For decades, the Russian Orthodox Church was persecuted under the Soviet Union's Communist Party. For eight years, Yuri Sipko ran one of the largest Baptist organizations in Russia. Now, 20 years after the fall of Communism he worries about the growing threats against the country's evangelical movement. ‘The government recently introduced religious classes based on the principals of the Orthodox Church in public schools, Then the president announced appointing Orthodox chaplains to all army units. Our constitution clearly states no religion can be the state religion.’ Sergey Ryakhovski, head of Russia's Pentecostal Union, worries that the Orthodox Church's influence is coming at the expense of religious freedom, especially for minority groups. Muscovite Human Rights advocate, Roman Lunkin, said the head of the Orthodox Church is on a mission to expand its powers and influence.

Pray: for God to strengthen, empower and renew all the Russian churches. (Mt.16:18)



A gun battle on the Karachayeva-Stavropol border stirs fears of violence spreading across the ethnically divided Caucasus. Violence in that particular area has been less frequent than in neighbouring Dagestan, or Ingushetia and Chechnya where deadly attacks take place almost daily. One of the bombers behind numerous attacks has been Marina Khorosheva, a young Russian woman also linked to the failed suicide attack in Moscow's Red Square on December 31. She and her husband, Vitaly Razdobudko, were Orthodox Christians who converted to Islam - leading press to dub them ‘the Russian Wahhabi’.

Pray: for God to calm ethnic conflicts and religious fanaticism and release a Holy Spirit revival to the region. (Pr.3:7)


The Russian Orthodox Church has ruled that hierarchs (church leaders) and clergy can run for office in exceptional cases when their presence is needed to fight ‘forces striving to use electoral power to fight the Orthodox Church.’ A document passed on 2 February by the Bishops' Council, which was meeting in Moscow, describes potential opponents of the church as forces ‘including schismatics and those of other religions,’ without naming any specifically, and says the church has the right to pass moral judgment on political programs and statements when they touch on issues including moral relativism, family values, historical monuments and the environment. The document also makes clear that it is referring not just to clergy within Russia’s borders but extends across the former Soviet Union. In another document, passed on 4 February, the Bishops' Council said clergy and lay people must use all legal means to fight ‘blasphemy and slander’ against the church in modern society.

Pray: that God will speak through His chosen leaders into the political arena. (Pr.10:2)


Three churches in a predominantly Muslim province in Russia were set on fire by arsonists early Monday. One of the buildings, an Orthodox church in the village of Ordzhonikidzevsky, was almost totally destroyed. An Orthodox church and a Baptist church in the nearby city of Karachaevsk sustained only minimal damage after the night guard for one put out the fire and the night guard for the other called fire fighters. All the three arson attacks happened between 4:00 a.m.and 6:00 a.m. on Monday and were set when flammable objects were thrown through the churches’ windows. Vandalism of churches is rare in Russia's mainly Muslim North Caucasus. The head of the regional Spiritual Administration for Muslims believes Monday’s arsons were aimed at destabilizing the mixed Christian and Muslim society.

Pray: that these attacks will not influence the different religious communities living in the region. (Ps.2:10-11)


During the General Council of the Associated Russian Union of Christians of Evangelical-Pentecostal Faith, Mr. Pavel Gusev, editor-in-chief of the 'Moskovskij Komsomolets' (Komsomolets – member of the Communist Union of Youth)
newspaper and chairman of the Moscow Union of Journalists, urged Christians to preach the Gospel in mass media. Gusev noted that Christians often come to him and say, ‘Look what they are writing about us! They are saying we are underground churches, that we are a sect! Where is the truth?’ I reply to them ‘Moskovskij Komsomolets has 82 newspapers and magazines published. You are free to publish your thoughts in them and I promise I will not correct any letter!’ promised the editor-in-chief. ‘Imagine that Christians would preach he tGospel and speak about their work everywhere. I think it must be your first goal. Believers don’t have to propagandize their teaching; you only have to tell people about you and your work. They will see and hear,' underlined the chairman of the Moscow Union of Journalists.

Pray: that Russian Christians will take up the challenge to write about their faith. (Mt.24:14)


Even though Osama bin Laden is dead, the al-Qaeda terrorist group may be looking at expanding its war against the West. Accord to some terrorist experts, al-Qaeda may have its sights set on the North Caucasus region of Russia. One report indicates terrorists in the North Caucasus have been using radical Salafi Islam to recruit disgruntled youth who grew up on the battlefields of the two Chechen wars. According to the President of Russian Ministries Sergey Rakhuba, hide-out evidence has already been uncovered backing up these claims. According to Rukhuba, that means there is a spiritual battle under way for the souls of Russia's youth in the region. He says, ‘That's the strategy for al-Qaeda: to reach out to young people, to brainwash them in all those underground cells, to provide them with all kinds of false philosophies and encourage them to go and bring destruction into those communities.’

According to the Russian Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists, Pastor Yuri Golovin, a preacher at the Central Baptist Church in St Petersburg, was beaten by unknown assailants outside the home of an elderly church member whom he had intended to visit. After the assault, Pastor Golovin managed to get the attention of the church member, who immediately called an ambulance. Sadly, Pastor Golovin died of his injuries at the hospital. There has been no confirmation of what motivated the attack, but a report in the International Christian Newspaper indicates that his assailants may have been local drug addicts. Yuri Golovin had been the head of The Gideons chapter in St Petersburg and Leningrad. Youth pastor Anton Tretyak said that Yuri had been a wonderful example of a living Christian, who was not ashamed of witnessing about Christ and living for Christ.


Pray: for the family of Pastor Yuri Golovin. Pray also that the Lord will bring those responsible to justice and that this tragedy will lead to many new opportunities for the Gospel. (Heb.12:1)






Vladislav Korabel, who serves as the regional church youth leader in Russia’s Novgorod Oblast (state), is in the hospital with severe brain injuries following an assault and beating by unknown assailants. Vladislav was on his way to church in the city of Veliky Novgorod when he was brutally attacked. Initially he was treated by a neurosurgeon, then transferred to another unit where he underwent craniofacial surgery on Friday, January 14. Vladislav is the son of Anatoly Korabel, regional pastor for the Novgorod Oblast. According to Pastor Anatoly, the doctors are withholding any comments on prognosis for the time being. The church leadership believes the assault is related to anti-Baptist propaganda broadcasts aired on television, and they sent a letter to the local television station protesting the false reports. Local authorities including the regional ombudsman and governor’s administration have promised to investigate the matter.

Pray: not only for Vladislav’s full recovery, but also for the protection of churches, pastors and church members. (Is.49:7)
