With inflation rising, young people are feeling the pinch more than ever. In a national poll conducted at the beginning of 2022, which involved more than 11,000 people, London came out bottom - with just 37% of Londoners saying they felt their rent was affordable. There is also a gender gap, with 1/3 of women in London spending over 50% of their salary on rent, compared with 1/4 of men. See The Resolution Foundation said the dramatic increase in global oil and gas prices was forecast to push UK inflation above 8% this spring, causing average incomes across Britain to fall by 4% in the coming financial year. That is worth £1,000 per household, the biggest annual decline since 1975. It warned chancellor Rishi Sunak that urgent steps were required to help the poorest families in Britain with soaring living costs, adding that weak wage growth and high inflation would drive more children into poverty.

The Government is failing to tackle an alarming growth in fraud nationwide. An updated draft of the Online Safety Bill will address laws covering harmful user-generated posts, adverts, and promotions. Images of celebrities are regularly used to advertise fraudulent scams, and a consultation is being launched over rules for online advertising to end the increase of consumer harm; there could be a new online advertising regulator to block and ban advertisers that repeatedly break the rules. The Government will leave it to Ofcom to decide whether the systems and processes are proportionate. Search engines may have to pay compensation to people duped by scams advertised through their platforms.

Many of Ukraine’s refugees are women and children travelling alone. Fuel shortage means they must walk great distances in winter weather, facing risks of trafficking and violence. Ask God to give them endurance and peace as they seek safety, and to be invisible to traffickers or anyone wishing them harm. Ask God to give the volunteers from local communities strength and perseverance as they work in freezing conditions to help refugees cross borders. Pray for good communication between charities and churches coordinating transfers from the border to shelters, and the forward journey. May these networks remove the risk of refugees accepting transport offers by people traffickers. Pray for God to bless and empower those providing food, supplies, and sim cards. Pray for the IJM teams currently training NGOs in how to support people with complex trauma. Pray for the success of traffic awareness flyers being put in passports and for the authorities to quickly identify signs of trafficking.

The Russian military have admitted that conscripts (drafted against their will) have been sent into Ukraine. Previously Putin had repeatedly denied this. It suggests that his initial planned swift takeover with professional soldiers failed. Conscripts going to Ukraine and coming home in body bags could be politically dangerous for him and have a more immediate impact on Russian public and influential opinion than any sanctions or corporate departures. Many believe the former KGB spymaster is trying to revive Russia's tsarist greatness and restore the Soviet Union might prior to its 1991 break-up. Proverbs 6 says that the Lord hates an evildoer: verse 15 declares, ‘Disaster will overtake him in an instant; he will suddenly be destroyed, without remedy.’

Ukraine’s Christians are openly seeking God to calm and ease their pain, and Psalm 31 has a special meaning in their hearts. Countless Ukrainians are reciting it from their bunkers and other safe locations as they turn to the Lord in praise and adoration. They are finding strength, rest, comfort, and stronger faith in God’s Word. The British and Foreign Bible Society said, ‘Psalm 31 is becoming really significant for the entire nation.’ We also can read it and join in spirit those in shelters who are desperately praying for aggression to end. ‘In you, Lord, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame; deliver me in your righteousness. Turn Your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me. Since You are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of Your name lead and guide me.’

Five days after Shell announced it is ending all joint ventures with the Russian energy company Gazprom, on 6 March it admitted having bought Russian crude oil at a discounted price. It said there was no alternative crude supplies which would reach Europe in time. On March 8th Shell said, ‘We are acutely aware that our decision last week to purchase a cargo of Russian crude oil to be refined into products like petrol and diesel - despite being made with security of supplies at the forefront of our thinking - was not the right one and we are sorry.’ The business says it will immediately stop all spot purchases of Russian crude oil and will shut its service stations, aviation fuel and lubricants operations in Russia. It says its withdrawal from other associations with Russia will be done ‘in a phased manner, aligned with new government guidance’. They said Russian oil profits will be used to help Ukrainians. See

8 March was International Women’s Day. Genesis 1:27 says God created both men and women in His image, yet women disproportionately suffer injustice. Operation World statistics report, ‘Women account for two thirds of the world’s poorest citizens. Nearly two thirds of illiterate people are women, and this proportion has stayed the same for two decades. Globally, women are paid less than men. A cultural preference for male babies has led to 30 million or more deaths of unborn or baby girls, mostly in India and China. This fuels the growth of trafficking of women as brides or sex slaves.’ In 1945 the UN Charter was the first international agreement to affirm the principle of equality between women and men. The UN celebrated its first official International Women's Day during International Women’s Year in 1975. Nearly fifty years later, women still don’t fully participate in political, cultural and economic arenas in many nations and cultures. Globally, this still needs to be addressed.

The war in Ukraine has taken a lot of attention away from Covid, which is unfortunate because the pandemic has now killed almost six million people. There are countries where vaccination rates are still very low; this includes most African countries, where people should not be complacent as the virus still poses a grave risk. Africa’s top public health agency has signed a memorandum of understanding with Pfizer to bring supplies of the pharmaceutical firm’s Paxlovid antiviral pills to the continent. Also Moderna will build its first facility in Rwanda to sell, package, and distribute Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccines.