Covid is taking an emotional toll across Europe with rising levels of apathy among some populations, the World Health Organisation is warning. Survey data reveals the scale of this ‘pandemic fatigue’ has reached over 60% in some cases. Many people are feeling less motivated about following protective behaviours after living with disruption and uncertainty for months. WHO says, ‘Although weary, people must revive efforts to fight the virus. Until a vaccine or effective treatments are available, public support and protective behaviours - washing hands, wearing face coverings and social distancing - remain critical for containing the virus that is continuing its spread across the world in 188 countries and over one million deaths. It has come at an extraordinary cost, exhausting us all regardless of where we live, or what we do. It is easy and natural to feel apathetic and unmotivated, to experience fatigue.’

The ex-supreme court president, Lord Neuberger, has warned that Boris Johnson’s law-breaking Internal Market Bill is taking the UK down a ‘very slippery slope’ towards dictatorship. In a virtual meeting with Britain’s top lawyers, he described it as ‘quite extraordinary’. He said the bill - which the Government admits will break key parts of the existing Brexit withdrawal agreement - sought to do away with one of the most important aspects of any democratic society. ‘This country has a remarkable, unbroken history of 350 years of observing the rule of law, and has an enviable reputation for that.’ He added, ‘Once you deprive individuals of the right to go to court, to challenge the government, you are in a dictatorship, you are in a tyranny.’ However, for the time being, Brexit trade deal negotiations have moved on and to avoid a damaging no-deal scenario, EU officials could negotiate until mid-November

The continuing trend of peace initiatives between Israel and its Arab neighbours are creating an upheaval of the Middle Eastern order. Please continue to pray for the people of Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and the Palestinian territories as their leaders seek a stable footing in this season of realignment. Pray for a just and swift end to the Syrian civil war through the peace process that includes the Syrian regime, rebel and Kurdish factions. Pray that the Lord will continue to expose the duplicity and danger of Hezbollah in Lebanon, and that the Lebanese people will continue to turn against terrorist groups and unite together in the formation of a new government. We pray for a shield of divine protection around the state of Israel, that the schemes of her enemies will be thwarted.

Elisa arrived home just in time to see Islamists murder her father and her husband, who was a pastor. Her uncle had already been beheaded. Grief-stricken and fearing for their lives, Elisa and 18 family members joined 200,000 others fleeing the Islamists’ advance. This year the insurgents, who have been active in northern Mozambique for three years, have pledged allegiance to the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS). The thousands displaced by the repeated, devastating attacks have fled to other parts of the country where conditions are crowded and resources are stretched. Front-line workers have reported burnt and destroyed churches, schools, clinics and police stations. As Christian workers provide comfort and food to the displaced, they are also offering Bibles to give hurting people the hope of Jesus Christ. Pray for an end to the ongoing violence. Pray also that the many enduring this trauma will gain hope and eternal life through faith in Christ.

Haredi Jews are more conservative and reclusive than modern orthodox Jews. Some Haredi are ignoring lockdown laws and embarrassing their peers who are socially distancing and wearing masks. Recently Rabbi Mordechai Leifer died of Covid-19 complications. Ashdod, his city, is one of the ‘red’ cities where infection is especially high. However neither the rampant virus spread that led to the nationwide lockdown, nor the fact that the virus was spreading especially quickly through Ashdod’s Haredi community prevented thousands of them from crowding together for his funeral, ignoring coronavirus restrictions and violating the law. A handful of police tried to hold the crowd at bay, but the mourners formed a tight-knit ring beyond the reach of the officers. When the funeral dispersed, some mourners resisted police efforts to scatter the crowd and even began rioting. Haredi make up 12% of the population but their morbidity rates are four times those of the general population.

Donald Trump took off his face mask to enter the White House after being hospitalised with coronavirus. This dismissive message - 'don't be afraid of Covid, don't let it dominate your life' - immediately met with angry statements saying he was putting Americans at risk. The American Medical Association warned that 'the only thing we have to fear is complacency'. Meanwhile the 74-year-old tweeted that he was feeling 'better than I did 20 years ago!' On 7 October Trump described his Covid-19 illness as a blessing from God. He wants all Americans to have access to the treatment he was given, even though the drug has not been approved by federal regulators and its use is known to carry a risk affecting behaviour and judgment.  Coronavirus has claimed over 210,000 American lives, and many are saying his message was 'a slap in the face' to bereaved families. He has refused to take part in a TV debate with Joe Biden because it would have to take place virtually.

On 6 October Louisiana’s governor warned, ‘It is time to prepare for Hurricane Delta as it intensifies in the Caribbean. It is common for people to experience hurricane fatigue during a busy season, but we need everyone to take this threat seriously.’ Delta is the 10th named storm in America this season. After tearing down trees and power lines across Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula, Delta grew in size as it approached the northern Gulf Coast on 9 October. Life-threatening storm surges and hurricane-force winds are expected in the Louisiana coast, with as much as 12 inches of rain in places. State and local officials are shoring up levees, sandbagging and taking other protection measures in areas still recovering from Hurricane Laura, which roared ashore in August. Over 6,600 Laura evacuees remain in hotels around the state, mainly in New Orleans, because their homes are too heavily damaged to return. Pray for their peace of mind.

As Kyrgyzstan slides into a political crisis Russia described the current situation, with the country lacking clear leadership, as ‘chaotic’. Border guards were given a list of people barred from leaving the country, ostensibly to ensure security amid the unrest that has toppled the government. Russia’s Tass news agency described the people in that list as ‘high-ranking’ officials. The former Soviet republic has seen thousands protest against the results of the 4 October parliamentary election which handed victory to establishment parties. The results were annulled after demonstrators seized government buildings and freed jailed ex-president Almazbek Atambayev. Rallies forced the Kyrgyz cabinet to resign, leaving the country with no clear leadership. Three opposition groups have each proposed candidates for an interim prime minister who would need to oversee a repeat vote in the coming months, local media said. Meanwhile, the outgoing parliament has split into two groups, which have been meeting separately outside the headquarters ransacked by protesters.