Last week we prayed for change and the need for reforms to alter the way Turkey polices, prosecutes, judges, and imprisons its residents. Almost all Kurdish mayors have been replaced by government-appointed administrators. Judges whose verdicts disagree with government diktats are probed and often punished. 63,014 people were prosecuted for insulting President Erdoğan between 2014 and 2019; 9,554 of them were sentenced. A political analyst said Erdoğan's reform program survived only nine days, and his charm offensive is fake and is too little too late. He wants Turkey to continue as a third-world democracy while hoping to lure foreign investment on the same terms as a Western democracy, but investors are leaving. The economy is in freefall, with double-digit inflation and central bank interest rates up to 15%, while unemployment rises sharply. Erdogan promises to democratise, hoping to reverse the economic downfall, but that will not happen without real reforms.

Ashenafi Hailu was racing on his motorcycle to the aid of a friend trapped by the Ethiopian government’s military offensive in the Tigray region when a group of men on foot confronted him, identifying themselves as militia members of a rival ethnic group. They dragged him by a noose to save bullets. As the noose tightened around his neck he thought he would die. He passed out and awoke alone near a pile of bodies. His motorcycle and cash were gone. Nearly 50,000 Ethiopians fleeing Tigray have sought safety in Sudan, in what the UN called the worst exodus of refugees Ethiopia has seen in over two decades. Reports of looting, ethnic antagonism, and killings are at odds with Ethiopia’s prime minister saying, ‘No civilians are being hurt.’ Worrying prospects are that the fighting is degenerating into a guerrilla war that could unravel both Ethiopia’s national fabric and the stability of the entire Horn of Africa region, including Eritrea and Sudan.

The Agriculture Bill has now been finalised and received royal assent. The good news is the setting up of a trade and agriculture commission is to be included. Its purpose is to protect the UK's higher standards of environmental protection, animal welfare and food quality in farming and food production against imports produced to lower standards. The new legislation will bring substantial change in how farming and food production are supported; pray for our farmers as they adapt (Isaiah 28:24-29). See also

Gary Smith, one of the evangelists at a two-week outreach, writes, ‘Tonight was the last night of the crusade in Singida. The last two weeks have been absolutely incredible with thousands of salvations, miracles, and people filled with the Holy Spirit. I am rejoicing in all that the Lord has done. I’ve heard testimonies from bishops and pastors who are overjoyed as many new believers joined their church this morning. This is worth every dollar spent and every day away from family, to see people saved and planted into the local church. It’s not just making converts but to make mighty disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!’

After their son experienced a miraculous healing at the hands of Jesus, Bassam and his wife turned from their fundamentalist Muslim background and placed their trust in Christ. However, as a result Bassam and his family began receiving death threats, prompting them to flee from their home. In response, International Christian Concern stepped in to provide Bassam with a taxi business so that he could continue providing for his family with dignity. He expressed, ‘We prayed to God, but the answer exceeded our expectations. I wasn’t prepared for such a big blessing.’

On 2 December England launched a three-tier system to combat virus spread, and the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine was approved for use. It is hoped the tier system will help safeguard the gains made recently in containing the virus, and that the vaccines will ultimately make it possible for the nation to reclaim livelihoods and regain quality of life. However currently over 55 million people are in the strictest two tiers and cannot mix indoors with those in other households. Many feel their position in the tier system is unjust. Pray for a government review of the ‘human geography’ to be made sooner rather than later, so that adjustments can be made where appropriate to avoid unlawful tier crossing in the run-up to Christmas. Also pubs in tier two can only function as a restaurant and serve alcohol at the table with a substantial meal. Pray for the Government to give appropriate support to the struggling hospitality industry.

With the rollout of vaccines for Covid-19 now imminent, there are increasing concerns around misinformation (online or on social media) turning people against being immunised. The WHO says an overload of information, some false, makes it difficult for people to make decisions about their health. One participant in a coronavirus vaccine trial said, ‘It's often very difficult with the amount of information that we are being bombarded with to make sense of what you should be doing. I think a vaccine is one of the only ways out of the situation if we want to get away from endless lockdowns and curfews.’ Researchers have moved at record speed to develop vaccines, and the WHO is monitoring data from over 200 trials on several types of vaccine based on different technologies. They are going through the same safety tests as vaccines already used all around the world.

Disability History Month runs from 18 November to 18 December every year. It is supported by many disability groups, unions, and voluntary organisations, who aim to promote disabled people's rights and their struggle for equality now and in the past. Every year the month focuses on a different theme - celebrating achievements and fighting for equality. For instance, 14-year-old Jonathan is non-verbal and a wheelchair user who was in a special school until his mother taught him to read and write by eye pointing on a perspex E Tran and eye gaze software. Jonathan went to a mainstream primary in Year 5. When he was twelve, he wrote the book 'Eye Can Write' and set up a charity. Pray for continued backing and funding for all those sharing resources to help people with disabilities, and helping able-bodied people to understand the struggles that disabled people have.