Europe is reeling
01 Sep 2016Europe is reeling. Germany has suffered terrorist attacks and a growing political crisis over refugees. France has fresh presidential elections in 2017 and has been buffeted by a series of horrendous terrorist attacks and a growing unease across different ethnic groups. Belgium has also been caught up in terrorism. Greece continues to struggle against the huge problems of austerity whilst again having to support hundreds of thousands of migrants. Spain is in a period of great political instability with one scenario suggesting that a fresh general election will need to be run on Christmas day! Italy has suffered a major earthquake, is struggling financially and is processing and supporting thousands of migrants leaving Africa via Libya. Ukraine has lost nearly 10,000 citizens, killed since February 2014 and seen 2 million people displaced. On top of all of this is Brexit. We are yet to see the full impact on Europe’s economy and politics and even on the sustainability of the EU. These are challenging and difficult times with the likelihood that things will get worse.
This is an important time to pray for Europe and there are three spiritual dimensions to add in.
- 2017 sees the 500th anniversary of the reformation – this was a great and wonderful period which started as a renewal of the Catholic church but led to a rediscovery of biblical truth and a fresh revelation of God’s mercy and salvation. God fundamentally changed many nations in a short period of time. Millions came to Jesus. Pray for the revealing and re-digging of the wells of salvation across Europe.
- The UK has a specific call to bless Europe - the dynamics around this have changed with Brexit – Lord, we pray You will prepare a way for the gospel to go from the UK into Europe, and You will call and prepare British people to be bringers of mercy and hope to Europe.
- We believe 2017 is a key year – it is time for the gospel, it is time for a strong move of God globally. Lord have mercy on Europe, forgive our sins, touch the young generations and create a new movement of people who will ambassadors for the kingdom of heaven.
God is a God of mercy – Paul writes to the Romans - I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” Paul continues -salvation “does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.” (Romans 9. 15,16). God’s heart is that people cry out for His mercy, and come to Him to change and fill their lives. Sadly this often comes though trials, challenges, and shaking. Europe is very vulnerable, please pray protection but also pray for God’s will to be done that the nations of Europe will come to Jesus. In uncertainty He is the rock, in darkness He is the light, in brokenness He is the healer.
Dear Prayer and Ministry Leader,
You are invited to an assembly of national prayer, denominational, and kingdom network leaders from across the nation. America is at a historic crossroads with growing threats within and without. It is a tumultuous election year and an absolutely pivotal time in our history. A dysfunctional and divided government has become increasingly ineffectual in dealing with our growing national problems, including a $19 trillion debt hanging over our heads. In addition, our society is becoming progressively more apathetic and cold to the things of God. Surely, we need a new Great Awakening to turn America around.
A critical component in this pursuit of awakening is the coming together of both America’s prayer and denominational movements to seek His face. We need to join forces, praying with one heart and mind for a fresh, massive outpouring of His Spirit that will bring revival and transformation to the United States of America.
It is time to gather ministry leaders for two days of concentrated intercession, listening, and sharing what God is saying to us. As in the National Prayer Assembly of October 2014, we will have brief reports from experts on the critical issues facing the nation. Our approach will be to pray at least twice as much as we talk. Earlier assembly participants felt this was the right balance, so we will endeavor once again to let the Spirit of the Lord reveal, inspire, and pray out His heart concerns through us for our nation.
Listed below are some of the issues for our prayer focus at the NPA.
Please note that the NPA is by invitation only, so please only forward this invitation to others who serve as leaders or coordinators of prayer ministries, national or denominational ministries, or kingdom networks.
We look forward to your being with us for this crucial time of encountering the Lord together on behalf of our beloved country.
Every blessing in Christ,
Dave Butts (National Prayer Committee)
Rickie Bradshaw (Pray Houston)
Pierre Bynum (Family Research Council)
Paul Cedar (Mission America Coalition)
Lisa Crump (National Day of Prayer)
Kay Horner (Awakening America Alliance)
Dave Kubal (Intercessors for America)
Daniel Lim and Doug Conder (International House of Prayer)
John Robb (International Prayer Connect)
Prayer Assembly Participant Details:
- 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday, October 27, 2016
- 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, October 28, 2016
Registration fee: $120 per person. You must register each person individually. The fee will include beverage service throughout, lunch on Friday, and our meeting space overlooking Washington, D.C. We are encouraging both prayer and fasting as part of the Assembly if you are able to do that for the first day of this gathering. In addition, a 40-day call to prayer with fasting up to the election will be in progress having begun on September 30.
To Register:
Venue: Sheraton Pentagon City, Arlington, VA
- Reagan National Airport (DCA) is nearest airport.
- Shuttle service is provided to hotel.
- Special conference rate is $179/night per room (for twin sharing if desired)
To reserve your hotel accommodations please click here:
For other questions about logistics, please contact Lisa Crump with the National Day of Prayer Task Force via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Preliminary Prayer Emphases for the NPA:
- Repentance for-
Corporate sins of America
Sins within the Church and Society
- Reconciliation and healing of-
Leadership division
Racial division
Restorative justice
- Restoration of-
Spiritual revival and morality within the church
Truth in media
Morality in arts and entertainment
Integrity and blessing in marketplace
Protection for marriage and the family–an institution under assault
Truth and protection in educational institutions
Sanctity of human life and protection of the unborn
- Reaching and evangelizing the lost
Prayer-care-share lifestyles among Jesus followers
Provision and mobilization of missionaries
- Government and the national election
Religious freedom
Court decisions
Legislative actions
- Prayer movement
- Next generation
Emerging Leaders
- False religion and the occult invasion
- National security issues
Military forces
Law enforcement
Homeland security
Radical Islam and ISIS threats
By Dan Cummins, Associate Pastor of Skyline Church in San Diego and convening pastor of "The Jefferson Gathering" worship services in the US Capitol.
“Do I believe America is in a period of judgement? Yes! Most definitely. God has given us over to our selfish desires. Yet the biblical pattern for national revival is almost always preceded by a time of judgment. "The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."
Psalm 72:16 and Micah 4:1-3, clearly state that in "the last days" God will take a remnant of believers (wheat) and plant them in the tops of world governments (tops of the mountains) and build "the house of the Lord," beginning in the top levels of the world's governments. The resulting consequences of God's moving in world governments would then shake the earth with revival. "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the house of the Lord."
I can confirm that this is beginning to happen in Washington, D.C., London, Ukraine, Poland, Moscow and several nations in Africa.
Add to this, when the "last trumpet" in Revelation sounds, "the kingdoms of this world" (governments) become the governments of the Lord Jesus Christ and He will rule them forever with His glorious church (Rev. 11:15-19). So much for "separation of church and state."
Almost always, following these periods of captivity and judgment were times of transition to revival. These times of transitions were times of national repentance followed by "times of refreshing" or the latter rain.
So could America be in one of these transitional times of repentance where our national sins are being exposed? Are the wheat and tares being exposed before a time to shine like the sun in righteousness?
How can a nation, which for years has been praying for revival, actually "turn from your wicked ways" until those wicked ways are openly exposed for all to see? Could this be what we are witnessing now in America—unprecedented exposure of corruption at every level of society and government—so God can heal us? So we know what to repent of?
If so, now is the time for the prophets to come forth and prophesy to the nation. Now is the time for the preachers to preach repentance and godly holiness to the church—to make herself ready to enter the kingdom.
Is God through with America yet? I don't believe so. I think America's greatest days may be just around the corner. I believe we're in the first dawning hours of another Great Awakening.
In fact, I believe God has been silently, behind the scenes, answering our 2 Chronicles 7:14 prayers for some time now, not at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (the White House) but at First Street and East Capitol Street, in the heart of the U.S. Capitol with the 114th Congress.
Did you know, for the past two years, weekly Christian worship services for members of Congress and staff, called the Jefferson Gathering, are being held in the Capitol building after an absence of 144 years? More than 150 members have attend in two years and many now attend on a regular basis. Several people have given their lives to Christ.
Did you know there are more "passionate followers of Jesus Christ" (I prefer this to the overused sometime meaningless term, "Christian") in the 114th Congress than at any time since President Calvin Coolidge? There are. We are working with close to 200 sincere followers of the Lord in the House and Senate.
Did you know, on occasions, as many as 90 pastors will be praying together in the Capitol Rotunda while the House of Representatives is debating controversial freedom of religion amendments on the House floor? Did you know that, on most Wednesday evenings, prayer for America is happening in the Rotunda? It is!
Have you heard? Beginning on Sunday, Sept. 4, three Christian worship services will begin in the Ways and Means Room in the Capitol building for all federal employees and Capitol Police. It's been 150 years since regular Sunday church services were held in the U.S. Capitol. This is big news!
How did this all begin to happen? America has been praying, that's how! And God is right now in the process of answering those prayers by raising up godly men and women in Congress, the most important branch of government…
This is unprecedented and historic! This is God answering our prayers.
In September, we'll be hosting four worship services weekly in the U.S. Capitol with Ryan's permission and blessing…
Let me ask you this question: Which is more important for America: Repealing the TPP, building a wall at our border, balancing the budget, restoring jobs or experiencing a third Great Awakening? Without a spiritual awakening, America will still go to hell in a handbasket. We must have revival!..
I'm thankful that the top four leaders of the Republican Party in Congress (Speaker Paul Ryan, Leader Kevin McCarthy, Whip Steve Scalise and Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers) know this and are doing what they can to see it happen. They know that, without it, America has no hope. These are the leaders America needs now.
America's political revivals have always followed spiritual awakenings. I am convinced the underpinnings for a third spiritual awakening are happening now, and the foundations for political renewal could be just ahead.
Keep praying, and keep voting. God is not finished with America yet.”
From “What CNN and Fox Won't Tell You About the Move of God”
Let’s keep these leaders of the Congress in prayer and above all ask the Lord for a new Great Awakening as has happened in U.S. history. Why can’t it happen again now?
The International Prayer Council, a team of 25 leaders of major regional and international prayer initiatives and movements and who together lead International Prayer Connect, has decided to call those who lead prayer networks and ministries at the national, regional and international level together for a unique time in the presence of the Lord for united prayer, learning from one another, and planning strategies for the future of the international prayer movement. The Light of the World Prayer Center in Bellingham, Washington led by Jason Hubbard has close ties with the Jesus Haus in Hernnhut and has graciously agreed to help us organize this gathering.
This will be the first time we have met in this way since the launch of the IPC, a network of prayer networks that was conceived just after 9/11 in 2001 and formally launched by international prayer leadership in 2002. It was called “Globalizing Prayer, Transforming our World”. Almost 300 prayer network and ministry leaders gathered near Cape Town, South Africa, to connect with the Lord and one another across the nations. It was a magnificent time of establishing relationships and regional networks that continue to be used by God to bring transformation to our world. This is the link to the video if you have not seen it. IPC Prayer Globalizing Prayer Transforming Our World
May 8-12, 2017, we will regather at Herrnhut, the Moravian center for prayer and mission that was the site of revival in the 1700s and the beginning of a 24/7 prayer chain that was used of God to send out the first Protestant missionaries to the unreached peoples around the world.
For this reason, we plan to include some key mission leaders who can share the status of mission to the unreached peoples of our day along with up to date information and research so that we can see a closer, more integrated linking of the prayer and mission movements. That is so crucial to bring back the King. Jesus said that He would not return until all the nations (ethne= ethnic groups) have had the gospel of the Kingdom proclaimed as a witness to them (Matthew 24:14). It is therefore critical that these movements connect more deeply and purposefully.
A related emphasis will be on strategic-level prayer for the breaking of strongholds that hinder people from seeing the light of the glory of Christ and that represent barriers both to the spread of the Gospel and social and political transformation.
We will also give a major focus to the Next Generation, the raising up of youth and children through prayer for their unique missions in life and featuring those initiatives that specialize in this kind of ministry.
There will be times of waiting on the Lord together with a prophetic sensitivity to what He is saying to the prayer movement of our day and how we can move forward together into that desired future He has for us as brothers and sisters in Christ. We will learn about various models of prayer ministry that He is blessing around the world and will have time to develop strategic plans together in His presence, much as we did at the launch of the IPC in 2002 when international prayer network leaders representing so many nations and regions of the world gathered near Cape Town, South Africa for the first time.
We are also working on an additional possible gathering on our final day together, May 12, at the famous Bethlehem Chapel in Prague. That is where the great reformer, Jan Hus, taught the Bible and started a movement of spiritual renewal costing his being burned at the stake. Eventually the Moravian movement of prayer and mission was born out of the sacrificial service of that great saint. We are thinking of having a special prayer gathering there with Czech ministry leaders to pray for a new Reformation for Europe and beyond.
If you lead a prayer or mission network at the national, regional or international level, please do pray about coming to Herrnhut, May 8-12, and mark your calendar for next year at that time. We will fly into Prague, the Czech Republic, and have buses arranged to take us all to SE Germany where Herrnhut is located.
You can find out more information about registering to participate by writing to Jamie Frey, our administrator, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The website will be up and running in the next two weeks.
Rev Gloria Au Yeung
(HK China/ NE Asia Coordinator, IPC)
“Of whom the world was not worthy…And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise, God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect” (Hebrews 11:38-40).
After 2000+ years of the Gospel, as the clicking of the end-time clock is counting down, I believe Asia will be playing an increasing pivotal role for the fulfillment of the Great Commission and preparation for the King of Glory’s return. The strong corporate vision of the Back to Jerusalem movement that began in mainland China to take the gospel to the Muslims and other peoples across Central Asia, the Middle East, and finally back to Jerusalem is now going even more strongly and rapidly.
Asia is the largest and most populous continent
Asia comprises a full 30% of the world's land area with 60% of the world's current population. It also has the highest growth rate, and its population almost quadrupled during the 20th century. The estimated population for Asia in 2016 is now 4.4 billion, with the median age of 30.7 years.
Asia was the birthplace of the world’s major religions
Asia was the site of many of the first civilizations and has the greatest diversity of ethnic groups, cultures, environments, economics, historical ties and government systems. Many of the world's major religions have their origins there, including the five most practiced in the world-- Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Chinese folk religion (classified as Confucianism and Taoism), and Buddhism respectively. Asia was the birthplace of also many other religions such as: Jainism, Sikhism, and Zoroastrianism (once the state religion of the Persian Empire, now a minority mostly found in India and Iran.)
Asian countries with large Christian populations are China (believed to be over 100 million), Philippines (84 million), India (24 million), Indonesia (23 million officially but probably at least three times that now unofficially), Kazakhstan (16.5 million), South Korea (15 million), Vietnam (7 million), Georgia (4.6 million), Armenia (3.2 million), Malaysia (2.6 million), Japan (2.5 million), Pakistan (2.5 million), Uzbekistan (2.5 million), Syria (1.8 million), Sri Lanka (1.5 million) and Taiwan (one million).
As the Lord is preparing His Bride, there are specific assignments for this generation, to “ finish well” so that the previous generations according to Hebrews chapter 11 would receive their promise. Please pray that we Asians who have received the last baton of the race of faith will also get “something better” in the perfection of all the generations as we seek to answer His call.
- CALL TO ALL – time to FINISH!
There’s never been a more important time in church history. The worldwide Christian movement has been exploding tremendously around the globe. Pray that the Church, its leaders and organizations, will network together to finish the Great Commission. Asia needs our special priority since it has the vast majority of unreached peoples, comprising the majority of the world's Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists and also huge numbers in desperate poverty - over 80% of the world’s poorest people.
As China’s churches are believed to have the biggest population of Christians and are still growing, China is rapidly changing from a “mission field” to a great “mission force”. Pray that China’s church movement will continue to grow strong, not only in evangelism for the end-time harvest, but also for bringing transformation and revival through united prayer on both national and global levels.
- CALL TO FALL – time to march forward ON OUR KNEES!
The world, especially Asia, desperately needs change. Yet the change we need does not come from world politics or growing economies. It comes from God. He calls on us to fall to our knees before Him and take responsibility for the state of our nation by confessing our corporate and individual sins. Asian Christians have been especially well prepared for decades in prayer because of strong persecution and their need to be long-suffering. Please pray that a strong bridal Army with the vision of Jesus’ coming back will continuously be raised up to transform nations and change the course of history for this continent.
Since the historic first worldwide prayer gathering of International Prayer Assembly in the year of 1984 in Seoul, Korea and then the continuous effort of global mobilization of united prayers by the IPC (International Prayer Council) since 2001, along with many other prayer networks, the Body of Christ has now been more awakened to the significance of connectivity and cooperation. That is what the Lord has been praying for us as His Body 2000+ years ago to be united – to cross all denominational and cultural barriers, laying down our own agendas and “kingdoms” to embrace the Father’s instead.
After the World Prayer Assembly of 2012 in Jakarta, Indonesia, and its on-going 'New Wave' movement, a new greater global level of awareness has been raised for the importance of united prayers along with massive mobilization and equipping for the blessing, healing and transformation of the nations. The biggest end-time armies of united prayer seem to be coming out from Asian countries: Korea, Indonesia and China! These 3 countries that all had strong participation in the WPA-2012 are certainly the biggest groups of watchmen for the nations today. Also, since the largest Christian population/ biggest church of the world nowadays is in China (the size of it is still a mystery out of God’s wisdom), the potential capacity to continuously build the “Great Wall of Prayer” cannot be under-estimated. This correlates with the preparation of the coming biggest harvest among the nations and its warfare involved. Like the Great Wall of China in olden days, this is a strategic massive construction to get ready for war. This is the time to rebuild the “Wall” as in Nehemiah’s experience in order to strategically re-establish spiritual oneness so that the Body of Christ will no longer be in disgrace (Neh 2:17. Pray that we can do this by sharing the same vision of “preparing the way” cross- generationally with the children and youth as well as internationally with many other different networks.
4. CALL to Rise Up IN MISSION!
Asian Churches have been truly blessed by the western Churches in the past. However, due to the previous history of mission movements, Asian Churches are generally also at the same time, much influenced by the down side of the western Churches! The time has come to corporately discern, be set free and cleansed from all kind of religious bondages, especially those coming from western theology and human philosophies such as denominationalism, false teachings (eg. Replacement Theology”), “syncretism” and false “ unity” between different religions, deceptions and compromise like “Chrislam”. In addition, the Body of Christ needs to face the biggest ever spiritual giants, namely Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism in our own region. Please pray that the Lord will greatly protect, purify and rescue us from all kinds of deception and the three common phenomena of the end-time churches in general, namely, Godlessness, Prayerlessness and Lawlessness (2 Tim 3:1-9).
If combining only Korea and China together, it will already become the largest mission force for both evangelization and prayer for the whole world. Both these two nations have been well prepared for spiritual battles …… and we believe that One Korea will be coming soon too. It is definitely strategic for the nations of NE Asia to come together so please pray that we can work together trans-nationally!
Our desperate prayer request is for the coming together of the “ three chopsticks nations”- China, Korea and also Japan - for the revival of NE Asia and the whole of Asia! It will take a miracle to bring real reconciliation and unity due to the deep-rooted historical wounds and trauma! Nevertheless, if Christians in these three countries come together, they will become a huge blessing and a great testimony to the world! Let’s join hands and believe this - from the Far East to the Middle East, the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all mankind together will see it. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken (Isa 40:5). Arise, Asia, prepare the way. Something Better is coming for you! Amen.
Up to 400,000 may have been killed in the ongoing Syrian civil war. Iraq also continues to be in chaos because of the war against ISIS there. Please pray for an end to the awful war going on in these countries and that all parties to the conflict within the region and outside of it will come together to make peace. Pray especially that Russia and the USA will come to agreement about securing a cease-fire. Pray for those in the war zones, especially families and their children that they will be protected from being used as fighters and suicide bombers.
Russia-U.S. officials to meet over Syria deal. reports the U.S. and Russia will try to reach a deal that stops the Syrian civil war and forge a new counterterrorism partnership… Officials hope to secure a cease-fire between Syria’s government and rebels and a new U.S.-Russian agreement could allow for sharing intelligence and coordinating military operations to defeat ISIS and al-Qaeda affiliates. The Geneva meeting comes as fierce fighting continues in Aleppo, Syria’s largest city and as Russian bombers continue to operate from an Iranian air base.
U.S.-Russia still don’t agree on Syria. Defense News reports the U.S. and Russia have yet to finalize an agreement on coordinated efforts in Syria, said the Pentagon spokesman. “Contrary to recent claims, we have not finalized plans with Russia on potential coordinated efforts. Serious issues must first be resolved before we can implement the steps discussed in Moscow last month,” the spokesman said.
ISIS turns more to children to kill.
The Washington Post reports there is growing evidence ISIS is turning to children to kill. The Post begins its report with the apprehension of a young boy in the Iraqi city of Kirkuk found to be wearing a suicide belt. That apprehension was broadcast Monday on Kurdish television stations showing the dramatic moments as security officials stripped the boy of his explosives-laden belt, the latest in a series of alarming reports about the use of children as suicide bombers. Most notably late Saturday in southeastern Turkey at least 50 people were killed when a child suicide bomber blew up himself and others at a wedding. Earlier this year in March a suicide bomber no older than 16 struck at a youth soccer match in the Iraqi village of Asriya, killing 43 people. Evidently as the numbers of ISIS fighters diminish the extremist group turns more to what it calls “cubs of the caliphate,” as ISIS labels its child fighters, to fill the gap. “This is a product of ISIS’s investment in children,” said Hassan Hassan, the co-author of ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror, and resident fellow at the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy. “The second generation of ISIS is already happening. When they need them, they can call on them.”
Robert Maginnis
From some pastors in the country
A very hot summer in Turkey
The Turkish seasides and coasts are very beautiful. If you were to visit you would fall in love with them. Generally, in Turkey, the weather is very hot in summer, especially on the coasts where some of our churches are. However, this year we have been "feeling the heat" of the political situation and not just the weather. As you may know, on July 15th there was a coup attempt in Turkey. This attempt caused the death of at least 294 people and 15.000-20.000 people have been arrested so far.
It has been a complicated season for Turkey. The group that is apparently responsible for this attempt is an influential religious sect that has members within the military. If they had succeeded, the country could have been in real trouble, but the coup attempt failed. Shortly after the failed coup attempt, the president instituted a three-month state of emergency for the purpose of tracking down the other members of this sect within Turkey. Both foreign and local believers were concerned about how the state of emergency would affect the church, but it seems that the danger has passed for now.
This is an internal issue in the political and religious life of Turkey. So far the only real impact it has had in our ministries is in the new temporary rules regarding international travel for Turkish people. We have to bring extra documentation and undergo more thorough questioning at the border. We expect that all of this will return to normal within one or two months and life will continue as always. In the meantime, there are 3 important commandments to remember:
- Rejoice all the time.
- Give thanks all the time
- Pray all the time
Could you join us in prayer:
- against the fear among believers
- for wisdom and safety
- peace
- for people to draw nearer to God
Other friends who work in the country report on what life looks like after July 15. As a result of the coup, we have seen a greater openness to the Gospel.
- Pray for many to come to Christ through this
- Pray God's will to come to place here
- Pray for truth and justice to rule
Praise God for the news that of growing Christian communities and opportunities to share Jesus with the Turkish, Kurdish and other people groups. We are thankful to the Lord for the news that more people are listening to Radio Shema’s broadcast after the failed coup.
Other prayer topics
For Pastors
That pastors, their families and churches would be protected from possible threats by the local mafia, and that the authorities are able to sort things out without anyone being hurt
For the Revival of the Churches
That authorities will recognize the right of Christians to meet in a legally recognized place of worship, and provide suitable property for that purpose
For Deliverance of Middle East Refugees
That God will break into the lives of Middle East refugees with the brilliance of His love and mercy, and that with each step God will turn this dark road into the pathway to provision, with a growing sense of His loving presence
- Pray that God will give wisdom and discernment to church leaders to establish helpful relations with local authorities
- Pray that legislation will be adopted that will grant equality before the law and protection against discrimination on the grounds of religion
- Pray that the Republic of Turkey would be resettled as soon as possible, and that it will recover an air of peace and reconciliation, in which the Gospel can be proclaimed again all over the land
Pray that Christians workers, their families, and their ministries would be protected with divine supernatural power, even in the turbulent situation after the failed coup.
Joel Rosenberg in his blog recently issued a sober warning to world leaders to take seriously the intentions of the radical Islamic terror group known as ISIS based on their own very explicit writings in their magazine.
Here is some of what Rosenberg says:
“The next President of the United States -- and his or her advisors -- need to carefully study and analyze the latest issue of Dabiq, the full-color propaganda magazine of the Islamic State. So do other world leaders, Members of Congress and Middle East policy-makers. So do you.
Three reasons -- in this edition of Dabiq:
- ISIS leaders make clear they want to bring about the End of Days.
- ISIS leaders vow to "break the cross" -- that is, to slaughter Christians in the Middle East, in the West, and around the world, and to annihilate Christianity from the Earth.
- ISIS leaders lay out the six reasons they hate us, they state their ultimate objective, and they explain why they will never stop killing until they achieve total victory.
Far too many leaders in Washington believe the West is winning the war against ISIS. That is a dangerous fallacy. The sober truth is that we are not winning. ISIS is winning. Yes, ISIS is losing large tracts of territory in Iraq. They are also losing ground in Syria. But their forces are growing. The global reach of their attacks is spreading. Their blood-thirsty version of Apocalyptic Islam is metastasizing.
At the same time, far too few leaders in Washington and other capitals truly understand the theology, eschatology and objectives motivating the men and women running ISIS.
This is not Al Qaeda 2.0. The Islamic State and their pursuit of the caliphate is something far, far more dangerous. Those who misunderstand the nature and threat of this especially pernicious form of evil are at risk of allowing the country to be repeatedly blindsided by it with catastrophic results…
As I have been arguing repeatedly again in recent years (see here, here, here, here,here, and here), it is critically important that leaders in Washington and in capitals around the world read and study carefully what the leaders of ISIS are saying.
ISIS leaders are not hiding their genocidal End Times objectives. Nor are they hiding their hatred of the world's two billion Christians, plus all other "infidels" who don't see God and the world and the future the way they do. Rather, they are being as explicit as they can. They want to be heard. They want to be understood. They do not fear being "found out." To the contrary, they are absolutely certain they are on the winning side of history.
Admittedly, eschatology is not the language of the West's historic enemies. Most world leaders and their advisor have interest in -- and certainly little if any desire to talk about -- varying interpretations of Jewish, Christian and/or Islamic End Times theology. But we are living in very different times. These are the cards we've been dealt. This enemy is unlike most others we have ever faced. Their motivations are different. Their strategies are different. So are their tactics.
We'd better understand the game, and how its stakes really are, before it's too late.”
For the rest of this significant article, please see it here:
- Please pray for the leaders of our nations not to under-estimate the threat that ISIS poses for the world now that it has metasticized into 18 nations.
- Pray that many of ISIS own leaders and followers will experience a revelation of who Jesus really is as God incarnate and of their horrendous crimes against humanity.
- Pray that ISIS as a movement will be overthrown and vanish from the earth.