LOVE JAPAN is a network and movement of Japan churches that strongly hope and dream of changing Japan.

We believe that change begins with prayer. Through prayer, we can become one in Christ. That's where God's work begins!

Our Vision: Transformation – Unity – Revival – Next Generation – Seeing God’s Glory!

Our Invitation…

We invite you to join us by devoting 30 minutes a day or once each week to pray for Japan!

Sign up HERE and we will send you a weekly guide with lots of encouragements. 

You will have access to the Echo Smartphone App with interactive tools and prayer reminder notifications.

‘My name will be great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it sets.’ Mal 1:11

More info & Sign up:

Last Quarter Evangelism (LQE) 2022 gets underway on the African continent on October 1st!

A student-designed, student-led outreach running from October 1st through December 31st in partnership with All Africa Baptist Fellowship (AABF), All Africa Baptist Youth Fellowship (AABYF) and The Prayer Covenant.

We rejoice over the one million conversions to Jesus through the witness and testimony of these young people in the first two years of this massive outreach initiative.

The theme for this year’s LQE is, “REPENT, for the Kingdom of Heaven is Near,” based on Matthew 4:17, From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”

The targets for LQE 2022:

  • Every believer is expected to share the Gospel with 1 person every day.
  • 40,000 local churches are expected to participate.
  • 6 million believers participating.
  • Reach as many as possible for Jesus!

IPC Sept2002 15bPlease pray for us! The prayer needs are massive and include:

  • An abundantly fruitful online campaign with translators for 20 local languages.
  • Pray for all AABF Evangelism LQE teams: AABYF Continental Team; West Africa team; East Africa team; Central Africa team; Southern Africa team; National Youth Teams.
  • Pray the Holy Spirit will take control of the entire operation of LQE 2022.
  • Pray for successful Evangelism Crusades.
  • Pray for creativity and joy for all participants; especially the children/youth.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will draw many to salvation through LQE 2022.


We live in challenging times & hope for many is shrinking. With COVID the “shadow virus” of suicide has taken many lives and touched multiple families. We are fighting suicide & depression on a scale we have not seen before.

September is World Suicide Prevention Awareness Month (WSPAM) and Saturday 17th September is the day for Suicide Awareness. The whole area of mental health & wellbeing is the foremost concern now for many families, communities & governments.

We are delighted to release "ALWAYS CHOOSE LIFE!" A special message of encouragement from two time Guinness world record holder, Jon Pritikin for 2022 (Japanese subtitles are available)

The WSPAM campaign from 2021 gained nearly 10million impressions & 5.1million views with 105,825 engagements across the Top 10 languages on the internet.

For 2022 we also have re-released the HOPE Prayers with Jason Michalski that speaks “You are infinitely more valuable than you think!’ All are uniquely loved by GOD & and we want them to know Him as Father

Our world is experiencing many crises. It’s time to share the HOPE we have!

Watch Always Choose Life Video

Shalom to you 

Andy Game Founder & Samuel Kaylor Creative Director & 

Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room

110 Cities Prayer Initiative   

Prayer Covenant for Children Mobile App

WPA 2.0 Replays

Global Day of Hope Broadcast

Romans 911 Webinar - Sep 1

IHOPKC The Return - SEP 22 - 24

54 Days of Prayer for Africa - 26 Sept - 18 November
Download Prayer Guide

Redigging the Wells of Revival 2022 - Oct 1st

Watchman's School of Prayer - Oct 3 -7

1st Friday GO PRAY - October 7th, 6am Pacific

Last Quarter Evangelism - Oct 1 to Dec 31

GACX Forum - Oct 4-6

Billion Soul Harvest Asia –Seoul, Korea, Oct 6

Awaken the Dawn - Nashville - Oct 12 - 15

10 Days: Global Upper Room - Sep 25 - Oct 5

Fire on the Altar 2022 (Herrnhut)
April 18 - Oct 15 2022

Finishing the Task - Breakthrough Prayer Guide

The Moravians changed the world
By God’s grace, we will too.

The prayers of humble believers change the course of history. A band of ragtag worshippers discovered this truth in 18th-century rural Germany, launching a 100-year prayer meeting that birthed the modern missionary movement. Often overlooked, the story of the Moravians comes to life in this incisive, devotional account. Moravian Miracle will fix your gaze on the glorious, conquering Lamb who is now gathering his church for one final prayer-saturated harvest of souls.

Moravian Miracle is written by Dr Jason Hubbard - Director of International Prayer Connect.


“Fascinating and deeply motivating.”
-  Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life

“A true gift to the global body of Christ.”
- Mike Bickle, International House of Prayer

Watch the intro video


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Price: US$12 | AU$18 + Postage
See Amazon for local pricing

Non-Amazon Country Orders...

If Moravian Miracle isn’t available to your country from Amazon, Click here to add your info to our list, and we will be in contact with you as soon as Moravian Miracle is available in your nation!

More info, order links, videos and resources at

“Teach us to pray,” was the humble request of Jesus’ disciples over two thousand years ago and remains the heart cry of many of His followers today.

Declaring the promises of God through prayer can lead to untold blessings and opportunities.

Candy Marballi’s newly released book, He Hears Her Voice, is a prayer strategy that offers proven steps to guide you to a richer and deeper relationship with God.

One prayer comprised of ten unshakable truths (grace, love, compassion, repentance, worship, commitment, dependence, influence, discipleship, and authority) will empower your prayer life.

Through vivid personal stories, meditative Scripture, beautiful hymns, and meaningful prayers, this devotional provides a grounding worship experience.

He Hears Her Voice will equip a generation of women to live out their faith in ever-growing intimacy with the God who loves them so completely.

Wonderful for gift giving, this book can be purchased through major book retailers including Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Be sure to leave a review!

Order from Amazon

Every book you purchase will impact a child in Africa.

Join many thousands of followers of Jesus around the world in praying for global Church Planting and Disciple Making movements using Disciple Keys!

Across each week of the year, we are taking you on an inspiring and challenging worldwide journey of discovery as you are introduced to many of the people groups who have not yet heard the Gospel message. They represent billions of people.

Disciple Keys is ideal for use at home, in church, school, college or within a prayer or mission organization.  It has been written and published by 24:14 Coalition and Finishing the Task along with several other partner organizations.

Disciple Keys is available online, as a PDF download, Podcast, e-book and hard/soft cover printed copy

Be equipped, with keys to be a disciple maker!

Download, Listen, Find out more at

Greetings!  I recently arrived home from Chennai, India where our FTT prayer team this last month shared vision and trained 180 regional leaders from the nations of South Asia to impact approximately 3 million intercessors from the subcontinent to pray, ‘Breakthrough Prayer – for ALL people, in All places, at All times.’ 

At the beginning of this year 2022, IPC launched a prayer strategy called the 110 Cities Prayer Initiative – working in partnership with the largest church planting networks in the world we discovered that 97 percent of the remaining unreached peoples and languages were represented in 110 mega cities of the world! 

What if we could see Gospel movements, a Bible, a Believer and a Body of Christ (one church per 1000 people) ignited in each one of these mega cities of the world?

To that end we are building a global canopy of 24/7 prayer, praying around the throne, around the clock and around the globe on behalf of these 110 cities in this next decade! 

Please join us in praying 15 minutes daily, or weekly for gospel movements in each of 110 unreached cities in the world.  Sign Up 110 Cities

IPC Sept2002 21bWhen you sign up, we will provide you with a reminder email of the time you commit to pray, photos and videos to help you pray from God's heart together with specific Bible-based prayer points related to our 3 b’s of a bible and a believer and a body of Christ.  Here is a 5 minute video explaining the vision  PRAY 110

As we hear answers to prayer, we will send you updated Praise reports of what God is doing for his Glory and our Joy. 

Many are now prayer walking the streets and sharing the good news of Jesus in these cities. In fact, this October the leaders of South Asia will be prayer walking 26 of the 110 cities and launching 24/7 prayer in each of them!  These cities are Ripe for the Harvest!

‘Little Keys open Big Doors’ – what if we all took this ‘Little Key’ called prayer, and put it in God’s hand - I believe we would see God open up a ‘Big Door’ called revival and awakening in the nations!   

Hope you can join us as together we Ignite ‘Breakthrough Prayer – for All people, in All Places, at All time’

Dr. Jason Hubbard – Director
International Prayer Connect

Here are some key verses to consider:

Psalm 110 – read David Bryant’s insightful reflections on this passage and how it defines our greatest reality!

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people” - 1 Timothy 2:1 (ESV)

“Men should Always Pray and not loose heart” - Luke 18:1

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” - Luke 10:2

“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare” - Jeremiah 29:7