose to be lonely. Loneliness not only makes us unhappy, but it is bad for us. It can lead to a lack of confidence and mental health problems like depression, stress and anxiety. Studies have consistently shown that one in 10 of us is lonely, but a report by the Mental Health Foundation suggests loneliness among young people is increasing.

Pray: for all those who find themselves lonely and in need of relief from the symptoms of loneliness. (Ps.25:4-5:16)
