We are launching our new 'Prayer Power Points' which are in PowerPoint slide or PDF formats with prayer points that can be downloaded by individuals, churches and groups to use in your prayer meetings. 

We realise that we are all busy so we have done the work for you.  We will produce PowerPoint slides on various topics which we feel God is leading us to pray for. This will help anyone struggling with prayer to know what to pray for.

We will also provide Prayer Power Points after our gatherings so you can join with us in prayer.

Prayer Power Points from our recent Prayershift gathering. Click image below to download PDF and download Powerpoint here.

Its time to turn Sept 2017

Here's our first to download from our recent It is Time! gathering. Click on the image below to download a PDF file and Download powerpoint here.


At the end of May, the churches in Walsall in partnership with the Turning team from Reading went out on the streets of Walsall using the ‘The Turning model’ of evangelism.

At 10.00am every morning, we met at the Rock Church for worship and training and in the evenings at a couple of local churches for worship and testimonies.

After the training session in the mornings, we would then go out in pairs on the streets, parks and market place. We followed a script that tells people of God’s love for them, briefly outlines the Gospel and ends by inviting them to accept Jesus. For everyone that prayed that prayer, we asked for contact details so that someone from a local church can follow them up.

Our first day was Bank Holiday Monday and over a hundred people turned up to go out on the streets. At the back of everyone’s mind was ‘will this really work’, ‘will God show up will He use me’. The answer was a resounding YES!

At lunchtime when we gathered back, everyone had an amazing testimony. There were some rejections but with those that made a commitment, it was so easy. Some people only got as far as saying ‘God loves you’ and people burst into tears.

A number of us witnessed whole families giving their lives to Christ, old people who were very near the end of their lives wanting assurance that they would go to heaven when their time comes. Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims came as well as people of no faith.

Young people and one man told of an accident he had had 10 days before in which he had an out of body experience where he was told that it wasn’t his time and that in 10 days time he would be told what to do. It was exactly 10 days when he was approached by two of our team and gave his heart to the Lord.

I could go on with testimony after testimony. God was definitely moving on the streets of Walsall.

Walsall will never be the same again, the churches will never be the same again and neither will I. As the great hymn writer says, ‘My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord!’


Sheila Hendley
Academy for Life

A weekend to make God’s love known to those around you. On your street, in your community, with your prayers. We believe that local people praying for their community can change lives. The idea is simple. The National Prayer Weekend is an opportunity to gather prayer requests from people in your local area and introduce them to a God who loves them through the power of prayer.

Jesus clearly commissions us to love those around us, He tells us to love our neighbours and the National Prayer Weekend is a direct response to His command. We want to show God’s love to everyone around us. We know that God can do immeasurably more than we can even imagine and are been really excited to be hearing from Christians all over the world who are joining in with the National Prayer Weekend 29 September–1 October 2017.

The following testimonies were sent in from people who took part in the National Prayer Weekend last year and prayed for people in their local communities:

‘I visited the little shops, hotels and businesses in our village and handed out prayer requests. I went back a few days later and collected the prayer request. I am delighted to say I was received well by all who I spoke to.’

‘The National Prayer Weekend has inspired us to consider making this a more regular offering to our community.’

‘It was great to know that here in our small community of around 5,000 people in the South West corner of Australia that we were sharing in prayer with thousands of others across the world.’

Do you want to join in?
Visit www.national-prayer-weekend.com to sign up. Access free resources, to help plan your prayer weekend, get your pin on the prayer map and make your mark on your local community for God’s glory.

Follow the National Prayer Weekend on Facebook and Twitter to add your voice to a worldwide praying community sharing stories, pictures and prayer ideas.
We believe that local people praying for their community and neighbours can change lives. One life, one street, one community at a time.

Only a week after Mike Overd and Michael Stockwell's public order convictions were overturned at Bristol Crown Court, another preacher has been acquitted of a public order offence charge. Andrew Frost had been accused of causing harassment, alarm and distress to two men in a homosexual relationship. In March, he had been preaching on the consequences of sin in Nottingham city centre, quoting Luke 13:1-5 and Matthew 15:19. As he did so, two men holding hands walked by, and shouted abusive comments at Andrew. He continued to preach from Scripture.

The Church of England has recognised that pioneers are vital for the future of the Church. The Church Mission Society’s pioneer mission leadership training programme provides a designated pathway for ordination as an ordained pioneer minister - alongside the more traditional routes for teachers and pastors. This year there has been a further growth in numbers; an eclectic mix of missionaries will graduate this week after completing their studies in theology, ministry and mission. The pioneers included some being ordained into the Church of England as deacons or admitted to the order of Lay Pioneers. Mission pioneers are giving the Church a glimpse of the future, where mission will not be delivered solely by large para-church organisations, but increasingly through agile, innovative and creative pioneers, witnessing to love in action.

We are all very grateful for the loving relationships we experience yet we also need to ask the question: ‘Who is my neighbour?’ When Jesus was asked, he responded with the story of a beaten man, helped by someone who could have been his enemy (Luke 10:25-37). Think about the different communities you belong to locally, through your interests, and even online.

(Bishop Mark O’Toole, Bishop of Plymouth)

The media are unquestionably powerful and influential voices in our culture. They are also a battleground between God’s purposes and Satan’s. In any given situation, Christian voices giving God’s perspective are poorly represented in broadcasting and in print. In an open society it is not the journalist’s job to represent Christian points of view; they just report an analysis of what is heard and seen. Christians have no middlemen, therefore believers in positions of authority need God’s empowering to speak up clearly to the media, declaring Kingdom values. Likewise, Christians working in the media need our prayers for boldness and fresh vision in all that they do and report. Pray for God to use His people to bring about change in media reporting and presenting, ending chronically misunderstood Christian values and spirituality, ending misrepresentation of Christianity in documentaries, ending irreligious literacy in plays and reality programmes. Pray for the media workforces to research basic Christian values and then to represent them truthfully.

(Linda Digby, Prayer Alert team)

Pray for education ministers as they consider reviewing the tuition fees and student loan system, after a damning report revealed that 75% of students will never fully repay the loans (which leave graduates with average debts of over £50,000). Sources close to Jo Johnson, the universities minister, said that the interest rate on loans might be reduced. She indicated that the situation was being looked at, along with a review of higher education funding as promised in the Tory manifesto. Labour education minister Lord Adonis, who originally promoted tuition fees, said that the annual £9,000 charges should be scrapped after becoming a ‘Frankenstein’s monster’. Adonis accused the government of running a ‘Ponzi scheme’ which left graduates with massive debts and the government with a black hole in public sector finances. Other critics said that the government should save money by withdrawing loans for degrees that lead to low salaries.