'We encourage people to pray for the safety of these families and for these kids'
Report: ISIS beheads 4 Christian children
We , Myanmar Intercessors' Network, are organizing a conference called, THE TRUMPET CALL, in 6-8 January 2015. The purpose is vision impartation and motivation for 24/7 Tabernacle of David Prayer Houses which are doing Intercessory Worship day and night and interceding for Myanmar and all over the globe. (Amos 9:11)
My vision is that God will raise up 24/7 prayer houses in every township and city all over Myanmar.
We are expecting 500-700 participants who are pastors, prayer leaders, intercessors and who are involved in worship.
Please pray that:
1 Potential leaders from all states and districts will join.
2. The Trumpet Call would be a life changing and inspiring encounter with God and His love for those attending and for Myanmar. (Zec 4:6)
3. That it woud bring transformational shift in the hearts of all those attending. (Ephe 3:9-10; 1:17-21)
4. Those leaving would be more uniquely joined in fellowship with one another and strengthened in the Lord (Ps 133;Mt 22:37-40)
5.That God would provide for every expense. Our estimated budget is 13,000 usd.
6. God will give us wisdom and anointing and protection to all the organizing committee and who are teaching and sharing.
Prayer Surge NOW! will play a key role during National Weekend of Prayer to End Slavery and Trafficking, January 9-11. On Saturday, January 10, 9-11AM Eastern, we will host "Let US be the VOICE of the VOICELESS"
National Conference Call Prayer Summit with a company of abolitionists and prayer leaders across the nation, and the Body of Christ is invited to connect for inspiration and agreement in prayer.
Visit www.nwoprayer.org and learn how you can be involved in other opportunities towards ending modern day slavery of human trafficking.
Request for Partnership in the 4th Annual
National Conference Call Prayer Summit
"Let US be the VOICE for the VOICELESS"
TOGETHER for the Ending of Human Trafficking
With a Company of Abolitionists & Prayer Leaders Across America
Saturday, January 15, 2014, 9-11AM Eastern
During Nat'l Weekend of Prayer to End Slavery & Trafficking, Jan 9-11
Connect: 712-432-0075 Assess Code: 6149782# Mute: *6
We invite you to partner with us for our 4th Annual National Conference Call Prayer Summit1.10.14:Let US be the VOICE for the VOICELESS, for the ending of human trafficking, with initial details posted on Facebook and National Highway of Prayer. This is a critical conference call connecting various abolitionist & prayer ministry leaders across the nation on Saturday morning, January 10, 2015, 9-11AM Eastern. We believe that our Father is calling us to a joint intercessory-abolition movement (I.A.M.) for a such a time as this to end the nightmare of modern day slavery.
Together in Christ,
Tomas Lares, Founder of NWOP
& Executive Director/Founder of Florida Abolitionist
Dai Sup Han, Co-Founder of NWOP
& National Facilitator of Prayer Surge NOW!
Nicholas Canuso, National Director of NWOP
& Author of "Land of the Free"
Towns in the provinces have experienced a return of their old demons in the form of armed confrontations. There is no let-up for the civilian population, and people are continuing to cross over the border into the Democratic Republic of Congo to seek refuge there.
- A few days ago. fighting was reported between the Seleka and anti-Balaka in Dékoa.
- Inhabitants of the Ouaka region arrived in Bangui last week, denouncing the fighting and extortions that are going on there and in the town of Bambari.
- Yesterday we learned of fierce fighting in Djimbi between Goula and Runga tribespeople (all Seleka) which had led to a number of deaths. The townspeople were sitting it out, holed up in their houses.
- In Bria, Muslims and French Sangaris troops have been locked in mortal combat.
In short, this is the climate in which preparations are being made for the Bangui Forum - supposed to be a national dialogue that will restore peace to the CAR. Delegations including representatives of the different religions will go up and down the country holding preparatory talks in different places. This will include areas where fighting is going on. I will probably be a member of one of these delegations, though I do not know which one or where it will be going to. Peace is beyond price, as is said; but we have need of your prayers.
The irresponsibility of the different armed militia groups, along with the egoism of their leaders does not make the task any easier, and we do not know if the elections planned for the middle of this year will be held in anything like normal conditions.
Night temperatures in Bangui are falling below 15° C, something quite unprecedented, while during the day the mercury goes back up to over 30°C. Numerous sudden deaths have been reported in the capital, and many children are ill. The spiritual war appears to be moving to a different front, and we must continue to trust in the Lord.
Thank you for praying, and may He bless you.
" The people of the land have used oppressions, committed robbery and mistreated the poor and needy and they wrongfully oppress the stranger. So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. Therefore I have poured out my indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath : and I have recompensed their deeds on their own heads says the Lord God." (Ezekiel 22: 29 - 31 NKJV).
" If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place."
( 2 Chronicles 7:14 - 15 NKJV).
The first scripture says that when God's people fail to answer the call for prayer in
the face of sin, oppression, corruption and injustice in our nations, the judgment and wrath of God comes upon that nation. But the second passage says that when we pray, God hears us, forgives us, and heals our land.
I wish to use my nation Sri Lanka as a context to this small write-up on the power of transforming prayer. Ethnic riots have been a usual phenomenon in Sri Lanka from the early 1950's, not too long after we received our Independence from the British rule in 1948. In the early 1970's, we had a youth insurrection, which claimed the lives of tens of thousands of university students and young professionals. Although the insurrection was brought under control in less than year, it repeated itself in the latter 1980's. Tragically, in the early 1980's ethnic riots escalated into a full-blown ethnically based civil war. This dragged on for at least three decades. The casualty counts are varied. The government puts it down 60 to 70,000 but other sources say that it was at least 150,000.
Well, the Church prayed. We first started to pray in our local Churches; then local Churches prayed within our own denominations; and very soon interdenominational prayer groups began to spring up all over the Island. In almost all of our prayer gatherings, we quoted 2 Chronicles 7:14 which obviously alerted and motivated us to pray.
In the year 1994, a few of us prayer leaders, Dr. Arul Ankitel , Dr. Lalith Mendis, Pastor Michael Dissanayake and I, were privileged to meet veteran internationally renowned prayer leader Kjell Sjoberg. He visited Sri Lanka invited by Dr Arul to lead us how to engage in strategic level spiritual prayer nationally. This spearheaded us into the birth of a strong united prayer movement across the nation.
God answered our prayers in numerous ways. We had many well-organized and coordinated prayer gatherings in addition to the regular monthly prayer times, which we had among ourselves. First we had the final victory over the ethnic civil war in 2009. Although the end of the civil war in May 2009 was rather bloody and very unfortunate, the final conclusion of was most welcome. Although the war ended in 2009, full healing and reconciliation between the two ethnic groups never did happen. Strategic Prayers over our nation continued despite the challenges we faced in the area of persecution for both Christians and Muslims. It would not be unfair to say that the minority peoples groups in Sri Lanka were treated badly by the arrogant majority religious leaders. Our nation continually lived under a curse entrenched in so much division, bloodshed and oppression.
On January 9th, 2015, we finally saw the toppling of a very unjust and oppressive regime. There was great joy in our nation at last. We are beginning to see amazing change in our nation. Our prayers which have gone on relentlessly through the decades of the 80's, 90's, and the 2000's are being answered every day. Praise be to God. The Lord's eyes and ears have been attentive to our prayer. Yes, prayer has the power to transform nations.
Dr. Leslie Keegel, IPC Leadership Team
Our prayers are extremely powerful! Astrophysicist Hugh Ross says, "Prayer is the most powerful capacity God has given to us." Let us unite our prayers this month, agreeing in faith for the following "Top Prayer Challenges". Please share these with your prayer groups and fellow intercessors and let's believe God together for breakthrough in the following areas:
- Radical Islam - In many areas of the world, radical Islam seems to be metasticizing like an ugly, evil cancer. Pray for Muslims to have their eyes opened and to see the oppressive, destructive nature of this religion and to turn from it to Isa Al Masih, the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for the international community to come to agreement on a worldwide strategy for defeating Islamic radicals and terrorists and to take effective action both militarily and politically to rid our world of this scourge. As intercessors have united in prayer and governments have taken united action, we have seen the downfall of other past ideologies and movements such as Naziism and communism.
- Syrian and Iraqi refugees- many millions of people, including Christians, have had their lives disrupted by the Syrian civil war and the aggressive conquest of their lands by the Islamic State. Pray that the IS will be defeated and driven out and for an end to civil war in Syria so that these refugees can return to their homes and rebuild their lives. Pray for the provision of food and other needs they have whether in the refugee camps or wherever they find themselves. Pray too that in the midst of their disruption they will hear about Jesus, the deliverer, and be open to receiving Him as Lord and Savior.
- Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan- now that the coaltion forces have largely departed from Afghanistan except for about 14,000 soldiers left behind, pray for the government and military there and in Pakistan to strongly confront and prevail against the Taliban militants. May the Taliban and their leadership splinter and give up their Islamically inspired insurgency so that both lands can be set free from the awful violence and terrorism of recent years.
- Ukraine and the rebel initiative- recently fighting has restarted in eastern Ukraine. Pray for the peace talks between the Ukrainian government and the pro-Russian separatists to go well and for this conflict to be settled and ended for good.
- Iran and the nuclear program negotiations- one of the greatest dangers to the Middle East and indeed the rest of the world would be for the Iranians to finish their much cherished plan to build a nuclear weapon. They probably would not hesitate to use it against Israel and other nations. Please pray that the current negotiations will go well, that the international community will be strong, adopting new sanctions if necessary and that the Iranians will give up their nuclear ambitions. Pray that President Obama and other political leaders in the West will recognize the threat, not giving way to attitudes and actions of appeasement
- Israel, its neighbors and the national election- pray for the security and protection of Israel and somehow for improved realationships with the surrounding Arab nations, as well as with Turkey and Iran. Pray for Prime Minister Netanyahu to have God's wisdom to guide the nation forward and for outside attempts to interfere with the national election such as "Victory 2015" (backed by a leftist U.S.-U.K. group called "One Voice" and composed of former Obama campaign activists) to be frustrated and overthrown.
- Armenian- Turkish reconciliation- April 24 marks the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide at the hands of the Turks. Christians on both sides are presently working on holding reconciliation gatherings during this year to ask forgiveness and to pray together for the wellbeing of these peoples. Please pray for powerful identificational repentance and reconciliation that God will use to bring healing of relationships and openness to the Gospel by the Muslim Turks, one of the largest mostly unreached peoples on earth.
John Robb, IPC Chairman
Following the World Prayer Assembly held in Jakarta in 2012, the International Prayer Council leaders felt that a NEW WAVE of prayer and missions movements is coming and is now here-for the youth, by the youth. Thus, the inception of gathering this generation for a WORLD YOUTH PRAYER ASSEMBLY (WYPA) in August, 2016.
The WYPA will bring together a projected estimate of 10,000 youth leaders from 200 nations-youth and young adult leaders who will receive a clear understanding of their unique, individual callings; who will acquire the fire, anointing, and impartation to fulfill their unique destiny; and who will occupy and influence their respective spheres to affect change.
The synergy will...
- REPRODUCE in every country, and even go beyond, what happened in the International Prayer Assembly (IPA) in 1984, Seoul and the WPA in 2012, Jakarta. We hope and pray that the WYPA will unleash this global generation to the greatest Prayer and Destiny Movement in the history of the church.
- REVERSE the GLOBAL TREND of losing the youth in churches. The youth are hungry for a cause that will match their unique DNA. When they are gathered and they begin to understand the attack on their generation (i.e. child trafficking, sexual violence on children, child labor, teenage suicide, etc.), it will create a stirring in their hearts to fight for the destiny of their generation. They will understand that they were not born just to attend church; they were born to shift the destiny of nations.
- Possibly GIVE BIRTH to a new, GLOBAL JESUS MOVEMENT. We expect new Youth Movements will find their beginnings at the WYPA. The collaboration developed, the unity forged, and the streams synergized will bring a "connected global generation" into a focused destiny.
- BREAK the Spirit of DIVISION in North and South Korea. A Day trip to the DMZ (the border between North and South Korea) will be arranged for these youth leaders to come against the spirit of division, and re-infuse new energy for a revival in Korea. We expect this gathering will stir the youth to seize their destinies to bring Jesus Christ to their nations.
In order to see this happen, we are forming an INTERNATIONAL DREAM TEAM (IDT) of top, youth, global leaders from different streams of ministry all over the world to be the primary stirrers and planners of the WYPA. The IDT will birth the program for what is in the heart of God for the WYPA. The IDT will hold face-to-face meetings at least twice in 2015 (most probably in South Korea), while the rest of the meetings will be online. During the first meeting in March 2015, committees will be formed and set into motion toward the first gathering on 2016.
The first IDT incubation and planning meeting will be on March 3-6, 2015 in Seoul, South Korea. It will be a time of seeking God, fellowshipping, and synergizing of ideas.
Pastor Jerome Ocampo, International Coordinator for the World Youth Prayer Assembly
Prayer Requests:
Please pray with us for this ambitious project and for the emerging generation of youth and children (those under 35 years of age) that through the WYPA they will become a global prayer and mission force that will impact generations to come.
Pray for the International Dream Team of youth leaders to be formed successfully and to have anointed, effective meetings, March 2-5, in Seoul, South Korea and during 2015 so that the youth will be enabled to take the lead in organizing the WYPA. It will be an important part of their maturation as Christian leaders for the future.
Pray for Pastor Jerome Ocampo, leader of the Jesus Revolution in the Philippines, and his team who will do the executive coordination and for the rest of us in the IPC leadership who will help provide support in mobilization and fundraising.
January 29, Stratfor
"Multiple actors, backed by considerable coalition air power, have effectively halted the massive gains made by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. The group is increasingly being forced onto the strategic defensive, but it is far from defeat and is still able to launch attacks and offensives across the region on the tactical and operational level."
In Syria, the Islamic State has been unable to seize Kobani, Syria due to a spirited defense by Kurdish fighters and Free Syrian Army forces and it has lost more than a 1000 of its troops. Now, the IS has been forced on defensive north and northeast of its headquarters in Raqqa. Also, it has experienced a disappointing reversal in Deir el-Zour at hands of Syrian government forces. However, its greatest threat is the eruption of dissent within its ranks and citizens hostile to its rule.
In Iraq, government military forces have made some progress in dislodging IS from territory near Baghdad and in the north the Kurdish pesmerga have also experienced some success around Mosul, but will take a much more massive effort to drive the IS from this most significant northern city. There is a considerable need for more training and leadership within the Iraqi security forces. Some good plans are developing for a national guard for each province to win support of the Sunni tribes against IS. Unfortunately, internal disputes and sectarianism continue to hamper united action.
Let's pray for the following:
1 Giving thanks to the Lord that IS is being pushed back in some areas of both countries, let's continue to pray that they will be thrown into full division, confusion and flight wherever they are still occupying territory. Let's intercede and believe God for their complete overthrow along with the discrediting and rejection of their violent jihadist ideology that still attracts young Muslims from around the world.
2 Pray for the Kurdish and peshmerga forces, the Syrian Free Army and the Iraqi security forces to develop good leadership, overcome internal disputes in order to become united and effective so as to prevail against IS and drive them out of both countries.