While fears grow that Russia and Ukraine could ignite WWIII, the world also faces unprecedented global financial crises (see item on gas supplies), record-breaking natural disasters and attacks against life, family and religious freedom, a large Christian coalition has been urgently mobilizing a 40 day prayer campaign for peace that began on April 28th to help combat these alarming threats. This grassroots coalition of Catholic and Christian organizations worldwide is mobilising for 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for Peace. Also May 9th has been declared a ‘Global Day of Prayer and Fasting for Russia’. Christians from the nations are called to pray and fast in one accord, for the blessing of the Russian people around the world. Let us, in the coming days, pray for the Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ to fall upon Russia and all the nations around her.

European leaders will discuss plans for deeper economic integration in the euro zone at their next meeting on 28-29 June, after an inconclusive summit on 23 May saw open divergences between France and Germany over ways to kick-start the EU's sluggish economy. See http://www.euractiv.com/euro-finance/eu-prepares-new-stage-economic-u-news-512943 European Council President Herman Van Rompuy will present a report exploring ways to deepen economic integration in the euro zone. Van Rompuy announced that ‘we need to take Economic Monetary Union to a new stage.’ and ‘I will report in June, in close co-operation with the Commission President, the Presidents of the Euro-group and the European Central Bank, on the main building blocks and on a working method to achieve this objective. For INSIGHTS into understanding and help you to pray into the European Financial System click the ‘More’ button.

Pray: for God to inspire the delegates as they prepare for the next meeting. (Ps.49:20)

More: http://site.prayer-alert.net/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid=385&Itemid=85

Russia has launched one of the biggest security operations in Olympic history, a month before the start of the winter games in the Black Sea resort of Sochi. The authorities are deploying more than 30,000 police and interior ministry troops and limiting access to the area. The main concern is the threat of attack by Islamist militants from the restive North Caucasus region. Russia's most wanted man, Chechen rebel leader Doku Umarov, has urged his fighters to target the Winter Olympics. The BBC's Steven Rosenberg in Moscow says recent deadly bombings in Volgograd have intensified those worries. President Vladimir Putin was in Sochi on Monday night to celebrate the Orthodox Christmas, appearing at a church service. ‘Starting 7 January, all divisions responsible for ensuring the guests' security at the Games are being put on combat alert,’ Emergency Situations Minister Vladimir Puchkov said.

Eurozone’s pro-austerity and pro-Euro policies are in trouble. Right wing rule came to an end in France as socialism won. In Greece there is a dramatic reset of political landscape. In Germany the junior coalition partner gained in state elections while the support for Angela Merkel’s dominant party is eroding. As the Eurozone sinks deeper in a recession some expect bank turmoil. Italy and Spain’s economies may no longer be‘too big to fail.’ 63 years ago a European experiment to ‘put an end to war and guarantee an eternal peace’ was started and the European Union was created. On the 16th May 1949 in Strasbourg Robert Schuman said, ‘The European spirit signifies being conscious of belonging to a cultural family and to have a willingness to serve that community in the spirit of total mutuality, without any hidden motives of hegemony or the selfish exploitation of others'. The root of the EU was to bless the world. See:

Pray: for the EU to return to the vision of its roots and be a blessing to the rest of the world. (Zeph.3:9)

More: http://www.cnbc.com/id/47321849

Delegates from almost 200 nations will begin talks in the Polish capital, Warsaw, on Monday to prepare for a global summit on a UN climate pact. The search for new targets on emissions cuts promises to be a hotly debated issue with many developed nations eager to set a more cautious tone, but some environmental campaigners say tough action is still needed. The biggest greenhouse gas emitters China and the United States have pledged to curb carbon, but on a modest scale. In Europe, recession and green energy use mean the EU has already nearly met its 2020 target of a 20 percent cut in comparison with 1990 in greenhouse gas emissions, which include carbon and methane. Goals for 2020 agreed by EU leaders in 2007 became an international benchmark for climate ambition.

Pray: that the focus on climate change would lead to further steps to implement further reductions.


More: http://www.euronews.com/2013/11/10/warsaw-prepares-to-host-fresh-global-climate-talks/




Violent extremism, which is at its highest level in Europe since World War II, is becoming the continent's top security threat, the European Union's executive body has said. In a speech on the eve of talks on how to detect and prevent extremism, the EU's commissioner for home affairs Cecilia Malmstroem urged the EU 'to stand up and protect our values that are now being challenged in many countries in Europe'. She said that 'there has been a growth of extremism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, hatred and nationalism'. According to News 24, she added that 'not since World War II have extreme and populist forces had so much influence on the national parliaments as they have today. In some countries even neo-Nazis have been elected'. She said that if the trend continues, next year's European elections might further strengthen these forces, threatening the entire European project.

Pray: against this growing trend of extremism across Europe. (2Sam.22:3)

More: http://newstrackindia.com/newsdetails/2013/01/29/233-Violent-extremism-Europe-s-top-security-threat-warns-EU-s-executive-body-.html


On January 25, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a non-binding resolution stating: ‘Euthanasia, in the sense of the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit, must always be prohibited.’ The purpose of the resolution, entitled ‘Protecting human rights and dignity by taking into account previously expressed wishes of patients,’ defines the principles that should govern the practice of ‘living wills’ or ‘advance directives’ in the 47 States of the Council of Europe. The European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) welcomed the adoption of the PACE resolution. ‘This Resolution is a major victory for the protection of life and dignity,’ said ECLJ Director Grégor Puppinck. Puppinck noted that because ‘living wills’ or ‘advance directives’ are open to abuses, and are a ‘backdoor’ for introducing euthanasia or assisted suicide into legislation, PACE's resolution was necessary.

Pray: that this resolution will be adopted across Europe. (Pr.13:14)

More: http://www.breakingchristiannews.com/articles/display_art.html?ID=9780


While Colonel Gaddafi was in Rome on an official state visit marking the second anniversary of a friendship treaty signed with Italy he said Islam should 'become the religion of all Europe'. The secretary of the Vatican’s Congregation for Evangelisation, Archbishop Robert Sarah dismissed the comments as a 'non-solicited provocation lacking seriousness. To speak of the European continent converting to Islam makes no sense because it is the people alone who decide consciously to be Christian, Muslim or to follow other religions', he said. True danger for Europeans was relativism, a lack of attention to faith, the weakness of religion and an indifference to the sacred. These are true enemies for our faith which could create a fertile ground for the eventual future penetration of Islam in all of Europe.

Pray: for a Christian revival in Europe, enabling Christians to reclaim the years consumed by secularism, mammon and idolatry. (Joel2:25)
