Many Pakistani Christians are delighted with the news that Minorities Minister, Shahbaz Bhatti, has survived a major Government reshuffle that took place last Thursday. In recent times, Bhatti has become a lightning rod for extremists in Pakistan, who have issued multiple death threats against him, including beheading, because he had proposed an amendment to the country’s controversial blasphemy law and also his recent request for a pardon for Asia Bibi, the mother of five, who was sentenced to death for alleged blasphemy. (See Prayer Alert 5010) For many Christians in Pakistan, this is an astounding development, as there were reports that the Ministry of Minority Affairs would not be included in the new Federal Cabinet, but we have discovered that the Central Executive Committee (CEC) took notice of the concerns of the minorities and invited Mr Bhatti to the oath-taking ceremony.

Praise: God for enabling Shahbaz Bhatti to continue supporting minorities including Christians in the Federal Cabinet. Pray for his protection. (Ps.5:11)


A brother who had participated in a prayer seminar last year wrote to the conference facilitators recently and shared the following, ‘You gave me a verse and said God was going to change me and use me as an evangelist. The power of God came on me like never before. I began to go out witnessing. I have just come back from X city (known as a hard satanic place) where I have made several trips. Five non-Christian families have come to Christ. You taught us to first teach them to pray. Now we have a small prayer group there. We are praying against satanic strongholds and seeing God answer.’ He went on to say he lives in a city on the edge of the desert where there are 40 born-again Christian families. They have organized themselves into 24/7 prayer throughout the week. During Saturdays and Sunday afternoons they send evangelistic teams into the area and are seeing lives changed all around them.

A Christian in Pakistan writes, ‘2011 saw a turning point in the Pakistani churches freedom to pray as we conducted a 40 day prayer campaign from 1st Jan to 9th Feb 2011. God did a marvellous job when 1000 churches/ groups/ ministries and individuals in 30 cities across the country prayed for thousands of hours for the church and the nation. We received many testimonies of how the Holy Spirit led people to intercede in a new way and a new passion for the country and the people with the anointing of intercession, tears, compassion as never before experienced. It did not stop there for we also witnessed churches and ministers doing other prayer initiatives during the year after the 40 day campaign. In 2012 we have again called the Pakistani Church and saints across the country to join us in another nationwide 40 day prayer campaign from 20th February to 30th March 2012 (during lent season).’

Praise: God for the way He is opening up avenues of prayer throughout Pakistan, and ask Him for more Holy anointing on the 50 cities now signed up for 2012. Alleluia! (Ps.71:14)


Crowds continue to flock to Cwmbran, hungry to experience the manifest presence of God. What has been witnessed is amazing. Well over 900 people have come to Christ and hundreds have reported healings since April 10th! Last night was absolutely incredible! Many people came to Christ and we also heard from Rhianna, a young girl who had a life-threatening brain tumour. Her doctors are amazed and declared her free of cancer last week! Another woman who came to Cwmbran two weeks ago, was in touch today, to tell us that after receiving prayer for suicidal desires, she has been completely set free. Another woman has reported that her arthritis has been much improved and that she has no pain! We are continuing day by day to listen to God and obey His voice. Every day is different, but one thing never changes - Jesus. He is still the answer. (See Prayer Alerts 19-20-22-25&28)

Praise: God for His continued blessing and this outpouring. (Ps.85:6)



Residents of and visitors to Leicester were told to ‘come just as you are’ on Saturday, September 18, 2010, as the Jesus Loves Leicestershire's (JLL) team hosted its fourth annual ‘Fire And Glory’ event in the Leicester city centre. And come they did, as thousands of shoppers and onlookers flocked to the huge stage at Humberstone Gate, one of the main shopping streets in Leicester, to witness one of the city's biggest annual Christian outreach events. Praise groups, singers, rappers and evangelists took to the stage for a successful day of worship, praise and thanksgiving. Local resident Maria Moseley, 62, from Leicester Christian Fellowship, spoke of how she had been healed of osteoarthritis after spending 28 years in a wheelchair.

Praise: God for this initiative and answers to prayer. (Ps.3:4)


Once a part of the terrible 2008 persecution against Christians in Orissa, Sharda Tamo now has been changed by the love of Jesus into a fellow worshipper in the very church he tried to demolish. In 2008 he joined a mob that tried to destroy the church's building and climbed on to the roof to break its Christian cross. Today he visits the church every week to worship at the cross of Jesus. The church in Orissa was known for its community outreach and ministry to women and youth and well-respected in the community serving hundreds of people under the leadership of a Gospel for Asia-supported missionary. In 2008 the church was badly damaged and its congregation was murdered or forced out of the village. But the church’s days of being a beacon for the love of Jesus are not over, and God’s spirit has not left the area.

Praise: God for turning this situation around and ask Him for many more people in Orissa to choose to follow Jesus. (Ps.126:5)



Making the journey between most of the seventy overnight stops of the Olympic Torch relay will be an open top Praise Bus. This huge undertaking is an initiative of one small Methodist church, Escalls Chapel, just three miles from Lands End. The bus will travel from location to location on the same day as the Olympic Torch itself. Worship bands and Christian music groups will provide ‘an unbroken symphony of praise’. The Praise Bus is part of More Than Gold’s 70 day cascade of prayer that follows the route of the Torch Relay, encouraging churches to pray for their communities and the nations. This ambitious Praise Bus project is the vision of Tina Bonfieid, a member of Escalls Chapel which is the last outpost of Methodism on the British mainland..

Praise: God for this initiative giving praise and glory to God. (1Ch.16:24)



An estimated one million Evangelical Christians in Brazil rallied for the 18th annual March for Jesus event in Sao Paulo. The event unites Evangelicals in the world's largest Roman Catholic country. Sao Paulo is one of the world's largest cities with over 10 million residents. In recent decades, Evangelical churches have grown rapidly to become a major influence. The latest figures available show the number of Evangelicals increased from 9 percent to 15 per-cent.

Praise: God for this powerful testimony to the people of Brazil. (Ps.147:1)
