Media Release

For the fifth year in a row, Australia is calling the nations of the world to join with them to pray and fast for five days for America, from 30 April – 4 May 2017.

April 30 is America’s National Day of Repentance. May 4 is America’s National Day of Prayer.

‘For your Great Name’s Sake – Hear Us, Forgive Us and Heal Us’ is the theme for 4 May, 2017.

Promo Video:

Wesley Leake, a member of the National Day of Prayer team said, “God has done amazing things in America since we began to pray and fast, but God can do greater things yet! We in Australia believe it is our turn to stand in the gap for the nation of America and pray for revival and transformation for the USA through prayer and fasting according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. The new administration cannot bring revival to America, only God can do that. We in Australia are grateful for the protection that America gave Australia and the nations of the free world during World War II. The Battle of the Coral Sea, fought by USA in 1942, was the turning point in the Second World War for Australia. Thank God for America!”

Ps Melissa Haigh, also part of the National Day of Prayer team said, “Abraham Lincoln, on 30 April 1863 called for a Day of ‘Humiliation, Prayer and Fasting’ at a time of great national crisis by Governmental decree which said, “We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God…We have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us! It behooves us then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness”.”

Haigh continued, “Unfortunately, today America is again in crisis because it has forgotten God.  America is in great danger from within and without. The situation in Australia is not much different. We in our nation have forgotten God and we are paying the price for our rebellion.”  

Warwick Marsh, from the National Day of Prayer team said, “We welcome Vice President Pence to Australia and are thankful for his strong Christian conviction but we need what governments cannot do. America and Australia need revival and reformation. We need God. We invite you to join with us in five days of prayer and fasting for the USA. Together we can make a difference.” 

National Day of Prayer & Fasting.


Please get the word out to others you know in different nations to join in this wonderful effort. Pray for five days of anointed and powerful prayer that God will use to bring breakthrough in the USA and a healing of the awful divisions that have developed even stronger since the US national elections. Pray that America will indeed come back to the Lord in a massive wave of repentance and revival. May it be ignited during these days that start this Sunday!

It has been our desire to see "A Church established among every unreached Buddhist people group."  

Today, I was listening to Joel Goldberg's talk about Islam and he said that his intention in writing his novels was to alert the Church so that they would not be blindsided by the rise of radical and apocalyptic Islam as we were on September 11. As former Buddhists, we understand the subtle nature of Buddhist propagation and their missionary strategy. Although they don't use guns, for the most part, we as Christians are involved in an ideological battle with religions that have captured the minds of millions of souls who are unaware of the dangers of modern sophisticated idolatry that come wrapped in the crimson robes of a "simple Buddhist monk" with an intriguing story from Tibet. 

While we should be respectful of foreign dignitaries, we must also ask serious questions about any speaker's agenda who is invited to speak in City Hall, Congress or on a campus, be they progressive, conservative, or from another faith. The University is a concourse of ideas. As a former Buddhist, one of my leaders, Gary Curtis was quite involved in the original Free Speech Movement in Berkeley. What we see today at Berkeley is a travesty to anyone who honors freedom of speech and the opportunity to debate ideas from whatever strand they come from. 

In the spirit of open dialogue, we would like to invite you to take our course free of charge. The course provides an opportunity to view Tibetan Buddhism through a Christian lens. While it may not be in alignment with yours, it will at the very least provide a series of articles, maps, video and audio lectures that will challenge many to a spirited and open dialogue about the issues which we believe arise because of the free reign the Dalai Lama has been given by the US government. We also want to let you know that the Dalai Lama is again coming to the U.S. in June and speaking on several college commencement addresses beginning June 17, 2017 including, John Muir College, Earl Warren College, Eleanor Roosevelt College, Rady School of Management, Thurgood Marshall College, School of Global Policy and Strategy, Revelle College, Sixth College, and University of California at San Diego as well as many other venues around the country.

Our website includes many blog posts that range from interviews (translated into Mandarin and Spanish) with Victor and Victoria Trimondi, who were originally instrumental in securing an invitation to Germany and Austria for the Dalai Lama and subsequently wrote a critical expose of their findings in The Shadow of the Dalai Lama, Sexuality, Magic and Politics ,  a chapter that I wrote for Intervarsity Press entitled, "The Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhism" in Westmont University Sociology Professor Ronald Enroth's A Guide to New Religious Movements, as well as an Open Letter to the US Conference of Mayors where the Dalai Lama was the keynote speaker, among many other articles of interest.

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Possible war clouds are darkening the skies over North Korea at this time and we need to pray for the USA and the surrounding nations, especially China and Russia, to be restrained and careful in their responses so that dangerous miscalculations are avoided. Please keep this situation in your earnest prayers for the coming weeks and also that the wicked regime of Kim Jong Un would be removed as quickly and peacefully as possible so that liberation can come to the long-suffering North Korean people who have lived under the oppressive boot of his family’s government for 70 years.

Here are three views with prayer concerns from a South Korean perspective:

  1. Of course the big news in South Korea from this past month is the Constitutional Court's decision to uphold the impeachment of, now, former President Park Geun Hye andher arreston corruption charges as an ordinary citizen.  What is particularly interesting to us is the way this is being played and perceived in the North.  It is stirring up a lot of conversation and comparisons between North and South.  The government's spin on the matter is not as powerful as the object lesson in free democracy.  People are asking questions...

Speaking of which, the other hot topic in international news, North Korea's nuclear weapon's program and Kim Jong Eun's bellicose pronouncements are also raising a lot of questions in the North.  New rocket tech tests could fill a lot of hungry mouths and the people are starting to speak out about it.  Also the routine mobilizations in the face of South Korea and US's annual Foal Eagle exercises are generating less and less enthusiasm among the North's military, especially when soldiers would rather be out foraging for food.  At the same time continuing crackdowns, arrests and executions of various officials and border guards is increasing the discontent and infighting among the leadership.  To finance the nuclear program and other government priorities, the North is constantly looking for sources of hard currency income including such things as sending more workers to Russia and elsewhere, imposing taxes on entrepreneurs, trying to entice foreign investment in casinos and resorting to out-right cyber-theft against foreign banks.  And then, there are all the other illegal activities of NK agents abroad, including assassinations.  The ongoing and newly-threatened international sanctions also increase the North's desperation as well as having tragic ripple effects.  We also pray that the latest increase in sanctions will not prevent humanitarian assistance by Christian and other organizations.

People are also speaking out against influence that protects some from the true administration of justice such as a 19-year-old who escaped a murder charge because of his high-level connections.

In economic news, we have government claims of fertilizer production being belied by what farmers actually get while the illicit import of South Korean goods and styles increases despite efforts to curb it. Along with this is an upswing in North Korea's (illegal) dating culture including couples accessories and "standby lodges."

Please remember all who suffer in this nation in your prayers.

Ben Torrey

The Fourth River Project, Inc.

  1. The Korean Peninsula, A Similar SituationBeforethe Korean War

"Come, let us return to the Lord." (Hos. 6:1)

The United States, that supported the war in Korea, is a spiritual ally of Korea. "Since the impeachment of the formal president Park Geun-hye, the situation of Korean politics is unpredictable. We must strengthen our spiritual alliance between Republic of Korea and USA."

Dr. Jeon, Ho-jin, the director of the Indochina Institute and the dean of Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Myanmar said in a recent email interview with The Mission News. "From a Christian point of view, China can never be our ally. China has invaded us. The United State of America is our spiritual ally."

"Dr. Billy Graham, who was a remarkable evangelist at that time, emphasized that the Korean War was not just a war between nations but a spiritual war against Satan, and cried out for US to take a part in the war and support South Korea."  Dr. Graham visited Korea in December 1952 and proclaimed that Korea should hear the gospel and become a nation for missions." But today, Korea is returning back to such a spiritual war again.

Meanwhile, Dr. Jeon in his article titled, The relationship between South Korea and the United States since the fall of Park Geun-hye, in March 10th, quoted the News Week Magazine reporting that "Seoul seems to be moving away from Washington and moving toward Beijing." According to the article, "The increase of Military forces of North Korea, China and the United States makes a situation difficult more and more for the next President of the Republic of Korea." He said, "Korea is more likely to come closer to China than the West."

(Hs 6:1) "Come, let us return to the LORD; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up.


“Heavenly Father, the Republic of Korea that was built in the center of world missions has received Your wonderful grace. The political views and positions which are now divided more than ever are reaching the extreme. These conflicts and chaos are so unsettling that they resemble to the situation happened just before the Korean War. Lord, You are the only One who can solve this conflict. Heal and bind our hearts, and let Your justice and righteousness flow in this land.”

  1. Thank you so much for your love and prayers for this nation. These days I think the current situation of Korean peninsula looks like the one where were the Israelites when the Red Sea was in front of them while Pharaoh’s army was chasing after them. The Republic of Korea is now under the threat of war as everyone senses, as well as the crisis that the most leftist regime in history can take power. One of the most prominent presidential candidates is the one who at the heart of the previous government that supported nuclear weapons development of North Korea through so called Sunshine Policy. We need His grace. We need a supernatural protection. Many of us think this is the last chance for us to repent before a miserable disaster. A nationwide repentance is needed. At the same time, this is an opportunity that we can see His glorious power as the Israelites saw how glorious our Lord’s power is when they crossed the Red Sea. Many people are fasting in prayers crying to the Lord and asking His mercy. We also have prayed day and night for many months expecting true reformation and revival of this nation.

Please pray for us. Pray for a peaceful reunification of Korea. Pray for the presidential election which will be on 9th of May so that we can have a new president who has a strong and godly leadership prepared by the Lord. 

Youngchae Song

All Nations Intercessors

In a matter of days now, 120 prayer and mission leaders will come from around the world joined by 30-40 local and European prayer and mission people to encounter the Lord and pray for His breakthroughs in reaching the remaining Unreached Peoples of the world, the raising up of children and youth for the unique callings the Lord has for them, and going deeper in authoritative prayer that transforms our world. It will be a potentially combustible, explosive gathering as we meet in this historic place of revival where the Holy Spirit came upon the Moravian community three centuries ago, leading to the sending out of the first Protestant missionaries. Children and youth were used by God to ignite that revival of 1727 with their persistent praying and worship during the night hours. Some of them who had participated in the 1727 revival also helped to sustain the 100 plus year 24/7 prayer chain that came out of that outpouring. Hundreds of them went to the ends of the earth, taking their coffins with them and never returning home in order to follow the Lamb to the end, being fully persuaded that because of His sufferings, He is worthy of our full giving of ourselves in sacrificial love and service.

During the consultation, we will pray with some of the descendants of the Moravians and their children and hear what God is doing to raise up the Next Generation in prayer and mission through significant coordinators of Children and Youth prayer movements around the world.

We will also adopt up to 300 unengaged and underserviced Unreached People Groups for prayer leading to mission engagement as the Lord enables us.

Award-winning videographer, Michael Lienau, will be there to capture key interviews with the cutting-edge prayer and mission leaders who are present as well as important moments from the consultation. He will prepare a documentary film on the Moravians and others who have combined prayer, revival and mission to change our world for Jesus Christ. If you want to see what he has in mind, check out this link Linking Prayer and Missions to Transform our World or his website at LifeNet Media Resources.

Would you please pray with us for this crucial time for the prayer and mission movements that we will be successful in achieving a real convergence between them for the benefit of both movements towards the accomplishment of His Great Commission? Here are some updated prayer concerns for the coming 12 days.

12 Days of Prayer for Transformational Revival and Mission Breakthrough

May 1-May 12, 2017

Seeking God together for the International Prayer Leaders’ Consultation in Herrnhut, Germany, May 8-12, 2017

We want to invite you to partner with us in 12 days of prayer, May 1- May 12, to pray for the upcoming gathering, “The International Prayer and Mission Leaders Consultation: Uniting in Prayer for Transformational Revival and Mission Breakthrough.” It will be held in the historic village Herrnhut, Germany, site of the Moravian prayer revival that sent out the first Protestant missionaries to reach the unreached with the Gospel! 120 international prayer and mission leaders plus about 30 local mission and prayer ministry people are convening in this tiny Germany village to cry out to the Lord as the Moravians did before them: May the Lamb who was slain receive due reward of his sufferings!” Along with cutting-edge mission leaders, participants will pray and strategize that the unreached peoples of our day be reached as the prayer movement focuses more intentionally on the fulfillment of Christ’s Great Commission, still so much on His heart!

Prayer, revival and mission have always gone together since the book of Acts. It’s our desire to see a massive, prayer-based revival erupt throughout the nations of the earth! During these 21 days of prayer we are asking for another historic move of the Holy Spirit to sweep across the nations and awaken a whole new generation to wholehearted love and surrender to Jesus in His mission to those who have never heard of His love and truth!

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea" (Hab. 2:14).

During this gathering, we want to more closely and effectively connect the prayer and mission movements for the final push to the accomplishment of Matthew 24:14, that everyone may hear and respond to the glorious gospel of the kingdom in these last days!

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matt. 24:14).

During the run-up to the Consultation and continuing through it, please be praying with us for these specific outcomes:

  • For traveling mercies as well as physical and spiritual protection over every participant as he or she prepares to journey to Herrnhut. Some are experiencing attacks on their health now.
  • That those prayer and mission leaders coming would deeply connect with the Lord and one another, experiencing the reviving work of the Holy Spirit in this historic place of prayer, revival and mission.
  • For a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the glory of Jesus Christ! Acts 1:8, 2:17-2:21 that will start at Herrnhut again and flow out to the nations!
  • That the participants will prayerfully discern together how the international prayer and mission movements can be better integrated for their mutual benefit and for the sake of those still unreached with His Gospel (Matt. 24:14).
  • For God’s empowering of the Next Generation youth and children’s prayer movements, both during and following this gathering, and that every nation will have a thriving Next Gen prayer movement in the coming 10 years.
  • For canopies of united, strategic and sustainable prayer to be raised up in every nation and city across the earth.
  • For a Great Awakening and New Reformation to erupt in Germany and across Europe.
  • For a ‘Spirit of Unity’ during the gathering, that we would come together ‘in one accord’ loving and supporting one another in the diverse missions He has called us to as members of His Body (John 17 and Psalm 133).
  • For a mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit to rest upon each one presenting and leading us in prayer and for His prophetic insight to flow among us!
  • That we will develop valuable, ongoing relationships and friendships that advance His Kingdom.
  • For key moments and inspiring stories to be captured via video and distributed effectively to the prayer, revival and mission movements around the world.
  • For favor with authorities, the granting of visas, and safe, peaceful travel arrangements for all those coming to Herrnhut.
  • For protection from the evil one and all the forces of darkness (Psalm 91).
  • For the Lord of the Harvest to thrust forth missionaries to the ends of the earth and that every unreached people group will have a viable movement of Christ followers within the coming decade (Matt. 9:37-38).

Thanks so much for partnering with us in prayer for this historic gathering. In His hands, your prayers will make all the difference!

For the Supremacy of Christ in all things,

Jason Hubbard and John Robb

Oct 31st 2017 marks the 500yr anniversary of the Reformation when Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the Wittenberg door! This year we want to pray for a Lamb’s Reformation to help shift the church back to honoring the sacrifice of Christ! A reformation is the action or process of reforming an institution or practice. It’s our desire to see the church reformed, fully alive to the Supremacy of Christ in all things! Let’s cry out for a God-breathed, Christ-awakening movement where God’s Spirit uses God’s Word to re-awaken God’s people back to God’s Son for all that He is! As Paul writes in Philippians 3:8,

Philippians 3:8 (AMP) “I count everything as loss compared to the possession of the priceless privilege (the overwhelming preciousness, the surpassing worth, and supreme advantage) of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord…[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly”

We are longing for a Gospel Explosion for the glory of the Lamb! We desire to see a tsunami of revival come crashing in on the nations of the earth, for the spread of his fame, for the extension of his reign, for the increase of his gain and for the honor of his claim! May the Lamb who was slain receive the due reward of his sufferings.

Habakkuk. 2:14For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the Sovereign Son of the Father, reigning at His right hand forever and ever. He is the Triumphant Victor over every foe-satan, sin, death, and Hades. He is the Glorious Conqueror, the dominating personality for all ages to come! He is the Unequivocal Commander of heaven’s hosts! He is the Indisputable Judge of peoples and nations, to whom all must give an account. He is the Undeniable Rule of history, overseeing its path and its outcome from beginning to end! He is the Incomparable King of an empire that will ultimately fill creation with His power and piety. He is the Irreplaceable Head and Heart of a people whom He has bought with His own blood. He is the Reigning Redeemer of a church universal, militant and triumphant, sending His salvation to the ends of the earth! He is the Supreme Lord in this moment just as fully as He will be Supreme Lord at the end of time!

I believe one of the keys that God will use to unlock the hearts of his people is the revelation of the cross of Christ! In the contemplation of the cross, there is a profound revelation of the love of God. This disclosure comes to the hearts of those who desire to understand this pivotal point in human history. It is a well-spring of extravagant love that awaits the seeker who will linger at the foot of the cross long enough with an open and expectant heart. It is given to all who seek Him with a whole heart, and whose desire is accompanied by a measure of determination. As the apostle Paul wrote,  

1 Corinthians 2:2, “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”

Galatians 6:14, “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.”

1 Corinthians 1:17-18, “ For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel—not with words of human wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power. 18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

It is the cross of Christ that brings down all barriers, and unites us together in love, for His glory! As Jesus said,

John 12:32-33 “But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.” 33 He said this to show the kind of death he was going to die.”

Revelation 21:23 “And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb”

I believe it is time for the church to return to Christ as the Lamb of Love, the Lamb of Glory. As we approach the end of the age, we must see and encounter the face of Jesus as the Lamb! Twenty-eight times in the book of revelation, Jesus is revealed as the Worthy Lamb! We need to bury our hearts in his wounds until our lives are transformed from glory to glory, for indeed ‘every wound bleed’s glory.’

When Jesus died, a centurion took a spear and pierced his side. Out of the riven side of the Passover Lamb flowed forth blood and water. It was a physical sign that his heart had ruptured. His heart was so full of love that it literally burst open, both in the natural and in the spiritual. Jesus literally died of a broken heart! And out of his heart flowed forth a river of God’s love for you and I. The crimson blood of the Lamb washes away our sin and makes us whiter than snow. His love was so strong, that even the grave couldn’t hold him back. On the third day he rose again, burst forth from the grave, alive forevermore!    

I believe it’s time to behold the Lamb of Glory, until our hearts are wounded by the Wounded One! As Spurgeon writes, “When we see the Lord pierced, the piercing of our hearts begins.”[i]

Could the Holy Spirit be holding back the coming wave of glory until we are gripped with a passion for the Lamb, the One from whom Glory flows? Maybe God is waiting for our hearts to be scarred by the sacrifice of His Son as the Lamb?

Let’s Pray,

Father, we believe that the hour has come for your Son, the Lord Jesus to be honored, and treasured as the Worthy Lamb who was slain! Even as the Lamb is in the center of the throne in Heaven, we declare and decree that it’s time for the Lamb to become the center of the throne on the earth! Father, we know that you are always looking at the wounds of your Son and we ask for a Lamb’s Reformation in the church that would wake us up again to his cross, to bring your Son the reward he deserves for giving his life as a Lamb!

Father would you raise up and send forth messengers of the Lamb, prophetic voices like John the Baptist who will cry out, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”

Bring forth ones like Peter who will preach the gospel with such power that people will be cut to the heart- and say, “What must I do to be saved?”

Father, send forth ones like the apostle Paul who will resolve to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified.

Father raise up ones like John the apostle who will look until they see the slain Lamb standing in the center of the throne in heaven, and then reveal him here on the earth!

Lord of the Harvest thrust forth ones like the Moravians who cried out, “May the Lamb who was slain receive his due reward!”

Jason Hubbard

An Excerpt from Lamb’s Reformation 2017




Five hours of prayer every day, soup kitchens, sharing the Gospel with street people, impromptu guitar jams, amazing beards in the world of a Franciscan friary  - all these are featured in a BBC documentary, Friars on a Mission (available for another 19 days on iPlayer). This unique insight into the simple and missional lifestyle of five Franciscan friars in Bradford has testimonies from them and those they have helped. Brother Benedict - who was once promiscuous and heavily involved in drugs before having a life-changing encounter with God - enthuses in a thick Mancunian accent, ‘I’ll always be raving for Manchester, but I’m raving for the Lord.’ Tony, a homeless man, adds, ‘If it wasn’t for the friars, there is a very good possibility I’d be dead.’ Warmth, humility, and joy - not to mention an infectious sense of humour - radiate from them all.

Pastor Marcio Antonio stands at the pulpit in a one-room evangelical church built precariously above barbed wire fences and illegally hung electrical cables, exhorting his flock in a Brazilian favela to improve their morals. A former drug dealer in Cantagalo, an informally built hillside settlement where most residents lack official property rights, Pastor Antonio and his flock at the Assembly of God Church are part of a growing trend. Evangelical churches are expanding rapidly in Brazil, home to the world's largest Catholic community, especially in poor favelas. These communities, which developed from squatter settlements, often do not have the same services as formal Brazilian neighbourhoods in terms of healthcare, sanitation, transportation or formal property registration. ‘The government doesn't help us so God is the only option for the poor’, Pastor Antonio, 37, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation following his Sunday sermon.

God has given you and me the privilege and responsibility of blessing people, communities and land in the name of Jesus, not interceding (although we must do that as well) but speaking out directly. This is powerful when done as part of everyday life. Where this biblical practice is being recovered, salvation and community transformation are taking place.

(written by Roy Godwin, The Ffald-y-Brenin Trust)