As part of our series of articles introducing you to the International Prayer Connect Council members, we are pleased to be sharing Ann Low’s story with you this month.   

Do watch this video entitled ‘I am God’s Masterpiece’ in which Ann shares some of her experiences from 38 years of serving God in the Church and through the prayer and mission movements.  Her joyful and gracious spirit comes over as she shares how the Lord has spoken to her and equipped and nurtured her through her life and ministry.

Ann Low Tin Geok, is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God in Malaysia.  She is one of the Senior Advisors to the South East Asia Prayer Council where she has been involved for the last 14 years,  She was called into the ministry in 1988 and went to Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas from 1989-1990 for training, equipping and preparation for ministry.

Ann is an Executive Member of International Prayer Connect and has been associated with IPC for 19 years.  She is one of the pioneers of MNPN (Malaysia National Prayer Nurturing) focused on transformation and revival; and now currently leads with other two leaders, the Daily Noon Prayer which attracts many to pray.  Daily Noon Prayer has signed up 4 slots to pray on the recently launched Malaysia United FIREWALL.  She is an ‘ignitor’ of the recently launched ‘Hand-in-Hand with Families in Prayer’ project.

In 1991, Ann returned to Malaysia and served as one of the Associate Pastors of Kajang Assembly of God in the area of missions, prayer and evangelism.  She led mission teams to Philippines, Thailand, India, China and Bangladesh. Ann was privileged to be part of the Pastors' Fellowship to organize the first Easter Prayer March for Kajang in 1993, the first of such an event in Malaysia.

In April 2000, in obedience to the call of the Lord, she joined NECF Malaysia (National Evangelical Christian Fellowship) as the Executive Secretary (Prayer) until December, 2008. She has seen God worked mightily in mobilizing Christians to pray for Malaysia for the last 8 years. 

As the former National Prayer Facilitator of Malaysian National Prayer Nurturing (MNPN), she travelled to different states to share and teach on prayer and intercession and encouraged Pastors' Fellowships. MNPN is a ministry committed to nurturing the generations in prayer to passionate and holy living according to God's Word, being set apart for His purposes, preparing the bride of Christ to awaken and fulfill the Great Commission.  She worked alongside different prayer networks to come together and pray fervently for revival of the Church and transformation of Malaysia. From 2010 till 2017, she relocated herself to focus on Sabah and Sarawak, working with churches and prayer groups.

Ann, tell us a bit about your family, where you live and your personal / leisure interests outside the ministry work?

‘Since the lockdown due to Covid 19 in Malaysia, I was unable to travel to Sydney where I used to stay with my son, Douglas, daughter-in-law, Oneng and my two grandchildren, Samantha & Samuel for 3 months in a year for the past few years. My younger brother lives with me in a beautiful resort location in Kajang surrounded with trees and lakes. I have 3 other siblings with their families in this town and another one in another state.’

‘I love to read, take long walks nowadays and go out have yummy food and fellowship with my friends.’

Tell us about your service with IPC and SEAPC. 

I’ve enjoyed serving with my IPC colleagues who represent many countries from every continent.  It was in 2002, I had my first ‘encounter’ with John Robb & other leaders in IPC, during the first global gathering of 300 prayer leaders in South Africa. It was a rich experience to pray with so many prayer leaders around the globe and since then there was no turning back as I was invited to join subsequent prayer initiatives like praying in the United Nations, 4/14 in New York, Children in Prayer Consultations in Malaysia & Chennai, the World Prayer Assembly in Indonesia.

Another particular high spot was the memorable time I spent with a Prayer and Mission Leaders’ Gathering in Herrnhut in 2017. I had read so much about the Moravian Revival and it was a real treat for me and for my spiritual son, Jed who is the Coordinator of Prayer United Youth, a national prayer movement in Malaysia. The recent IPC Leaders’ Retreat in Bellingham in 2020 was a refreshing time to fellowship and pray with all our team members. It was also profitable to meet new friends who share the same vision.

I was so touched by a couple (Steve & Robin) who hosted me, they shared how they have been praying for us as Jason Hubbard had prepared a beautiful handbook with all of our information. I felt and received such amazing tangible love and care. 

IPC March2021 02bSEA Prayer Council was birthed in 2003, I was only involved in 2004 and then stayed on till today. We plan annual prayer conferences with the host countries and also travel to different nations for their leaders’ gatherings. In all these gatherings, the Lord has led us to develop meaningful relationships with many faithful leaders in spite of many cultural and geographical challenges.

I want to honour Dr Iman Santoso & Veronica Lorenzana who were the Chairman and Co-Chairman for their dedication and sacrificial service to the Southeast nations. There is now a new leadership team of 4 (Ps Sanith-Ps Kate-Ps Nicky-Ps Erwin) representing the Mainland and Islands of SEA as we transit into this decade.

We thank the Lord, with the Global Family Online 24-7 Prayer Room, many around the world are praying for SEA nations as we have committed a 2-hour slot every Thursday , Saturday and Sunday. (6am - 8am Jerusalem time) for e.g., Myanmar situation. The Lord spoke to me in 2015 that we must pray as a Region together, and this is where I believe the Lord is leading us to be praying for one another even more fervently for revival and transformation. Habakkuk 2:14

Tell us what motivates you to serve in the prayer and mission movements in the way that you do?!

‘Of course, the best Motivator and my Role Model is my Lord Jesus Christ who is the Faithful Intercessor who ever lives to intercede. (Hebrews 7:25) Many times in my early years being a young follower and believer, I would be filled with such compassion and tears to intercede even for strangers. ‘

‘And I believe it must have increased in the Bible College that I went to, Christ for the Nations in 1989 where prayer and missions were imparted to me. I wanted to be like one of the lecturers who brought outreach teams during the summer holidays. By the grace of God, I also took teams out to many nations when I came back home to Malaysia! I was also motivated by Beth Alves, my teacher for prayer and intercession, who even trained prisoners to pray for pastors and leaders, she has a ministry called Intercessors International. I also have the privilege of serving in the International Christian Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) as one of their intercessory teams in Malaysia from 1996 for a few years. I was able to travel to Sweden, South Africa and pray with men and women who have impacted my life for prayer and missions.’

Tell us about one or two of the ‘real-life pitfalls’ you have experienced with intercessory prayer?

Back in my Bible college days, I was asked to leave a prayer meeting one time because I was so loud, travailing...wailing away as we were praying for the nations.  I was so shocked and offended at the time! I started bad mouthing the leaders. I didn’t understand until one leader explained to me that if someone was going into labour (in the natural realm) you wouldn’t want everyone to witness you giving birth! What wise counsel I received that day. Wisdom begets wisdom.

And another instance in an International Business Convention in Sweden was that after a whole night of intercession with a number of intercessors from different nations, I heard this from the Lord, "You all think you have prayed so much, I will answer? "....we didn't realize that there was so much pride in our hearts, thinking that we were the elite intercessors that were bringing the answers... A humbling experience!

Finally Ann, do share your favourite Bible verse, and why it’s your favourite?

“Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3.

In this verse, I find that the Lord will continue to answer and show me great and mighty things that I do not know when I continue to call to Him (faithfully and persistently)

And every time I see 3.33 on my clock, I will start calling the Lord and ask Him what shall I call Him for to answer and show me today!

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Join 100 million+ people from across the nations as we gather online for World Prayer Together / GO PRAY. 
We will worship and pray for the launch of GO MONTH – a month of evangelism calling every believer to be a witness! (Luke 10:2)

Throughout May 2021, many millions of people will be evangelizing - one to one, in public and through social media and we want to cover them in prayer!

'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'   Luke 10:2

Our primary prayer focus during the 2-hour program will be evangelism and gospel movements amongst the remaining unreached peoples of China, India and the Middle-East.

World Prayer Together is being convened by International Prayer Connect in association with GO Movement, IHOP KC, GOD TV and numerous ministries around the world.   It is part of a series of global prayer events under the World Prayer Together banner.  GO PRAY is 1st May – and represents a day of united prayer for this month of mission.

Please join us on May 1st!  -  We will be hosting this global prayer and worship event at IHOP-Kansas, broadcasting live through IHOPKC and on GODTV.

Inspirational Leaders…

The online prayer and worship gathering will be led by many inspirational prayer-leaders and teachers including: MK Bharti, Mike Bickle, Lou Engle, Dr Hormoz Shariat, Dr Jason Hubbard, Asher Intrater, Onassis Jeevaraj, Leslie Keegel, Daniel Lim, Werner Nachtigal & Eric Watt.  Worship will be led by IHOP Kansas.


IPC March2021 03bGlobal Prayer Day will be broadcast at 7pm on May 1st in these regions:


Full details, timings and links to the livestreams and GODTV regional programmes are at

DOWNLOAD FLYER  |  SOW IN with a GIFT  |  DOWNLOAD 40 Day Prayer Guide

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The Good Friday Worldwide Broadcast is a global outreach event focused on sharing the good news of Jesus - The news that caused Him to sacrifice everything for you.

Join us April 2, 2021, 7pm for the Good Friday Worldwide Broadcast!

We will be sharing Jesus into over 100 countries, translated into over 40 languages.  We are believing that hundreds of thousands of people are going to come to Jesus.

Imagine, the largest global outreach of the calendar year - activating the Global Church to share Jesus on this most important weekend in our Church calendar... but also around the entire year, that the message of the Gospel - that evangelism is needed now, more than ever!

This first launched in 2020, but this annual opportunity is here to stay.

The 2021 event will feature Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes, Michael W Smith, Ebony Small, For King & Country, Francis Chan, Nick Hall and Tasha Cobbs Leonard

The world is continually flooded with grim news. The nations are desperate for hope, for peace, for stability, for joy, for good news.  And we have it - Good Friday 2021 at 7pm Worldwide.  Finally… some good news!

Join us on April 2 to hear of the hope we all so desperately need through Jesus.

Host a broadcast - Spread the word - PRAY!

PULSE is Led by Nick Hall. It aims to bring the hope of Jesus to the next generation - whether it’s through live events or livestreams, local revival gatherings, raising up leaders, or creating digital resources - we exist to make Jesus known.   

Found out more and sign up at 

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The Global Jesus (Yeshua) Fast - A Global Ruth Call.

For more than 20 years, you have helped us mobilize united prayer and fasting. It has gone forward in stadiums, arenas, and open fields across America and the nations.

Now peering into 2021, I have been gripped, along with many leaders across the world with a vision of a global turning of the church’s heart affections and covenant love toward Israel, and a breakthrough into great harvest and a new worldwide manifestation of Jesus in his evangelistic power, starting with prayer for the SALVATION OF ISRAEL.

Out of this renewed vision, we are calling forth a Global 40-day YESHUA FAST for the whole body of Christ. We are focusing the fast on April 14th – May 23rd  ending on Pentecost Sunday, but other countries and peoples may find what is the best time of the year for them.

The Yeshua Fast was birthed out of a threefold cord revelation:

  • A global spiritual Aliyah where the gentile Ruth church turns her heart affections and covenant love to Yeshua, Israel, and the Jewish people. Ruth 1:16,17
  • A global call for prayer for the salvation of Israel as a tipping point for worldwide harvest. Romans 11:12-15
  • A growing expectation for an unveiling of the Messiah to the Jewish peoples and a new Pentecost from Jerusalem to the nations. Isaiah 44:1-5, Ez 36:26

More Information, Watch Lou’s Video and Register to receive all new daily devotionals and a prayer guide to encourage you in your fast at  

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In conjunction with several other initiatives of prayer and worship from Passover to Pentecost, 2021, WayMakers has published a praise guide named Ten Days of Praise.

For many, these ten days of worship and praise lead the way to March for Jesus celebrations on May 22, with the theme, “Worthy is the Lamb”. The prayers and praise expressions are embedded in a rich, but simple description of the ascension of Christ as King to fulfill all that God has purposed for all nations.

Written by Steve Hawthorne, this praise guide is included in Seek God for the City 2021. But this praise guide is also being made available, at no cost, in a pdf format, making it easy to use on any device.

Download the document, and let the praise begin!

More info and further translations of Ten Days of Praise are available as pdf files and eBook from:  AND

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In a day when followers of Jesus Christ are being polarized by so many opinions, issues and ideologies there is a wonderful truth that unites us upon which we can all agree...

Jesus Christ is the Worthy Lamb of God

"...saying with a loud voice, 'Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!'"

—Revelation 5:12

The March For Jesus is a procession of praise through the streets of the city, celebrating the Lordship of Jesus Christ and culminating in a grand worship event in which Christians publicly proclaim the Glory, the Majesty and the Supremacy of the Savior. It’s all about Jesus ... and nothing else.

What better time of the year for the Church to declare its oneness? Pentecost Weekend.  Pentecost marks the birth of the Church and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to all nations. (Acts 2:1-4)

Let’s celebrate our Savior in cities, towns and villages throughout the nations in a March For Jesus, this year on Saturday, May 22, 2021.

Register / Find Your Community:

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GYM 2021 WORLD - Saturday May 22nd 2021



Join young people from every continent for a 3.5 hour online programme of Worship, Teaching and Inspirational Testimonies.

Our 3 themes for this event will be Holiness, Discipleship and Missions.

Worship from Bethel Music, Watoto Worship & Gateway Worship

Guest Pastors: Pastor Edmund Chan (Singapore), Pastor Joakim Lundqvist (Sweden), Pastor Paulo Mazoni (Brazil), Pastor Robert Morris (Texas), Pastor Julius Rwotlonyo (Uganda) and Pastor Sergio Hornung (Peru).

Register now and receive an exclusive FREE e-book:

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This year Christians from all over the world, from different cultures and denominations and many diverse streams will join as one as we pray for the world.

Join in the Pentecost Global Broadcast – A clarion call for the Body of Christ to unite and pray earnestly for the coming harvest. This one-hour celebration of diversity will include key voices from around the world, and opportunities to pray united prayers for justice, healing, restoration, reconciliation and hope for the nations with a special emphasis on the next generation and families.

Don’t miss the opportunity to pray the Prayer for the World with believers around the globe from different languages, tribes and tongues… A true expression of John 17 unity in our time!

DOWNLOAD – Prayer for the World

Find out more at

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