Pray for Nigeria

18 Mar 2021

When Nigerian front-line worker Daniel Zagi was interviewed by Voice of the Martyrs, he used the word ‘pray’ 42 times. ‘If there is anything you want to do for us, pray’, he said. ‘We are here, and we are fighting for the cause of the gospel in the north.’ Many Christians in northern Nigeria have lost loved ones and homes in attacks by Boko Haram and Fulani militants, who seek to drive Christians out and establish an Islamist nation. Many pastors have been forced to flee the region, and entire congregations have been displaced. Nigerian believers need our prayers as they advance the gospel amid these violent attacks. Pray that believers suffering repeated attacks will withstand persecution and persevere in faith. Ask God to comfort all those who have experienced great loss because of this violence.

Many Christians in Iran are paying a high price for their faith in Jesus. They have lost jobs, homes or even custody of children. Some have been physically abused. Many are rejected by friends and family, and some are unjustly imprisoned in Iran’s notorious prison system. Prayer strengthens our brothers and sisters and reminds them that they are not forgotten. In a letter from prison, Pastor Farshid Fathi writes, ‘I sense the fragrance of your prayers as a cool breeze on my heart and it strengthens me from afar’. For the region’s Christians, SAT-7’s Persian TV channel presenters will also mark the New Year (Nowruz) festival on 20 March by highlighting the new life we have in Christ.

In what has been called Myanmar's ‘Tiananmen moment’, Sister Ann Roza knelt in front of armed security forces to stop them firing on civilians. She was giving treatment at a clinic when groups of protesters passed by; then they were fired on and beaten by the police and military. ‘I was shocked and thought today is the day I will die. I was asking and begging them not to do it and was crying like a mad person, like a mother hen protecting the chicks. I thought it would be better that I die instead of lots of people. I was crying out loud. My throat was in pain. My intention was to help people escape and be free to protest and to stop the security forces. I was begging them. At that time I was not afraid.’

While working at an Afghan eye hospital, Dan took a fortnight’s trip to Iran which turned into a nine-week nightmare. He was falsely charged with spying and being a missionary and imprisoned in a small dark room, being interrogated and beaten by prison guards. Then he recalls, ‘As I lay on the ground, all of a sudden, the room fills with this glorious light. And I turned around to see what was going on, and there was Jesus. It was at that lowest point that He met me.’ Jesus provided strength to continue and even befriend the guards who beat him, and the courage to boldly proclaim his faith in front of his accusers and an Iranian judge. ‘I preached and told everyone who Jesus is and how much he loved them.’ Not long after he was released. He now trains people to serve in missions.

Praise God for all 88 children rescued during Operation Smile in South Asia. This was a police campaign focused on finding missing children and rescuing child labourers. IJM is so grateful for the tireless work of the authorities. Please pray for the children’s aftercare and safety, and that the government can reunite them with their parents, if safe. Also praise God for a significant conviction in Kenya of a police officer who shot a fisherman and then accused two bystanders of a crime to keep them quiet about the murder. It took five years to complete the trial. Please pray that the news of this conviction would be heard far and wide, so that police would know there is accountability under the law and any abuse of defenseless citizens will result in prosecution.

Four days before an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Meghan Markle was claimed by unidentified sources to have bullied three personal assistants. The royal household launched an investigation, and will speak to current and former staff. See Since the interview, front pages and TV screens everywhere have commented on the ‘royals in crisis’ over mixed-race skin colour comments, family dysfunction and no emotional support for Markle’s mental health struggles. The senior royals released a statement asserting that while some recollections of incidents may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately. They confirmed that ‘Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved family members’.

Lord, You desire all the royal family to display your righteousness, wisdom, and majesty. May Your will be done. We ask that every change taking place at the moment will strengthen not weaken the monarchy reputation and the future of this nation. Please reinforce every Godly inheritance within the royals. We cry out for wounds to be healed, relationships restored, and for love and honour to overcome every attempt of the enemy to divide or conquer. We thank you for our Queen and celebrate her heart for You, the wisdom, righteousness and integrity reflected in her life and for the respect she holds within this land. Give her peace as she stands above, yet amid, political noise and personal pain. We ask you to heal every injury inflicted by the media and misinformation. May all the royal household have God-given wisdom, peace, and resilience.

The leaders of seven well-known Christian festivals and events are encouraging people to support them this year. They say, ‘We are asking for you to stand with us; we need your help more than ever. Some of us have postponed events, some have moved to free digital alternatives, or chargeable digital and hybrid events. We have all had to decide what is best for us in our unique situation now; we all need the wisdom of the Lord. Please pray regularly for us as we lead our organisations, listen to His leading, and do all we can to serve Him and you. Please join 2021 events and buy tickets. If you wait until 2022, your preferred event may not have the finances to be there.’