No one wants their prayer meeting to be awkward, unorganized or poorly attended. Every prayer leader would prefer to host a well-organized and popular prayer event. However, effectual prayer and organizational efficiency are not always the same thing. The biggest and most organized meetings aren't always the most spiritually significant.

How then can we measure the success of our prayer event? A successful Collegiate Day of Prayer gathering can be summed up with three simple words-agreement, allies and answers.


One of this generation's greatest needs today is not just more prayer, but rather more agreement in prayer.

According to Matthew 18:18-20, Christ's promise to move heaven and earth through prayer depends more on our prayer agreement than the number of hours we pray. Unity and agreement is always one of the best ways to measure the health and strength of a successful prayer movement. Yes, this is the crowning grace of a good prayer meeting!

However, coming together at the same time and place does not always result in true agreement. We must beware of letting all the little administrative details of our physical meeting distract us from our larger kingdom goals. The visible gathering is only an outlet for the deeper work of the Spirit of unity. Above all the logistics involved in organizing a smooth prayer event, we must always seek to work and pray together like a team. God is looking for intercessory integrators-prayer mobilizers who can unite individual believers, campus ministries and local churches to storm heaven for this generation. A good prayer meeting is a united and focused prayer meeting!

The Collegiate Day of Prayer is a clarion call to agree in prayer for the spiritual needs of this generation. Let's unite our prayers around seeking God for another mighty spiritual awakening throughout the world of higher education.


All our goals of agreement in prayer will mean little without the strength of spiritual allies. The most effective prayer meetings are usually a close-knit group of kingdom friends and coworkers. The more they pray together the stronger and more effective they become. Additionally, genuine united prayer is a team activity, and demands we learn how to reach out to new and different kinds of praying believers with grace, humility and respect.

Our goal is to have every college community in America (including faculty) thoroughly covered in fervent prayer. This goal will never happen by only enlisting the help of other college students. True prayer saturation can only be achieved as America's fathers, mothers, grandparents and church leaders from every class, culture, and denomination begin to cry out for this generation. A successful Collegiate Day of Prayer builds bridges, opens locked doors, and establishes new friendships and prayer allies!

This is much more than just strategic networking and good logistics-God is asking us to open our hearts to Him and His whole Church-to walk and work together like a real family. The spiritual needs of this generation are crying out for us to pull down every wall that divides and weakens us. If we can find a way to do this we are halfway home. New kingdom friendships and allies are a sure sign that God is beginning to crown our prayer efforts with lasting grace and victory!


Ultimately, a successful prayer movement is not judged by its goals, organization, or passion, but by tangible answers to God's biblical promises.  One of the initial ways we know God is beginning to answer our prayers is by giving us a strong sense of His presence. This is usually evident by an increased sense of faith, urgency, and greater freedom in intercession. These are all good signs that the Father is drawing close, listening and blessing our corporate prayer efforts.

Another indicator that God is honoring our prayers for revival is by a growing desire to be still, tarry, and worship in God's presence for extended periods of time. When this is accompanied by conviction, as well as brokenness and repentance, we know that God's answer is on the way. This is both the biblical prescription and description of all the great historical revivals. When this spiritual process is sustained long enough to produce lasting joy, peace, and true transformation we know God is blessing our prayers for revival.    

Yet, our hopes and prayers shouldn't stop with just the refreshing and empowering of believers. True revival should always mobilize God's people to share the Good News with the lost and unreached. We know God is answering when there is a widespread turning to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Such a move of the Holy Spirit will transform our college campuses, restore a morally broken generation, and rescue our whole nation.

But when these prayers are fully answered it won't stop there. The ANSWER to the hopes and dreams of God is nothing less than the evangelization of the whole world-every tongue, tribe and nation turning to Jesus Christ in this generation. This is the ultimate crown and answer to all of our united prayers!

Let's seek God to answer our prayers for another great move of the Holy Spirit on each of our campuses, be in agreement in this pursuit, and invite as many friends and allies to intercede alongside us as possible. Our most fruitful CDOP may be just around the corner.

David Smithers serves as the English minister for the Chinese Christian Assembly in Pomona, California. For the last 30 years David has been committed to encouraging intercession and corporate prayer meetings for revival and spiritual awakening. He is the founder and director of Awake and Go prayer network ( and also serves on the leadership team for the Collegiate Day of Prayer.

International Children Intercessors Conference 2015 will be our 11th year we host this gathering. Over 1000 children from different parts of India specially from families that are considered untouchables in India like the children of the lepors, prostitutes, gypsies, Dalits (lowest caste of our hierarchal system) and thrown away children will come together. We will also have international delegates from over 10-15 nations present  as in every year. Those four days will be a time of interceding, worshiping and releasing the Father's heart over the children present, over nations, pastors, leaders, families and churches.


These children who were once considered trash are today raising their voices to say YES!!!

Each of these 1000 are a part of a Children House of Prayer  (CHOP). Over 20 children gather in each of the communities everyday to intercede. These children when off from school run 24, 48 or 72hours of worship in their community CHOP. Through these children, families, communities and cities have been transformed and saved.

This ICIC we are inviting houses of prayer from every nation to come. Our heart vision and focus is on Malachi 4:6.  We have seen God releasing the Father's heart over these children and on our international delegates every year. But this year we will receive Houses of Prayer run by adults as the FATHERS and the Children Houses of Prayer as the CHILDREN in accordance with Malachi 4:6

We believe, when houses of prayer representing the fathers and children come together, revival will spark in every nation. Let generations connect and the heart of the Father be established among His people.

It's time to release children. It's time for the fathers to pass the batons to their children.

Dates: Aug 6-9th, 2015
Venue: Chennai, India
Closest Airport: Chennai International Airport.
Airport Code: MAA
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please be in prayer for the success of the ICIC and also for the Royal Kids ministry which is helping  tens of thousands of children in coming to Christ, becoming intercessors and also with their educational needs. They are under a lot of pressure right now and need our prayer support.


SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA—March 3-6, 2015, at the Koreana Hotel, 28 international and 26 local leaders came together to plan for the World Youth Prayer Assembly (working title) pegged for 2016. 16 countries were represented in the meeting - South Korea, the United States of America, United Kingdom, the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Romania, American Samoa, Nigeria, Fiji, Vietnam, India, and Germany. It was amazing how God has orchestrated the meeting and how He has supernaturally provided to see this happen.

To get everybody on the same page, Pastor Jerome Ocampo re-cast the vision for the gathering on 2016 to the young, global leaders present in the meeting. As these leaders made a commitment to run with the vision and to be a part of the International Dream Team (IDT), the planning and stirring team for the event, they were prayed for and anointed by the older generation of leaders who were present. What a beautiful sight of impartation to and empowerment of the next generation!

During the sessions, the IDT was grouped into teams for discussion. It was previously agreed that the WYPA will be an event “for the youth and by the youth.” Thus, the young leaders were given a venue for their voices to be heard-- they gave input on the challenges the youth of today face, and generated ideas on how the WYPA can possibly address these issues and how it will be distinct from other gatherings for the youth. Among the challenges that surfaced across all group discussions are the lack of understanding of identity and purpose, and the lack of mentoring and fathering. One of the key elements the team thinks would be distinctive of the WYPA will be “learning conversations with fathers,” apart from powerful moments of just enjoying being marked by the Presence of the Lord.

They also brainstormed on the form and content of the event. Some ideas that came up were having prayer tents for the “seven mountains of culture,” plus another tent where 24/7 worship will take place. It is foreseen to be highly social and highly interactive; delegates will come out of the event well-connected with people from all over the world who are called to occupy the same “mountain” as theirs.

The team also threw out ideas for the event name, and among the names suggested, “UP: Unified Prayer/ United Prayer” is a direction the team is prayerfully considering going for.

Each of the IDT members were also asked to volunteer for committees they would like to be a part of for the event, aside from committing to mobilize from their respective nations and regions. A faith goal of bringing 1,254 delegates was generated from the commitment of the IDT alone! Faith for fund-raising was also challenged as each member believed for a specific amount to raise for the event.

Tentative dates were also set for the event: July 26-30, 2016 or July 18-23, 2016, pending the Korean Executive Team’s confirmation.

One of the highlights of the meeting was a trip to the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) - the border between North and South Korea. In the freezing cold weather, the team’s hearts burned in prayer for the unification of Korea. It was a foretaste of what is planned for 2016 - to bring the delegates from all nations to the border to release declarations for the freedom of North Korea and for the unification of the North and South.

What was remarkable in this meeting were the relationships forged among these young, global leaders. It was a joy to see them get along so well in just two and a half days of being together! Seeing these strong bonds formed, it will not be a surprise if the IDT will take their friendships and partnerships beyond 2016.

Praise the Lord for all that He has done!

Sarah Torres, WYPA and IDT Administrator

Prayer concerns:

1 For the IDT members to move strongly ahead in the work of mobilizing in their nations and regions.

2 For the Korean Executive Team’s formation and effective efforts within their nation to bring many other leaders and organizations on board and in support of the WYPA.

3 For Jerome Ocampo and his team in the Philippines to effectively lead and coordinate planning along with the IDT members.

4 For His provision of funding for this major event since there will be very significant financial needs to make it happen.

The UK will no longer tolerate the behaviour of Islamist extremists who ‘reject our values’, Home Secretary Theresa May has said. She invited individuals, families and communities to join a ‘partnership’ to tackle the issue head on. Mrs May said everyone in Britain had ‘responsibilities as well as rights’, and must respect laws, institutions and the rights of others. Speaking in London, she also outlined plans to ban hate preachers. She announced Tory plans for a review of Sharia courts in England and Wales to examine whether they are compatible with British values.' We will no longer tolerate your behaviour. We will expose your hateful beliefs for what they are.’ An Islamic State fighter has called for the death of Home Secretary Theresa May following the speech she made on Monday in which she called on British Muslims to help defeat extremism.

Researchers compared the TV viewing habits of more than 6,000 British people born in a single week in 1970, at the ages of 10 and 42. Parents should increase children's physical activity to ensure they become fit and healthy adults, the University College London (UCL) authors conclude. ‘Do something active to displace TV,’ advised co-author Lee Smith. ‘In the evening time when families tend to sit down and watch TV they should try to go for walks instead.’ If you can't go outside, try active computer games, anything that gets people up and expending energy rather than sitting down and snacking,’ said Dr Smith, of the UCL epidemiology and public health department. The authors acknowledge that for today's children TV viewing is often replaced by time on computers, smartphones or tablets. Parents should play active computer games with their children, say researchers.

Stress levels among teachers in England's classrooms are soaring, a BBC investigation has found. Unions are blaming workload for large numbers of staff taking time off work or leaving the profession. Insurance industry data suggest stress is the biggest cause of staff absence save for maternity. The Department for Education insists it is working ‘to tackle the issue of unnecessary workload which we know can lead to stress’. The BBC has also seen a survey of 3,500 members of the NASUWT teaching union which shows more than two-thirds of respondents considered quitting the profession in the past year. Workload was the top concern, with 89% citing this as a problem, followed by pay (45%), inspection (44%), curriculum reform (42%) and pupil behaviour (40%). In addition: NASUWT General Secretary Chris Keates described the results as ‘frightening’. Education Secretary Nicky Morgan Education Secretary Nicky Morgan has expressed her concerns over excessive working hours.

Faith leaders across the UK have signed a statement calling on nuclear weapons states to join with other states to implement new approaches to eliminate nuclear arsenals. Ahead of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference meeting from 27 April to 22 May 2015, senior representatives from eight faiths in the UK, including Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist, have given their backing to a statement calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons. The faith leaders argue that nuclear arsenals ‘violate the principle of dignity for every human being that is common to each of our faith traditions’. The statement urges nuclear weapons states to ‘develop a robust plan of action that will lead us to a nuclear weapon free world’ but in recent years, the UK government has strongly resisted proposals for negotiation of a new treaty that would lead to the elimination of such weapons.

A report by the Health Select Committee found that acute and community care for people reaching the end of their lives varies around the UK, and has called for long-term sustainable funding for hospices. Report author Dr Sarah Wollaston MP said: ‘There are unacceptable levels of variation in the care that people receive and this needs to be addressed so that high quality end of life care is available to everyone regardless of their age, medical condition or where they live. We must make sure that specialist palliative care expertise is accessible within hospitals and community settings as well as within our hospices.’  Hospice director Dr Ros Taylor, who is also national director of Hospice UK, explained that some patients still get lost within the NHS system and people die waiting to leave hospital. End of life care should be made available free of charge, MPs have concluded.