Tigray has been isolated for 17 months. Millions are in desperate need of food and essentials. Tigray's capital is under the control of the rebels. Getting the basics for survival is a source of anxiety. Every bank is shut so people are unable to use the money they have. People are borrowing money from friends and relatives to buy food. Relatives abroad want to help but all phone lines and the internet have been cut off. Plus, any available food has skyrocketed in price. The staple grain, teff, wheat flour, pepper and cooking oil are harder to afford. Foraged wild fruits, which people never used to eat, are now on sale at roadside stalls. People planted vegetables but water is scarce. They sell possessions to live. When nothing is left they start begging in the street. Human Rights Watch-Amnesty report accuses paramilitaries of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

With millions of deaths and hundreds of millions of recorded cases around the world, the pandemic has been an enormous global health challenge. Covid restrictions erased all recent reductions in poverty. In 2020 the number of very poor rose. Loneliness, fear, grief, money worries, idleness and overwork caused a 25% increase in anxiety and depression. Pray for the restoration and rebuilding of lives. Pray that the churches worldwide will be ‘like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm’ and for God’s Kingdom to advance. Pray for Churches to make the most of new post-Covid opportunities. Covid normalised video-conferencing for billions and has multiplied opportunities to learn and pray together. Praise God for the Global Fund for Malaria, TB and HIV. Deaths from malaria have dropped 60% since 2000, and HIV is no longer among the ten leading causes of death. Pray for the continued fight against preventable diseases.

Last month we prayed for God to strengthen His church to stand against temptation after high profile scandals led to many leaving Hillsong. Now a statement by the 24-7 Prayer movement said, ‘Some significant concerns relating to Mike Andrea’s role in the local church have been proven and are being addressed by the Trustees of Global Generation Church. Having carefully and prayerfully considered the investigation findings we have asked Mike Andrea to step down as CEO of 24-7 Prayer and are requiring him to submit to personal and professional training and development, to which he has agreed, prior to considering any new role within the organisation that has yet to be defined.  Alongside this, we will conduct a full and thorough review of the culture within 24-7 Prayer’s various operational teams and will recruit a new CEO. Pray for God to heal all who have been hurt by inappropriate experiences by Christian leaders.’

Rabbi Jason Sobel came from a Jewish home in New Jersey, which has more Jews than Jerusalem. He attended Hebrew School and was fêted by family and friends at his Bar Mitzvah. At 18, he began his spiritual journey of discovery by studying with his rabbi, then he explored Eastern philosophy and other religions. One day he was meditating and something very unusual happened. ‘My soul began vibrating, it left my body and I had this encounter with this king on a throne in heaven. I felt the power of God pulsate through my body. I knew this king on the throne was Jesus, but I knew nothing about him!’ No one had ever shared the gospel with Sobel. ‘I thought Jesus was a nice Jewish boy who converted to Roman Catholicism. I had this encounter and was overwhelmed. I knew Jesus was real.’

New Life Radio was based in Russia but moved to Odessa, Ukraine, in response to increasingly restrictive Russian laws. New Life’s founder and organiser said despite the current crisis, Christian radio is a crucial ministry for reaching Russian-speaking peoples. He said, ‘The importance of Christian radio is we can ensure Russian-speakers get solid biblical teaching and sound doctrine in a way that overcomes their inability to currently get it. When the government stops the evangelical church from evangelising and doing public discipleship, what’s the next vehicle that can accomplish that? Christian radio’. New Life Radio was launched as an FM station, then expanded its reach across Russia and surrounding Russian-speaking nations through satellite radio. They now broadcast on the internet around the world. During the Ukraine crisis they moved to Romania to continue broadcasting. They also now give updates for informed prayer.

The road to war for Elliott and Kieran ran through Facebook, a £20 Ryanair flight to Krakow in Poland, a cold night sleeping outside a railway station, then walking into Ukraine to join other recruits taking a minibus to Lviv. ‘I just can't sit at home and watch what's going on and carry on as usual,’ says CJ Darton, who served seven years with the Royal Anglian Regiment. When Russia invaded Ukraine he almost immediately began making plans to volunteer. ‘We were stopped by police on the way out,’ recounts Kieran, a plumber from Brighton. ‘They said “fair play to you”. As far as I'm aware we're not doing anything wrong.’ When they reach the front line they can either sign up with Ukraine's International Legion and stay for the duration of the war for the same pay as Ukrainian soldiers, or join other former British soldiers already fighting on the front line.

The Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF), working under the authority of the Ukraine ministry of health, is providing a portal for getting medicines, consumables and equipment to hospitals, health centres and frontline Ukrainian paramedics. It has a window of opportunity and needs to act quickly and decisively. It has appointed experienced volunteers to key roles and has set up a national operation to deliver medical supplies to Ukraine, in partnership with the Keswick Group. Supplies will be received, sorted and packaged near Derby and then sent by lorry to Poland where they have organised a good supply route into a West Ukraine distribution centre operated by a local Christian medical association. Please pray for stamina for the CMF doctors and nurses collecting medical supplies from pharmacies, surgeries and hospitals. Pray for wisdom as they sort the aid and package it, and for safe speedy transport to the areas where it is needed.

Richard worked in the City of London and had a PhD in political science He was 30 when he was admitted to the Linden Centre, Chelmsford, over fears he would harm himself after a recurrence of depression. His father said they left Richard with scissors, razors, shoelaces, electrical cords and a dressing gown cord. Someone else had taken their own life there three months earlier, but hazards in its layout were still in place. ‘It is the same errors and the same flaws, time after time. People are still dying, needlessly.’ A public inquiry has learned of the deaths of 1,500 people who were in the care of Essex mental health services over a 21-year period. The ongoing inquiry began taking evidence from the public in December. Recurring themes are concerns over patients' physical, mental, and sexual safety while on wards. See also