Hunger and malnutrition in childhood will trap almost a billion young people in poverty by 2025, according to a major new campaign, launched last week by Britain's leading development charities and faith groups. 'Enough Food for Everyone IF' is the largest coalition of its kind in the UK since Make Poverty History in 2005. The group warns that in a world where there is enough food for everyone, the scandal of children growing up hungry also imposes a grave economic burden on the developing world, costing £78 billion over the next 15 years. The campaign, launched at Somerset House,London and across the UK, calls on Prime Minister David Cameron to use the UK's G8 presidency in 2013 to take action on the root causes of the hunger crisis in the poorest countries. The 'IF' movement challenges the Prime Minister to tackle 4 big IFs to help there be enough food for everyone.

Pray: that once again Britain will lead the world in tackling hunger in developing countries. (1Jn.3:17)


The Bishop of London Dr Richard Chartres has delivered a challenging message to Christians about the need for the Church to be confident in living and speaking the gospel, and being compassionate in serving communities. He was delivering a lecture in Westminster hosted by Premier Christian Media Trust and titled 'Building Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land'. ‘There is no Christian vision without a recovery of prayer,’ he said. ‘One of the weaknesses of the contemporary church is that it gives its members very little help in how to pray.’ In addition to the need for prayer, Dr Chartres also mentioned how ‘re-engaging with the Bible’ is also essential in creating a ‘fresh Christian vision’. ‘All renewal movements within the history of the Church have been associated with a fresh engagement with Scripture,’ he continued.

Pray: that the Church will take up the challenge and engage in prayer. (Ps.54:2)



Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, has urged Christians in the UK to be more public about their faith in Jesus Christ. Writing in the Telegraph, he also highlighted the reluctance of Western governments to acknowledge the suffering endured by Christians in many parts of the world and called upon the UK Government to take action. His encouragement to Christians came in the closing paragraphs of his Christmas article: ‘Closer to home, I admit I am worried about the future of faith in the West. Many Christians I meet say there is a pressure on them to be silent about their faith. Though there can be no question of a comparison with the powerlessness and weakness of the Church in the Middle East, there is an increasing timidity on the part of churchgoers in the West – about even admitting that they have a faith in the workplace’.

Tax avoidance strategies used by some multi-national companies working in the developing world have been described as ‘morally illegal’ said Malcolm Broad, treasurer of the Baptist Union, speaking at the Baptist Assembly in Blackpool. ‘About 60% of all multi-national companies use off-shore tax havens,’ he said. ‘It creates a world imbalance between the haves and the have-nots.’ The assembly overwhelmingly agreed with a resolution calling for tax to be paid where it has been earned. Malcolm Broad agreed reducing revenue demands by moving money to a more favourable tax regime is not illegal, but he says it can have devastating effects on those countries who don't receive their full quota. He told BBC Radio Lancashire: ‘Nobody wants to pay tax, but the taxes are used to pay for the likes of hospitals and education. If tax is avoided where that need is great, then all that does is keep those countries poorer than they are today.’

Pray: for a more morally positive attitude to tax payments by all companies. (Ro.13:6)


There is no place in British law for Christian beliefs, despite this country’s long history of religious observance and the traditions of the established Church, two High Court judges said on Monday. Lord Justice Munby and Mr Justice Beatson made the remarks when ruling on the case of a Christian couple who were told that they could not be foster carers because of their view that homosexuality is wrong. The judges underlined that, in the case of fostering arrangements at least, the right of homosexuals to equality ‘should take precedence’ over the right of Christians to manifest their beliefs and moral values. Eunice and Owen Johns went to court after a social worker expressed concerns when they said they could not tell a child a ‘homosexual lifestyle’ was acceptable. They asked judges to rule that their faith should not be a bar to them becoming carers, and that the law should protect their Christian values. The Johns said ‘the judges have suggested that our views might harm children’.

Pray: for the Johns and all those who have to defend their faith's beliefs in an increasingly secular society. (Lk.21:13-15)


The Co-operative has given so-called lads' mags six weeks to cover up their front pages with sealed ‘modesty bags’ or be taken off sale in its stores. The 4,000-outlet retailer said it was responding to concerns by its members, customers and colleagues about images of scantily-clad women on covers. Titles such as Front, Loaded, Nuts and Zoo have been given a deadline of 9 September by the Co-op. An industry body said the titles showed the ‘diverse interests of young men’. The Co-op, which is owned and run by its more than seven million members, introduced opaque screens for lads' magazines on some shelves earlier this month. Steve Murrells, retail chief executive for the Co-operative Group, said: ‘As a community-based retailer, we have listened to the concerns of our customers and members, many of whom say they object to their children being able to see overt sexual images in our stores.’

Pray: for the success of this initiative and pray that other retailers will also take up the cause. (Ps.118:25)



Children are to be taught about homosexuality in maths, geography and science lessons as part of a Government-backed drive to ‘celebrate the gay community’. Lesson plans have been drawn up for pupils as young as four, in a scheme funded with a £35,000 grant from an education quango, the Training and Development Agency for Schools. The initiative will be officially launched next month at the start of ‘LGBT History Month’, an initiative to encourage teaching about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual issues. The lesson plans, spread across the curriculum, will be offered to all schools, which can choose whether or not to make use of them. Craig Whittaker, Conservative MP for Calder Valley and a member of the Education Select Committee, criticised the scheme as a distraction from teaching 'core' subjects and a poor use of public money.

Pray: for schools to consider carefully how the minority nature of such material is out of proportion to the LGB community. (Jas.4:7)


A Dutch Church of Scotland minister has been appointed to one of Britain’s most prominent chaplaincy posts. The Rev Martin Grashoff will take over as chaplain to the oil and gas industry on 1 March 2011. His predecessor, the Rev Andrew Jolly MBE, died last year at age 54 from cancer. Rev Grashoff will be a pastor to workers on the British oil and gas rigs and installations, as well as to their families, and also will connect with the industry onshore and with churches. ‘I will have to go out and meet them where they work and live. For me it is a strong and positive challenge to find God out in the world and be led from there. It may seem odd to enjoy going to a 'parish' with over 32,000 people, stretching from the Shetlands to the South of England, but I really do enjoy the prospect. I'll be kind of a Flying Dutchman,’ he said.

Pray: that as he pastors workers and their families in such a diverse environment God’s kingdom will be revealed. (Mt.22:37-39).
