We are nearing one of the most important elections in the history of Australia.

We need to cry out to God! #AusPrays2016 is a united call for seven days of Prayer & Fasting for Australia and the coming Federal Elections on Sat 2 July 2016. This focused time of prayer begins on Saturday 25 June and finishes late on Friday 1 July 2016.

The call for prayer and fasting was first proposed by the National Day of Prayer & Fasting and the Canberra Declaration. After extensive discussion and input from Christian Leaders, Media Leaders and Prayer Leaders, the initiative was confirmed on Monday 20 June 2016 on an Australian-wide teleconference. Our mission is to amplify prayer for the last seven days before the election. We have taken inspiration from the Australian Prayer Network call for a 35-day  'Season of Prayer for the Federal Elections'. The overall strategy for this special call to prayer and fasting is called #AusPrays2016 and you can be involved in any of the following seven key components.

Seven Days of Prayer & Fasting #AusPrays2016 for Australia and the coming Federal Elections from Saturday 25 June to Friday 1 July 2016. See www.nationaldayofprayer.com.au Other Christian radio stations, churches, media-based ministries and individuals using the one-minute Prayer Points and creating their own prayers through YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. We want everyone to get them into the public arena through social media using the hastag #AusPrays2016 at 8AM, 12 Midday, 4PM and 8PM every day from Monday 27 June to Friday 1 July 2016.

Try to use these times but the main thing is to multiply prayer and inspire prayer in any way you can during the last week of this crucial election. Let's see a wave of prayer across Australia! #AusPrays2016 Prayer Points will be posted at the National Day of Prayer & Fasting Facebook page daily at the above times. Please share them widely. www.facebook.com/nationaldayofprayerandfasting 

Prayer & Fasting for Australia. Pray and fast however you are led for this crucial Federal Election. Much is at stake. Use the #AusPrays2016 Prayer Points. Other prayer resources will be posted at www.nationaldayofprayer.com.au/resources/prayer

Whatever you do make sure you pray! Many hands make light work! Together we can make a difference.

Jesus said, "You may ask me for anything in my Name and I will do it"

(John 14:14).

Yours for a praying Australia,

David Rowsome and Warwick Marsh

For more information contact:

Warwick Marsh: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - 0418 225 212

David & Marilyn Rowsome: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - 07 3422 0969

Pat Steele: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - 0433 006 934

Glory to God! 600 hundred people from 27 countries, gathered at Milan Italy to pray and ask the Lord for Europe's season of visitation. Both Arab speaking and local Europeans were together echoing Isaiah's cry (64:1), that He will tend the heavens & come down, that those mountains challenging Europe will be shaken, and that the Lord Himself will restore Europe's true calling as the bride of Christ.

The Rise-Up now conference of prayer, prophesied Isaiah 60:1-2 over Europe, that darkness will gradually be replaced by the light of Jesus. Prophetic acts took place between European leaders andArab speaking participants. They welcomed the Arabs as missionaries coming back to the European church to preach the gospel as the winds of the Holy Spirit now are blowing back from the Middle East to the EU. In love and humility, they welcomed each other and in that atmosphere the Lord's presence was almost tangible, with tears in many eyes..

Three seminars were held:

1. “How to transform your church into a center for the refugees" 2. " Revival of the European youth. What's needed??" 3. Unmasking antichrist lies and ideology" The feedback from the three seminars was amazing!

The praise & worship in English, German & Arabic was such a joyful, heavenly mix. We prayed "FROM MALAGA TO OSLO and FROM LISBON TO MOSCOW .. EUROPE FOR CHRIST"...


At the end, many European Pastor's and leaders asked the Arabs to help with the refugee challenge, and the Christian Arabs responded by giving two weeks to one month to go preach the gospel and help the European churches gather the Syrian-Iraqi ripe harvest. Now several pastors, both Europeans and Arabs, heard the Lord's call for connecting together for this Kairos moment. They decided to follow up with a networking meeting soon.

Several prayer networks were born as people prayed together for their countries and cities. A seed of hope has been planted in each one's heart, a vision of EU4C is gaining more grounds than the previous three years in localized countries it's becoming continental. 

Please join us in the Northern European prayer summit at Stockholm Sweden from 25-27/11/2016 and to register pls use www.riseup-now.com

On Tuesday, June 14, following the monthly prayer leaders meeting at FRC, several of us went to the National Press Club, where Phil Haney, our friend, fellow intercessor, Bible teacher, scientist, longtime investigator for the Department of Homeland Security (ret.), and whistleblower, told the story behind his new book See Something, Say Nothing (Available on Amazon, etc.). It was a remarkable press conference. 

Standing with and speaking on Phil’s behalf were former Congresswoman Michele Bachman, Louie Gohmert, former Inspector General for the Department of Defense Joseph Smith, A former colleague at Homeland Security who had firsthand knowledge of Phil’s work at the Department.

Phil’s book, may be used of the Lord to expose the warped policies that have tied the hands of our federal law enforcement agencies from protecting the American people from Islamic terrorists, if we pray.  Haney, while a career officer at DHS had constructed a database of information that connected the dots between suspected terrorists, and their supporters, and mosques across the nation that have harbored terrorists or who through their teaching foment terrorism.

As a result of State Department intervention, and policies rewritten with the help of Muslim Brotherhood actors, years’ worth of Haney’s work was intentionally destroyed in the name of the Muslim’s religious freedom and civil rights. Had the data remained, and had the intelligence community had access to it, the Boston Bombing and the San Bernardo Massacre may have been prevented. If he had not been stopped, Haney’s work may have contributed to the prevention of the Orlando Massacre.

Fortunately, Phil Haney, takes shorthand and kept a detailed record of his work at DHS and or the shocking intervention of the administration to  prevent him from doing and finishing his work.  I believe his work will be of great help to future administrations when they finally face the reality of what we have done in denying the Jihadi war that has been declared against America.

Please take time to see the video and parts linked below. And feel free to pass this on to supportive friends, especially those whom you know will be moved to pray for Phil and Francesca, and the success of the book and other efforts to bring truth to America.

The Full Press Conference – less Q&A - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBxvSB0jdw0

 Pierre Bynum

Family Research Council

The International Prayer Council, a team of 25 leaders of major regional and international prayer initiatives and movements and who together lead International Prayer Connect, has decided to call those who lead prayer networks and ministries at the national, regional and international level together for a unique time in the presence of the Lord for united prayer, learning from one another, and planning strategies for the future of the international prayer movement.

This will be the first time we have met in this way since the launch of the IPC, a network of prayer networks that was conceived just after 9/11 in 2001 and formally launched by international prayer leadership in 2002. It was called “Globalizing Prayer, Transforming our World”. Almost 300 prayer network and ministry leaders gathered near Cape Town, South Africa, to connect with the Lord and one another across the nations. It was a magnificent time of establishing relationships and regional networks that continue to be used by God to bring transformation to our world. This is the link to the video if you have not seen it. IPC Prayer Globalizing Prayer Transforming Our World https://youtu.be/5ZYVFLML1sU

We will gather at Herrnhut, the Moravian center for prayer and mission that was the site of revival in the 1700s and the beginning of a 24/7 prayer chain that was used of God to send out the first Protestant missionaries to the unreached peoples around the world. Indeed, in accordance with the Moravian watchword, 'May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of his suffering'

For this reason, we plan to include some key mission leaders who can share the status of mission to the unreached peoples of our day along with up to date information and research so that we can see a closer, more integrated linking of the prayer and mission movements . That is so crucial to bring back the King. Jesus said that He would not return until all the nations (ethne= ethnic groups) have had the gospel of the Kingdom proclaimed as a witness to them (Matthew 24:14). It is therefore crucial that these movements connect more deeply and purposefully.

A related emphasis will be on strategic level prayer for the breaking of strongholds that hinder people from seeing the light of the glory of Christ and that represent barriers both to the spread of the Gospel and social and political transformation.

We will also give a major focus to the Next Generation, the raising up of youth and children through prayer and those initiatives that currently focus on them.

There will be times of waiting on the Lord together with a prophetic sensitivity to what He is saying to the prayer movement of our day and how we can move forward together into that desired future He has for us as brothers and sisters in Christ. We will learn about various models of prayer ministry that He is blessing around the world and will have time to develop strategic plans together in His presence, much as we did at the launch of the IPC in 2002 when almost 300 prayer network leaders gathered near Cape Town, South Africa.

Please note. You may have already heard about another gathering to be held at Herrnhut focusing on prayer watches that will happen three months after the IPC gathering. So there is no confusion and misunderstanding, it is not connected with the IPC; however, they are fellow ministry people and friends that we pray they will have a blessed and fruitful event as well.

Please do pray about coming to Herrnhut, May 8-11, and mark your calendar for next year. We will fly into Prague, the Czech Republic, and have buses arranged to take us all to SE Germany where Herrnhut is located. More details will be forthcoming in the next couple of months.

John Robb

IPC Chairman

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • The New Wave is flowing! This time it reached a high water mark as many of you were praying for the recent Global Proclamation Congress for Pastoral Trainers in Bangkok, Thailand, June 15-22. We felt those prayers in powerful ways as 2,573 delegates gathered onsite representing 101 of the 112 registered nations. 872 more wanted to attend but in some cases were denied visas after multiple attempts. But many of these and others will be part of the GProCongress community going forward as the Congress was simply the launch of a larger initiative to connect, unite and strengthen the 2.2+ million pastors serving Christ’s Church around the world. Lausanne, the WEA, CRU and several other groups were global advocates and collaborators for this historic gathering. Prayer became the priority for the Congress as our first evening plenary session focused solely on praise and prayer. Daniel Pandji, who helped lead the World Prayer Assembly in Indonesia, was asked to facilitate this special evening. He asked me to join him as an East West expression of the global prayer movement. Dr. Leslie Keegel from Sri Lanka also led in prayer as well as Pastor Kosum who chairs Thailand National Prayer Network. The night felt like a reboot of the World Prayer Assembly as about 200 Indonesian leaders and many others from around the world participated. 

  • Of the many global mission and prayer gatherings I’ve attended, there has never been the levels of Kingdom connections that took place in Bangkok. Delegate after delegate commented on how God had connected them in amazing ways with new friends and ministry colleagues for the advance of His Kingdom. Because the delegates represented pastoral trainers at both the formal (think seminary and Bible colleges) as well as the informal (think church planting networks in places like China), the potential to impact the health of the global Church was significant. I’m convinced your prayers and those of the delegates and their Personal Intercessory Teams, including our amazing on-site prayer team, caused this incredible outpouring of God’s Spirit, His favor and His grace on the Congress. We also watched as prayer leaders and networks came together, including a key statewide prayer leaders from Bangalore, India, who shared with Daniel how they are implementing the “My Home” concept across their state.
  • Our convener, Dr. Ramesh Richard, likes to says, “Healthy pastors produce healthy churches and healthy churches produce healthy communities.” But we know that, “Praying pastors are healthy pastors.” This was the specific focus you helped bring to the Congress as our GProCongress Prayer Working Group was tasked with helping to create a “culture of praise and prayer” in both the personal and corporate lives of the pastoral trainers and the tens of thousands of pastors they will mentor. Several of you are part of this Prayer Working Group. It is our hope that many more will join us as we work to identify the best prayer catalysts, tactics, practices and resources to help the global pastoral community embrace prayer as the first priority in their personal and corporate ministry lives. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for your prayers for the Congress. Thank you for all you are doing to advance a culture of prayer around the world. Let’s continue to pray that God would pour our His grace and favor upon pastoral trainers and pastors - so that His global Church would be known as a house of prayer for all nations. Here’s a few pictures and one small link for you to view the Congress activity.


Pakistan and Afghanistan are two different countries today. In the past it was one area of the world with many of the same people groups and people speaking the same language.  Even today, it is a very fluid often non-defined border.  We have referred to this area as under the spiritual principality of the “Prince of death.”  When it comes to terrorism these two physical countries need to be seen as one. What happens in one affects the other and vice versa. To bring terrorism down it will have to be dealt with in both countries.  To accomplish

anything, both countries are going to have to deal on the physical level with the issue of terrorism at the same time; and stop terrorists from going across this fluid border and then blaming the other country. But to accomplish this the “Prince of death” must be dealt with in the spiritual realm. It is a spiritual battle. And this is why we come to you again and again asking for your prayers.


Pray for President Ashraf Ghani. Even his enemies say "he is incorruptible" and "he wants to transform the country." This is very important for the future development of this country plagued by corruption. Yet he has few admirers. He suffers from cancer and many experts don't expect Ghani to complete his term which ends in 2019. So let us pray that in spite of all opposition he will have the strength and support to lead the country. Also, pray for the unity of the president Ghani and his CEO Abdulah-Abdulah. The strong division between the president and his followers and the CEO and his supporters in the parliament has paralysed the government. They often oppose each others decisions which paralyses the country’s development

Pray for Christian Workers and local believers in the country during the fasting month of Ramadan and for protection and extra strength as often increased attacks have happened during this time. Many are being threatened at this time.

Muslims are especially open to the spiritual realm as they seek God in a special way during the Fasting Month. Pray for visions and dreams and supernatural encounters with Jesus so that they may come to know him as their Saviour. May the Lord also move in special ways among many Afghans, also influential people in government, religious and tribal leaders and even Taliban.

We pray for the leaders of the Taliban and their allies that the Lord would touch their hearts and change them. But if they want to continue to cause death and destruction, we also pray that God would judge and overthrow them. Many have been either captured by the government or killed. Please continue to pray specifically for these leaders who hold a lot of power and control in these demonic and violent movements that their influence would be broken:

Here are their names:

Mullah Haibatullah AkhundzadaLeader of the Afghan Taliban, elected a few day after a drone killed his predecessor Mullah Akhtar M Mansour. 

Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradarr, one of the founders of the Taliban. Said to be the deputy leader of the Taliban

Mohammad Nabi OmariMinister of Communication and listed as a member of Taliban leaders.

Mullah Haqqani and his son Sirajuddinleaders of the Haqqani movement that works closely with the Taliban. Are considered most dangerous and cruel.

Gulbuddin Hekmaatyar, leader of this movement Hizb-i Islami, another very violent movement in alliance with the Taliban and Al Q*aida

IS or ISIS is also now fighting in Afghanistan. So far no united leadership. After it became know in July 2015 that Mullah Omar, the founder of the Taliban had died in Pakistan, a power struggle ensued among the Taliban leaders and many opposed the appointment of Mullah Mansoor. They started fighting each other. After Mullah Mansoor was killed the same happened again. Also the Taliban and their allies are in a bloody power struggle with the IS/ ISIS.

            Let’s pray for the disruption and overthrow of these violent Islamic movements that seek to destroy the government of Afghanistan and enforce again a reign of terror.

            Matthew 12:25  Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.

   2 Chr 20:22  As they began to sing and praise, the LORD set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.

  23  The men of Ammon and Moab rose up against the men from Mount Seir to destroy and annihilate them. After they finished slaughtering the men from Seir, they helped to destroy one another.

Pakistan- In the last couple months, God’s sent people in mission after mission have been refused visas.  Even those who are medical (where this has never happened before) are being asked to leave.  Christian organizations such as schools that affect the whole population are having to close down. PRAY for denials to be reversed as they are appealed. PRAY for favor in the eyes of authorities who make these decisions. Nationals say that when missionaries are thrown out, the persecution level for Christians will greatly increase.  PRAY very directly for a reversal of these visa refusals and granting of visas.  Visas are just one example but many other things are happening very rapidly. Pray the devil and his legions will be stopped. Prayer is the only hope for seeing reversal of evil in this country and people coming to Christ.

Several months ago it was reported that the Pakistan government had decided to go after terrorists in the central part of the country. This was a very important decision because this is where terrorism originated and many are trained. This seems to be losing momentum. The Pakistan military is carrying out a massive effort to bring down terrorists along the Afghanistan border. PRAY this might be coordinated with Afghanistan so the terrorists cannot move back and forth across the border to escape. PRAY for [ Raheel Sharif, head of the military, to push this forward. PRAY for those who would try and stop him from doing this. He is a good man.

Pray for this month of Ramadan, the month of fasting, which started June 6th.  When you are living in the midst of this you can feel the presence of demonic powers rising. PRAY that people’s eyes might be opened and drawn from darkness to the one who gives light. PRAY against attacks when they get double merit for doing it this month.   PRAY for visions of Christ and people to meet the one who gives true salvation.

Please pray for a massive project to reach those who live in darkness in these two countries.  Pray for those who will be involved, for wisdom, contacting the right people, and interest on their part. We must look at Pakistan in a new way. One out of 13 unreached people are in Pakistan. * On the persecution scale the situation in Pakistan is becoming rapidly worse. In 2003 Pakistan was rated at # 59, a couple years ago it was rated at # 15, and this year it is rated at # 6. As an example of this, at Easter over 80 people were killed as they celebrated Easter.  I would encourage us to adjust our prayers and spend more time praying for this part of the world. PRAY for each people group project that is worked on. That groups and churches might be found to pray for them.  Only through prayer will it be completed, and only through prayer will people listen and accept Jesus Christ.

We are at a historical moment as a nation in the UK. We may be entering a long period of political and economic uncertainty. We also believe we are at a very significant moment spiritually. Jesus is Sovereign – 'In Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities and authorities – all things were created through Him and for Him.' Colossians 1:16.

In the WPC team some of us backed Remain, others backed Exit but all of us are united in saying we have prayed for His will to be done and we have a deep peace that it has been.

We have prayed so often for God's Spirit to break out. There have been extraordinary signs of this as God visits towns and cities, stirs up prayer and uses ordinary people to take the gospel on to the streets, into the schools, workplaces and universities. So this is a time for renewed prayer for the protection and blessing of our United Kingdom and for Europe.

Here are some prayer points – please use them so we can stand united praying to see God move in our nation and in Europe.

  • Whether we voted in or out we declare, “You are Sovereign, Lord, over our nation and over the nations.
  • We pray for wisdom for all our political leaders. We pray for grace, and integrity for every Christian MP that they will hear God's voice and be people of influence. We pray for people of God's appointment to lead our political parties and our nation.
  • We pray for the Bank of England and City of London – protect us from people of evil intent, greed, theft and corruption and give real wisdom and integrity to those who manage our finances.
  • We pray for unity in the Church. After this intense debate may we accept that people with different opinions to us are welcome and loved in the Body of Christ. We pray that the Church will be agents of reconciliation.
  • We pray for Your church – that in these uncertain times it will know You are our rock in times of trouble and live and proclaim the good news of the Gospel in villages, towns and cities across the nation.
  • We pray blessing on Europe, that the Gospel will flood the nations, remove the barriers and make the way for His kingdom to come to every nation on our Continent.

Ian Cole

World Prayer Centre

Birmingham, England

The Power of Prayer was written by Richard and Stephanie Coates from Weston-super-Mare, UK in the Summer of 2016. Rich felt prompted to write it after accepting an invitation to attend United Prayer Rising in Seoul, South Korea in July, 2016. Richard said, 'There are a plethora of massive issues affecting Korea. This event will be a significant gathering where we will be praying in several ways - repenting, listening to God, proclaiming blessing, worshipping, interceding and seeking solutions to real life issues affecting millions of people. We will also be seeing God at work in thousands of young peoples' lives.' 'My hope is that the song will inspire and encourage the younger generations in particular to enrich their experience of the real purpose and power of prayer. I have a heart for young people and their spiritual development. My prayer is that this song can help young people to find their unique calling and that each one of us returns from UPRISING with a renewed vision and a sense of God's direction.'

The 'Pag-asa' Band (Pag-asa means 'Hope' in Tagalog) was convened to record and lead the song. The members span 3 generations and have much talent and experience. Here are their brief bios:

Tim (15), plays drums, guitar, bass, keyboards and sings. As well as playing in his own band called 'The Baskervilles' he plays in church and town worship bands. He sees the worship band as the place where he can best express his faith and spirituality.

Ruth (16), sings and plays guitar and keyboards. Ruth has a passion for worship and worship leading and leads and also occasionally preaches in her local church. She had specialised training in dance and performing arts in London.

Steph is married to Richard and is a gifted singer and performer. She coaches the youth band in her local church and sings and leads worship. Stephanie has also acted and performed many different roles in theatre productions in London, The UK and Europe and has worked for both television and radio.

Rich plays guitar and bass. He co-coaches his church youth worship band with Steph and sings and plays with the worship group. Rich works in retail management, but spends every spare minute playing and composing. He has written a number of worship songs, one of which is The Power of Prayer.

Rob is a worship leader and musician. He plays guitar and bass. He has produced a number of worship music CD's in his own right. He is CEO of a worship and intercession ministry called Wings Prayer House. He also runs a North of England based Prayer Network called the Northern Power House.

Andy is an experienced keyboard player, accompanist, and leader / co-ordinator of church worship music. He plays for various local and national events in the UK. He serves on the leadership team of International Prayer Connect and is Director for Crosswinds Prayer Trust whose vision is to mobilise and equip prayer globally.  

The Power of Prayer: Recording produced by Rob Parker. | Engineer: Tony Hobden / Supersonix. | Vocals: Stephanie Coates, Ruth Parker, Richard Coates, Rob Parker, Andy Page. | Drums: Tim Page. | Guitar / Bass: Rob Parker, Richard Coates. | Keyboards: Andy Page.
Song © 2016 Richard and Stephanie Coates. All rights reserved. Band photo: Thanks to Oli Johnson
