Intense rain and severe flooding has been battering China since early June serious flooding across 27 of the country's 31 provinces.  Currently, the water level of 433 rivers is above the flood control line, with 33 of them reaching record highs.  It has already affected more than 37 million people, leaving 141 dead or missing. Economic losses are estimated at 86 billion yuan (US$12.3 billion) so far.

Let's agree in praying for the heavy seasonal rains to stop and for the waters to subside.
Pray for the millions of displaced people and for the huge numbers of families whose homes and livelihoods have been affected.
Pray that support and assistance will reach people in all of the affected areas.

More info:

Lebanon: Beirut rocked by massive explosion -

Rescuers are searching for survivors after a huge explosion killed at least 100 people and injured more than 4,000 in Beirut, yesterday evening.  The main blast was caused by 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate - used in fertilisers and as an explosive - which was left unsecured in a warehouse for six years at the city's port. Thousands have been left homeless and families are still counting the casualties and searching for the dead.  There could not be a worse time for this to have occurred in Lebanon, a middle-eastern country already struggling with economic and political turmoil.  The hospitals were already under immense pressure, with depleted resources due to the covid-19 pandemic. Many of the people of Lebanon are angered by this disaster which could have been avoided.

Let’s be in prayer for the people of Beirut and the Lebanese government at this time:

Pray for the injured and the families of those who lost their lives in this tragic event.
Pray for the hospitals and emergency services who are struggling to cope with the magnitude of this disaster on top of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Pray that the international community will bury their differences and generously provide humanitarian assistance, medical aid and help with rebuilding the port which is the key entry point for food and other essential resources.

More info:

Watch this compelling video from Pray for Zero... and let's be challenged and prompted to pray for zero people not to have access to God's word in their language by 2025.

Let’s Pray that nobody misses out on hearing about the redeeming message of God's saving grace.

Watch the video:

Download the Pray for Zero Prayer Card which lists countries with just one remaining language that needs translating.

Become a prayer partner! It's simple and easy: Text "ZERO" to 313131 or visit  

Together, we can reach ZERO.

A Christian Reflection on the Coronavirus and its Aftermath

Tom Wright is one of the best Theologians of our time and gives biblical insight to the chaos of the pandemic right now.

Tom examines these reactions to the virus and finds them wanting. Instead, he invites you to consider a different way of seeing and responding – a way that draws on the teachings and examples of scripture, and above all on the way of living, thinking and praying revealed to us by Jesus.

‘This is a classic Tom Wright.  It is accessible to almost anyone asking questions, and yet it manages to be demanding for those who think they know the answers.  It is superbly written, utterly Bible based, and leaves one satisfied at having learned and yet wanting to know more.  I read it in a sitting with pleasure, provocation, and profit.  Do not hesitate!’ - Archbishop Justin Welby

Pandemic, Panic, Pangolin, Pandemonium. . .

What are we supposed to think about the coronavirus crisis?

Some people think they know: ‘This is a sign of the End,’ they say. ‘It’s all predicted in the book of Revelation.’

Others disagree but are equally clear: ‘This is a call to repent. God is judging the world and through this disease, he’s telling us to change.’

Some join in the chorus of blame and condemnation: ‘It’s the fault of the Chinese, the government, the World Health Organization. . .’

  • For Christians looking to understand the coronavirus crisis
  • Tom Wright offers a Bible based way to respond to events right now
  • You'll find a way to live through and tackle the effects of COVID-19

Available from Amazon as paperback and Kindle / Download / Audio Book

By Tom Wright, Paperback, 88 pages.

What Happens When Ordinary People Pray to An Extraordinary God

“God, don’t take my little girl. Please don’t take her. Please, God!”

As Brian Alarid cried out on a hospital floor for his daughter’s life in May of 2016, he had no idea God was about to use him to ignite an international prayer movement.

Today, America Prays has mobilized 24/7 prayer in 1,200 churches in 17 states while World Prays has mobilized 24/7 prayer in 10 nations, in addition to tens of thousands of believers, families, businesses, and ministries, all partnered together in 24/7 prayer for global spiritual awakening.

Join Brian on a journey through the depths of despair to the mountain tops of prayer, where the hard and painful questions are asked, and be inspired to pray and encounter Jesus like never before.

Order When People Pray on Amazon

The theme for the guide for 10 Jun to 20 July is 'CONSERVING the HARVEST'


Practical Tips

Pray on the go… to work, out and about, take the name of the unreached group of the day, or the 5 friends you are praying for, put a marker on your phone to remind yourself to pray for the lost around you.

A moment in your day… take a moment to open the 40 days of prayer guide, Listen to Jesus, what is He saying about those in your Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and ends of the earth?

For more information on the Unreached People Group of the Day, go HERE 

Download the Mobile App on your phone 

Pray for 5 ?? (neighbors, co-workers, friends, family members)

PRAY WITH OTHERS: In your triplet, or small group, even online, have a moment for a time of repentance (personal and for the sins of our nations), a time to focus on others and the lost, and a time to yearn and long for God’s Kingdom to come on earth as it is in Heaven.

Download as a Read & Print PDF

We are pleased to bring you IPC Connections for August 2020.  

We are sure that you will enjoy this month’s editorial article which is on the subject of The ‘Blessing’.  It was written by Dr Jason Hubbard, our Executive Coordinator.  Many of us have found comfort and encouragement as we have watched the various ‘The Blessing’ collaboration videos from across the nations – based on the Priestly Blessing in Numbers 6:22-27.  In this uplifting and encouraging article, Jason reminds us of the six promises of blessing and what they mean to us, today.   Download the full article from our website.

As well as bringing you an update on the developing Covid-19 pandemic, with prayer points and links to various resources, we are also highlighting the shocking situation in Nigeria where the attacks on the Christian communities have escalated these last several months.  Let’s be in prayer for the whole situation, and do all we can to not let it slip below the international community’s radar.

A friend and partner of IPC, Gordon Hickson, from the ‘Mahabba’ network has written a wonderful and encouraging poem entitled ‘THE “HEAVENLY VIRUS”: GOD’S RESPONSE TO COVID 19! which we would like to share with you.  It ends with this verse…





The full poem is available HERE.

International Prayer Connections is produced and distributed freely each month to inform God's praying people around the world. We are grateful to those who have given generously to enable this to happen and continue to need such support for this and our other transformational prayer initiatives.  If you would like to make a gift towards our costs by giving through our funding arm, the Transformation Prayer Foundation, we would appreciate it. Please click here.

Thank you for continuing to partner with us in mobilising and informing united prayer across nations, denominations, movements, and generations for the fulfilment of the Great Commission.

May we express grateful thanks to Andy Page and the IPC Editorial Team who put this email together each month.

Wishing you His continued blessings,

Jason Hubbard - Executive Coordinator
John D Robb – Chairman

International Prayer Connect

The Blessing

“The Lord spoke to Moses, saying,  “Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, Thus you shall bless the people of Israel: you shall say to them,  The Lord bless you and keep you;  the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;  the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.  “So shall they put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will bless them” (Numbers 6:22-27). 

These words have been heard by millions of people in the last months as they listened to the popular song “The Blessing.” The song, originally performed by Elevation Worship (the worship ministry of a church in the United States), viewed now over 22 million times on youtube has rapidly become an international hymn adopted by Christians around the world. From the Arab world, to Europe, to Brazil, to Australia, to Indonesia, to Singapore, to South Africa, to India, to China, this song has literally swept through the nations! It is exciting to see the global church singing her prayers and praying her songs!  I think my favorite one is the kids from different nations singing the blessing! 

The specific words of Aaron’s High Priestly Blessing came from the Lord Himself and were to be spoken over His people Israel, by which He would place His name upon them. The effect of His blessing would display His character, His nature, His very being in and through His people. He would bless them to ‘be’ a blessing to the nations because that is his nature! Our God is a ‘Blessing’ orientated God! He set his affection upon them, loved them as his own, even calling Israel his ‘own son,’ redeeming them out of the land of slavery. God was saying to the Hebrews, “I will bless you and keep you, smile on you, be gracious to you, and give you peace!’  His promise was to love, to protect, to bless and to be with them!

God is intensely concerned to bless his people. Blessing is God’s idea, it is not something we have to beg for, it is something that he desires to give.

In this prayer we see 6 promises of God’s blessing. The verbs are in the singular although he is speaking to the whole community of Israel. His blessing is his ‘name.’ As he said to Moses,

“So shall they put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will bless them.”

God reveals his name Yahweh 3 times in the prayer, revealing his Trinitarian nature, the three-in-one God.

His name Yahweh is his covenant name, literally ‘I am who I am.’ He is the self-sufficient, self-sustaining, all knowing, unstoppable God who always keeps his promises!  He promises, ‘I will be your God, you will be my people.’  In the relational sense, he means, ‘I am the one who is there with you and for you.  All that I am I place at your disposal.’ In his wisdom God knows what’s best for us, in his love he wants what’s best for us, and in his power he delivers what is best for us!

Six promises of Blessing

1. The Lord BLESS you.

Blessing is the act of declaring God’s favor and goodness upon others. It is asking the Lord to wrap up His people in His protective and loving care. After God created Adam and Eve, he ‘blessed’ them to be fruitful and to multiply! He choose Abram and said to him,

“And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen. 12:1-3).

Blessed to be a blessing to the nations. The word ‘blessing’ and ‘to bless’ is used 330x throughout the Old Testament. Jesus opens up his teaching on the sermon on the mount with 8 blessings. When Jesus was about to depart from His disciples 10 days before Pentecost, the Scriptures records that He lifted His hands and blessed them (Luke 24:50).

This is significant because the High Priestly Blessing is also called “The Lifting of the Hands.” Jesus was blessing His disciples with the same blessing that His Father had commanded Aaron, through Moses, to speak over the house of Israel and thus place His name on them.

Paul speaks to the church at Ephesus, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,” (Eph. 1:3). Peter shares, “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence” (2 Peter 1:3).  

The greatest blessing of all is the blessing of salvation through Jesus Christ.  Scripture shows that blessing is anything God gives that makes us fully satisfied in him. Anything that draws us closer to Jesus. Anything that helps us relinquish the temporal and hold on more tightly to the eternal.

2. KEEP you. 

As Israel journeyed through the wilderness, God was faithful to keep them under the shadow of his wings, providing their needs, guiding them with his presence and delivering them from harm. The Lord promises to keep us, to protect us against all harm this world could offer. In the midst of dangerous places and things, he is our refuge, a bulwark and mountain fortress. He is never failing.  Even in the midst of our trials and suffering, he will keep us!  This gives us courage to follow Jesus wherever he would lead us! As Scripture says,

“No in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us!’ (Rom. 8:37).

Not just a conqueror, but more than a conqueror.  The Greek phrase means to be super abundant in conquering through Christ, to triumph, or prevail completely! To be more than a conqueror means that before you ever get a problem, you already know that whatever problem comes your way, you can overcome it through Christ. You live with confidence that God loves you no matter what and He will never leave you nor forsake you. He protects us in Him! 

3. The Lord will make his face to SMILE upon you.

A smile sends a message. It’s like new parents when they look into the crib and see their little one, a smile always ensues!  There is something in that smile on the face of a parent that communicates connection, pleasure and delight. God says, “my face shines upon you with a smile, a look of love. I see you. I am interested in you, I take great delight in you. I notice you, you are not forgotten!”  You are his treasured possession,  the very delight of his heart.

He has his eyes on his prize! He sings over you with rejoicing. As the psalmist says,

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11). 

It’s his perfect love that cast out all fear! May Yahweh smile on you, and may he grant you well-being!

4. I will be GRACIOUS to you.

God deals with the reality of sin. Everyone of the 2 million Hebrews in the desert were sinners condemned to death and hell without God.  Because of sin, God had to distance himself from his people. To deal with this problem he provided for them the sacrificial system to atone for their sins. In essence God says, ‘when the blood is shed, then you can come into my presence, then and only then can your sin be dealt with.’ This pointed to the ultimate fulfillment in the New Covenant and the blood of Jesus Christ, our Passover Lamb! 

Grace is God’s love in action.  Grace is when God freely gives us what we need even though we don’t deserve it and we can never repay him. Grace is when God solves our greatest problem even before we knew it was a problem. Grace is God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. It is the face of God when he looks at our faults, failures and fears.. Jesus knows us the best, and loves us the MOST.

“The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness,  keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin…” (Exo. 34:4-6).

5. I will turn my face TOWARDS you.

His first promise was to look upon us with a smile, and now he promises to turn his face towards us. He promises not turn his back on us even in the midst of our sin and weakness and come towards us with his Presence! This promise deals with his desire to come near us, to step in and walk with us day by day, moment by moment.   Jesus promises to be our Emmanuel, God-With-Us forever! He promised that as we go to make disciples of all nations, that he would be with us even to the end of the age! At Pentecost, God came by his Spirit, not just to come ’to us’ but literally to dwell ‘in us.’ He promises to never leave us or forsake us! 

6. I will give you PEACE. 

This word peace is not so much the absence of war, or of conflict, but speaks of well-being. Of all the innumerable blessings of the Christian life, peace is one of the most precious. Our God is the God of peace, Jesus is called the ‘prince of peace,’ we preach a gospel of peace, and the Spirit of God releases peace to us.

Peace here speaks of well-being in all aspects of our life. It is all inclusive, complete, and comprehensive. Peace means life as good as it gets! He gives us abundant life, life to the full, more than enough, and in great supply. It is his life by his Spirit in us and through us that brings peace that transcends all understanding, above the ceiling and beyond imagination.

“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.” (Col. 3:15).

He promises to Bless us, to Keep Us, to Smile upon us, to be Gracious to us, to Turn towards us, and to give us Peace. Wow!

“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us,  that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations” (Psalm 67:1-2). 

As an IPC family let’s continue to receive his blessing in our lives and pray and sing God’s blessing over others! We are blessed to be a blessing! He wants to bless us so much that every person that gets in proximity to us will get blessed. Amen!

Much love,

Dr. Jason Hubbard – Executive Coordinator, IPC