Church leaders endorse Season of Creation
14 Jun 2018Every year, from 1 September to 4 October, members of the Christian family set aside time to deepen their relationship with the Creator, each other, and all of creation. This is the Season of Creation, which began in 1989 as a day of prayer for creation in the Orthodox Church, and which is now embraced by the wider ecumenical family. A letter to all churches said, ‘During this season, we join together to rejoice in the good gift of creation and reflect on how we care for it. As the environmental crisis deepens, we Christians are urgently called to witness to our faith by taking bold action to preserve the gift we share. During this season we ask ourselves: Do our actions honour the Lord as Creator? Are there ways to deepen our faith by protecting “the least of these”, who are most vulnerable to the consequences of environmental degradation?’
Pray for Europe’s revival
14 Jun 2018Europe has almost two thousand years of Christian history, from the Apostle Paul planting the first European church in Lydia’s house in Philippi through to the Moravians, Jan Hus in Moravia, Count Zinzendorf and the Herrnhut community in Saxony, Pietism in the Lutheran church, Huguenots in France, and the evangelical awakening in Britain through George Whitefield and John and Charles Wesley. More recently there have been Pentecostal revivals in Wales. God is still at work in Europe today! It is said that where a revival has happened before, it is easier for it to happen again. This encourages us to hope that the recent decline in church life can turn to growth again. Pray for such a total turnaround in the spiritual situation in Europe that atheism and humanism can no longer claim to be dominant.
Hungary: proposal to end homelessness
14 Jun 2018MP Istvan Bajkai hopes homelessness will become a thing of the past if his proposed law is taken on by the government. Bajkai previously worked as prime minister Viktor Orban’s lawyer. He wants to amend the constitution to ban homeless people from living and sleeping in public spaces. He said sleeping rough shouldn’t be necessary as everyone without a home is guaranteed shelter. Support services, day centres, and night-time accommodation, are widely available. But according to a local NGO, there are 11,000 places available in temporary accommodation for 30,000 people sleeping rough. Critics say many shelters are unsuitable and lack security, and banning the homeless from public spaces would be impossible to enforce. The director of Shelter Foundation said that to solve homelessness, Orban’s government should support the development of cheap rentals in cities or offer financial support to those who cannot afford to live in them.
Catholic hospitals must carry out abortions
14 Jun 2018Irish hospitals with a Catholic ethos will be expected to carry out abortions when the country’s new laws on terminations come into effect, the Taoiseach has made clear. Leo Varadkar said that while individual doctors, nurses or midwives could opt out of performing procedures on conscience grounds, entire institutions will not have that option. He was addressing concerns about surgical abortions. The government is drafting legislation to allow any woman to request an abortion up to 12 weeks, subject to a cooling-off period, and to allow abortion in extreme cases between 12 and 24 weeks. This was after citizens voted two-to-one in a referendum to repeal the state’s constitutional ban on abortions. The Taoiseach said the legislation would follow the model of the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013, which allowed for terminations in extreme medical circumstances and for individual medics to opt out.
Singapore summit - current prayer needs
14 Jun 2018Donald Trump appears to have succeeded in negotiations with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un where his predecessors failed. However, the lesson of previous deals (in 1994 and 2005) is ‘it is easier to reach agreements than to implement them’. Pray for practical progress towards disarmament and a united Korean peninsula. North Korea state media said Donald Trump had told Kim Jong-un that he would ease sanctions on Pyongyang, in language that suggested a different interpretation from the one put forward by the US president. Pray for clarity of communications and unity of thought and purpose in future decision-making. Trump said the US agreed to suspend military exercises with South Korea. However, US military in South Korea said that they had received no updated guidance on stopping training exercises. The announcement raised fears in South Korea that Washington was making concessions too fast, and a curt statement said that it was trying to figure out Mr Trump’s intentions. For a media report, click the ‘More’ button.
USA: pray for trade tariff turnaround
14 Jun 2018One of the underlying motivations for the American Revolution was to industrialise, and reverse the crippling trade deficit with Britain. Protectionism and trade barriers were the USA's de facto policy for trading until 1947, when it switched to free trade after most of its industrial competitors were wiped out by the war. It signed up to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), whose overall purpose was to promote international trade by reducing or eliminating trade barriers such as tariffs or quotas, ‘on a reciprocal and mutually advantageous basis’. GATT morphed into the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 1995, but its original text is still in effect. Pray that current international debates will draw countries back to the roots of GATT and WTO, to reduce or even eliminate trade barriers.
Yemen: UN warnings ignored
14 Jun 2018The UN has said that, in a worst-case scenario, as many as 250,000 people could be killed in a new offensive against Hodeidah, currently under the control of Iran-backed Houthi rebels. The city is a lifeline for the country's war-ravaged population. 90% of food, fuel and medicines in Yemen are imported, with 70% coming through Hodeidah. On 12 June an offensive against the city started at dawn. Yemen's information minister hailed it as ‘the beginning of a complete victory to liberate Yemen's territory all the way to the capital of Sanaa.’ The Saudi-led coalition, including the UAE, has been in a virtual stalemate with the Houthis since March 2015. The Houthis use the port to raise revenues through looting, extortion, and illegal taxation imposed on commercial ships to finance and sustain their military aggression against Yemen and neighbouring countries. Observers say that if the Houthis dig in this could be a bloody street battle, comparable to Aleppo.
North Korean Christians
14 Jun 2018Intellectual and religious freedom in North Korea is atrocious, but God could use Trump and Kim’s meeting to initiate freedom from the constant oppression Christians receive for following Jesus. They are imprisoned for their faith, often entire families confined for generations. They are banned from being part of a church, or expressing their religious beliefs to their children, out of fear that they will say something to the wrong person. There are about 300,000 Christians in North Korea who hide their faith and meet in extreme secrecy. An estimated 50,000 Christians are imprisoned in labour camps or detention centres or banished to remote regions. Government propaganda calls Christians ‘deceitful and evil people, to be avoided at all cost.’ The abuse they endure is reminiscent of people being forced by Nebuchadnezzar to worship idols or be thrown into a furnace. Also, see the article in the UK section.