You may have heard about the release of the very significant new movie about the great Apostle Paul that is hitting movie theaters here in the USA this weekend. It is a movie that covers the awful persecution of the followers of Christ in the first century, especially in Rome under the Emperor Nero. You can see a preview of the film and the 31 nations in which it will be shown on the attached links below. Hopefully many of you will be able to see it.
According to the director with whom some of us prayed the other night, even the non-Christian actors and film crew were all weeping as they filmed this historic retelling of Paul's imprisonment and execution along with many other followers of Jesus that also bravely met their deaths during that horrendous time of suffering for the church in Rome.
Pray: Would you please pray for the movie to impact and transform the lives of those who see it? May it also be powerfully used by the Lord to encourage the estimated 215 million of His followers who live in nations of high or extreme persecution.
Pray: that it can be translated and circulated all across the globe so as especially to be made available to this part of the Body of Christ.
Pray: also for Mel Gibson and his team who are said to be working on a new movie about the Resurrection that could be used by the Lord to bring many millions to the Lord around the world. It will be a powerful sequel to his amazing film, The Passion of the Christ. Obviously, these kinds of movies are strongly contested by our spiritual foe, the "the prince of this world". Therefore, pray accordingly that those working on this project will be protected and shielded by the presence of the Lord throughout this whole process. Pray: for a marvelous degree of creativity while being faithful to the Biblical text.
Pray: that the immense amount of finance needed will be released freely and fully.
Thanks so much for your vital support in prayer,
Click here to watch Paul, Apostle of Christ Preview: Starring Jim Caviezel (Luke), Oliver Martinez, James Faulkner (Paul) A “must see” video of Jim Caviezel who played Luke and compellingly challenges us to live like the great Apostle Paul
For list of international nations and opening dates, go to
"PAUL, APOSTLE OF CHRIST is the story of two men. Luke, as a friend and physician, risks his life when he ventures into the city of Rome to visit Paul, who is held captive in Nero’s darkest, bleakest prison cell. But Nero is determined to rid Rome of Christians, and does not flinch from executing them in the grisliest ways possible. Before Paul’s death sentence can be enacted, Luke resolves to write another book, one that details the beginnings of “The Way” and the birth of what will come to be known as the church.
Bound in chains, Paul’s struggle is internal. He has survived so much—floggings, shipwreck, starvation, stoning, hunger and thirst, cold and exposure—yet as he waits for his appointment with death, he is haunted by the shadows of his past misdeeds. Alone in the dark, he wonders if he has been forgotten . . . and if he has the strength to finish well.
Two men struggle against a determined emperor and the frailties of the human spirit in order to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ and spread their message to the world."
The Top 50 Countries Where It’s Hardest to Be a Christian;Islamic extremism now has a rival, according to the 2017 World Watch List
For the third year in a row, the modern persecution of Christians worldwide has hit another record high.
But the primary cause, Islamic extremism, now has a rival: ethnic nationalism.
Thus, Asia increasingly merits concern alongside the Middle East, according to the 2017 World Watch List (WWL) released today by Open Doors.This being the list’s 25th anniversary, Open Doors also released an analysis of persecution trends over the past quarter-century.The annual list examines the pressures faced by Christians in five spheres of life (private, family, community, national, and church), plus levels of religiously motivated violence, in order to rank the top 50 countries where "Christians face the most persecution." [Full list below.]
Christianity Today’s coverage of recent WWL rankings noted how North Korea was getting competition, as well as how the annual list aims for effective anger and shows persecuted believers that they are not forgotten.
In 25 years of “chronicling and ranking” the political and societal restrictions on religious freedom experienced by Christians worldwide, Open Doors researchers identified 2016 as the “worst year yet.”
“Persecution rose globally again for the third year in a row, indicating how volatile the situation has become,” stated Open Doors. “Countries in South and Southeast Asia rapidly rose to unprecedented levels and now rank among such violent areas as the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa.”
The findings and trends noted by Open Doors are stark:
- Approximately 215 million Christians experience high, very high, or extreme persecution.
- North Korea remains the most dangerous place to be a Christian (for 14 straight years).
- Islamic extremism remains the global dominant driver of persecution, responsible for initiating oppression and conflict in 35 out of the 50 countries on the 2017 list.
- Ethnic nationalism is fast becoming a major driver of persecution. “While this took an anti-establishment form in the West, in Asia it took an anti-minorities form, fueled by dramatic religious nationalism and government insecurity. It is common—and easy—for tottering governments to gain quick support by scapegoating Christians.”
- The total number of persecution incidents in the top 50 most dangerous countries increased, revealing the persecution of Christians worldwide as a rising trend.
- The most violent: Pakistan, which rose to No. 4 on the list for a level of violence “exceeding even northern Nigeria.”
- The killings of Christians in Nigeria saw an increase of more than 62 percent.
- The killings of Christians were more geographically dispersed than in most time periods studied. “Hitting closer to home, 23 Christian leaders in Mexico and four in Colombia were killed specifically for their faith,” said Open Doors of the “rare” event.
- The worst increase: Mali, which moved up the most places on the list from No. 44 to No. 32.
Asia is a new center of concern, with persecution rising sharply in Bangladesh, Laos, and Bhutan, and Sri Lanka joining the list for the first time.
Open Doors noted that India rose to its highest rank ever, No. 15, amid the continued rise of Hindu nationalism. “An average of 40 incidents were reported per month, including pastors beaten, churches burned and Christians harassed,” stated Open Doors. “Of the 64 million Christians in India, approximately 39 million experience direct persecution.”
In Central Asia, persecution spread due to both Islamic extremism and government attempts to restrict it. “In many countries, governmental raids of suspected Christian households increased, certain Christian books have been banned,” stated Open Doors, “and the membership requirement to remain a legal church doubled, resulting in many churches to be deemed illegal overnight.”
The top 10 nations where it is most dangerous and difficult to practice the Christian faith are:
- North Korea
- Somalia
- Afghanistan
- Pakistan
- Sudan
- Syria
- Iraq
- Iran
- Yemen
10 Eritrea
Yemen was the only new country in the top 10, replacing Libya.
Over the past 25 years, only three countries have topped the list: North Korea (2002 – 2017), Saudi Arabia (1993 – 1995; 1998 – 2001), and Somalia (1996 – 1997).
The top 10 nations over the 25-year span are:
- North Korea
- Saudi Arabia
- Iran
- Somalia
- Afghanistan
- Maldives
- Yemen
- Sudan
- Vietnam
Six countries appear on both lists—a sign of the concerning stability of persecution, noted Open Doors.The WWL data is compiled from reports spanning November 1, 2015, to October 31, 2016. The annual list is audited by the International Institute for Religious Freedom.Open Doors defines persecution as “any hostility experienced as a result of identification with Christ.” “Christians remain one of the most persecuted religious groups in the world,” it stated. “Christians throughout the world continue to risk imprisonment, loss of home and assets, torture, beheadings, rape and even death as a result of their faith.”
“The Open Doors World Watch List is the most accurate, thorough and intensive research available on the persecution of Christians,” said David Curry, president and CEO of Open Doors USA. “It calculates not only deaths reported in the news, but also persecution at a grassroots level, where family-to-family persecution is tracked. The 25-year research shows where the most unstable areas for Christians have historically been and, in many countries, remain.”
Christianity Today previously reported the WWL rankings for 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, and 2012, including a spotlight on where it's hardest to believe. CT also recently compiled 2016’s 12 most-read stories of the persecuted church.
Pray: Please remember to keep the over 200 million fellow believers living in areas of high or extreme persecution in your regular prayers that they will be encouraged in their faith and victorious.
Pray: that the Gospel will powerfully flow through their lives and words to those around them, resulting in the conversion of even their harshest persecutors.
George Soros. Who are we dealing with? By some he is described as a wealthy philanthropist and others say he is “the most evil man in the world” and that Satan is using him around the world.
Numerous people from India, Europe, South America and North America say, “This is one of the worst men being used by the evil one to bring down our countries.”
We know his history. He was born a Jew in Hungary. His family survived World War II by changing their name. He ended up in England going to school and then working in banks; then moving on to the United States.
His life continued to change as he was influenced by many demonic influences, some of them world religions.
He is a well-known supporter of the American Progressive movement, American liberal politicians, and liberal politicians worldwide.His clear purpose is to bring down Christian America (and other countries around the world) and turn them in to Liberal Communist / “Progressive” societies. Consider some of the consequences of Progressive political activism over the past eight years:
These were summarized by those who have studied this in depth. They pertain to both the United States and the world. Watch a video
- A growth industry trafficking in human baby organs and body parts – funded and defended by the Democratic
- The abandonment of a biblical view of marriage that protected and liberated children and adults from centuries of pagan slavery, poverty, polygamy and non-life-giving sexuality.
- The Transgender agenda imposed by Obama-government edict, including gender re-education to be forced onour citizens, businesses, schools, military and churches.
- Doubling of our national debt, economic stagnation and increased welfare dependency.
- Increased minority unemployment, poverty and violent inner city lawlessness, with an accompanying loss of opportunity, self-determination and family stability.
- Heightened racial division and tension, and the growing phenomenon of paid demonstrators being recruited and dispatched to instigate protests that often become riots.
- Open borders and ‘sanctuary’ cities increasing drugs, disease, crime, gangs and terrorism.
- Forced refugee resettlement in hundreds of American cities without citizen consent, mandated by the federal government in collusion with the United Nations. “Refugees” are primarily non-assimilating Muslims, while authorities reject persecuted Christians.
- Hostility towards Judeo-Christian religious liberty in our courts, media and universities including the suppression of conservative speakers, free thought and moral education.
- The widespread, political use of the IRS to intimidate conservative, patriotic and Christian groups that disagree with the current political establishment.
His work is carried on through the Open Society Foundation and Aspen Institute. OSF is his own creation; he did not create Aspen, but he has pretty well dominated it in recent years. Each is used in a different way. These are not only in United States but spread out around the world. (See Open Society around the world) If the two institutions are in the same city, like New York City or Washington D.C., they will often be adjacent to each other. He disperses a lot of his donations through his foundation Open Society Foundations . A look at some of these gives you a quick idea of some of the evil that he supports. I have listed just a few from the website.
He is involved in funding 206 organizations in the United States.
One of the best critiques of Soros is a video explaining him and what he does. I would suggest you watch this.
To accomplish the downfall of America he has said, (from the video)
THE KEY A well-organized minority to overwhelm the unorganized majority
..... hostile to society and the Church.....
“How do arrogant global elite control a free people?”
Destroy the foundations:
- Christianity and the value of the human person
- The family, children and education
- Private property and national sovereignty”
End goal - Demoralize the once strong America.
To overthrow our American government and Trump we are seeing demonstrations on the streets, destruction of property, university rioting and the list goes on. To some of us it seems more like what we have seen overseas than a “democracy.” Millions of dollars are given towards this to support this destructive activity. A video of a man who once had a good job and is now being paid by a Soros group describes how this happens. Each day he gets up in the morning, reads his email of where he is to go to lead demonstrations or carry out some other activities. Ask around and you will see this repeatedly. Detailed directions are sent out for each demonstration on where to meet, what and how to carry out activities, a buddy system, even down to where to get medical help if needed. “A well-organized minority overwhelms the unorganized majority.”
For example, in March Soros gave $246 million to groups participating in a Day Without Women protest. Paid workers to bring down society and the government, and bring in their own socialist progressivism.
Another thing he is using is “Indivisible – A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda.” This is one of the scariest, most well-written documents that I have seen. Written by congressmen, staffers, etc. who understand how the government works. It is a manual on how to defeat President Trump on every move he makes. And how to pressure your congressmen and senators to change their minds and vote for something they may not even want to do. It is masterfully written and organized. They state, “Together, we have the power to resist—and we have the power to win.” No wonder we cannot get agreement in Congress.
As the “watchman on the wall,” prayer leaders, intercessors and Christians, the time for bickering is gone. We have to come together in UNITY under God’s leadership, or in the “blink of an eye” our nation will be taken from us and we will lose everything. This means revival, or for us to be put on the persecution list. I do not say this rashly but out of experience of living in two countries where this has happened.
As God’s watchman we have the authority to overcome and see God have the victory through UNITED prayer. (Mt 28:18)
Please Pray:
1 We must pray that George Soros is changed and brought to Christ or brought down.
2 He has two sons, Robert and Alex. His son Alex is expected to take his place. Both need to be prayed for that they be changed or brought down.
3 Pray against demonstrations he organizes and particularly those who are paid demonstrators.
4 Pray against “Indivisible” and the work that it does to destroy the American Government.
5 Pray down his financial supply lines.
6 Pray into the 206 organizations he supports.
Written by a concerned prayer leader
The Ethne Strategic Prayer Group together with the Fellowship of Prayer Strategists gathered as a small group of prayer strategist/intercessors, 5-9th November 2017 at SIL Centre Dallas.
We had the ambitious project to collate and revise existing material on prayer training with additional new material to produce simple, replicable prayer training material for the profile groups listed below.
The aim was to multiply and mobilize the body of Christ to pray effectively for the remaining unreached groups and those with little access to the Gospel. During the initial listening prayer time together we were aware that the material needed to be simple, without jargon, as easy as possible to translate into other languages and to be used across the world with the diversity of learning styles and contexts that this brings.
We would like to share with you some of the outcomes of our week together.
Identified Types of Prayer Training Needed:
1. General Prayer Training for Strategic prayer for the unreached:
This would be for new believers, those on the journey to faith, some church contexts, small groups and one on one discipleship groups.The key concepts for this material are that it is simple and easy to replicate and teach to others. We also felt that the training package needed to be relational at the core: to encourage both listening to God and listening to others.
Our delivery for this training is through the Discovery Bible Study (DBS) format. We have produced a one side sheet with over 50 DBS studies in series sets which reflect basic principles of strategic prayer, principles of disciple-making movements and replication. We have a short postcard-sized “cheat sheet” with the “How to lead a DBS”. The key component that has been added to the DBS format is 2 extra questions; “What does this passage say about prayer for those with little access to the Gospel?” and in the sharing section, “Who would it be hard to share this passage with?”
2. Prayer training for new prayer coordinators and/or those wanting to sharpen their skills to serve in organizations, networks and partnerships;
We started basing this training on previous material on the FPS website ( for training in prayer for prayer strategists in an organisation or network. The final paper is still in the writing stage but will have components from the DBS material for prayer mobilisation that has been written for field strategy teams (see below point 5)
3. Prayer training for a Pairing Project which would be matching communities of prayer with frontline field workers representing specific unreached people groups (UPGs)/teams.
We called Jonathan Fritz who birthed the idea of “Inherit the Nations” on which this concept of Pairing is based. Jonathan was in agreement with the Ethne Prayergroups to take the concept forward and also to involve the newly formed coalition 24:14 with this material ( The orientation material is for both the frontline worker representatives as well as the prayer communities’ leaders.
The training component included the General Prayer Training DBS sheet, in addition, the Prayer Strategy teams material (see section 5) and adapted introduction letters to field workers and the praying communities. We worked on a security document to facilitate trust and secure communication between the two groups.
At the heart of the Pairing Project is the development of a trusting friendship between field workers who share real-time needs to see breakthroughs amongst the UPG that they are reaching, and the sharing of revelation and input from a prayerteam who are committed to praying every week for one hour. Both sides of the pair would record what God is saying and share it with the other for the mutual encouragement to see breakthrough amongst the least reached.
4. Training for Children learning about and praying for UPGs;
The impetus for the Ethne Prayer Training event was largely inspired from a previous meeting in London in June 2017 when God broke into our group listening time and brought to our attention the urgency to focus on training in prayer for children. We recommend you take a look at this youtube clip Aim lower, think smaller, give up and have a cup of coffee.
The children’s prayer training material will be aimed at 3 age groups; 3-6 years, 7-10 years, and 11-14 years old. The children will climb aboard an imaginary ship that will travel across the world to visit different UPGs in each of the 12 Ethne regions. When they reach their destination, the children will hear a real story of a child who is from a UPG and who have encountered Jesus. They will be able to hear how Jesus met the child and will also hear a memory verse from the Bible with a moral about trusting Jesus. The younger children will then colour in a picture of the outline of the child from the UPG, the older children will also see a map of where the UPG child lives, and have the General Prayer Training DBS questions printed on the reverse side of the take-home colouring sheet. There will also be a card with the UPG profile and 3 prayer points to take home.
5. Prayer strategists with field strategy teams involved in discipleship making movements amongst UPGs.
This training material was largely prepared by the Fellowship of Prayer Strategy team (FPS). The training is divided into 4 modules based on the acronym P R A Y. The first module is close to being ready for release. It is composed of a diagnostic tool for field teams to access their prayer culture and depth of understanding of what strategic prayer looks like in their team. Prayer is the strategy for field teams to see a breakthrough into UPGs. There is also a set of DBS studies teaching on aspects of the first module P- Prepare the Way for the Coming of His Kingdom together with a bibliography and additional articles.
Introduction – Prayer as Strategy – Envisioning the God-sized reality from His heart and co-labouring to pray it into being under His direction
Strategy 1– Prayer as Conversation with God—The role of intimacy with God in igniting movements to Christ
Strategy 2 – Prayer Training & Mobilization-- Sharpening our Prayers and Partnering in Prayer
Strategy 3 -- Prayer Shield Teams—Identifying and relating to personal/corporate intercessory teams to strengthen effectiveness and fruitfulness
Strategy 4 – Prayer Research—Spirit-guided research into the supernatural underpinnings of reality to help produce more informed, effective intercession and outreach.
God blessed us with grace and unity to tackle this ambitious project. He also led us to explore how we could multiply the prayer training using the general training (1, above,) to sow and multiple prayer strategists through our personal networks, organisations and friendships. This training workshop represents 600 man-hours of effort from team members representing 5 continents. (Africa, Europe, the Americas, Asia)
If you would like more information please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Every Blessing,
Liz Adleta and Jenny Oliphant
The Heart of Man” is a story inviting us to leave behind our broken, moralistic and religious way of thinking and relating to God and to others.
Once we begin to know who God is (and as a result who we are), we have something to invite the world into.
Freedom from performance.
Freedom from managing our behavior so we appear acceptable to God.
Freedom from our addictions, compulsive behaviors, secrecy and double lives.
This film tears the veil of confusion over the church's current identity crisis and enables it to invite the rest of the world to the banquet God is throwing all of us.
The Heart of Man is a cinematic retelling of the parable of the Prodigal Son, intertwined with contemporary and poignant true testimonies of sexual brokenness.
These genres are combined to reveal the compassionate heart of God the father for his sons and daughters illuminating an age-old truth: Shame is not a barrier to God's love, but a bridge to absolute transformation, freedom and hope.
A shocking study reveals youngest children face worst sex abuse
'We are also speaking about … babies who are just months old'
A new analysis of an international database of child sexual-abuse cases found that the victim in 5 percent of the cases was an infant or a toddler, and a surprising percentage of the abusers were women.
The study, “Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual Exploitation Material,” was done by EPCAT International, a global network of 102 civil societies and organizations in 92 different nations.
Funded by the European Union, it analyzed photos and videos in INTERPOL’s International Child Sexual Exploitation database.
Disturbingly, the study found that the younger the victim, the more severe the abuse was likely to be. The study looked at ages, ethnicity and the likely location of the filming of the abuse.
If found that the vast majority of online child sexual abuse material is made by those in the victim’s circle of trust.
That means “identifying the victim is a priority, because as well as providing an opportunity to remove the child from harm it is often the first step in identifying the offender.”
It noted that there are limitations to the conclusions, because about half the world’s population lives in nations that are not connected to the database yet.
The analysis found 65 percent of the victims were female, 31 percent male and the rest of the offending material depicted both male and female victims.
“When boys were depicted in the abuse, it was more likely to be severe or involve paraphilic themes,” the report said. “It is often considered that most victims of sexual abuse and exploitation are girls. However, the significant proportion of boys depicted in unidentified images and videos in the ICSE Database invites closer attention to this group.”
More than three-quarters of the victims analyzed were white children, 10 percent Hispanic or Latino, 10 percent Asian and small percentages black, the report said.
“The ethnicity may be a proxy indicator for the location of the abuse or exploitation.”
On ages: “Where the unidentified victim’s age could be determined, 56.2 percent of cases depicted prepubescent children, 25.4 percent were pubescent children, and 4.3 percent were very young children (infants and toddlers),” the report said. “When victims were younger, the abuse was more likely to be severe.”
The report said it is “often assumed that victims of sexual abuse are older children.
“This may be due in part to increased media attention and public awareness surrounding the risks associated with young people’s use of technology and the internet, including the production of youth-produced material, but it may also be due to the fact that most people find it hard to imagine the extreme sexual assault of an infant. While the victimization of any child of any age is inexcusable, over 60 percent of unidentified victims in this study were prepubescent, including very young children (infants and toddlers). This finding highlights the need to reflect and potentially prioritize this age group in policy and programming.”
In cases in which the gender of the offender could be determined, 92.7 percent were male, and female offenders often were depicted with a male.
“It was almost always the males who recorded the sexual activity, while the female offenders were actively involved in the abuse of the child(ren),” the report said.
“In cases where females abused a child on their own … these lone female offenders appeared younger in age (some apparently in late adolescence or young adulthood) than those depicted abusing a child together with a male.”
The report said the role played by females “is apparently complex, particularly in terms of distinguishing females who act as proponents or facilitators of this crime, or both.”
The report also noted that experts could determine that 72 countries were identified as locations for the abuse.
INTERPOL officials said there are more than 1 million media files of child sexual exploitation and abuse in the group’s database.
The extremes reviewed in the study included gross assault, sadism, bestiality and even necrophilia.
“Unfortunately, most people do not realize that when we talk about child abuse, we are also speaking about very young children, babies who are just months old, being the victims of extreme sexual assault,” said Bjorn Sellstrom, INTERPOL’s Crimes Against Children unit coordinator.
“Victim identification is at the core of INTERPOL’s work in connecting global investigations into online child sexual abuse. This report underlines the need for more countries to connect to the ICSE database and become part of this important network of investigators dedicated to rescuing child abuse victims,” he said.
Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially.
Pray for the protection of the children from those who want to abuse them in this frightful manner. Pray for the authorities to take strict, harsh action against those who mistreat the children in their nations.
Pray: that the media will begin to cover the plight of such children and that authorities in the USA and other nations where this is a problem will be moved to take action against pedophiles and pimps who engage in sex trafficking. Pray for a huge socio-political revulsion and that this kind of abuse of children, teens and young adults will be stamped out through strong action by our governments.
An invitation to participate: 24:14 vision to see all unreached people groups engaged with a Kingdom movement
We would like to ask for your prayerful consideration and help, to widen the canopy of prayer over the 24:14 vision. Please could you take a look at the attached information about “1 Partner 1 Day” which aims to have 24/7 prayer cover each month? A day a month being covered by different organisations.
This opportunity will help each of us focus on intentional prayer times in our organisations, pray for our ministries focus on the unreached and support the CPM teams who are working across the regions of the world to see all peoples with a CPM engagement. (see the attached document for details)
We are asking for each of you to consider committing each month to a particular day (of your choice), preferably a 24-hour period. This will enable us all to participate in the 24:14 vision, and join with others to cover the year with prayer 24/7.
Here isa brief summary of the 24:14 vision which you might find helpful for your ministries to look at:
24:14 Prayer Task Force
“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” –Matthew 24:14
24:14 is a global coalition praying and working together to start kingdom movement engagements in every unreached people and place by 2025.
We are a global coalition of individuals, teams, mission organizations, church networks, mission networks, and church planting movements fully submitted to Christ and devoted to seeing His Name worshipped in every corner of the world. To see this come to fruition, we are unified in commitment to three priorities:
REACHING THE UNREACHED We are trusting God to use our generation to fully reach multitudes from every tribe, tongue, people and nation with the glorious news of Jesus Christ. This is an ambitious, God-sized goal and we’re relying on Him to see it to fruition.
We see God at work in the world through movements and are joining Him in launching kingdom movements in every unreached people group and place. We define a “kingdom movement” as reproducing disciples, churches, leaders and movements.
“It’s all about Jesus’ glory and He is being robbed of worship in thousands of places.” –Steve Smith
We are catalyzing these kingdom movements with wartime urgency to reach every unengaged, unreached people group and place with the gospel by December 31, 2025 ... no matter the cost. Together, we are mobilizing prayer, resources, manpower and more to this end.
Interested in joining 24:14? Contact us online at
- Read more about 24:14
- Sign up to join the 24/7 canopy of prayer supporting the 24:14 vision and receive weekly prayer emails (contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
- Sign up to learn more about how to partner in prayer with a specific DMM team who are seeking to reach UPGs in their location (contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
- Set a 24:14 alarm on your phone for 12:14 pm each day, to remind you to pray for fulfillment of Matthew 24:14.
- Join a Geographic Stewardship Team (GSTMs) which will identify and/or train implementers who will seek to multiply disciples and simple churches within their focus People Group or geographic area. We need a huge number of volunteer GSTMs in many locations, to ensure the entire world is being covered. For more information, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
- 24:14 Coalition 1 Partner/1 Day Initiative
- 24:14 Coalition: A network of organizations, networks and churches which are all committed to the 24:14 vision of praying and working together to start kingdom movement engagements in every unreached people group with urgency by 2025.
To this end, we, the 24:14 Prayer Task Force are seeking to develop a 24/7 canopy of prayer that will pray into this vision ofseeingeveryU/UPGengagedwitha teamfocusedonseeingamovementofmultiplyingchurchesanddisciples.We would like to see 31 organizations, prayer networks from existing movements, networks and churches commit to cover in prayer one day per month every month.
NEXT STEPS: YOUR RESPONSE To join the 24:14 1Partner1Day Initiative then please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
1 Please let us know the day of the month that you can commit to as an organization and how many hours in that day you are committing to pray and fast.
2 Please let us know the name and email of the prayer coordinator Our thanks on behalf of the 24:14 Prayer Task Force.
- A monthly prayer guide of informed prayer points that are specific, measurable, and Bible-based.
- Regular praise reports in order to encourage groups as they pray.
- Monthly or bi-monthly communication with a member of the 24:14 Prayer Task Force. This will be for the purpose of encouraging, informing, identifying gaps and challenges, etc.
Thank you for your partnership is sharing the Gospel to all peoples,
Jenny Oliphant
For decades we have strived to openly share news and prayer requests from Asia, as we seek to help God's people extend the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
In this newsletter we have a deep burden to share with you, and we ask for your fervent prayers and intercession for our brothers and sisters in the Chinese house churches. They are now undergoing a fiery trial that is more fierce than anything experienced in China since the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s.
In the past 18 months, the situation for Christians in China has dramatically worsened. At the start, we hesitated to publicly share new information from China for a few reasons. Some of the news we have received from church leaders is so dire that most believers around the world simply wouldn't believe it if we told them. We also wanted to make sure these things were not part of a short-term crackdown, as over the years we have seen numerous seasons of persecution come and go in China. However, we believe it is now time to present the known facts, to help people understand what our fellow believers are experiencing right now.
We have also shared several links to web pages in this message, to help people learn more about the situation from other sources. Please take the time to read these articles.
* President Xi Jinping—who is about to have the constitution amended so he can remain in power for as long as he wishes—first raised concerns among Christians about three years ago when he spoke about the need to control "illegal religion". Persecution has markedly worsened since then, and hundreds of house church pastors have vanished over the past few years. Many are assumed to have been killed. Others may be held in "black jails" — secret facilities where they are tortured mercilessly. When someone enters a black jail they are usually never heard from again. Their families have no idea of their whereabouts, and all communication ceases.
* You are unlikely to hear much fresh information from the Church in China, because most mission organizations working in China have been targeted in recent years. Thousands of foreign Christians have been expelled from the country, while the large 'persecution' ministries have seen their Chinese contacts arrested. The result is that news about the Church in China is becoming difficult to access. The government appears to be trying to throw a blanket over the Church, so that the rest of the world can't see or hear what's going on inside the country.
* Christian activity in China has been strictly monitored, due to the presence of tens of millions of facial- recognition cameras that have sprung up in every city and town, and now even in villages. The data from these cameras is fed into a massive computer network around the clock. Using 'artificial intelligence', alerts are sent to the police if the computers detect any suspicious activity, such as a group of Christians gathering at a location for worship or Bible study. We encourage you to watch the following short video from the BBC. It is sobering, but will help you understand the challenges facing our brothers and sisters in China:
* For decades, most members of Three-Self churches in China thought they were safe because they had registered with the government. Many looked down on the illegal house church networks and chided them for not "obeying the laws of the land." The distinctions between the two groups are now blurred. Hundreds of Three-Self pastors have also been arrested in the last few years, and church buildings have been demolished by special paramilitary forces. The largest single worship center in China, the Golden Lampstand Church in Shanxi Province, had a congregation of more than 50,000 members. The building, which was constructed with official permission, was recently blown up by the Chinese authorities and is now a pile of rubble:
* Last year the government announced draconian new laws designed to punish "illegal religion" (i.e. all worship or activity outside the control of the atheistic Communist Party). These new laws, which came into force last month, include fines of up to US$30,000 for holding prayer meetings or Bible studies, while Christians who travel out of the country (including to Hong Kong) to attend conferences or other Christian events may be arrested and fined up to US$50,000. These amounts are more than a lifetime's income for many Chinese believers. Pressure is also being applied to those who associate with Christians. For example, landlords face heavy fines if they rent a property to any believers who subsequently use it for meetings.
* As a result of this massive suppression, in the past year almost all house church networks we serve have stopped holding large gatherings, and most have broken down into tiny groups of no more than 4 or 5 believers. Even small meetings like this carry risk of detection and police action, so great is the control being exerted.
* In some parts of the country, thousands of Chinese Christians have been arrested. The worst of all is in northwest China, where the government has cast a wide net to demolish the threat of Islam, with at least 120,000 people currently believed to be held in concentration camps in the region:
Many Christians in Xinjiang, both Han Chinese and ethnic minority believers, have been rounded up and sent to the same concentration camps. Church leaders we work with have told us things there are "worse than during the Cultural Revolution."
* The supply of Bibles to Chinese Christians has been severely reduced.The house churches have never been officially allowed to access Bibles, but now the registered churches are also reporting a great shortage. Last year, the few remaining Bible courier ministries that were operating from Hong Kong also closed down. A decade ago, Asia Harvest was one of about a dozen known ministries providing Bibles to the house churches of China. Most of those groups have since been forced out of the country through threats, intimidation, seduction, and other means.
We have received reports of some who carried Bibles into China recently being stopped at the border. In the past, officials would confiscate the Bibles and allow the person to continue on their journey. Now, those caught with Chinese Bibles have been interrogated for up to 12 hours, expelled from China, and banned from coming back for 10 years. We believe the overall purpose is to isolate the children of God in China by strangling the supply of God's Word. Many Chinese Christian websites, Bible apps and other resources have also been blocked by the government.
* China is also extending its anti-Christian influence into neighboring countries. We have received reports of believers in Nepal, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam being warned not to spread the Gospel across their borders into China, or they will face severe consequences.
Summary: Few Christians around the world imagined that China would ever return to its intense anti-Christian persecutions like during Mao's rule, but things are lining up for a brutal and prolonged period of struggle for Christians in China. In many ways, because of new technology, believers face an even greater challenge than during the dark days of the Cultural Revolution. Many in the West thought that Communism collapsed with the breakup of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. Politicians were certain that free market reforms would cause China to open up and embrace democracy. They were wrong. The dark forces of aggressive, God-hating atheism are alive and well in China, North Korea, and other parts of the world.
Please Pray for China
* Praise God that He has done a wonderful work of grace in China during nearly 70 years of Communist rule! Today there are at least 100 million Christians in the country, many of whom love the Lord Jesus with all their hearts and are willing to lay down their lives for the Gospel. Pray this persecution will cause the Church to rise up and claim even more of their country for the kingdom of God.
* Please pray the kingdom of Jesus Christ would be strengthened and would grow even larger as a result of the current anti-Christian campaign. Pray that Satan would not have his way, but that God's children would be covered by the Blood of Jesus and would come through the tribulations refined like pure gold.
* Ask God to glorify His Name once again among the people of China, and that by breaking down into tiny groups of believers, the churches will get back to the basics of the faith and introduce more people to the Lord than ever before.
* Most of the younger generation of Christian leaders in China have never experienced severe, physical persecution. Understandably, many are nervous. Please pray our Heavenly Father would reveal Christ's all-sufficiency to them, and they would come through to the other side closer to God and better equipped to lead His people.
* Pray the Holy Spirit would give His children heavenly wisdom and strategies to know what to do in this crisis, and that the transformative power of the Gospel will continue to be shared to the one billion people in China who have not yet bowed their knee to the Lord.
* By God's hand, Asia Harvest has provided almost 11 million Bibles to the house churches in China over the years. We wish it was many millions more! The pressure is intense, but please pray the Lord will continue to hold open the door for us to continue. Please intercede for our Chinese co-workers who oversee the projects. As long as there is a slight opening, we want to faithfully continue to obey what God first called us to do 30 years ago.
* Satan and wicked men have continually tried to destroy God's people in China over the centuries, but God's plans have progressed regardless. Pray the King of Kings would confound the present generation of rulers, and they would learn the lesson that many before have discovered, dating back to the time of Pharaoh's persecution of God's children, when the Bible says, "The more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and spread; so the Egyptians came to dread the Israelites" (Exodus 1:12).
Please feel free to share this message with any concerned believers, or to post it on social media etc.
Until All have Heard of Jesus,
The team at Asia Harvest