600+ mission people gathered at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, December 5-7, for the Finishing the Task event. Our purpose was to focus on the remaining unengaged unreached people groups, whole ethnolinguistic and cultural groups that still do not have exposure to Christ’s Good News through a resident team of indigenous Christians or missionaries. A list of 1347 such people groups are carefully catalogued and monitored on the FTT website www.finishingthetask.com for churches, mission agencies, prayer groups and individuals who would like to adopt them for prayer and mission engagement.
Encouragingly, it was the first time that a special prayer track was part of the event, and as a result, a new strategic group was formed to consider how best to mobilize ongoing, specific intercession for each UPG until they are reached and Jesus word in Matthew 24:14 is accomplished-- that all peoples will have the gospel proclaimed as a witness before the end comes.
What amazing and exciting days we are living in, even potentially seeing the Great Commission fulfilled before our eyes in the coming years! Please do join in this still enormous effort, asking those churches, organizations and prayer groups you are in touch with to adopt at least one of these spiritually needy groups in prayer. It is the crucial and initial way to breakthrough and the Lord will call and raise up laborers as He said he would if we pray. “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (Luke 10:2)
During the event, we premiered the new video on the integration of prayer and mission. Attached are the final versions that you are free to use and share. The earlier version shared with you last month needed some further refinement so please use these links:
Spirit of the Moravians 9-min
Spirit of the Moravians 3-min
Would you please pray with us that this video will go “viral” and be spread around the world so that millions of believers will see and find their role in praying for the unreached people groups, with many also going to share Jesus Christ with them?
Pray too for the effective integration of prayer and mission and that the prayer and mission movements will meld together increasingly to carry out His Great Commission.
Specifically pray that the Finishing the Task initiative will accelerate and that all the 1347 still unengaged unreached groups will have their own international ministry networks connecting and focusing efforts in sensitive, Spirit-empowered and guided ways that they may be reached ASAP.
Thanks for your partnership in this most important of assignments—to make Jesus known to the ends of the earth and every people group while there is still time and freedom to do so.
John Robb
IPC Chairman

The UPRising PH has come at a very crucial time for the nation. When the Lord led the National Dream Team to do the gathering in Davao City, Mindanao, little did they know that the Marawi War would take place and that the country’s President would put Mindanao under Martial Law for the duration of the armed conflict. While this news deterred some would-be goers, it also sparked an intercessory fire in the young people. Because of security reasons an outdoor prayer gathering was not allowed to be held, but the Solemn Assembly in Mindanao still became a defining moment.
One of the important highlights during the convergence was the Rapid Fire Prayer Time. As the 17 regions of the Philippines were called out one-by-one, representatives from the respective regions rose to their feet, and the entire gymnasium thundered with prayers from everyone else. During those moments, the Philippines was not an archipelago; it was ONE NATION. Regionalism, which had long divided its people, was drowned in shouts of affirmations and prophetic declarations. When faced with the threat of losing their kababayans (countrymen) from the southern part of the country, the nation was confronted with their deep history of indifference and offense. Nevertheless, the Lord broke down barriers, and is continuing to restore love and build relationships between the generations and the regions.
One of the greatest blessings the youth in South Africa are thankful for is how the UPRising SA has brought the youth in their community to a higher level of unity, and that it has shown them the power of coming together in unity to pray, encourage the Body, and share the Word of God.
Also, because of the different issues the youth in South Africa are faced with, UPRising SA has raised an awareness in the community that there is hope found in Jesus Christ. During the conference, they witnessed drug addicts receive salvation and ex-gang members repent and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. It was a sight to behold! For even just for one person coming to know the love of Jesus, all the sacrifices and hard work put into the preparations were all worth it!

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Looking forward to 2018
21 Dec 2017In 2017 we have witnessed miracles and seen suffering. But as we look ahead to 2018, we remember and proclaim that God is sovereign over every corner of the globe! He alone is the hope of 2018 - the Hope of the Nations. Though some situations may seem hopeless, we recognise and rejoice that He reigns ‘far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title’ and that ‘all things are under His feet’ (Ephesians 1:21,22). Nothing is impossible for Him. ‘The LORD has established His throne in heaven, and His kingdom rules over all’ (Psalm 103:19). Nothing has or ever will usurp His authority and power. He reigns, and He rules over China and Europe, North Korea and Syria, Boko Haram, and IS. He rules over polio, cancer, and hunger. He rules over corporations, celebrities, and sports. He even rules over galaxies, stars, and planets, ‘and calls them each by name’ (Ps. 147:5).
BBC New Year ‘religious resolution’
21 Dec 2017A BBC review published on 20 December found religious people ‘poorly presented or satirised’ by the corporation, and suggests programming that ‘better reflects the UK’. BBC proposes to include religious themes in popular dramas and soaps on TV and radio, make more documentaries covering religious and ethical issues, and expand its religious affairs team. The ‘Thought for the Day’ slot on Radio 4 will be more closely linked to news items with women and young people. Figures from a wider range of religions will be invited to contribute. Pray that Tony Hall, the BBC’s director general, will remember its religion home page statement: ‘Christianity is the largest religion in the world with over two billion followers. 42 million people in Britain today describe themselves as Christian, and six million are actively practising.’
Friday Focus: reaching out at Christmas
21 Dec 2017So it is only three days to go until the big day! It can be so easy to be caught up in the frenetic activity, getting everything ready for those we know, that we can often forget those for whom the Christmas season is difficult. Take a moment to ask God to bring someone to mind for whom that is true.
(Jane Holloway, World Prayer Centre)
Christmas, children and divorce
21 Dec 2017Christmas can be financially or emotionally stressful for some families, ‘I married the wrong person’ can be a cry for help when it comes from a person unable to cope with stresses this time of year. There is a battle over marriages today, and the enemy would love nothing more than to destroy families and damage the children caught up in difficult family relationships. We can pray for social workers and councillors looking after the interests of children involved in family breakdowns, separations or court proceedings. Cafcass is an employer of social workers who look after the interests of children involved in family court proceedings. It reported that in November 2017 it received a total of 3,811 new private cases.
Internet shopping on Christmas Day
21 Dec 2017The Bishop of Chelmsford has called for a crackdown on internet shopping on Christmas Day, after plans for major sales for that day. Stephen Cottrell said he would support laws to allow only essential services during the Christian festival. Stores such as Amazon, Debenhams, and John Lewis are to launch sales on Christmas Day, slashing prices by up to 66%, and experts predict millions will spend record amounts online. The Bishop said that shopping should not tempt people away from precious time with family and friends over Christmas, and companies should voluntarily postpone their sales. But he added, ‘How you shut down the internet for a day I don’t know, but if anyone has an idea I would certainly back it in the House of Lords.’ In further erosion of Christianity, a survey has found, nearly a third of primary schools have dropped or watered down traditional nativity plays, because of fears of offending non-Christians or non-believers. See the next article.
Christmas and Christian creeds
21 Dec 2017The approach to Christmas is a perfect time to reflect upon the true nature of the babe of Bethlehem. It is fashionable these days, at least in some circles, to downplay doctrinal distinctions and credal formulations when discussing Christ. Some think it is more inclusive to leave things rather loose and free; that a rigid definition of the Prince of Peace could offend people. But does a watered-down Christ and a warm and fuzzy definition of Jesus match what Scripture reveals concerning the Son of God? In the early centuries of Christianity believers put together written summaries of the Christian faith. The Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed declare among other things that Jesus ‘was conceived by the Holy Spirit’ and was ‘born of the Virgin Mary’ (Apostles' Creed); and Jesus is ‘very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made’ (Nicene Creed).