Prime minister Elisabeth Borne has pledged to combat rising antisemitism vigorously after anti-Jewish graffiti was discovered on buildings in various Paris neighbourhoods. She emphasised that the situation in the Middle East should not justify antisemitism and stated that her government is committed to an unrelenting battle against it. Since the 7 October Hamas attack on Israel, France has documented 857 antisemitic incidents, according to interior minister Gerald Darmanin. This figure represents as many antisemitic acts in three weeks as there have been throughout the entire year. The authorities have launched multiple investigations into the Paris graffiti, with Darmanin promising protection to Jewish communities across France. The graffiti included blue Star of David symbols on several buildings, triggering painful memories and emotional responses from residents. Carine Petit, the mayor of Paris's 14th district, pointed out that such acts of marking buildings are reminiscent of the 1930s and World War II, which resulted in the extermination of millions of Jews. See

On 2 November Israeli soldiers advanced on war-torn Gaza City, meeting fierce resistance from Hamas militants, as hundreds of foreign nationals waited to cross the border into Egypt. Battles were reported to be raging in five different areas of the Strip. Footage has emerged of Hamas fighters using guerrilla-style tactics, emerging from underground tunnels to fire at Israeli tanks, then disappearing back into the tunnels. Benjamin Natanyahu has said, ‘We are at the height of the battle’, and claimed ‘impressive successes’: for up-to-date news, see Meanwhile, the Rafah border crossing into Egypt was opened on 1 November for the first time, allowing over 500 foreign nationals to leave: its foreign ministry has said Egypt would ultimately assist in evacuating about 7,000 foreigners, representing more than sixty nationalities. Speaking on condition of anonymity, an Egyptian official said that some ambulances carrying wounded Palestinians were also allowed to leave Gaza.

During a visit to southern Tanzania, German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier apologised and asked for forgiveness for colonial-era killings during Germany’s rule. He vowed to raise awareness of the atrocities in his country, in a step towards ‘communal healing’ of the bloody past. Tanzania suffered under German colonial rule for decades, and saw one of the region’s deadliest uprisings from 1905 to 1907. During the revolt, known as the Maji Maji Rebellion, between 200,000 and 300,000 Indigenous people were murdered by German troops. Steinmeier said Germany was ready to begin a ‘communal processing’ of the past, as he met with descendants of an executed leader of the revolt. In contrast, on a state visit to Kenya, King Charles III expressed ‘deep regret’ for the ‘abhorrent and unjustifiable’ acts of violence committed during the 1952-1960 Mau Mau revolt, in which 90,000 Kenyans died, but stopped short of apologising or proposing reparations. See

Mike Bickle, founder of the 24/7 worship centre in Kansas known as the International House of Prayer, is facing multiple allegations of sexual misconduct, said to span several decades. His church has been hosting continuous prayer and worship for around 15 years, and a livestream of its praise music is watched by millions around the world. In the 1990s he also led a group known as the Kansas City Prophets, which conducted international mission trips, introducing many Christians, including in the UK, to prophetic words and pictures. A statement by three investigators said: ‘When these allegations were brought to our attention, we were shocked. The allegations seemed out of character to the man we thought we knew, but they were so serious we could not ignore them.’ In their view, he used his position of spiritual authority over several victims to manipulate them. Although Mike Bickle denies the allegations, he has agreed not to preach or teach until the situation is resolved. It is reported that he preached on the issue of false allegations just last week.

An annual report by the Stockholm-based International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) says that democracy declined around the world for the sixth consecutive year in 2022 as half the world’s countries slid backwards on indicators such as freedom of expression and political participation. IDEA secretary-general Kevin Casas-Zamora stated that ‘democracy is still in trouble, stagnant at best, and declining in many places’. The six-year fall is the longest period of democratic backsliding since records began in 1975. Casas-Zamora attributed the decline to the global weakening of democratic institutions that otherwise help safeguard human rights and the rule of law. Both the United Kingdom and the United States were named as ‘backsliding’, as were Guatemala and El Salvador, which both saw widespread political turmoil and human rights violations in 2022. In eastern Europe and Asia, countries such as Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russia, and Turkey scored poorly: in Africa the decline was exemplified by a wave of coups d’etat.

News that Saudi Arabia is on course to host the 2034 football World Cup is grim. The country might not win the cup, but its capacity for state murder is world class: 112 killed this year so far and counting. However, the news should come as no surprise: its geopolitical power is rising and combining with vast wealth to ensure that objections to its human rights record are brushed aside by those in power. Before he was elected president, Joe Biden declared that Saudi would be treated as a ‘pariah state’ following the state-sanctioned murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018. But once he was in the Oval Office, realpolitik intervened. His administration is now most concerned about China’s growing influence, which is why it has agreed to Saudi Arabia’s request for help in building a civilian nuclear programme - which critics fear could lead to developing nuclear weapons. US dollars could end up paying for the defence of a brutal Gulf regime that has undermined Western economies, helped Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by cutting oil supplies and keeping prices high, and continued with the catastrophic war in Yemen. In these terms, gifting Bin Salman the World Cup seems like a minor folly.

This Sunday sees the launch of 18 Days of Prayer for the Hindu World!

Our goal across these 18 days is to help Jesus Followers throughout the world focus on praying for Hindu people.

To guide us through this, we have partnered to produce an online daily prayer guide. It is a tool translated into 30+ languages and used by thousands of prayer networks and groups.

We are anticipating that many millions of people will be praying and are excited to invite you and your contacts to join them!

Real Life Stories to Build Our Faith!...

Across many of the days, you will be encouraged as you read some amazing stories of how the Holy Spirit has been working in the hearts of Hindu people, with healings and breakthroughs happening in people groups that have been largely unreached with the Gospel.

Prayer-Cover for the Prayer Walkers

Teams of Jesus Followers will be out praying for spiritual breakthroughs in some cities during the days leading up to the Diwali festival. We invite you to pray with us for those prayer-walking teams using the included briefings and prayer points.

18 Days of Prayer for the Hindu World

Childrens Hindu Prayer Guide

We also have a dedicated prayer guide for young people aged 6-12 years. Edited by our colleagues at, the Childrens Hindu Prayer Guide also includes daily themes and action points on sharing Jesus.

GDP Hindu World HD

Global Day of 24hrs Prayer for the Hindu World - November 12th

Join thousands of believers of all ages from many churches and Christian ministries around the globe, as we come together ONLINE for a 24-hour prayer meeting covering key cities and regions of the Hindu world.

This will be an opportunity to pray together, exalting Jesus Christ as King throughout the Hindu world, asking the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers to every unreached people group in these cities and nations!

Do join us for an hour (or more) of this 24 hours, to pray for Gospel movements throughout the Hindu world and Asia! 

More info on both guides and the Global Day of Prayer are available in 30+ languages at

May the Holy Spirit guide and speak to you as you pray for our Lord to bring a revelation of Himself to Hindus.

All Glory to the Lamb!

Dr. Jason Hubbard - Director
International Prayer Connect

Two indigenous families in rural Mexico, previously unaware of God's existence, were profoundly impacted by audio recordings of the Gospel of Mark in their tribal language. This led them to embrace Christianity and attend church services. They said that listening to the audios helped them understand Jesus' purpose on Earth, inspiring them to accept God into their hearts. Some members had been suffering from an incurable disease but attributed their complete healing to their newfound faith. Despite a history of tribal beliefs, one family member thanked God for His Word in their language and the worker who shared the recordings. This success reinforces the importance of continuing translation efforts to bring the message of redemption and salvation to people in their native languages. Pray that everyone can access and be transformed by God's Word in the language of their hearts. Various projects, including translating the Book of Jonah, have contributed to this mission, promoting literacy and understanding in indigenous communities.