Scotland’s most senior Christian figures have come together to urge the country to vote in May’s Scottish elections. The Church leaders are encouraging the public and politicians to examine their faith as they prepare to vote in the Scottish Elections. Churches and Christian organisations have produced a shared election resources website: to inform potential voters about parliamentary and election processes; to collate information about party policies and inspire Christians of all political persuasions to participate in the debate. The website is a joint initiative between the Scottish Churches Parliamentary Office, Catholic Parliamentary Office, CARE for Scotland, Evangelical Alliance and Christians Count. It is supported by the Baptist Union of Scotland, Christians Count, Church of Scotland, Congregational Federation, Destiny Church Network, Evangelical Alliance, Free Church of Scotland, Methodist Church in Scotland, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Roman Catholic Church, The Salvation Army, Scottish Episcopal Church, United Free Church of Scotland and United Reformed Church

Praise: God for this united effort by the Churches to encourage people to vote. (Tit.1:9)


The Church of Scotland is set to roll out a brand new sport in its churches following a successful pilot in east Glasgow. Racquet WALL is similar to squash but played on only one wall. The game proved hugely popular in trials with a local primary school at the Church of Scotland-run Church House in Bridgeton. The venture has been developed by the Scottish Churches Commonwealth Games programme in association with Scottish Squash and Racketball Limited (SSRL), who said the response from children had been ‘astonishing’. Following the official launch this Wednesday, churches across Scotland will soon be hosting the game to help as many youngsters get involved as possible. John Dunlop, SSRL’s chief executive, said its priority was to engage people in the squash and racquet ball sports and tackle the ‘serious health and wellbeing issues that all of society faces today, which sport can help to address’.

Praise: that this idea bringing physical health will lead to spiritual blessing through contact with the Church. (3Jn.1:2)



A Church of Scotland pastor who lost his mother and close relatives in a suicide attack on a Pakistani church said he forgives their killers. Reverend Aftab Gohar's 79-year-old mother, nephew, niece, two uncles and other friends and relatives were among the 171 people killed in the September 22nd blasts at Peshawar's All Saints Church. On Sunday, October 20th Gohar resumed his duties at Abbotsgrange Church in Grangemouth after making an emotional statement about the militants linked to one of the deadliest attacks against Pakistan's minority Christians. ‘It is wrong what these people did but I forgive them. Forgiving is what we learn from the Lord Jesus Christ. That is why I forgive,’ He added, ‘We pray that they may one day develop the wisdom to understand that it is not right to kill children and other innocent people.’

Praise: God for Gohar’s faithful witness; ask God to continue to strengthen him and all who are affected by terrorism and persecution. (Ma.5:11)



A booklet called ‘Thirst’ from Church Army reveals potential for more school-based fresh expressions of church. Thirst was founded by Sue Butler, who was surprised to find that although the local school was a Church of England primary, the social and cultural gap was too great for parents to join in with traditional forms of church. The reports back from Thirst have been positive, with leaders feeling it has made a tangible difference to the overall life of the school. Church of England primary schools are an ‘open goal’ for the Church as they tend to be receptive mission contexts for pioneering fresh expressions of church; however there is a challenge in finding pioneering leaders with the necessary links, resources and skills to make the most of the opportunities.

Praise: God for Christian mission work in schools – may every expression of faith grow and flourish. (Ps.34:11)



Thousands of students will be sitting down to take exams across the country this month - but one school in Brighton & Hove believes it's not only good teaching and revision that gets the grades. Cardinal Newman Catholic School has set up an interactive prayer room for pupils who are feeling the pressure.

Praise: God for this initiative and pray that the students will be blessed. (Ps.151)



A primary school in Sussex has scrapped a sex education DVD after parents complained about its explicit content. Governors at Turners Hill Primary School ruled that the video was not in keeping with their ethos following concerns about sexually graphic scenes. From September the video, which had been used for a year, will be replaced with a new discussion-based PowerPoint presentation. Parents will be invited to see the new material before the pupils see it and may withdraw their child from the lessons if they wish. Head teacher of the Church of England school, Oliver Burcombe, supports the governors’ decision. He said policies had been reviewed, and it was decided all materials ‘should be changed and based more around Christian principles’.

Praise: God that wise decisions have been made and pray for guidance to those who have the responsibility to teach our children. (Pr.1:5)



Saved from death

19 Nov 2010

Gitika's body shrunk as an evil spirit caused her to quit eating, lose sleep and writhe with burning pain. For a month and a half a demon terrorized her, making her weak and speaking through her saying, ‘I won't leave her until I take her life!’ The hospital said nothing could be done for her and she was sent home to die. A neighbour told the family of a Pastor who could pray for their daughter to be healed. Hoping for a miracle they contacted Pastor Somkar. ‘ I know what you are doing. Don't go. Don't bring him here!’ the evil spirit yelled, through Gitika. But the pastor came and prayed for several weeks until she was delivered from the demonic attack, started eating again and was completely healed. After seeing God's power through prayers the entire family became Christians. Gitika now shares with others that only God was able to give her life again.

Praise: God for healing and deliverance, and ask him to use Gitika and her family to bring the whole village to faith in Jesus. (Ac.10:38)


Last week a Saudi woman who introduced herself as ‘Maryam’ announced in a video published on the internet that she has forsaken Islam and converted to Christianity, according to Mohabat News. Apparently, she is the first Saudi-Arabian woman to publicly declare her faith in such a manner. The new convert said in the published video that she hasn’t removed her Hijab for fear of her life and to keep her identity unknown. The publishing of the video on the internet angered Saudi officials and Muftis. They highly criticized the video and called urgently for necessary measures to stop Christian evangelism in Saudi Arabia. In the short video, Maryam says: ‘I have quit the darkness of Wahhabi Islam and entered the light of Christianity. I dreamt that I needed to do this. Jesus Christ came to visit me in my dream and gave me the name of Maryam (Arabic pronunciation of Mary).’

Praise: God that He speaks through dreams and visions and pray for Maryam’s continued blessing. (Joel.2:28)
