‘I served in Ukraine alongside those who risk their lives preaching the Gospel, delivering humanitarian aid, and evacuating people. Many opened their hearts to Christ everywhere I preached. I have never seen such a hunger for God in any other country. We were going to the churches where the Ukrainian pastor with us had been delivering pastoral care until Russians beat him almost to death. In my heart I carried the word I received from the Lord for the people of Donbas, where the war had continued for nine years: “The people who were sitting in darkness saw a great Light, and those who were sitting in the land and shadow of death, upon them a Light dawned”. It was there in Donbas that I saw how powerful prayer is, how powerful God’s protection is, and how great a desire for salvation the Holy Spirit can arouse in people.’

Pray for the UK

06 Apr 2023

The authorities that exist are established by God (Romans 13:1). Pray for the King, Prime Minister, first ministers and all those in national and local government to have heaven’s wisdom. Pray that parliamentarians promote good and restrain evil. Marriage is a creation ordinance given by God for the good of all people. Genesis 2:24 says, ‘A man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife; they will become one flesh’.’Pray that churches faithfully uphold the Bible’s teaching on marriage and sexual ethics. Psalm139:14 says, ‘I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.’ Pray that attempts to legalise euthanasia and allow abortion at any stage will fail. There is pressure to move away from God’s instructions for his world. ‘Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you.’ Pray for the UK's repentance and revival.

Peter Murrell, Nicola Sturgeon’s husband, was arrested, questioned for eleven hours and then released pending further investigation into the SNP’s fundraising and finances. Searches were carried out at a number of addresses including his home and SNP offices. The inquiry was launched after complaints about the SNP’s handling of £600,000 in donations raised by the party, ostensibly to campaign for and hold a second independence referendum. It is alleged that the money was used instead to help with the party’s day-to-day running costs. As the investigation is ongoing the police are unable to comment further. A report will be sent to the Crown Office and the Procurator Fiscal Service. On 19 March Murrell resigned after misleading the media about party membership numbers. He had been chief executive since 1999 and was responsible for running the SNP. On 1 April the SNP decided to review its governance and transparency. See

Humza Yousaf has a history of meeting with Hamas and has called for an arms embargo against the state of Israel. He is the first Muslim and at 37 the youngest person to hold the leadership position. But his meeting with Hamas has prompted concerns over his selection. In May 2021, when Israel retaliated to thousands of Hamas rockets he tweeted, ‘Wife in floods of tears all evening, her brother living in Gaza telling us it’s raining rockets’. Yousaf has also said, ‘People are starving and dying a slow death in the Gaza Strip.’ The Jewish Chronicle reported him having attended the high-level meeting with Hamas leader Mohammad Sawalha. The BBC has named Sawalha as having masterminded much of Hamas’ political and military strategy. Scottish parliamentary questions reveal that he attended the Holyrood meeting as a representative of Islam Expo, which was funded by a £2 million grant from Qatar.

For King Charles III’s coronation, the World Prayer Centre in Birmingham is inviting Christians from Commonwealth nations and territories to join its Coronation and Commonwealth zoom Prayer Watch on Friday 5 May, from 10am to 12 noon GMT+1, to unite, worship, pray for the coronation and bless the Commonwealth to fulfil God’s purposes. If you would like to join online via Zoom video conferencing, you will need to set up an account and download the app to your device or computer. Download here: Log into Zoom when the meeting is due to start, using these details. Topic: WPC PRAYER WATCH Join Zoom Meeting at Meeting ID: 819 5187 5317 Passcode: jesuslives. You will be admitted to a waiting room until WPC permits access. Enter with your microphone on mute. Please share this with others across the UK and Commonwealth.

Over a quarter of Anglican churches do not now hold a weekly Sunday service, according to the National Churches Trust. They also found that many churches struggle to raise funds for repairs and maintenance. Covid has had a significant impact on church attendance, which has fallen by over 20% from before the outbreak. It is not that no one wants to come to services; churches that stayed online and have not reduced their service numbers have regained 2019 attendance levels. Exhausted leaders spread across multiple congregations, tired volunteers and financial struggles were given as some of the issues facing churches post-pandemic. This relates only to the Church of England, and some of the findings are not present in the wider evangelical church. A common denominator in churches who are experiencing reduced numbers of attendees is that they are the churches who have abandoned orthodox Christian teaching.

A report into how police forces in England and Wales tackle online child sex abuse has found responses to allegations are slow, leaving vulnerable children in danger while allowing offenders to escape justice. In some cases, it takes up to a year and a half before an arrest is made. Many officers do not follow lines of inquiry into who the suspect is and whether they are approaching children. In most forces, cases reported directly to police are dealt with by non-specialists with inadequate training. These people are unaware of guidance they should follow and what specialist services they should refer children to. The lack of a consistent, effective national approach to tackling online abuse is a concern to the UK's only independent Christian safeguarding charity, Thirtyone:eight. They urge chief constables, policing bodies and the Government to implement the report’s seventeen recommendations speedily with a coordinated, sustained response across the country.

French president Emmanuel Macron arrived on 6 April for a three-day state visit to China. President Xi Jinping greeted Macron on a huge red carpet lined by Chinese and French flags as the countries’ national anthems played. President Macron said, ‘The Russian aggression in Ukraine has dealt a blow to stability. I know I can count on you to bring back Russia to reason and everyone back to the negotiating table.’ Macron also said that Beijing can play a ‘major role’ in finding a path to peace in the conflict and welcomed China’s willingness to ‘commit to a resolution’. Macron, who was accompanied on his visit by the European Commission chief, Ursula von der Leyen, said he wants to ‘be a voice that unites Europe’ over Ukraine; coming to China with her served to ‘underline the consistency of this approach’.